Bryan vs Jericho?


Getting Noticed By Management
Jericho has always wanted to feud with Daniel Bryan and Jericho is getting up there, now may be the time to do it.

What do you guys think? Jericho could probably get a classic out Daniel Bryan and you know Jericho doesn't mind doing the job.

Plus it'll get Jericho back in the good graces of the IWC after agreeing 1000% with the WWE for choosing Reigns over Bryan.

Jericho was my favorite wrestler in the 90s early 2000's and brought me back in the fold with his feud with Michaels in '08.

So if Jericho came back to feud with Daniel Bryan, how would YOU like to see it go down?

This isn't a suggestion for Mania 31, I don't know if Jericho would even be available, just brainstorming here. Hopefully this is the right forum.
Is Bryan not above Jericho? I think he is. Y2J is a mid-card nobody. I'm sure the match would be of a high standard but the only person who'd benefit is Jericho the part-timer.
The idea basically says 'Placeholder'... which sad to say is pretty much what Jericho has done during this part-time phase of his career. Essentially he's a Placeholder feud for a full-timer who really doesn't have any plans. (You could argue this was the case even during CM Punk's title reign.)

Even ignoring the label, it's a little redundant. If Bryan's going to be out of the Main Event picture, you're probably better off using him to get someone over, as opposed to working with what is essentially a piece of teflon with Y2J(By which I mean you can't really get him any more or any less over). Trouble is finding 'young' guys for the both of them to take to higher heights (assuming of course WWE is intelligent about building up stars outside of the Big Draw)

If this feud does come to fruition, I'd actually like it somewhere between the big PPVs, maybe something between WM and SummerSlam to bolster up a probable weak card. I'd also make it more of a one-time thing because I'm not sure the interest would hold up beyond that.
The idea basically says 'Placeholder'... which sad to say is pretty much what Jericho has done during this part-time phase of his career. Essentially he's a Placeholder feud for a full-timer who really doesn't have any plans. (You could argue this was the case even during CM Punk's title reign.)

Even ignoring the label, it's a little redundant. If Bryan's going to be out of the Main Event picture, you're probably better off using him to get someone over, as opposed to working with what is essentially a piece of teflon with Y2J(By which I mean you can't really get him any more or any less over). Trouble is finding 'young' guys for the both of them to take to higher heights (assuming of course WWE is intelligent about building up stars outside of the Big Draw)

If this feud does come to fruition, I'd actually like it somewhere between the big PPVs, maybe something between WM and SummerSlam to bolster up a probable weak card. I'd also make it more of a one-time thing because I'm not sure the interest would hold up beyond that.

I don't believe Bryan can get someone over. It's my theory that any heel heat he generates is transferred not to his opponent but the WWE when he loses.

Bray should have been the target of fans scorn but instead it was the WWE. Daniel Bryan as currently constituted only works with authority figures like HHH who the IWC has/had legitimate angst with. Daniel Bryan only works as the ultimate underdog which is probably why his fans were so upset as Lesnar is probably the last person he could pull that off against. Now he's up in the air and in need of a new direction. He really needs a new direction because this 4th wall stuff wears thins and only emboldens his cult following into hijacking more shows. He needs a new direction and a new storyline.

You might as well just give fans a dream match while it's available.

Jericho can get a good feud out of Daniel Bryan and position him in a new light other than the overdone "the WWE, the people in the shadows are holding me back please help me out and hijack shows" schtick that does.

The "YES Movement" has to die for his character to evolve. After a point, and I'm at that point, it just comes across whiny and bitchy. Not to mention jealousy with the shots he took at Roman.
I don't believe Bryan can get someone over. It's my theory that any heel heat he generates is transferred not to his opponent but the WWE when he loses.

Bray should have been the target of fans scorn but instead it was the WWE. Daniel Bryan as currently constituted only works with authority figures like HHH who the IWC has/had legitimate angst with. Daniel Bryan only works as the ultimate underdog which is probably why his fans were so upset as Lesnar is probably the last person he could pull that off against. Now he's up in the air and in need of a new direction. He really needs a new direction because this 4th wall stuff wears thins and only emboldens his cult following into hijacking more shows. He needs a new direction and a new storyline.

