Build your own Elimination Chamber Matches


Pre-Show Stalwart
So I was thinking earlier today how it feels weird to not have seen an EC match this year, Not that I'm complaining that they got rid of the ppv because I completely agree with them getting rid of it (and if they got rid of Hell In A Cell and or TLC) But the EC match is definitely one of my favorite concepts

So I had this idea! Build 2 Elimination Chamber matches
Match 1 being the EC match you want because of star power

Match 2 the EC match you want because of match quality

I dont care who you have in the matches as long as you explain your reasoning

So heres mine, and everybody I mention I mean them in their prime

STAR POWER Elimination Chamber

Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant vs Stone Cold vs The Rock vs John Cena vs Randy Orton

Doesnt take much explanation here, the 2 biggest stars of the Golden Era, Attitude Era, and Pg Era all in 1 match. I'd give Orton the win just because he's my favorite and because alot of you will probably say he doesn't belong in the match with everybody else involved so he's the underdog

MATCH QUALITY Elimination Chamber

HBK vs Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero vs Daniel Bryan

Do I need to explain? Imagine if these 6 were given over an hour to go out and put on a classic! It would be the best match ever!

OK so I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas, please don't just complain about mine! Thanks for reading
I think in terms of match quality, an attitude era one may the best.
Austin vs The Rock vs Triple H vs Jericho vs Angle vs Mankind
The different styles, the different individual feuds would all make this very special. I would have Triple H and Mankind or Angle and Jericho kicking it off.
Cena vs Austin vs rock vs sting vs hogan vs undertaker for star power.

Angle vs malenko vs Guerrero vs Benoit vs bryan vs Bret hart for wrestling. Both sound awesome id kill to see ether
STAR POWER Elimination Chamber

I'm gonna put two down for this one.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock vs. Triple H vs. The Undertaker vs. Kane vs. Mankind

It's basically Armageddon 2000's main event just with Kane & Mankind replacing Kurt Angle & Rikishi, and it's inside of the Elimination Chamber instead of the Hell in a Cell. Sorry, the Attitude Era mark inside me just couldn't help it, my dream Elimination Chamber match would consist of 6 guys who I consider the top 6 stars of the Attitude Era (debatable but we'll save it for another day).

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock vs. Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting vs. Goldberg vs. Ric Flair

The two biggest stars of the Attitude Era and the four franchises of WCW.

MATCH QUALITY Elimination Chamber

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage

I just combined 3 feuds together here - Michaels vs. Bret, Lesnar vs. Angle, and Steamboat vs. Savage. It's a recipe for an incredible Elimination Chamber match.

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