Buy or Sell #5: Brock Lesnar MUST win this Sunday


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, kids. If you've ever watched PTI (Pardon the Interruption), a sports talk show on ESPN, you already know how to play. If not, the rules are simple. If you agree with the statement, you "buy" it. If you disagree, you "sell" it. You need to explain why you bought or sold the statement.

This Sunday's match up between John Cena and Brock Lesnar is being billed as the "Biggest Fight of the Summer". John Cena is currently holding the title for the 15th time. As for Lesnar, he hasn't held a championship since 2004 when he lost to the late Eddie Guerrero in February. Lesnar left after Wrestlemania. That was 10 years ago.

Fast forward 10 years. Brock is fresh off his win against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. The logical next step would be for Lesnar to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship... right?

Here is my Buy or Sell for you: This Sunday's match against John Cena is a MUST WIN for Brock Lesnar.

I say BUY. Brock Lesnar is riding an incredible wave of momentum here. Lesnar needs a clear and decisive win here to cement his current run as a successful one. Yes, beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania is a huge achievement for him. However, Paul Heyman has made it very well known that Lesnar's ultimate goal in coming back is to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I firmly believe that if that goal is not accomplished, his return will be viewed as a failure, and this loss will destroy any momentum he currently has going. Brock needs a win with an exclamation point this Sunday.
I don t buy crappy ppv s from vince mc moron to feed in the deceptions he provides to all his fans that he doesn t care about . We have bars that televise it via satellite but it is guaranteed BROCK LESNER will destroy john semen and we ll never ever see this paper champion again as he flees Hollywood .Its in Brock s contract and I am glad that wwe made him an unstoppable threat than when he was a useless jobber years back
I'd rather see Cena win it and I'm not even a big Cena fan. Guys like Ziggler and Cesaro get shafted yet this guy walks in whenever beats Taker and possibly the next champ. I'd rather not see that.
It's tough when you put the word MUST in there.

But I'm going to buy this.

Lesnar beat Taker and that's all well and good.
But if he doesn't get the win over Cena then Cena becomes the guy that he could never beat since Cena became the top star in WWE.

It's like Raven and Tommy Dreamer during ECW only the roles are reversed and it's the heel chasing the face.

I think Lesnar has to show dominance.
Lesnar most definitely has to win this match, no question on that. Not to beat a dead horse but Lesnar's year long feud with Triple H damn near crippled his usefulness in WWE because they tried to make Triple H Brock's equal. Triple H may be a great wrestler but NO ONE should be Brock's equal in my eyes. His loss to Cena was very well done as he still came off as a monster, his matches with Triple H he came off as a guy who was in over his head and that just shouldn't happen when you get a legit freak of nature like Brock.

Luckily he beat The Undertaker which helped bring back some of that mystique but a nice final step to solidify that mystique is to conquer the WWE and the WWE title. I'm hoping that after he beats Cena (which I'm pretty sure he will) Paul and Brock torment The Authority with that title, make Triple H sorry that he gave Lesnar a title shot as he can't control Brock at all. From there have Lesnar take down The Authority in spectacular fashion to truly seal the deal that he's unstoppable. If Lesnar does all that then it will make his eventual defeat all the more better in my eyes.

All in all though, I buy this. Lesnar has to win, whatever happens after that is just fantasy booking but he has to win Sunday. I wouldn't worry about it though, I personally think Lesnar's a lock to win.
Sell - he doesn't need to win the Title, but I do buy that he has to beat the stuffing out of Cena and maul him like the Beast he is. I can even see him beating Cena to a pulp, the Docs stopping the match (So Cena retains the title but Brock looks ultimately dominate) and then there is a Money in the Bank cash in. But Lesnar doesn't need to hold the belt to come out ontop of the storyline.
I'm buying all the way. Their is no possible way that they could go wrong by making Lesnar the champ. He can pop in and out like he does with Heyman representing him and it would make it somewhat of a special thing when we saw him. Not to mention whoever knocks the beast off for the title will get one hell of a rub.
Brock's uselfullness is muted - He's a one dimensional wrestler who appears infrequently. if he loses the match he can regain his "monster bad a##ness" by destroying someone else later. His losing would elevate Cena a bit and make a win over him for the title (By Roman Reigns for instance) that much more meaningful.

