Can Somebody Take Over For Me?

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
I'm battling this dude on Slyfox's Edge thread about his place in history. Dude is tiring me out but I love battling him. I need a break from it so if somebody can take over for me I greatly appreciate it. I'll probably be back tonight or tomorrow to battle him some more.
I'll try. But damn man, I've just got down with a 10ish post beat down on RKOLEGACYRULZ.
Because you're a tool? That's pretty much the only reason I've ever seen anyone hit the capslock key.
LOL, holy shit, I didn't even see the date. That's awesome. I bet he did a forum search for his name.
He bumped that thread!?

Why? All it does is bash him.
Apparently he's decided to begin bumping old threads where we laugh at his idiocy.
But he and we already know how much he sucks. None of us need any reminding.

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