Build a Superstar


King of the Spear
Ok this is an idea that came to me for a thread so bear with me if it's a little stupid.

The situation:
WWE does not have the funds to hire new talent but is in desperate need of a new main event superstar on RAW who is also a fresh face to the scene. You are a member of creative and you have been given a special project by Vince McMahon himself. Your job is to build a low card jobber up to main event status. It does not need to happen over night but it needs to happen and they need to get over to the level where they are legit main eventer. Here are your choices for superstars to build:

Darren Young
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Micheal Tarver
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

Personally I would build Ryder because I see potential in him. I would have him start to randomly attack people without explanation for weeks. While this is happening he has no catchphrases, no gimmicks just a quick but brutal attack. In a few weeks or even a month have him come out and say that he is sick of getting no respect and being made a fool of and that he is done fooling around. As he goes to the back John Morrison comes out for a match and just looks at him and laughs. At the end of the match Ryder comes back and decimates Morrison setting up a feud. Have Ryder win the feud cementing him in the mid-card and have him continue to feud with mid to upper-mid card superstars to get him more and more over. At Wrestelmania have him win Money in the Bank out of nowhere after being beaten up the entire match. He should then hold the briefcase for a long time until right before the Rumble where he quickly loses it again but he begins to up his game and feuds over the title with whoever takes it through Wrestlemania where win or not he will be over enough to be a ME star.

So theres an example try to uses a few different superstars to make this interesting and to give yourself a challenge.
I would build up traver because i thought he actually had some potential outside of barret.

What I would do is have messages, or Jericho like codes on the titiantron, or whatever its called appear during nexus matches/promos/beatdowns for about a month, then have the everybody its Jericho returning as a hero to defat the nexus. For the next couple of weeks have scenes in the locker room and backstage with nexus memebers thinking theirs a rat inside nexus. Than portray nexus as the dominant group on raw, beating the shit out of anyone who opposes them. Then the next week have nexus beating down on orton and or cena when the code appears again. Then Travers music hits and he runs down and clears the ring and helps out Cena and/or Orton up. Next week Traver comes out and explains how it was him who sent out the codes, and who nexus has become nothing more than a tool for barret to become wwe championship and is not the brotherhood it was when he joined orginally, and how he can't stand by and let it sink to a new low, so he vows to pick up where John Cena left off and destroy nexus once and for all. He preaches to the Raw's roosterr that only together can they destroy nexus. Than nexus comes out and surronds the ring with barrret standing at the ramp on the mic. The nexus assult barret when orton and/or cena come help and clear the ring, and decide to help traver destroy nexus. At the RR it will be traver and Orton/Cena vs Nexus in a gauentlet tag team match. After RR have nexus brutally destroyed.

Afterwords traver would feud with DB for the US title, but will lose but only barly until he finally takes the Strap and holds it until EC when Traver is apart of the wwe championship Elimation Chamber match With Miz(C),Orton,Cena,HHH, and maybe some other ME when Nexus makes their return by assulting all the EC parcipatinets,laaving the Winner undetermined and up for grabs. Then next week have nexus deliver a promo about what they did last week. Then Traver will come to the rng and a fight breaks out.Then the lights suddenly shut down and when they reappear, takers in the middle of the ring and clears the ring.The GM chimes in saying at WM the main evnt will be traver and taker vs Nexus in a submission elimantion match.After WM traver will enteer the title scene and feud with the current Champ until he finally wins. Then I'd portray him as a fighting champion, by accepting any challnge and defeating his oppenents until eventually he loses, but he will enter the main event as a result.