I disagree with the idea that Lesnar's fued vs HHH was bad. First, he won two of three matches against the man who dominated the company from 1999-2006 and dominated The World Title most of that time. HHH is a legend, and probably next to Cena is the biggest star on the WWE roster right now. Taking two of three in an intense, violent, bloody feud I feel actually gave Lesnar credibility as a main eventer, otherwise he is just Kane today, a big guy who isn't a real threat to win in the main event (they actually need to let him win some big matches, his usefulness is nill right now if they insist he get beat every time he faces someone important - beating a monster only elevates you if the monster wins some matches too, proving his worth)

Im all for Cena winning, he's a better long term project than Lesnar who unless he significantly picks up his schedule has no use as World Champ. Have Lesnar re appear a few months from now, destroy someone, have him destroy someone at The Royal Rumble, have him challenge the winner of Reigns-Cena for the title post W-Mainia, you can make money out of him that way and his character remains a force - plus they would have a built in promotional tool for him....he's the monster who beat HHH & ended The Streak but he cant win the Title.... or can he ?

This is a logical conclusion for the following reasons:

  1. This is the guy who ended the Undertaker's streak and the WWE needs to build on top of that.
  2. The WWE has slowly built up his pursuit of the World Title since December/January.
  3. He needs to avenge his loss to Cena from Extreme Rules in 2012

IMO, this is one of those situations where you pull the trigger on the obvious conclusion rather than try to swerve the crowd. A successful win by Lesnar here sets up more feuds and uses for Lesnar down the road. A loss just muddies the waters and makes it more difficult to justify Lesnar as a monster going forward.
totally buying this scenario! Lesnar after all beat the undertaker at WM! He ended the streaks of streaks.. True enough,Lesnar works a limited schedule so him winning the title at Summerslam and holding till NOC is going to happen and is whats best for business..

I also think that Lesnars feud with Trips was very well done.. Not a bad feud at all and Lesnar remember came out the winner in 2 of those 3 matches.. Lesnar is a virtual lock to win this sunday! I think he will only hold it a month or so before dropping it back to Cena at NOC with some kind of stipulation,whether it be Last Man Standing,or just a streetfight!
Buy- Lesnar must win this match given all the hype they have given him. If he doesn't he can't possibly be viewed the same way at all. Also just to give you a heads up, the buy and sell segment is from Around The Horn.
I'm caught in a dilemma here. On one side, we have John Cena- the guy I really hate seeing as champion and/or cutting others' momentum short; On the other side, we have Brock Lesnar- the guy that I know is in it only for the money and doesn't have any respect for the business. He will also remain absent from the majority of the shows. Whom should I pick?
I pick John Cena. I'll ignore the "best for business" and "makes the most sense" parts because I'm just a fan. I love pro wrestling. At that TNA Victory Road event a few years ago, I would have rather seen any guy of the roster out there than a drunk Jeff Hardy. Similarly, I'd rather see any passionate upper mid card or main event wrestler as WWE Champion rather than Brock Lesnar.
lesnar wins and get the title to home. vince come and make hogan as a new gm and make a new tournament for new belt with network logo. Cena wins again at noc. Brock appears and destroy cena. Then rollins cash in to win the title. At survivor series bryan wins the title from rollins. At royal rumble brock beat bryan and became new champion. Roman wins royal rumble and challenge brock at wm31 and wins.
lesnar wins and get the title to home. vince come and make hogan as a new gm and make a new tournament for new belt with network logo. Cena wins again at noc. Brock appears and destroy cena. Then rollins cash in to win the title. At survivor series bryan wins the title from rollins. At royal rumble brock beat bryan and became new champion. Roman wins royal rumble and challenge brock at wm31 and wins.

So you have no problem with the belt bouncing around 5 times in 7 months? I personally wouldn't enjoy this at all, it's like you're trying to make everyone happy and I just don't think it works. Rollins needs time before he main events, so it'd hurt him. Bryan might not even be back at SS but if he is, he has another short title reign at about 2 months. Brock wins it but he holds it for 2 months till his first one on one defense and loses it to Reigns? Thus Reigns begins his title reign with a mad Lesnar, a Rollins who deserves the title, a Bryan who lost it due to injury and a mad Lesnar, and then you have Cena who vanishes for 6 months from the Main Event Picture.