You might as well just give fans a dream match while it's available.

Jericho can get a good feud out of Daniel Bryan and position him in a new light other than the overdone "the WWE, the people in the shadows are holding me back please help me out and hijack shows" schtick that does.

The "YES Movement" has to die for his character to evolve. After a point, and I've personally reached that point, it just becomes whiny and bitchy.

That's sort of the problem- that tiresome direction you allude to never got a genuine resolution. His injury cut that short. More to the point people outside of you and probably some others don't seem to have grown tired of the act- probably again because said act hasn't ended.

Feuding with Jericho as a key point of changing his direction, really doesn't do anything other than to try and bury whatever Bryan has with these fans through cold, bitter, indifference. Your intention, most likely, and you probably don't care all that much if the man crumbles and fades to obscurity as a result of it.

Not that I believe you're EVER going to bury that degree of overness.
Who's trying to bury Daniel Bryan? I'm not, check my posts, I've come up with great ideas for Daniel Bryan. And I'm sorry he got injured but you can't hit the pause button on someone who refuses to change their style and may be out another 9 months. The best ability is availability

The act hasn't ended and that's the problem it's instead become overbearing. Trying to sabotage the very company that you want to give .you yet another fairytale ending is overbearing and obnoxious.

The "will of the people" act has worn thin. Daniel Bryan fans are going to make more enemies than allies if they continue to conduct themselves in such a disgusting manner.

Mick Foley held the WWE title for 3 days. Jake the Snake, Roddy Piper, Razor Ramon never even held the title period.

I have no sympathy for Daniel Bryan or his fans. What's happening now is the complete opposite of last year, we didn't get the leadup we got up last year. We got a guy 2 weeks back on the job and his fans demanding that he be put in the title match after losing the Royal Rumble fair and square.

They should have turned the 3 way into a fatal four way and cleared him from the picture. At least this year. This is Roman's year and Daniel Bryan fans need to respect that. This is getting ridiculous.
Jericho has always wanted to feud with Daniel Bryan and Jericho is getting up there, now may be the time to do it.

What do you guys think? Jericho could probably get a classic out Daniel Bryan and you know Jericho doesn't mind doing the job.

Plus it'll get Jericho back in the good graces of the IWC after agreeing 1000% with the WWE for choosing Reigns over Bryan.

Jericho was my favorite wrestler in the 90s early 2000's and brought me back in the fold with his feud with Michaels in '08.

So if Jericho came back to feud with Daniel Bryan, how would YOU like to see it go down?

This isn't a suggestion for Mania 31, I don't know if Jericho would even be available, just brainstorming here. Hopefully this is the right forum.

I think it's too late. After 2012 when he feuded with Punk, there isn't anything left for him to do. It would have been nice to see him feuded with Bryan then but at this point the only thing Jericho could do is just feud with HHH one more time, to get fans invested in him again.

Bryan/Jericho would make a great RAW/Smackdown/Main Event match.
Bryan/Jericho has to be developed, you don't throw away Bryan/Jericho as a random giveaway on live TV. I don't believe they've even faced eachother.
Who's trying to bury Daniel Bryan? I'm not, check my posts, I've come up with great ideas for Daniel Bryan. And I'm sorry he got injured but you can't hit the pause button on someone who refuses to change their style and may be out another 9 months. The best ability is availability

The act hasn't ended and that's the problem it's instead become overbearing. Trying to sabotage the very company that you want to give .you yet another fairytale ending is overbearing and obnoxious.

The "will of the people" act has worn thin. Daniel Bryan fans are going to make more enemies than allies if they continue to conduct themselves in such a disgusting manner.

Mick Foley held the WWE title for 3 days. Jake the Snake, Roddy Piper, Razor Ramon never even held the title period.

