Bully Ray & Devon Leaving TNA?

I dont think anyone would really miss Devon if he went, but I think Bully Ray is one of the best heels in the business right now and has successfuly reinvented himself in TNA, got himself into the best shpare of his career and is a proper singles star now.

I think TNA need to do whatever they can to keep him around. I don't see why they would want to to back to WWE where there is a non-exostant tag-team divison, and they wouldn't get the same focus as singles talents as they do in TNA. It makes sense for both Bully Ray and Devon to stick with Impact Wrestling
I dont think anyone would really miss Devon if he went, but I think Bully Ray is one of the best heels in the business right now and has successfuly reinvented himself in TNA, got himself into the best shpare of his career and is a proper singles star now.

I think TNA need to do whatever they can to keep him around. I don't see why they would want to to back to WWE where there is a non-exostant tag-team divison, and they wouldn't get the same focus as singles talents as they do in TNA. It makes sense for both Bully Ray and Devon to stick with Impact Wrestling

For both their sakes, Ray and Devon should stay in TNA. They could make more money in WWE, sure. But like you said, the tag team division there is all but extinct. Plus I think they both are used to being solo at this poinjt in their respective careers. WWE could make them agents, but I highly doubt they would be pushed as stars there the way they are now.
I've never seen TNA successfully re-package a wrestler as well as they have with Bully Ray. He's always been a great crass heel on the mic since his days in ECW, and the character he's got going on right now is awesome. I would not mind seeing him hold the title sometime in the next year, he's improved that much. The shape he's gotten himself in is a testament to how invested he has become in this, and it'd be a shame to see it end before it ever really produced something noteworthy for his career.
I'm one of the few that hopes Bully Ray DOESN'T leave TNA. Devon I could care less about because he hasn't really been all that relevant for awhile, despite the TV title. But Bully Ray has taken his presence to a whole new level. Why throw that away when there is a good chance WWE will destroy you?

Since Bully Ray is the one who is negotiating, I am hoping he comes to his senses and realizes he's best off in TNA. Or, if WWE does show interest, does all he can to keep his character as close as possible to the TNA version.

In the end, I think TNA knows what they have and will eventually re-sign them. I'm hoping it's not the case where if Devon has to go, Bully goes with him since he is brokering on Devon's behalf.
As most everyone here has said, losing Devon would not be that significant. He is solid TV filler here and there and the fans know and mark out for him a little still ... but as a whole, he does not push the company in an upward direction.

Losing Bully Ray would make the TNA brass completely out of their minds. I don't know what his demands are, but I know that Devon and Ray have been around for TWO decades and they know how things work ... so I cannot imagine that it is too astronomical.

TNA simply needs to get a deal done here ... period. If keeping Devon is what it takes to keep the fast-rising top dog heel in Bully ... then you keep Devon. It is really that simple.
Same shit happend last time their contracts were up and they ended up re-signing.. I am sure they will more than likely re-sign.

Team 3D is going no where, I just can't make myself believe it... TNA TNA TNA!!
I really hope TNA resigns Bully Ray. He is easily the best character on Impact Wrestling currently and losing him would be a major loss. Devon is decent, but plain as vanilla ice cream as a character. For all intents and purposes, Devon is the same Team 3D member minus Bully as his partner. I'm really beginning to think there was alot of truth in what Bully said when he split with Devon. He really was carrying that team and it shows when they are in singles matches. The crowd is mostly dead for Devon and white hot for Bully. TNA needs to really reconsider and pay him whatever he wants. Because I'm not really interested in seeing a Dudley boys reunion in WWE. Bully Ray is much better suited as a singles guy going for the TNA title.


TNA Television Champion Devon tweeted the following late Wednesday night: "I would like to thank the TNA fans for making the last seven years fun. I'm sure we will see each other again down the road real soon." [Edited for clarity.] Devon was asked by a fan if his contract had expired and his reply was a simple, "Yes."

Now I'm no fan of Devon, but this is just bad business letting a sitting champion just expire like this, even if you thought you could get a deal done down to the wire.

I guess the silver lining here is that we'll end up with a new TV champion at some point soon, but this was a pretty big blunder on TNA's part.


Now I'm no fan of Devon, but this is just bad business letting a sitting champion just expire like this, even if you thought you could get a deal done down to the wire.

I guess the silver lining here is that we'll end up with a new TV champion at some point soon, but this was a pretty big blunder on TNA's part.

