Broski's Over Hoeski's!

CM Steel

A REAL American
The wrestler sandwich has been done to death in wrestling for years in real-life & scripted. With the woman coming out as the heel. I think that Eve Torres has along time to go to get that Vickie Guerrero type heat as a heel. Trish Stratus played the heel diva role well back in the day due to playing a heel upon her debut in the WWF/E.

She made for a good "hoeski's" during the feud between Chris Jericho & Christian in 2004 on RAW. A year later Lita was put in a place where she had to play the hoeski in a real-life feud between Lita's then boyfriend Matt Hardy and new flame at the time Edge. When that news hit the internet Lita was labaled a hoeski for how she played Matt Hardy for a fool.

It's funny how these kind of things in wrestling intend to be in real-life opposed to being scripted in the world that is the male soap oprea, pro wrestling? Like the situation between Kurt Angle, Karen Angle, and Jeff Jarrett in TNA...but that's for another forum.

Zack Ryder will have to receive another big push after this angle with Eve Torres and John Cena. Whenever Ryder gets back in action. But is it really all about the Broski's over the Hoeski's?
It's no coincidence that Santino just won the US title... I could see Eve playing the two off of each other till one turns heel. Probably Santino, but Ryder going heel and costing Cena his match against The Rock to impress Eve is also a big possibility.
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Santino won't turn heel. That's boring and he's one of the top 5 babyfaces on the show and probably the greatest comedy worker ever.

It's really not as cliche as you think. Here's an experiment.

Person A is a really awesome person that you like, but they're dating/keep dating Person B who is a piece of shit and treats them like shit.

In your mind (maybe try reading the situation when Ryder isn't fresh in your mind), person A is typically a girl and person B is a boy. You hear it all the time "he's a douchebag" "why do good girls date assholes" etc. This time it's a little role reversal.

Should have Ryder always chase after Eve and have Eve manipulate him and turn him into an asshole.

The best stories have pretty much all already been told. I forget the exact number, but someone came up with it, there are really only about 17 different stories. They just have different settings and slightly different variations. This is no different. It's not a bad thing. If the WWE were telling a story no one was familiar with, it'd be shit. Stories work because we can relate to them and live vicariously through them. If it turns out that Eve is a Lizard from outer space living in a female body and that Ryder is a secret agent, and then it turns out that the Lizard is really an American Patriot and is 300 years old and embodied George Washington to lead the revolution and that Ryder is really a Russian double agent, then no one would relate to it and they'd be like "what in the fuck is this?". Yea, it'd be unexpected and extremely unpredictable, but doesn't mean it'd be any good.
The wrestler sandwich has been done to death in wrestling for years in real-life & scripted. With the woman coming out as the heel. I think that Eve Torres has along time to go to get that Vickie Guerrero type heat as a heel. Trish Stratus played the heel diva role well back in the day due to playing a heel upon her debut in the WWF/E.

She made for a good "hoeski's" during the feud between Chris Jericho & Christian in 2004 on RAW. A year later Lita was put in a place where she had to play the hoeski in a real-life feud between Lita's then boyfriend Matt Hardy and new flame at the time Edge. When that news hit the internet Lita was labaled a hoeski for how she played Matt Hardy for a fool.

It's funny how these kind of things in wrestling intend to be in real-life opposed to being scripted in the world that is the male soap oprea, pro wrestling? Like the situation between Kurt Angle, Karen Angle, and Jeff Jarrett in TNA...but that's for another forum.

Zack Ryder will have to receive another big push after this angle with Eve Torres and John Cena. Whenever Ryder gets back in action. But is it really all about the Broski's over the Hoeski's?

It's also funny that Cena nor Ryder wasn't calling Eve a "hoeski" when her tongue was down their throats. But it would be to obvious to turn Zach heel, in fact he's been a heel before. And Santino is definitely out of that discussion. So I don't really think the Eve Ryder thing will really go anywhere.
I hope this doesn't result in more time for Zack Ryder. The guy is nothing special in the ring or on the mic.

If it does result in anything, hopefully it will be yet-another beatdown at the hands of Kane.

Ryder sux, sorry.
From how it seems to be playing out we are getting the version of "guy is into hot girl---guy craves any attention he gets from her---hot girl manipulates puppy dog guy."