Any thoughts?
i like the ideas..... the only real problem i see is tarver tagging with undertaker at mania....i do see how it ties up some loose ends....but if taker is back in time, he will surely have a one on one match at mania, the streak is too important.......

now, i know you said just one, but go with me here....

i would use 4 of the listed guys....tarver, young, and the uso's...

start with tarver and young coming in as a tag team....obviously they're used in the nexus feud...but keep them as a team....orton and cena can get them over during this feud, making them come out of the feud looking like a legit tag team, coming out of it with the tag belts,, etc....

then, as the feud with nexus winding down, have the uso's attack them...i know it's been done with the uso's before, but no one cared about the hart dynasty, that angle with them was destined to fail......a good tag feud/angle for the belts would be great for the tag division, and who knows it may even get enough attention for creative to acctually start rebuilding the tag division....

that would be my up 4 guys instead of one and maybe even breathe a little life into the dead tag division

oh.....and if the tag idea at least have tarver and young out there and would have had a chance to see who can take the ball as a main event singles guy. :)
i like the ideas..... the only real problem i see is tarver tagging with undertaker at mania....i do see how it ties up some loose ends....but if taker is back in time, he will surely have a one on one match at mania, the streak is too important.......

Yea its a strech but WWE/TNA have done some more weidier things, and what a better way to put them over by pairring them with Undertaker at WM against thee best thing WWE has done this year(nexus).

And I know TNA has nothing to do with this but it was merely an example.
Darren Young is my Pick.

Barrett is fighting Orton (Presuming Orton gets it back, Which he wont) in a title shot for the WWE Championship, Barrett has Orton up in the fire-mans carry ready to hit the Wasteland finisher move, then out of nowere out comes Young, throws a chair into the ring, distracts The Ref, then Orton hits Barrett over the head with the chair, then RKO's him, then punts Barrett, Thus causing the Super Heel Barrett to lose his shot. NEXUS come out and young and Barrett hold off the NEXUS.
The next RAW, Young comes out, followed by Barrett and NEXUS minutes later, Barrett demands a explination. Young then explains how Barrett doesn't deserve the WWE Championship, then all of a sudden, out comes Orton with a metal pole, Young gets a chair, and Young and orton work together to take out all of NEXUS. (This storyline may only work in TV-14 Environment, but they wouldn't have to use weapons).
CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! I HAVE RECIEVED A EMAIL FROM THE RAW GM. And I quote, Young, your actions are un-acceptable. What you have done to Barrett and the NEXUS is un-acceptable. You shall be punished. Thats why I have put you and Orton in a 2 VS 6 handicap match vs the WHOLE of NEXUS. If you win, Barrett has to fire a member of NEXUS, if you lose, Barrett gets another title shot.
-------------------------------ORTON AND YOUNG WINS-----------------------------
As they celebrate, Orton shakes Young's hand.


Gabriel wins US Championship, young wants it, this causes a feud with Gabriel.


Young gets #1 Contenders match, Barrett and NEXUS intefere, thus causing a DQ for Gabriel. GM says Young gets another shot though.

TLC, No DQ match for US Championship.

Gabriel is top rope, ready for 360 Splash, the Orton pushes him off, NEXUS attack Orton not looking at what is happening inside the ring. Young makes Gabe tap from the SkullCrusher. He wins US Championship.


A couple of defences go by.
Barrett finally wins the WWE Championship from Orton at RR after he beat R-Truth for #1 contenders spot.


GM Says that if Young was to win at the MITB match at WrestleMania he must give up his US Title.

WrestleMania. RAW MITB, young gets batterd and beat for most of the match, JoMo is at the top of the ladder and the ring is cleared, Young dashes in and knocks JoMo off the ladder. NEXUS rush out, and pull the ladder from Young's feet, but Young still hangs onto the brief case, he unhooks it and falls to the ground with it in his arms. NEXUS - Barrett (Getting ready for orton's rematch) destroy young.

Barrett (C) VS Orton for WWE Championship.
Barrett wins because of a NEXUS destraction, but then the WWE Superstars come and beat up NEXUS.

Barrett celebrates over defence, then Young's music hits, he cashes in and makes Barrett tap. Done! The Age of Young has begun.
I'd like to see Zach Ryder get himself a body guard- Ala Big Daddy Cool. Since the Long Island douchebag is pretty close to a Jersey Shore douchebag...Ryder needs himself a "gorilla". A monster to have his back at all times. The guy doesnt need to talk, he just needs to be there behind Ryder at all times. Bonus points if the guy has the accent to go along with his character. Then i'd let him speak every so often. But not enuff to take away from Ryder.