Just to add to this:

“Dont mattah where ya start..mattahs where ya finish. See ya in Phoenix!! STRONGEST THE LONGEST. #BULLYNATION,”

Seems as though Bully Ray is doing what we would assume, and is finishing up at Bound for Glory. Loved Bully Ray, didn't so much at first but then again I don't think anyone did. Dude took the character, ran with it and made a success out of it. Even if Bound for Glory is the (possible!) last time we ever see Bully Ray, character has been a success, easily one of the best heels in pro-wrestling today, easily one of the most entertaining performers.
someone was mentioning on another site about the Bully tweet. it was from last Friday. it could be more about the BFG series, that he started the BFG series not well, but has since moved into the top 4. his tweet could simply just been about trying to win the BFG series and wrestle for the title at BFG in Phoenix.

looks like Devon is done though.
if Devon is done, and will have no more matches in TNA.. what happens to the TV title that he was holding?
TNA could drop the title and people might not even notice.
or do they make the title vacant and have a tournament? does a company make a note of when a wrestler leaves?
The loss of Bully Ray right now just might actually be a bit of a blow to TNA, as far as familiar faces go, but it would hardly make that much of a difference. Other than the BFG Series, Bully Ray is NOT part of any significant storylines and is more or less a generic heel right now, Sure, his sudden realization of what Twitter is has become a way to interact with TNA fans and makes for an entertaining entrance, and he is in the best shape that he's been in years, but he is hardly serious world title picture material. And I don't think that he would be such in the "E" either.

I'm not really going to waste alot of time talking about Devon, as he has the charisma of a rusty can of spinach and couldn't be anything more than a trainer or backstage agent in either TNA or WWE. Devon has new life, Devon does not. He's boring, bland, and has never become a break out singles star. Maybe getting rid of him could free up the TV title for some of the younger stars in TNA.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated recently came out with top 500 professional wrestlers, with names from TNA and WWE and others. according to that list, Devon is #25. 25 out of 500? what?! I'm going to assume this is largely due to the fact that Devon has been the TNA TV champion for a little while now, and that is why he is at that number. but that number for him is ridiculous.


I don't blame them for leaving. Looking forward to seeing MCMG, Ric Flair, Dudley Boyz in WWE.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated recently came out with top 500 professional wrestlers, with names from TNA and WWE and others. according to that list, Devon is #25. 25 out of 500? what?! I'm going to assume this is largely due to the fact that Devon has been the TNA TV champion for a little while now, and that is why he is at that number. but that number for him is ridiculous.

It's written in kayfabe lol

Now surely Devon must've agreed to drop the belt to someone? Or have him taken out by A&8's? If the title suddenly becomes vacated... yeah that would suck.

Not entirely convinced Bully will leave.
I've said it before I'll say it again, if both Ray and Devon leave what's to become of their academy. Now I know TNA has a deal with OVW, but it never hurts to have a variety of choices when it comes to new talent.
I've said it before I'll say it again, if both Ray and Devon leave what's to become of their academy. Now I know TNA has a deal with OVW, but it never hurts to have a variety of choices when it comes to new talent.

You bring up a good point, but I think they will keep it open, depending on how much they have invested in it. Now I know Devon won't be missed by the majority if he is truly leaving. It does open up possibilities for the TV title, and I'd like to see Magnus with it. Its no secret that I'm a Devon mark, and I'd miss seeing him on TV in TNA. Yet I'll admit that it wouldn't be a huge blow when he does leave the company. Just so long as there aren't any burnt bridges.

With Bully Ray, I'm not too sure that he's leaving. Granted, him and Devon have been tight outside the ring for a long time. But that tweet of his isn't concrete to me. Assuming Devon is done this week and Ray contract is up at the same time, how is it that he's staying on until after BFG in October? He's the second biggest heel behind Roode IMO, and it seems a shame to just let him leave at the top of his game. Only downside is that besides the BFG series he's really not involved in a storyline except being a role player of sorts to the A&8's. Time will tell I guess.
I've been holding this in for quite a while, and didn't want to start ranting until Bully and Devon were completely gone, in the hopes that TNA, somehow, would get its shit together, and realize its folly. Now, it's looking more and more like both of these men will be leaving, I finally have to say this, and just let it out.

This company will never succeed. At least, not with the infrastructure that is in place. This move is a microcosm of TNA... For all of the goodwill and momentum that this company builds, they will inevitably undermine their own success, because they just can't seem to help it. And the sad thing is, I love TNA; I love it with a passion, and I want to see this company succeed. But, I've come to the begrudging acceptance that this company will never succeed, not with Dixie in charge.

So far, the spin I've read everywhere, and what I'm inclined to believe, is that Bully Ray and Devon will be leaving, because TNA doesn't have the resources to sign these two. Fine, I can accept that; I wish that weren't the case, but hey, it's a business, and TNA has to cut costs in order to make money.