As a guy, if you ever chased after a girl that was out of your league, or still had an ex that you loved and for them they got over you with 3 guys, the angle seems to hit home.

Ryder should come out and do a promo each week where he tells the fans he is over Eve. Then, Eve comes to Ryder and asks him for something, to which each week he morphs into her little puppy dog and does her Hoeski bidding. This would serve to make Eve universally despised, and while the fans would boo Ryder the ultimate payoff would be when he finally does "get over" Eve. At that point she could use her heel heat to get another rising heel over to face Ryder...I see this all serving a great purpose.
I hope this doesn't result in more time for Zack Ryder.

An understandable sentiment, but I must admit things started to get interesting this past Monday. I was looking for Zack to get the upper hand against Eve sooner or later, rejecting her when she turned to him for solace. However, I didn't expect it this soon, figuring that Zack's "injuries" were severe enough to keep him out until after Wrestlemania.

Instead, it's happening already and I was really surprised to see her regain the advantage over him so quickly. I can't stand that goofy smile of his but have to admit it fit perfectly into the scheme of things after she kissed him and instantly won him back. (the jerk!) I had believed the company was going to "serious up" Zack Ryder's character after all he's been through. Instead, we get more of the clown act, except now he's being led by the nose by a femme fatale.

Maybe they can make this one interesting. At the very least, it's good having a diva with something significant to do. If she gets to beat up other divas in the ring while doing it, so much the better.
The wrestler sandwich has been done to death in wrestling for years in real-life & scripted. With the woman coming out as the heel. I think that Eve Torres has along time to go to get that Vickie Guerrero type heat as a heel. Trish Stratus played the heel diva role well back in the day due to playing a heel upon her debut in the WWF/E.

She made for a good "hoeski's" during the feud between Chris Jericho & Christian in 2004 on RAW. A year later Lita was put in a place where she had to play the hoeski in a real-life feud between Lita's then boyfriend Matt Hardy and new flame at the time Edge. When that news hit the internet Lita was labaled a hoeski for how she played Matt Hardy for a fool.

It's funny how these kind of things in wrestling intend to be in real-life opposed to being scripted in the world that is the male soap oprea, pro wrestling? Like the situation between Kurt Angle, Karen Angle, and Jeff Jarrett in TNA...but that's for another forum.

Zack Ryder will have to receive another big push after this angle with Eve Torres and John Cena. Whenever Ryder gets back in action. But is it really all about the Broski's over the Hoeski's?

Trish and Lita weren't Hoeski's, they were called something far worse :P and Lita put herself in that position, it wasn't a role. She did get involved with 2 guys, even if it was as she said cause Matt was too slow, she still hooked up with Edge while they were still an item, probably screwed Jeff too and ofcouse Dean Malenko with his socks on LOL.

Eve i gotta give it to her atleast in ring she seems comfortable i had my doubts she could turn, though if you look at the Anti-Bullying ads they do when they get to her she doesn't look at the camera and just sought off s******s in her response. So has she really been a self servent Ho all along? i think so.
He just looks like such a chump in all this. He just comes off as the kind of dope who will drive a girl all the way across town so she can go have sex with some other guy, hoping if he does enough good deeds she'll reward him with a relationship. I'm actually laughing at him rather than booing Eve. Friends with benefits indeed. She benefits because Zack can't pick up the clue phone.
I think it's hilarious that alot of people online bitched and complained that Zack Ryder wasn't being used on television. And then when he is being used, people still complain. Another instance where some fans are never satisfied. I, for one, am happy that Ryder has such a big role and is at least on RAW at all. Plus, Eve isn't half bad on the eyes either ;)

As for the recycled storyline deal, WWE has being doing that for awhile now. If you notice trends in wrestling, it's pretty apparent that they reuse storylines. If it's entertaining, I don't really mind it. I do hate how they make Ryder look naive and weak in this whole thing, though. WWE need to either make Ryder a strong fan favorite who can see through Eve's facade or have him go heel and embrace Eve's disposition by claiming to be the same as her. That would actually be cool to watch. Imagine Cena being attacked by a raging Ryder because of Eve. He could even say it was Cena's fault for everything that happened thus far. All of that would be preferable to making Ryder look like a dumbass who cannot observe his surroundings or read people.

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