I'd rather just see Lesnar hold it till Wrestlemania...but I know most people don't agree with that. Hell I'd rather see Cena win it back at NoC and have a decent 6 month run losing it to Reigns at Mania. Face v Face, star v next star. Cena can wrestle when given the opportunity and from what I hear Reigns can it'd work.

But 5 title changes in 7 months would hurt the prestige in my opinion

It's pretty clear the long term plan for Lesnar, since the Triple H feud, has been to have him drop the title to an upcoming superstar. There is no point in having him demolish the Undertaker's streak if they're going have him lose on Sunday to Cena (making it 2-0 to Cena as well). I was perfectly happy to have Brock end the streak but if they waste that on Cena selling a new t-shirt on Monday than I'm genuinely going to lose a lot of respect for the company.

Brock has to win the title on Sunday, he absolutely has to.

Bottom line, the next guy who defeats Brock Lesnar is going to get the rub of "beating the 1 in 21".

Cena doesn't need that rub (although personally I think Cena should have ended the streak to turn heel in the first place but that's another thread).

Logically, it should go to Cesaro, Reigns, Wyatt (as a face) or whoever they want their next big guy to be, and it should occur at Wrestlemania 31.

Unless someone interferes and he loses because of something beyond his control (I've had a hunch that the Undertaker might get involved and cost him the match this Sunday to set up a NOC or Survivor Series rematch with Brock), then it would be backwards booking to give Brock the role of beating the streak and then having him lose clean to the first guy he fights afterwards.

We don't know the status of his contract negotiations, but even if he is gone from NOC to the Rumble, I'd honestly appreciate the change of pace, and it gives the WWE a well needed few months of solidifying Cesaro, Dean, Rollins, Reigns, Bo and Wyatt as the new main eventers keeping them in the main programs.

So, I Buy + he shouldn't lose the Title until Wrestlemania to an upcoming guy who hasn't held a World Title yet.

Hell, if it were up to me, he'd win the title and go on an old school Bruno Sammartino type run where he has it for 2-3 years, doing MMA fights in between title defenses (he wouldn't defend at every PPV) in addition to being champ. It would be great for the WWE to have him walk to his UFC matches with the WWE Title belt and it would be even better to have the new "baddest man on the planet" as the simultaneous WWE and UFC World Heavyweight Champion. It would bring legitimacy to the title, it makes him even more of a special attraction, and it raises the prestige of the IC, Tag and US titles, because the IC is now an unofficial interim World Championship and the US is an unofficial interim Secondary Championship. IC and Tag Team Title bouts would main event the PPV's Brock isn't at. And the guy who FINALLY beats Brock is going to be a made man.

But the WWE isn't that patient and understandably so, as children are their main audience.

Hell, if it were up to me, he'd win the title and go on an old school Bruno Sammartino type run where he has it for 2-3 years, doing MMA fights in between title defenses (he wouldn't defend at every PPV) in addition to being champ. It would be great for the WWE to have him walk to his UFC matches with the WWE Title belt and it would be even better to have the new "baddest man on the planet" as the simultaneous WWE and UFC World Heavyweight Champion. It would bring legitimacy to the title, it makes him even more of a special attraction, and it raises the prestige of the IC, Tag and US titles, because the IC is now an unofficial interim World Championship and the US is an unofficial interim Secondary Championship. IC and Tag Team Title bouts would main event the PPV's Brock isn't at. And the guy who FINALLY beats Brock is going to be a made man.

But the WWE isn't that patient and understandably so, as children are their main audience.

1) Dana White would never let Lesnar compete in WWE if he went back to UFC. Him and Vince have a lot of mutual respect for one another but Dana wants to keep his product as far away from wrestling as possible. It just would not happen.

2). Brock would never beat Cain (or JDS) in a million years. He will never be champion again.
The best part about Lesnar being champion is that it will make the World title seem more important while allowing more air-time for the mid-carders and their titles on tv, increasing their value as a result. The worst part isn't the no-shows, it's the do-shows. Fact is, the dude is a one-trick pony who usually shows up for five or so minutes only to hop a plane within 10 minutes of arriving at the arena.