Whenever Ryder is in trouble in a match- the "gorilla bodyguard" steps in & does major damage! Ryder distracts the ref & "Vinny" does the physical damage. We all know how it works- I dont think I need to explain it anymore then that. When that happens- Ryder just continues to make his way up the WWE ladder.

I believe Ryder has alot of talent, that is being wasted ritenow. Because using him as a comedy jobber makes more sense to VKM for some reason. I cant see any of the other guys on your list being able to become legit main-eventers. But I think Ryder can do it, if given the chance

Gorilla/bodyguard suggestions: Maybe someone like Jackson Andrews (andrew jackson) or Mason Ryan from FCW. Im not sure of Ryans height- but he looks big enuff for the role. Obviously- in typical pro wrestling fashion: after a while as the body guard- he turns on Ryder or Ryder turns on him & a second star is born as this relationship comes to a conclusion.
first i wanna say wwe can make any body a star just by making big ppl job to him.

i have 2 picks:
Darren young when he was out of nexus, i had a good story line for him. have him stalk john cena and copy what ever john cena does and wears. kinda like petey williams and scott steiner in tna.

Andrew Jackson this guys gotta be the new undertaker. he 7'2 he does alot of takers moves. and since takers retiring, andrew jacksons perfect for a new taker. hes the great khali but better moves and more scary. you can also have his first year exactly like takers. let him go undefeated for a year then beat champ at wrestle ,mania and he cab also have a long winning streak at mania, i would change his name to a more scary, monsteris name.
Why do people want them to be a "new" this, "new" that. Give him a personality that sticks. They don't have to be monsters or heel. A simple formula they used with Goldberg: No promos, no talking, nothing. Come in, kick ass, get out. And it doesn't have to BE like Goldberg. He can be fun loving and all that too. Just apply this formula and you got a superstar people want to know about. Thing with people, they love curiosity. People cheer for Orton cause they don't know when will the RKO come, and who its going to come to. People love MITB because they don't know when is it being cashed in. My pick isn't in this list; so I'm picking Kofi Kingston. I consider him a mid-carder so I'll just go on and talk about it.

In ECW he had no feuds or had no "enemies" he came in did the boom boom boom was happy all the time, kicked ass before we knew and did some great spots. Left. He was pushed to the moon specifically because of that. After Wrestlemania Orton did the same thing; come in kick ass get out.

So, any of these guys first need a face. Orton has his cold gaze, Kofi has that laugh, Cena has that slaute, w.e. They need a specific face; not a taunt, a face. Once that's done. Everytime you wanna put an emphasis on him, let him make that face.

I'll use the smirk. for Wrestler X.

Contract Signing: Wrestler X vs Big Guy.

Big Guy talks and talks and talks.

Wrestler guy smirks, sign the contract and gets up from the seat holding that grin and faces him. The story tells itself.

Promo: Few Words. That's it. Smirk. Leave

Before you know it; that mystique will be people's new best friend.
Out of the guys listed, I believe Michael Tarver would be the likeliest to make it as a main eventer. I don't think the rest of the guys would be capable of being taken seriously.

Tarver actually has a few things going for him. He has a great mean badass look, you know the one I'm talking about where it looks like he really does want to kill somebody. He has shown potential on the ring and on the stick, and if he works hard they should develop pretty good. He is bigger than the other guys mentioned, which of course matters.

Now I'm not saying he will make it, but out of the guys listed I feel that he has the most to work with.

I would have him start off on Smackdown, and have his character be kind of like a badass Mike Tyson type character.
My pick: Zack Ryder

Here's how i would do it...

Have a ryder segment/promo/match atleast every other week, and get him tv time. Get him featured. Get him known. Make him a main attraction of monday night raw and get him over. Have him dominate the mid card, with multiple fueds. Zack Ryder becomes a guy who is in the mix of a number of fueds. Put him in some tag matches with heels like primo, (though id rather save primo for his cousin orlando to form a team), or even better, team him up with miz now and then.

The wwe champion and zack ryder, teaming now and then, getting wins, dominating some teams, and ryder getting in people's faces, but backing himself up with his wrestling and mic skills. Zack Ryder would be a great opportunity for the wwe to implement their loosened up changes with the PG rating. WWE is testing the waters with what they can do, have ryder go out and test things out, have him go for single ladies in the crowd, have him insult his opponents with some not so pg insults, though not too bad.

