Can Anderson Keep The Steam Going This Time?


Lord And Master
Staff member
Since his arrival in early 2010 to late 2011 (during his feud with Bully Ray, ironically), Mr. Anderson was the hottest thing going in TNA. Off the amazing feud with Kurt Angle, the massive babyface push he got from feuding with Immortal, to his coining of "Asshole!" and on, Anderson rode a big wave of momentum to finally do what setback after setback prevented him from doing in the WWE. That was be a top star. Of course, over time, it seemed creative found themselves shuffling for ways to keep Anderson as some sort loose cannon which resulted in him becoming a sort of whiner right after losing the World Title. He seemed to bounce back by defeating Sting but then it was decided that Immortal needed a boost. Again.

Following all that, Anderson quietly shifted into being filler for Roode's reign as champion, as sabatical and then enter Aces & 8's. His surprisingly good performance at No Surrender has seemed to peek creative's interest in him again as he now finds himself as TNA's "savior" so to speak by breaking up the group by force. Can he keep that momentum going and find himself in the main event spot once again in the future? Or will he just fade over time once again?
I doubt it. He's hot right now but I don't see what it is he can do to continue it. Who would he feud with? I don't see anyone and he won't be winning the title for a while with AJ being the champion and if the obvious happens Magnus being Dixie's chosen champion leading to their match and Magnus winning he'll be champ for a while I'm not sure what he can do to continue to the steam. If he does keep it going though who could eventually be the one to dethrone the corporate champ that would be pretty cool but I don't see it.
Since his arrival in early 2010 to late 2011 (during his feud with Bully Ray, ironically), Mr. Anderson was the hottest thing going in TNA.

I think that is completely untrue I have been watching his whole run in TNA and in my eyes he has NEVER been the hottest thing going in TNA. Though of course his Lockdown match with Angle was the best match of his career... both of his world title reigns were complete duds. First feud with Ray was nothing special. Pushing him at the expense of the Pope in 2010 IMO was a big mistake.

I really hoped he would leave after Bully piledrived him as it was a great match and segment to send him off. Having said that he's been fine in everything he has done since coming back so I have no problems...yet.
It all depends on how well TNA books it. For my money, the Ray/Anderson feud isn't over, and it's the first time in a long time we've gotten that extremely deep-seeded personal hatred feeling out of a singles duo program since probably Anderson and Angle, where we got a ton of comedy (like Anderson coming out dressed as Angle), but a ton of serious as well (like Anderson using Angle's "Warrior" medal to gash him open, etc).

If we can take anything away from this in terms of positive hope, it's that Bully Ray is on the flip side of this script. He's the one who will assure this feud it's proper footing IMO, while Anderson can continue to ride as the hot face.
Ask creative. They're the ones who destroyed his momentum in the first place. While I wouldn't call him the hottest thing going for any long period of time, he was doing very well for himself for awhile. But then they ruined it by giving him two 3 or so week runs with the belt and ruining his credibility along the way. I will say that him getting a concussion at the hands of Hardy really did some damage to his momentum as well. But after they destroyed him, they basically made him nonexistant, keeping him off TV for months at a time.

Now I never put everything on creative though. I'm a big believer in a good wrestler will shine through, so there's no doubt he has to do his part as well.

I hope he can have a good run this time, as I've always been a fan, but only time will tell. So far he's putting some good things into this feud. Let's see where they take it.
He'll probably be the top face until Styles comes back, I think. Only other competition is Hardy & Angle, and the latter is dealing with alcoholism and the former hasn't really been doing much...
Who knows if he can keep the momentum going this time, but I am actually surprised he is in this position at all. I really did think we had seen the last of Anderson in any kind of major role in TNA, but he seems to be remotivated and producing some of his best work for a long time at the moment.

Anderson always struck me as someone who was just coasting along and doing the bare minimum, and had no motivation for the business, but maybe he realises that this is maybe his last chance to do anything worthwhile in mainstream US wrestling. WWE aren't going to be interested in bringing him back so he needs to make this program in TNA count or else he isn't going to get another run.

I doubt his feud with Bully is over just yet, there is alot more that can be done with those 2 guys. Do I see Anderson back in the title picture? Not just yet, but if he comes out on top in his program with Bully and keeps up his momentum then possibly in a few months.
I hope Mr Anderson propels further up after the Bully Ray feud. If booked proberly I believe he can keep his fire burning this time. Hopefully he doesn't disappear into a faction again. I think he does his best work on his own. Not surrounded by others
I think Mr Anderson is extremely talented, especially when he's got something/someone good to work with. I'm enjoying his current feud with Bully and I loved what he was doing in 2010. While not the hottest, he was definitely one of the top stars which Hogan had brought with him that year. He's capable of throwing on good matches and is very entertaining in his promos.

In late 2011 and early 2012 however, they decided to move a way from him. After a four-month absence, he returned in a minor feud against Bad Influence and played a small role in the Bound For Glory Series. There was nothing interesting he was aligned with so a lot of people lost interest in him. This was the man who was in matches against Kurt Angle, Sting, Jeff Hardy and RVD on several occasions. Ever since the time he joint the Aces and Eights though, he's kept people interested and I think that interest in him is growing gradually. I suppose this feud with Bully will go on up until Lockdown or even Slammiversary where we can continue to expect some great matches from him. I don't see why another world title win isn't an option. I look forward to seeing where he goes from here onwards.

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