Lesnar is entertaining, but only because he's the small silver lining in a dark cloud of Sesame Street wrestling. If he draws buys, you'd think the Empire might develop more characters in Lesnar's mold. Cena isn't going to last forever and it was Vince who initiated the Ruthless Aggression Era in the first place.

Leave it to a career mid card wrestler to hack his family to completely ruin the violent nature of World Wrestling Entertainment.
Torn really.

On the one hand him getting the title either leads to one really short title reign that comes with the whole "how is Reigns going to win it off him at WM31 then?" headache or the longer over drawn headache of them trying to make up for him being gone most of the time.

On the other they're obviously heavily invested in Brock, whose most likely going to be sticking around for the foreseeable future. And he needs big wins like this one to make the investment seem worth it. I hated the Streak ending but since they did it they better make the guy that ended it seem like a huge deal.

They're pretty much forced to since they already put so much into him, along with the hope that the guy that beats him(Reigns obviously) gets a huge boost from doing so. Hardly a ideal situation but they've brought it upon themselves.
Buy...because if they don't have Reigns win the title at WM31,Cena will.
He'll lose it,get it back and lose it possibly set up breaking Flair's record 16 title reigns,Breaking it on THE BIG STAGE!!

What would the point of having Lesnar end THE Streak only to lose to Cena? If that's the case, they should have just had Cena end the streak himself and eliminate the middleman. Plus, it makes sense to have a monster like Brock hold the title at least for a little while. The WWE has not had very good luck with their champions over the last few years, whether by their own poor decisions (CM Punk not getting true main event status during his historical reign) or the fans almost universally hating the champ for the wrong reasons (Orton and Cena) or because of injury (Daniel Bryan). Lesnar will definitely get main event status as a champion, fans will hate him as champ for the right reasons (because he's an almost perfect monster heel with the absolutely perfect heel manager) or love him as champ because of his prior achievements in and outside of WWE and his "legitimate" status and it would take a tank shell to the chest to injure him... or at least another round of severe diverticulitis.

As I've said before, Cena's got some Hollywood projects he's going to have to promote and that is a blessing more than a curse because like it or not, Cena needs the time off. As much as he cuts promos about loving WWE and never leaving it because it's his heart and soul and he loves the fans and.... well, you all know the standard John Cena promo since 2011... Cena needs the time off, especially if the company is still dead-set on never turning him heel. He's already getting more boos than cheers more often than not and it's kind of hard to sell a guy as your top baby face when he's getting that sort of reaction on a weekly basis. The inspirational crap works for Bo Dallas because he's a heel but it's backfiring on Cena worse and worse as the days go by. If WWE just wants to keep beating the dead horse, pretty soon it's just going to be a pile of dust, hair and bits of hoof. Giving Cena the green light to finally take more than a month or two off will allow him to test the waters in Hollywood and allow the company to figure out a way to present him that will be fresh and compelling.

Just like with Taker, WWE would be wise to let Lesnar beat the crap out of Cena and put him out of the picture for a while because nobody's going to be surprised that Lesnar is capable of doing such a thing. Give Cena all his comebacks, make him look as good as possible in losing, but make him lose and make him lose CLEAN to The Beast. If the Undertaker was willing to end his streak and possibly even his in-ring career at the hands of Brock, Cena should be willing to take a loss. Let him win the rubber match when he returns, but right now there is no benefit to having Cena win at Summerslam. None.
He must win. If he loses, not only will a year's build up of him beating Punk, Show and Taker at major special events be wasted.

They also risk losing Network subscribers permanently. Kids aren't the ones buying the Network, grow adults. Best way to appeal to adults, get the belt off Cena and try something new.

Something new would be Lesnar as champ
Lesnar NEEDS not only to win on Sunday, but win DECISIVELY. Even if it means putting Cena in kayfabe traction, sending off to the hospital. Lesnar needs this. WWE needs it. Cena needs it. If Lesnar does not win decisively, his streak win will be tarnished, and they are hesitant in making Roman Reigns their Face of the WWE. Which will then put WM 31 into utter chaos.


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