All this would give ryder attention and the crowd would either accept him, as in boo him or cheer him, or stay silent. He gets decent reaction and there are ryder fans!

Next step would to give ryder a title of some sort, and thats where the king of the ring tourney should have come into play. KING RYDER! That allows daniel bryan to keep his title and gives ryder a title shot to whatever title (mostly wwe) that he wants at the next ppv. But since ryder isnt in, id have him attack daniel bryan or some other raw contestant for the KOTR tourney, and replace that person. SOme great matches over the weeks and solidy ryder as a high midcarder. The next ppv tlc, would be where ryder gets his shot, but not the win just yet.

Next step would to get ryder mainstream attention. Putting him on talk shows, late night shows, on the news, the media, with his gimmick! The guy represents some of the younger teen/adult generation and ryder can be a key to maintain the generation gap. He needs to be marketed towards a particular age group. Zack ryder isnt for old people!
He's young and he knows whats in. He should do as i expect him to know. He could help creative with new looks, and designs and gimmicks! Zack ryder should become a big player!

This ties in with the KOTR tourney. Its miz vs ryder with some good promos on how they teamed up, miz taunting ryder, ryder not turning full face though. Ryder gaining support from fans. Ryder should be tweener at best. Ryder puts on a great match with the miz, semi main event! Its a hardcore match, with tons of weapons. Or it can be a table match. Ryder gains tons of support here, having people think hes about to win, but he slips up and miz wins. This is the perfect stage, where ryder is chasing the title, for him to debut more merchandise. Armbands, headbands, goggles, bobble heads, t-shirts.

All of this could work and i beleive i have one, if not THE best technique and action plan to get a new main event star, and that star SHOULD BE, the LONG ISLAND LOUDMOUTH, ZACK RYDER. WOO WOO WOO, YOU KNOW IT!
Michael Tarver
That N.X.T gimmick led nowhere.He can destroy most raw guys with crazy superman punch.Like "Karaoke superstar'' said, he has a mean bad ass look and looks like he wants to kill somebody!!!! Have him come back, against nexus and then go for the u.s champion.Then go for tag team gold with Darren young. turn on Darren young and become heel. then going for the wwe champ but not getting it for a while. i dunno if he will do this but it would be awesome :)
Michael Tarver, easily. The first step would be to bring back his KO Punch and Prize Fighter Gimmick, then ship him to Smackdown and have him mow down a few jobbers at first. After a while, I would have him coming out of nowhere and hitting his KO Punch in the Big Show, right when he would be going for the win and end up costing him a few matches. This would eventually lead to a few matches between the two, until it all came down to a KO's Only Match at a PPV with Tarver going over.

At this point, I would have Tarver float around the mid-card for a while, just showing up and wrecking’ shop on a few people, beating them into a pulp basically. Then eventually I would have Rey Mysterio come out and confront Tarver, giving him the whole ‘you just like to push everyone around’ speech. After that Tarver would go for his KO Punch, and Mysterio would reverse it into a 619, starting a feud between them. The next week, Mysterio would be giving an interview backstage, and Tarver would attack him from behind and beat him down pretty bad. From there the two would go back and forth with wins and losses, costing each other matches every now and then, up until their second PPV match against each other. Back and forth match until Rey hit’s the 619, goes for the spring board splash, and Tarver clocks him mid-air for the win.

From here on, I would have a series of matches to determine the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, Tarver being one of the participants. He would go through a few mid-carders, and eventually work his way up to the finals against Mysterio or Big Show, going on to win it all. This would set up a feud up to the PPV between him and Kane (or preferably Edge in this situation), where he would go on to the PPV Match, and lose to the champion. Even though he would lose, I think this would be a good way of cementing him as a Main-Event player on Smackdown, and eventually lead him to a World Title…then again, I’m just throwing ideas around.

This would be the straight path to the Main-Event though, otherwise I would’ve had him eventually win the Intercontinental Championship (maybe a few times) after his feud with Big Show. That route would take a while longer though.

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