What bothers me, though, is that if you just ignored the reports that TNA is hurting for money, you'd never believe it. They keep signing on Gut Check people like it's nothing, they bring in Taryn Terrell (Who, oh by the way, this company also let Velvet Sky go, to make room for this woman, I assume), and have now signed up Eric the Midget, of Howard Stern fame, to some sort of deal. It's one thing to let Bully and Devon go because you lack the money, I understand that; what I don't understand is saying that TNA lacks the resources, but will sign all of these useless dipshits. In the grand scheme of things, signing Devon and Bully does more in company than these morons that are being brought in.

Maybe I'm overreacting to this, but it's things like this that really frustrate me. When you choose to make these flippant decisions, and spend your money in such wasteful ways, it disheartens me.

This company's cursed
As long as Dixie's in charge
They will not succeed
With the ever present caveat that this could be a work:

Smells like a money issue to me. Bully and Devon have said time and again that they're a package deal. Since Bully Ray could command more in a contract negotiation than Devon, who is take-it-or-leave-it at this point, it comes down to either Bully Ray being willing to sacrifice a larger paycheck for Devon's sake, or TNA overpaying Devon for Bully's sake.

Devon's had a... run... as Television Champion, but he wouldn't be greatly missed. Bully Ray is coming off of the best singles run of his life, and probably the best he's been at since the first couple of years in the WWF/E. However, he's 41. How long do you sign him for? How much do you want to be paying him at 45? People like to pooh-pooh age around here, but he's at the age where professional wrestlers start to slow down and start relying on their legend, and a younger competitor, to get them by. It isn't a case of "don't sign anyone over 40", it's a case of "how much will it be worth?" It looks like the two parties couldn't agree on a number there.

This isn't to knock either Bully or Devon, or TNA for that matter. This isn't the popular declaration around here of "this guy or that guy is to blame". These things happen. Sometimes, you don't get the deal done, even when you want to. Bully and D-Von both have to think about their paychecks. TNA has to think about their expenses. TNA will get along without Devon or Bully.

I doubt you'll see them over in the WWE. Not only is there the residual tension over the Dudley Boyz moniker, the WWE is very hung up on age right now. I can't see them using "The Dudley Boyz" as anything more than a short-term nostalgia act; they just don't seem that interested in tag team wrestling these days. I definitely don't see them signing Devon to wrestle singles because of the 'package deal'.

But the good news is that if they are in a position to walk away from a negotiation, then they've done alright saving their money over the years. They'll do alright for themselves; none of this 'performing in a restaurant for $1,000' business so many other stars of yesteryear have to do.

Edit: For what it's worth, this could be a negotiation ploy. If you look like you're ready to walk away from the table, you can often get more out of the opposite party. There's always the old deal on the table; if you meant it when you made it, and circumstances are the same as when the deal was made, you can always go back to it. (Typically, the "this offer is only good until" line is just a way of turning the screws, or offering a deal that you know someone won't take so that you can play it through the media: see, Professional Sports.)
TNA has to think about their expenses. TNA will get along without Devon or Bully.

But they aren't, really; they're spending their money still, but in different ways. I wouldn't be so negative about this if TNA was really trying to cut expenses; they aren't, and are actually spending more money for "talent" to come in. Out goes Velvet Sky, for the same reason, and in walks... Taryn Terrell? Bully and Devon get lowballed, but they will sign Eric the Midget? I'm not sure who will be in Aces and Eights, but let's just say they pay one or two outside guys to come in... Isn't that money spent, as well? All of these Gut Check guys, that's an expense, as well.

My point is, TNA isn't really cutting expenses, as they'd like for us to imagine. It's very possible Bully and Devon asked for too much money, but if I'm TNA, I'd rather use the money they've recently spent on an asset like Bully, even if it means taking Devon, on Velvet, on all of my already established talent. That's just my thought.

I'm ok with cuts
But only when you're not spending
And TNA is.
But they aren't, really; they're spending their money still, but in different ways. I wouldn't be so negative about this if TNA was really trying to cut expenses; they aren't, and are actually spending more money for "talent" to come in. Out goes Velvet Sky, for the same reason, and in walks... Taryn Terrell? Bully and Devon get lowballed, but they will sign Eric the Midget? I'm not sure who will be in Aces and Eights, but let's just say they pay one or two outside guys to come in... Isn't that money spent, as well? All of these Gut Check guys, that's an expense, as well.

There's a pretty huge difference between what someone like Taryn Terrell could command- likely in the three-figures per appearance range- and what Bully or Devon could command, which is certainly somewhere in the six-figures. Spending money isn't a "thing", it's an "amount". You're always spending money when running a business, the object is to use the money properly. Eric the Midget isn't going to command a crapload of money. He'll be used as a cross-promotional figure for a little while, then dropped.