I have no sympathy for Daniel Bryan or his fans. What's happening now is the complete opposite of last year, we didn't get the leadup we got up last year. We got a guy 2 weeks back on the job and his fans demanding that he be put in the title match after losing the Royal Rumble fair and square.

They should have turned the 3 way into a fatal four way and cleared him from the picture. This is getting ridiculous.

Fair point. My apologies, I presumed a little too much.

I'd offer a 'what-if' concerning Bryan and his injury, but that'd just be piledriving a dead horse in the mud at this point.

Okay, so taking the idea of building Bryan back up- nevermind whether it purges the fan 'fanaticism' or not- Jericho does seem like a better option. At least it's something that only the true lunatics would see as a pure insult (Facing Sheamus at WM 30, as the supposed plan was, that was an insult).

But honestly, I do think you could use Bryan to get someone over without drawing the terrible Ire of the fanatics. It seemed to work for Bray Wyatt to some degree after last year's Royal Rumble(or maybe it was moving on to John Cena which helped him). But that's kind of the point; it would probably have to be someone those same people also like in order for such a ploy to work. Like an Ambrose or a Ziggler. But do those people like ANYONE that WWE is willing to get behind?
I think WWE is willing to get behind Ambrose, I don't see a reason for them to sour on him. I'd rather see Rusev vs Bryan than Cena though I'll tell you that. At least there's a chance Daniel Bryan would job to Rusev but again, the ire of his fanbase wouldn't be directed at Rusev.

As far as Ziggler vs Bryan - I think fans are going to view as something to keep them preoccupied with little room for rebellion. They share a lot of the same fans, so it could be a safe win for Ziggler. You're right, he's probably the only guy Daniel Bryan can elevate.

Which is why my idea of a IC division consisting of Bryan Ziggler Zayn Neville Cesaro Kidd and Barrett would work so well. Just make it a bragging rights division, where it's self-contained, self-policed and guys just trash talk and have matches. When Bryan brings his fans to the main title picture it's just bad for what WWE is trying to do and that's cater to more than just Daniel Bryan fans.

It's a real dilemma but that's my genuine solution.

Daniel Bryan fans have to be a fan of the guy he's facing in order to accept him losing. Jericho can manage another IC title run as the greatest IC champ of all time. That's a card worth playing if he wanted to enter my aforementioned division.
Is Bryan not above Jericho? I think he is. Y2J is a mid-card nobody. I'm sure the match would be of a high standard but the only person who'd benefit is Jericho the part-timer.

Why do so many people think they have to go to ridiculous extremes to make their point? The rest of the post was reasonable, but the bold is flat out ridiculous.

Chris Jericho is not a "nobody". He gets enormous pops every time he returns, is a legend who can still go, and is well-respected. Y'all get these bitter little IWC nerd grudges against wrestlers and say dumb things about them. It's obnoxious, TBH.

FWIW, here are the Win/Loss results for Jericho's 2014 matches. He may lose a lot of big ones at PPV's, and that's a fair point. But to act like he "never wins" just isn't correct. He lost to Orton twice(once on PPV) and Wyatt twice(once on PPV). He won the rest of his TV matches, including a PPV win over Wyatt, and the Miz, Harper, Rowan, and Kane. Usually loses to the main eventers but occasionally beats them, and always beats the mid-carders. That sounds like an UPPER mid-carder to me.
Bryan/Jericho has to be developed, you don't throw away Bryan/Jericho as a random giveaway on live TV. I don't believe they've even faced eachother.

They have definitely faced each other a few times, but not a lot. I recall Jericho beating Bryan on Raw in a very good match in 2013 in one of his first matches back after his surprise Royal Rumble return. They wrestled against each other in a tag match around that time too, where they both teamed up with their rival at the time....Kane and Bryan vs. Jericho and Ziggler.

