Bruno Sammartino


We all know Bruno Sammartino has been asked multiple times to join the ranks of the WWE Hall of Fame. This isn't a thread whether or not he should be in the WWE Hall of Fame, it's quite obvious that he should.

My question is, after Bruno Sammartino dies,will he be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? Obviously he does not want to be in the WWE Hall of Fame, but at that point it's no longer his position to say no to being in the Hall of Fame.

Do you think the WWE would have the audacity and try to "respect" him after his death, entirely disrespecting his wishes throughout the past few years?

Do you think the WWE would even consider it, after everything he's said and done post-WWE?

Do you think his family would disrespect him in such manners?
Do you think his family would disrespect him in such manners?

If Bruno has specifically told his family to not allow his induction to WWE's HOF after he dies, I suppose it would be disrespectful of them to permit it. On the other hand, it could be that his family will be smart enough to realize what Bruno refuses to; that he belongs there.

Proving there's no fool like an old fool, the man has divorced himself from the profession that made him a legend.....and given WWE's numerous attempts to honor him, it seems that the company appreciates the importance of paying homage to the sport's past by inducting Bruno. Instead, they've been thwarted by the man's refusal to recognize the changing nature of pro wrestling. Sure, he doesn't like the direction Vince McMahon took the sport.....but give it up already, Bruno!

You know what would be interesting? After Bruno dies, if WWE puts him in the HOF over his family's protestations. Then, the family would take the all-American route and sue WWE. Personally, I'd like to see the courts kick the lawsuit out, telling Bruno's family: "Don't bother the legal system with frivolous garbage like this."

But if the case was heard in court, it would be fascinating to see how the family could prove damages; not by the slandering of Bruno's reputation, but by their attempt to honor him.

Give it up, Bruno. You've made your, come back to the sport whose desire has been only to pay homage to your accomplishments.

I mean......jeez.:shrug:
On the other hand, it could be that his family will be smart enough to realize what Bruno refuses to; that he belongs there.

Proving there's no fool like an old fool, the man has divorced himself from the profession that made him a legend.....and given WWE's numerous attempts to honor him, it seems that the company appreciates the importance of paying homage to the sport's past by inducting Bruno. Instead, they've been thwarted by the man's refusal to recognize the changing nature of pro wrestling. Sure, he doesn't like the direction Vince McMahon took the sport.....but give it up already, Bruno!

Give it up, Bruno. You've made your, come back to the sport whose desire has been only to pay homage to your accomplishments.

I respect Sammartino for sticking to his principles over entry into the HOF, refusing all offers from the WWE to induct him over the years, as he was disgusted by the direction the company has gone since his days.

However, I think it is a shame that a man that did so much for the company, and the wrestling business as a whole, is not in the Hall of Fame with his accomplishments properly recognised. He was the glue that held the WWE together for so many years, and it is only right that he should be honoured for what he did in the wrestling business.

I personally think that he should allow the WWE to induct him, as the HOF ceremony has little or no relevance to what the company is like now, it is a place to remember the stars of yesterday and thank them for entertaining us for so many years, not looking at the wrestlers currently going today. Bruno needs to be there, taking in the round of applause from the fans for an epic career, and its a shame he isnt in there already. I certainly hope to see him inducted in the near future, but I am not holding my breath.

Also, just a thought...but how is he against the WWE product today? I appreciate that he wouldnt have been a fan of the Attitude Era with its blood, swearing, nearly-nude women etc but the company is not like that any more. He needs to accept that times change and then take the award/appreciation of the fans at the HOF ceremony, he deserves it and it would be a shame for the HOF to be missing Bruno Sammartino
If they can't induct Owen Hart in the hall of fame and he's dead I think the same will apply to Bruno when he dies As much as he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame I don't think we will ever see that day and I'm sure he doesn't want to be in the same Hall of fame that Drew Carrey is in anyways. It's sad that Pete Rose is in the WWE Hall of fame but not in the baseball hall of fame. I respect Bruno a lot for still turning down the hall of fame after all these years.
I think it's a case of while he's still alive, there's the chance they can still talk him round and you've gotta hope that's the case.

Otherwise, when he's dead, they can easily just stick two fingers up at the family and do it anyway. Get someone who was there at the time to accept the induction for him (in return for their own induction that year) we, as fans, deserve to see Bruno given the accolade, surely such a "man of the fans" can do us that favour?
Bruno not wanting to be in the WWE HOF is hypocritical at this point in my opinion. WWE shows PG programming which may not be the same as his days when everything was family fun but Bruno is in the wrong if he thinks WWE should be G rated. His problem was WWE in their attitude era with the sexuality and profanity. That isn't the WWE of today. Bruno SHOULD go into the WWE HOF for a few reasons. His career was legit HOF. In history he was one of the greatest wrestlers ever. He sold out MSG for so long, WWWF territory was so Bruno's it was crazy. He was bigger in that territory than HOgan was nationally. What I mean by that was that if he related to the fans nationally as he did territorially, then Id say he would be bigger than Hogan. Bruno owes it to the fans who develop legitimate admiration and respect for him and considered him a hero for the blue collar man. He was blue collar in so many ways. The last reason I think he should is that WWE would not be able to exploit his HOF induction or profit off of it. Most of the middle aged fans of his from those days are dead now and probably don't even watching wrestling.

As for his family. He is estranged from his son David so I dont think David could careless what he fathers wishes are.

I think Vince legitimately wants Bruno in the HOF out of respect for what he did for the company and I would venture a guess that his father considered Bruno like a son to him for his contribution.

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