TNA has to ask- are we better off spending large on two performers who have a ticking clock on their athleticism, and probably don't have enough juice to go on their legend? Or is that money better spent on making several small hires? Younger guys sign for less than established veterans, who typically expect (and this is true for just about every profession) more money based on past service. The trend now is for companies to look at what someone can provide currently, rather than pay them for what they've done in the past.
And do tell, what, if anything, will any of the recent expenditures add to TNA's roster?

I never once said they're not paying "less" for these folk; frankly, I don't know how much they're paying, and I'd reason to believe you don't, either. What I'm saying is that it seems rather wasteful to spend their money as they have, especially when most of their expenditures (save for maybe the Aces & Eights people) aren't going to add to the product. I also think you're woefully underselling Bully and Devon for how long they last; Bully's in the best shape of his wrestling career, Devon still seems physically fit. If these were wrestlers that were constantly breaking down, sure, I'd see your point, but at the least, it seems like these guys will last about a good three years.

Still seems wasteful, jack.
I get wrestlers don't last long;
I still disagree.
And do tell, what, if anything, will any of the recent expenditures add to TNA's roster?

I never once said they're paying "less" for these folk; frankly, I don't know how much they're paying, and I'd reason to believe you don't, either. What I'm saying is that it seems rather wasteful to spend their money as they have, especially when most of their expenditures (save for maybe the Aces & Eights people) aren't going to add to the product. I also think you're woefully underselling Bully and Devon for how long they last; Bully's in the best shape of his wrestling career, Devon still seems physically fit. If these were wrestlers that were constantly breaking down, sure, I'd see your point, but at the least, it seems like these guys will last about a good three years.

Still seems wasteful, jack.
I get wrestlers don't last long;
I still disagree.
It's not hard to ballpark numbers based on previously published reports, if you're willing to accept a certain degree of error in your numbers and have an understanding of how contract negotiation and leverage work. I'll never say that a performer makes $1,100 per appearance, but I can say that since a company has no reason to pay them more than a certain amount, based on what other people have offered for their services, they won't. If you can find someone to do a job for $500 per appearance, there's no reason to hire someone else of the same value for substantially more. That's basic negotiation right there- understanding the value of someone without having to be told.

What do these new guys offer? You seem to have an expectation that each will either have to break out big, or are being permanently hired for their spot at the bottom of the card. Hire ten guys, see if one of them takes. If they do, sign them to a long-term deal (hi, AJ Styles!) at a low long-term figure, but a figure high enough to get them to sign the deal and secure their rights for the foreseeable future. It's not all about what happens RIGHT NOW, but how you can set yourself up three or four years down the line. If they don't work out? You've lost a few thousand dollars and kept something going on the lower-card.

We'll have to disagree on the age thing, but athletes have a tendency to go off of a physical cliff around 40. Bully Ray isn't in the best shape of his career; he's at the most popular he's ever been as a singles wrestler. HUGE difference. You can still be muscular in your 40's, hell, even into your 70's. But those muscles strain easier than they did when you were younger. You're more likely to be injured, and that's a factor just about everyone who hires someone on a physical basis is looking at these days. Like it or not, it's a consideration in contract negotiations.
My point is, TNA isn't really cutting expenses, as they'd like for us to imagine. It's very possible Bully and Devon asked for too much money, but if I'm TNA, I'd rather use the money they've recently spent on an asset like Bully, even if it means taking Devon, on Velvet, on all of my already established talent. That's just my thought.

I'm ok with cuts
But only when you're not spending
And TNA is.

So you're saying that TNA should spend a bunch of money on Devon just to keep a suddenly relevant Bully Ray? Where has Bully been all of these years? Where has he been in previous months? The answer is nowhere. Now, I'm not saying that he hasn't risen to a sudden singles career peak as a heel, but how can he truly play heel in the midst of the Aces and Eights storyline without it just flattening out the same way that it did during the Main Event Mafia storyline where he and Devon were faces and then sudden heels again? He can't do it and make it believable.

If Devon leaves, it's no big loss whatsoever. If Bully leaves, then the void can be filled with another strong Samoa Joe main event heel run, a Chris Master signing, or even an unmasked Luke Gallows. Wrestling is about phases. Bully is having one, but it's definitely not something that I can see him sustaining for any lengthy period of time, let alone for even a short period of time in the "E".

So the choice on the table, the choice that TNA knows, is this. Does Bully want to resign with TNA and "maybe" get a world title run OR does he want to go back to the "E" and go back to tag team wrestling in a dead tag team division? The choice is pretty much his to make.

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