They wrestled on NXT in one of Bryan's first matches too back in 2010.
Forget Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho will have to return soon in order to save Rusev, who will have received one of Cena's trademark burials "elevations" at Wrestlemania.
Moreover, Daniel Bryan has no reason to downgrade his status and fight an old man that can't beat anybody and whose legacy is so tarnished that a win against him doesn't do anything for anyone.
Forget Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho will have to return soon in order to save Rusev, who will have received one of Cena's trademark burials "elevations" at Wrestlemania.
Moreover, Daniel Bryan has no reason to downgrade his status and fight an old man that can't beat anybody and whose legacy is so tarnished that a win against him doesn't do anything for anyone.

Jericho is 2-0 against Bryan.
Jericho is 2-0 against Bryan.

Rookie Bryan/Angry Bryan or Main Event Bryan? If it's the former two, then it's irrelevant. Bryan is a main-eventer now, a man that has beaten John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple-H and Batista in the last two years, whereas Jericho is a part-time mid-carder that has lost to Fandango, heel-Ryback and out-of-momentum Bray Wyatt.
Rookie Bryan/Angry Bryan or Main Event Bryan? If it's the former two, then it's irrelevant. Bryan is a main-eventer now, a man that has beaten John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple-H and Batista in the last two years, whereas Jericho is a part-time mid-carder that has lost to Fandango, heel-Ryback and out-of-momentum Bray Wyatt.

Jericho beat Bryan around the same time that he lost to Fandango and Ryback. So if that time period is irrelevant for Bryan....then it should be fr Jericho too right?

Since Bryan became a main eventer, the only people to beat Jericho are Orton and Wyatt(who has also beaten Bryan quite a few times).
Jericho beat Bryan around the same time that he lost to Fandango and Ryback. So if that time period is irrelevant for Bryan....then it should be fr Jericho too right?

Since Bryan became a main eventer, the only people to beat Jericho are Orton and Wyatt(who has also beaten Bryan quite a few times).

You're missing my point. When Jericho beat Bryan, Bryan wasn't nearly as big a deal as he is now. The first time they fought, he was a rookie in NXT. Around the second time, he was just starting to rise up. Today, he is a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the most over guy in the roster. There is a huge difference between beating him then and beating him now. Jericho is at a much lower level on the ladder than Bryan right now, and a Bryan vs Jericho feud at this point would be like Cena vs (2014) Henry... except Henry is much more threatening because of his size and strength, but the basic point remains the same- that Cena won't gain anything by beating a part-time upper mid carder.
(Btw, the storyline between Bryan and Bray was that Bray was trying to convert Bryan into his follower. Although Bryan got pinned by Bray at the Rumble, he ultimately won the war decisively. The Jericho-Wyatt feud was won by Wyatt).
Who can forget there match on the nxt debut show a great technical display I would love to see a Bryan heel turn I'm bored of his ' yes yes ' chant and he looks like a crack addict homeless bum I think a heel turn a change of image and maybe a manager or valet along with a good feud with Jericho and he can re invent himself again.
You're missing my point. When Jericho beat Bryan, Bryan wasn't nearly as big a deal as he is now. The first time they fought, he was a rookie in NXT. Around the second time, he was just starting to rise up. Today, he is a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the most over guy in the roster. There is a huge difference between beating him then and beating him now. Jericho is at a much lower level on the ladder than Bryan right now, and a Bryan vs Jericho feud at this point would be like Cena vs (2014) Henry... except Henry is much more threatening because of his size and strength, but the basic point remains the same- that Cena won't gain anything by beating a part-time upper mid carder.
(Btw, the storyline between Bryan and Bray was that Bray was trying to convert Bryan into his follower. Although Bryan got pinned by Bray at the Rumble, he ultimately won the war decisively. The Jericho-Wyatt feud was won by Wyatt).

Bryan just lost to Bray, and when he got hurt he was feuding with frigging KANE. Now THAT'S a guy who actually does lose to everybody. Bryan is not above a feud with Jericho.
Bryan just lost to Bray, and when he got hurt he was feuding with frigging KANE. Now THAT'S a guy who actually does lose to everybody. Bryan is not above a feud with Jericho.

