Brock Lesnar reportedly flips out backstage at Extreme Rules


Pre-Show Stalwart
Several sources stated that Lesnar lost it on a number of WWE officials and started to rip apart the dressing room. He was apparently upset over the John Cena promo that ended the pay-per-view.

Reports claim that the original plan was for Cena to be so beaten that he would have to be carried out of the building, despite winning the match. This would of left it open for Lesnar to brag that while he had lost the match by fluke, he won the war.

Lesnar perceived Cena as double crossing him when Cena decided to address the audience, causing Lesnar to then flip out on WWE officials. No word on how Lesnar calmed down, but the angle on Raw featuring Triple H's return was planned in advance as a way to remove Lesnar from WWE television.

Brock Lesnar's current deal with WWE only requires him to work two dates minimum, according to sources within the company.
Lesnar is a baby, i loved seeing cena get beat down though, but i DO NOT want Lesnar the face of WWE.
Big Lesnar mark but come now big guy,you should be conducting yourself a little more professional.
I heard that every time Lesnar steps back behind the curtain,everybody is suppose to get down on their knees and worship him. Seems like Josh Matthews was stepping out of line again.
As seen on RAW last night, WWE temporarily wrote Brock Lesnar out of the storylines by having his contract status "up in the air" following the attack on Triple H in the opener. WWE's announcers stressed that Lesnar's future is in doubt with the company. WWE only has Lesnar for several dates per month and will have to come up with creative ways to keep him in and out of the storylines.

We noted earlier that Brock Lesnar had a meltdown backstage after his loss to John Cena at Extreme Rules. Lesnar was upset about Cena's post-match promo because the original plan had Cena getting stretchered out. Lesnar felt that he was made to look weak and WWE officials double crossed him. reports that WWE's new mentality with Lesnar is that they're paying a lot of money for a guy who is not their top guy, so he should be used when he can to put over their top talents. People in Lesnar's camp were feeling like WWE was just testing Lesnar by having Cena cut the post-match speech.

Brock was told before the Extreme Rules match that Cena would go out on a stretcher and look totally incapacitated and be injured. Lesnar went nuts backstage in front of everyone, tearing things up and throwing a tantrum. Lesnar specifically yelled at Marc Carano, the assistant to John Laurinaitis, about how things are a mess and everything is wrong in WWE. Some felt that part of the tantrum was just an act by Lesnar to show to the locker room that he could quit at any minute. Some of those same people felt that WWE officials could have been involved in Lesnar trying to work the other talents.

Lesnar also suggested that Cena intentionally pulled down the top rope at Extreme Rules, causing him to nearly blow out his knee in the bad spot towards the end of the match where they both tumbled over to the floor. Again, most believe that there is no real heat between Cena and Lesnar over this and this also could have been part of an act by Lesnar.

Despite what's an act and what's part of the TV storylines, sources insist that Lesnar's status and future with WWE is a sticky situation. While Lesnar vs. Triple H is in the works for SummerSlam, some in the company are already predicting that he will end up working the remaining big pay-per-view events of 2012, Royal Rumble 2013 and then WrestleMania 29 before being done with the company.

I like how he flipped at Laurinitas' assistant. Wouldn't be surprised if he was acting up.
Brock pulled a IWC...... whined when he didn't get his own way ;). (sorry guys i just had to). Anyway's I hold no sympathy for the man he is getting paid 5 million fucking dollars to work between 30 - 40 day's out of a fucking year. I would kill to make that kind of fucking money, then he is arrogant enough to go and throw a temper tantrum cause cena had a feel good moment with the Chicago fans to send everyone home on a good note? Really lesnar? Really? Really?
It's been said the "tantrum" was mostly a work. The "reports from backstage" were put out there to get Lesnar even more heat.
So last week Brock is a money grubbing apathetic loser who doesn't care about the business at all. He is someone that is just there for a pay check and to leave.

This week he is a hot head baby who can't handle a change in the script after he takes a loss while brutally dominating the company's number one guy.

The number one guy who has a clean record of loving and respecting the business and the boys in the back so much he has never pulled the slightest bit of shenanigans in eight years. However, now he decides it is ok to change the end of the main event of a pay per view without informing his opponent.

On top of this WWE officials are sharing intimate backstage knowledge with some dirt sheet reporter and risking their futures with the company in the process.

Please someone try to convince me this is the slightest bit real.
its because John Cena is stronger and Brock was still crying about getting destroyed by my boy John at Extreme Rules.
Cenation™;3885334 said:
its because John Cena is stronger and Brock was still crying about getting destroyed by my boy John at Extreme Rules.

Destroyed? Hitting Brock with a chain and an AA on the stairs is not getting destroyed.
If it is true then so what? Lesnar deserves a lot worse for how he left in 2004

Yeah everyone seems to have forgotten when he left he literally/legit was telling the fans he didn't give a fuck about them and lets not forget how he would bury WWE everytime someone would mention it. Brock Lesnar is a draw, but hes also an asshole.
I can confirm that Brock did 'flip out' after the show on Sunday, and it was down to my part for telling John to make the speech.

Vince wasn't best pleased with my actions but let it slide because of my loyal contributions for the past 9 years..

Yours Truly,
WWE Creative.

I can confirm that Brock did 'flip out' after the show on Sunday, and it was down to my part for telling John to make the speech.

Vince wasn't best pleased with my actions but let it slide because of my loyal contributions for the past 9 years..

Yours Truly,
WWE Creative.

You again!

You just don't stop do you?

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