CAC Reunion

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Cauliflower Alley Club does reunions every year after WrestleMania season. It's a big event with two huge banquets, a nostalgia hall with booths full of wrestlers, merch, autographs, etc. Plus two nights of wrestling, speeches from legends, and a really laid-back atmosphere.

Anybody ever been? Anybody want to go this year? The 2014 Reunion is in Las Vegas. The cost for the trip is actually really reasonable. $100 covers two banquet tickets, which gets you access to everything. There's hotel discounts so it's only about $40 a night, or $50 if you want the bigger rooms. Plus airfare, and food, and that's a decent trip for probably under $4-500 if you book in advance.

This year Michael Hayes is being honored. Plus they'll probably do something for Mae Young. Pretty much every legend attends, plus hundreds of active wrestlers. This will be my first reunion. The site is paying for my trip. I'm probably gonna need some help, if anybody is interested and wants to go.
That's a sweet hotel rate. What date and what hotel?

FYI, i'm not interested in going but still curious about the details.

You and SNS should bunk together.
I feel like SNS isn't being serious. I also feel like he'd murder me in my sleep. Or maybe just lay there starring at me like Bray Wyatt, gentling whispering "follow the buzzards" into my ear.
You would have much more of a story to tell if you took SNS with you. It would be like a buddy cop-road trip movie. Except you are not friends, there would be plenty of awkward silence, used conoms, liquor bottles & the crime would go unsolved.

Did I say crime, I meant lovely time on the trip....;)
I wish. Never given a shit about going to Mania, but this I've always wanted to find an excuse to go to.

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