No feud or anything, just an one-off match with outside interference doesn't matter. Bryan's feud with Kane- (a) it was universally panned because Bryan should have moved on to bigger opponents, not fight against a guy that keeps losing. Bryan's feud with Kane was a flop, and did nothing for Bryan (just like feuding with Y2J won't) other than get him injured. (b) Kane and Bryan actually had a history together (Bryan and Y2J don't). (c) Kane's whole gimmick is centered around interfering in matches and losing to other main-eventers. The difference between Kane and Jericho is that while Kane loses to main eventers, Jericho loses to main event rejects and mid-carders.
Bryan is, in fact, above a feud with Y2J... And now that there is no shortage of main-event superstars to feud against him, it's unlikely that Jericho will even be considered.
No feud or anything, just an one-off match with outside interference doesn't matter. Bryan's feud with Kane- (a) it was universally panned because Bryan should have moved on to bigger opponents, not fight against a guy that keeps losing. Bryan's feud with Kane was a flop, and did nothing for Bryan (just like feuding with Y2J won't) other than get him injured. (b) Kane and Bryan actually had a history together (Bryan and Y2J don't). (c) Kane's whole gimmick is centered around interfering in matches and losing to other main-eventers. The difference between Kane and Jericho is that while Kane loses to main eventers, Jericho loses to main event rejects and mid-carders.
Bryan is, in fact, above a feud with Y2J.

So you're just going to flat out make things up in order to try to make your point, huh?

Kane's last 100 matches......he only loses to Main Eventers eh?
So you're just going to flat out make things up in order to try to make your point, huh?

Kane's last 100 matches......he only loses to Main Eventers eh?

That's what he does. Thanks for proving my point, I appreciate it. I can see a lot of Daniel Bryan def. Kane, Roman Reigns def. Kane, Randy Orton def. Kane, Ryback def. Kane etc. in the early part of the list. Did you check it yourself before posting? And of course Kane will win against Jack Swagger and Adam Rose in random matches against lower mid-carders. A random match isn't what we're suggesting in Bryan vs Y2J, are we?
That's what he does. Thanks for proving my point, I appreciate it. I can see a lot of Daniel Bryan def. Kane, Roman Reigns def. Kane, Randy Orton def. Kane, Ryback def. Kane etc. in the early part of the list. Did you check it yourself before posting? And of course Kane will win against Jack Swagger and Adam Rose in random matches against lower mid-carders. A random match isn't what we're suggesting in Bryan vs Y2J, are we?

I see numerous losses to Ryback, Ziggler, and Ambrose....those guys are main eventers now?

When Jericho lost to Ryback and Ziggler, he was "jobbing to midcarders". But Kane loses to them and he's "losing to main eventers because that's his gimmick".

How does that work?
I don't think it will happen Jericho is below Bryan, it would not benefit either one. Chris is probably a mid-carder now and Daniel is a top tier wrestler. Daniel is suppose to fight Dolph or Sheamus at Wrestlemania 31.
I see numerous losses to Ryback, Ziggler, and Ambrose....those guys are main eventers now?

When Jericho lost to Ryback and Ziggler, he was "jobbing to midcarders". But Kane loses to them and he's "losing to main eventers because that's his gimmick".

How does that work?

Maybe not now, but when Kane was losing against them. Kane lost to Ambrose in October-November. He was a main eventer during that time. (Remember the final match of Hell in a Cell?)
Likewise, Ryback and Ziggler were in the main event match of Survivor Series and regularly featured in the main events around that time when they beat Kane.
I didn't use the phrase "jobbing to mid carders" anywhere. You made that up.
When Jericho was beaten by Ryback, Ryback was fresh from getting his a** kicked and his momentum killed by Cena and effectively became a "main event reject" (that term I used) and he never took part in another main event until late last year, I think. Ziggler too was a mid carder around SummerSlam 2012.
My point still stands. Yours doesn't. Thanks for coming.

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