Bully Ray Teasing a Return to Impact?

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Video is in the link. Basically, he came to Tommy Dreamer's defense at a HOH show and threatened Matt Hardy, who tried to set Dreamer on fire, by asking him "how would you like it if I showed up to to the Impact Zone?"

I know TNA is pushing a lot of young talent right now, but Bully Ray was a made man there and his run as champion is one of the brighter moments in their history. I for one would welcome him back.
Hell bring him back, at the very least to help elevate some of the younger guys like Bennett. I doubt he would be thrust back into the main event picture, but if he's brought back as a heel who knows. Perhaps he could be in a program with Moose.
Another Run by Team 3D would help teams like the Tribunal and Helms Dynasty, but during their wwe run they didn't look so good. Maybe it was just wwe, as they had put on some pretty great matches with the Hardy's and the Wolves before they left TNA.

Other than the tag division, there really is no need for Bully Ray back in TNA. I would much rather see someone who isn't used as often like Bram or Jesse get the push Bully Ray would receive, if he would come back.
Uh no! These are not the type of signings TNA need! The Dudleyz looked pathetic in WWE. If anything, this is Bubba desperate and "begging" TNA to bring him back. Thank God for Billy, because Dixie would bring this slime back in a heartbeat. Say no to the Dudleyz and hell no to Bubba.
TNA fans are too forgiving and welcoming. TNA gives a guy like Bubba a big push and then after his HOF induction, he puts over another company such as Bulletclub and NJPW on his way out. Goes on twitter, and vaguely talks bad about the company. And then after that, they bring him back in an authority role and then he abandons the role to try to get back to WWE. Screw him. He's old. TNA needs to put their resources forward not to some ungrateful veteran. His time is up. He should just retire.
I would not be surprised if he went back. His school is near there, and he had a nice relationship with TNA in regards to sending students. ANd, it is an attractive thing to fall out of bed and be at work.
TNA has turned the page when it comes to guys like Bully Ray, he was one of the finest heel characters around during his title run but with guys like Drew Galloway, Aaron Dex, Mike Bennett, ECIII & Lashley, I don't see the need to go back to Bully Ray.
Another Run by Team 3D would help teams like the Tribunal and Helms Dynasty, but during their wwe run they didn't look so good. Maybe it was just wwe, as they had put on some pretty great matches with the Hardy's and the Wolves before they left TNA.

Other than the tag division, there really is no need for Bully Ray back in TNA. I would much rather see someone who isn't used as often like Bram or Jesse get the push Bully Ray would receive, if he would come back.
You're right.

The tag division has only Decay and Broken Hardys as active teams. Bromans and Tribunal are just lurking around. Helms Dynasty is more about X-Division instead of Tag Division.

TNA is really wasting Bram. He could be easily be used as midcarder and even more. Same with Jesse. I just don't get what Robbie is all about. I am all okay for Bully Ray to return if he comes to put over the above mentioned talents. I mean, keep him away from main event picture and have him elevate midcarders like Jesse and Bram.
Hell to the no, no, no! TNA has rid itself of the old guys and is doing a decent job of building younger talent. This would be a giant step backwards.

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