Brock Lesnar in TNA?

Evenflow DDT

Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm going to keep this short and simple.

With TUF returning at the end of this month I ask would anyone want to see a little cross promotion between the UFC and TNA by having Brock and Junior appear either at Victory Road or on Impact to promote it? Brock and Junior wouldnt have to wrestle or anything (not like Dana White would let them anyway) but some mic time, maybe a face to face with someone like Angle or have both Brock and Junior appear in the corners of the two wrestlers in the main event of the evening could get people talking.

Back when Hogan was first coming to TNA he appeared at an UFC event to promote, which is all well and good but i feel that MMA fans look down on wrestling but plenty of wrestling fans love MMA and who knows, it could be (A BIG COULD BE) a first step in bring Brock into TNA if he ever decides to return to wrestling.

Dana White wants NOTHING to do with wrestling.Plus MMA doesn't need the cross promotion. It will never happen. But by a miracle it was to happen Dana would most likely pick the WWE because he would reach a bigger audience.
MMA is a sport, Wrestling is entertainment.
whenever they try to combine them it gets ugly. Jeff Jarret's Double MMA run was cringe worthy to watch.

I really like them to stay separate, Watching a Kayfabe MMA match is just terrible from both prespectives, Wrestling fans don't like watching their style, and MMA fans hate knowing that its pre-determined, along those lines, Why would TNA want to Promote another company on their own time, When you see UFC commercials during TNA, that's the network, TNA itself shouldn't promote other companies, They already have trouble showing off their roster on Impact, taking TNA Stars time away to show a 10 minute commercial for another company is awful business.
Sorry to burst ur bubble! But like sin says Dana doesnt want anything to do with wrestling..

If she wanted to cross promote and the offer of mcmahon was true she would have accepted that and cross promote on the grandest stage of em all.

But nice idea though ;)
Sorry to burst ur bubble! But like sin says Dana doesnt want anything to do with wrestling..

If she wanted to cross promote and the offer of mcmahon was true she would have accepted that and cross promote on the grandest stage of em all.

But nice idea though ;)

This post made me crack up, just saying!

And yeah, the same could be said of Taker, and Evan Bourne, and a whole legion of ex WWE stars frequenting the UFC. If it is anywhere, it would be the E, if it was the E it would probably be for Wrestlemania.
Sorry to burst ur bubble! But like sin says Dana doesnt want anything to do with wrestling..

If she wanted to cross promote and the offer of mcmahon was true she would have accepted that and cross promote on the grandest stage of em all.

But nice idea though ;)

Dana's a man, homeslice.

Anyway, I can't see Brock ever stepping foot into a TNA ring. As it's been said, Dana White doesn't want a thing to do with wrestling. There are other things I can think of that'd keep Brock away from TNA as well.

1. Brock's buddy, Paul Heyman, was apparently contacted by TNA management and ultimately wanted nothing to do with the company. That in and of itself could keep Brock away from TNA altogehter.

2. If Brock was going to enter a wrestling company as a way of cross promoting The Ultimate Fighter, Dana would most likely rather contact WWE. I'm sure WWE keeps the doors wide open for Brock should he ever decide to want anything to do with wrestling (as a performer or a simple guest appearance).

I just don't see it happenin', man...ever. Sorry...
It's kind a of a rehash of what everybody has said previously, but there are a few reasons why this wouldn't happen.

Firstly, like it's been mention before, Dana White wants to keep MMA as far away from wrestling as possible, to the point where he hates to even mention it during any form of interview.

Secondly, I dont see Brock Lesnar ever stepping foot in a TNA ring, there's no need for him to do so. Even if his MMA career goes quickly down the pan, he would always be a big draw for WWE if he was ever to return, and the financial and probably scheduling deals they could offer him would convince him to stay with the E'

Finally, I think the main point of this whole thing though, is that even on the off chance that some cross promotion would take place, TNA has absolutely nothing to offer Dana White or UFC, If it were to happen it would definitely be cross promoted with WWE, increased exposure, higher tv ratings and the chance to reach a much larger demographic, not to mention the whole of Brock Lesnars WWE career to work with would be too lucrative for TNA to match
If Dana White did actually allow a cross promotion, Brock Lesnar would logically not be involved. It could sever the ties with WWE.
They could use contestants in matches, promos, even confrontations.
Unless he has a clause in his contract where he won't work with wrestling companies, Spike could make it happen. If Dana were shown the quality matches with Kurt Angle, Aj Style, Samoa Joe, MCMG. It could change his mind after seeing they are actually athlete and not just actors.
Sorry to burst ur bubble! But like sin says Dana doesnt want anything to do with wrestling..

If she wanted to cross promote and the offer of mcmahon was true she would have accepted that and cross promote on the grandest stage of em all.

But nice idea though ;)

Dana White is a guy :) other than that yeah there's no way in hell he would align with TNA when WWE were offering a deal. and Brock Lesnar would not be interested i don't think, there's no exposure in TNA and he could do a few matches in WWE and make a tonne more money.
If they wouldn't allow Lesnar to have one match at Mania for the amount offered, I don't think Lesnar will be on TNA while he is under contract to MMA. and when he gets out of the contract you know that vince will keep upping the offer to bring him back to the WWE and TNA wouldn't be able to afford as much as the WWE could offer. So I can't see it happening.
Yeah Dana White wants nothing to do with wrestling. He also doesnt need to attempt to promote TUF in TNA. They're fan base isnt big enough. If Dana White was gunna go to any promotion to promote TUF it wud be WWE. They have a huge following and have connections to Lesnar.
MMA is a sport, Wrestling is entertainment.
whenever they try to combine them it gets ugly. Jeff Jarret's Double MMA run was cringe worthy to watch.

Sport- Physical activity governed by a set of rules.

Does Wrestling not fit into that? I'm honestly just saying. Sorry if it comes off trollish in text. Moving on.

Truth is, If Brock Lesnar WANTED to make a wrestling appearance, he would make one. Dana White can protest all he wants; yes, Brock Lesnar is under contract with the UFC, and his appearance may result in him being reprimanded and/or fined, but I cannot fathom Dana White firing/releasing his biggest cash cow over a damn wrestling appearance, especially if it's a non-physical one. I'm not saying that there's no line Brock Lesnar can't cross, because I'm sure there are things Dana White and the UFC will not tolerate. But a wrestling appearance? Please...Even if he competed in a match, his chances of injury are exponentially less than his chances of injury in MMA. Point blank, I don't feel Brock Lesnar even wants to do it.
This is not going to happen- ever.

Brock has an open door to come back to WWE & wouldnt burn that by appearing on TNA to promote anything. As far as wrestling goes, if he wanted to break his contract with UFC- it would be for a match that meant something to him. Brock feeds on competition. No one in TNA even comes close to his level except for Kurt Angle. WWE would provide a better paycheck & some better options for opponents (Cena, