
What browser do you use?

  • Internet Explorer

  • Firefox

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Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
What browser do you use, and why?

I've never had an issue with security, so that was never my problem with IE. I don't use IE because it's slow, incredibly ugly, things tend to just barely work, and it generally sucks.

Opera I probably would use if it had the extention/plug-in/theme library that Firefox and Chrome has.

I don't have a Mac, so I don't use Safari.

I'm not 109 so I don't use Netscape.

I was tied up between Firefox and Chrome for a while. When I discovered that all of my add-ons were available to Chrome, I made my decision. Chrome is simpler, faster (easier on the resources), looks better, less bullshit.
I use Chrome. Before I had Chrome, I would switch between IE, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer was just too laggy and prone to bugs and pop-ups, so I couldn't last very long with that. It was also very slow depending on how good of a connection I had. Firefox was alright, it just took too long for it to start up on my computer, and I didn't like how it opened with 3 tabs on it. Safari was alright, but after a while, that too became very laggy and annoying to use. Although, that could just be because I was using Safari on Windows. That's when I found Chrome and I've only had a few minor problems with it. Every once in a blue moon it'll freeze up on me, but I just close it, and open it again. Let's also not forget the fact that it runs very quickly on my computer. There is virtually no loading time for me, and I really like that. So Chrome is the best in my mind.
Mozilla Firefox, hands down. What's the primary attribute you want with a browser? Most people like to surf the internet with the fastest speed possible, and Firefox is seemingly the fastest browser there is as of now. Furthermore, it's easily customizable and user-friendly; you can choose the appearance of the browser and add anything you see fit (with add-ons).

IE is painfully slow, when I used it, and was clunky. It was not fun to use. For my money, it's the worst browser. Ironically, it is one of the more commonly used browsers because oftentimes it's pre-installed on your computer.

Firefox is easily my favorite.
I use firefox but not really because of any preferences, it's just what my friend set me up with. I know virtually nothing about the different programs and whatnot for computers, I mean if you give me long enough and I dick around for a while I can figure things out but he basically said, "This is what you want to use.". And it's worked fine for me so he was right, as far as I know.
I'm the odd man out and still use Internet Explorer.

I have no reason not to use a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome except that I've always used only Internet Explorer so I don't know what other browser would work better for my needs.

I suppose I'm just sticking with what I know, dispite it might not being the best, rather than trying something new.
I use Firefox on the PC at my parent's house (and discreetly download and use it on any friend/family member's PC that I'm using if it is not already available), but I've stuck with Safari since I bought my MacBook Pro. I gave it a shot since it was available out of the box, and, to my surprise, I have been very pleased with my experience thus far. My only issue was not being able to listen to the Dan Patrick Show live or on podcast (I'm sure there would have been other radio shows with the same issue, but it's the one I listen to on a regular basis). The only thing I had to do was go to the Apple Download "Store" and download "Flip4Mac," a plug-in for streams that use Windows Media Player. I may download Firefox for Mac at a later date to try it, but I am happy with Safari for now.
I use K-Meleon (1.7 alpha 2) for the majority of my browsing time. Chrome (canary) and several other Webkit based browsers are the others I use.
There's almost no reason not to use Chrome. Why do people use other systems? Firefox has it's wide array of plug-ins and extension, most of which Chrome can handle. Safari is really only good for Macs, and even that is simply style, not really much to do with performance. Chrome on Mac runs lighter than Safari and can be personalized to have that silly "Mac App" feel if you're afraid of being lost with anything but built-in software. IE is a bloated carcass of a browser, needed only because many sites still only work correctly through it. Oh, but worry not! Chrome can be customized to run in "IE Mode" with the push of button.

The only reason I could see to not use Chrome would be if you need a dedicated specialized browser, something like Flock.

Chrome is the way.
I use FireFox. The only reasons I don't use Chrome are because for some odd reason, pictures don't load right and are oftenly just left a chuck of an unfinished image. Another one is the Home screen. I don't really want my "dirty laundry" showing up whenever I open it. Other than those two little stupidities, I find it to be very simple to use and very customizable. Maybe not as many theme's as Firefox, but still.
I'm a chromer... I used IE for ages until Sam said about Chrome. I'm not one for the add ons or all the extra shit, I only need a web browser to access the internet. the only reason I use chrome is because of the spell check, (I'm the first to admit I can't spell that well) and the fact when you open it, the web sites you most frequent are up and you just click the one you want. also I guess because I'm lazy and you can type in, forum and then hit enter and it brings you here instead of having to either type the whole url in or select it from the list.
I use Firefox for one major reason. I installed Chrome on three separate occasions and Adblock Plus didn't block ads on the three separate occasions.

For that reason, I still use Firefox.

Oh, and because I haven't tried to install Chrome on Linux yet.

The Killjoy said:
Another one is the Home screen. I don't really want my "dirty laundry" showing up whenever I open it.
You can change that.
I use Firefox for one major reason. I installed Chrome on three separate occasions and Adblock Plus didn't block ads on the three separate occasions.

For that reason, I still use Firefox.

I just finally got Windows 7 wedged into my MacBook, and I'm finding this out myself. This doesn't happen when I'm booted into OS X. I've added some of the Firefox lists in the options window and it seems to be doing better, but not all the way.

I'm still sticking with Chrome, as I do most work in Mac. I've got to fight for every bit of power this thing has, and even Firefox gets too taxing for my tastes.
DirtyJosé;2770488 said:
I just finally got Windows 7 wedged into my MacBook, and I'm finding this out myself. This doesn't happen when I'm booted into OS X. I've added some of the Firefox lists in the options window and it seems to be doing better, but not all the way.

I'm still sticking with Chrome, as I do most work in Mac. I've got to fight for every bit of power this thing has, and even Firefox gets too taxing for my tastes.

First of all...OS X? Really? Why? Why not just buy a good laptop for $700 and give me the other $500? Mac's are so overrated/overpriced.

But yeah, it's fucking annoying for Chrome to not block all the ads. I'm sure it's more about the code and not the browser, but until that gets solved, Firefox will still be my main browser. Plus, our school records program only works in Firefox.

On a side note, I've installed Chrome for a fourth time, and it seems to be blocking the ads now.
First of all...OS X? Really? Why? Why not just buy a good laptop for $700 and give me the other $500? Mac's are so overrated/overpriced.

Three computers in my lifetime. All of them free. All of them Macs. You learn to work with what you've got (because god knows I'm not getting what someone else paid for this if I sell it). I'm working on building a decent desktop PC so that I can play games that aren't already 4 years old.

But back to the topic of browsers.

Plus, our school records program only works in Firefox.

My girlfriend has this same issue with her work. She uses Firefox for one job and Chrome for everything else. It just runs faster. Between the two, Safari and IE should be nowhere near your computer. Of course, we're filthy Mac users...

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