Die!!!Old Yeller!!!DIIEEE!!!!!!

I love Ric Flair, I always loved Flair, and I have an unmeasurable amount of respect for Ric Flair...but he needs to stop. I know I'm not the only one that thinks this either. If he even "fights" by not technically wrestling, he still makes HBK look like such a chode. I hope it pisses HBK off enough that he gives Flair some real sweet chin music backstage from around a corner. Like...legit sweet chin music. Flair's dentures hitting the floor. It would just be a slap in the face to Flair's career if he wrestled again, the whole angle building up to that match, and everything else surrounding the way Flair went out. Flair went out as the biggest winning loser in history. Nobody made losing look so good like Flair did last year. He's doing run-ins and beating down Legacy? LEGACY??? The supposed future of this company is getting their asses handed to them by a 60 yr. old man? ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME? You know... words just can't describe how upset and confused everybody is by this recent Flair resurgence and him getting the "itch" again. He's making Brett Favre look good for crying out loud. I can't even go on because the anger and disappointment is just getting the best of me.

Flair, please stay away from the ring because nobody wants to see your colostomy bag rip open while u trip over your old wrinkly skin.
Why does he need to stop? He loves the wrestling business and will be in it until the day he dies. You all may want him gone but i hate to disappoint you, he isn't going anywhere. Bitching because someone is doing what they love is the most stupid, childish, asinine and just plain ******ed thing you guys can do. I for one will mark out every time Ric Flair appears on my TV screen no matter what he does.

Besides we all know the WWE sticks to Storylines like oil sticks to water so you can't be surprised.
We had all the signs, all the tells, we knew it would inevitably come. Last night on Monday Night Raw the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair got back in the ring in a full on match tag teaming with Batista against Randy Orton and his two impersonators Ted Dibiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes. Now, I don't know about you but I couldn't be more upset about this.

First of all, this did not happen. Cena was teamed with Batista on Monday, not Flair. Flair showed up and did some stupid shit, but it was not a "full on match tag teaming with Batista." He did a run in. Calm down.

As far as Ric Flair returning, I've discussed this before. I don't think he's needed unless he's there as a manager that is used to get Faces over who don't know which end of the mic to speak into. It's the same with Hogan. He obviously can't wrestle anymore. The only way we're getting him back is a one-off appearance or Hogan as a manager. We should see and expect nothing more.

However, this won't happen with Flair. He is most likely going to wrestle again. Which is kind of insulting, as if they expect us to forget he was retired in a much hyped match no less than a year ago. It was so hyped, and afterward they had an entire Raw dedicated to the man. At least make it seem as if you're going to honor his retirement match. I mean really.

Though I may have to shut up soon, if the recent jump in ratings keeps steady. It jumped to a 3.6 this past Monday. That's what, .3 of a point? It's been on a steady fall since Triple H and Legacy started their feud, and Orton with the belt didn't help. If the ratings hold, it's obvious Flair is responsible. If they fall, then meh. Flair's return isn't warranted.
Why does he need to stop? He loves the wrestling business and will be in it until the day he dies. You all may want him gone but i hate to disappoint you, he isn't going anywhere. Bitching because someone is doing what they love is the most stupid, childish, asinine and just plain ******ed thing you guys can do. I for one will mark out every time Ric Flair appears on my TV screen no matter what he does.

Besides we all know the WWE sticks to Storylines like oil sticks to water so you can't be surprised.

This is true and you definately have a point here. Why should we hate on someone who can't walk away from something they love? We really shouldn't. HOWEVER, will all this talk about Flair getting the itch to get in the ring again, there is NO CREDIBLE WAY to do it after the send-off he got. Like I said, he's making Brett Favre look good right now.

While it all just is a business, I would be very upset if I was one HBK. No he didn't REALLY retire Flair, but how would a Flair return to the ring even for one night only knowing then that all the HBK priceless moments at Mania last year were reduced to meaningless? Every single person that watched, watches, or will watch WM24 will remember that moment when HBK mouthed to Flair "I'm Sorry, I Love You." before that final Sweet Chin Music. I think that's one of the most honest, heartfelt moments you will ever see inside the ring...EVER. If Flair gets back into the ring to wrestle an actual match, that moment is then deemed meaningless. Sure at the time it wasn't, but to keep with the whole angle of everything building up to that match, end result=meaningless. Nobody wants to remember "Hey, remember when HBK and Flair had that classic match at WM24 and HBK told Flair he loved him before Sweet Chin Music... only to have Flair return to the ring less than a year and a half later?" Nobody wants that. It tarnishes everything. Yes the WWE storylines stick to water like oil, but this is something they just should never allow. I would love Flair in the WWE full time as a GM of a brand or managing somebody... or something of that nature. But I want to see NO PHYSICAL WRESTLING/FIGHTING on Flair's part. It's not believeable anymore having a 60 yr. old man put the beat down on the company's huge heel champion and his young, talented, in-shape, faster-better-stronger than Flair henchmen. The Flair retirement angle is something the WWE HAS to play whether they like it or not. Some storylines you just can't ignore. Edge and Christian are brothers. Kane and Taker are brothers. Taker is 17-0 at Mania. HBK retired Ric Flair. It's just how it has to be.
They should have never done the retirement thing in the first place... let him die in the ring becuase thats what I think Ric Flair will do. Does anyone remember how Jimmy Snuka looked at this year's Wrestlemania? Yep. Flair will be even worse and then do a flair flop and just die. He doesn't care about his "legacy" the fans or anything really, he just wants to wrestle... and besides as much as people are like oh lay on a beach and eat lobster, that probably gets old to someone who devoted thier life to doing something like wrestling (and had lots of fun with it) for thier whole life.

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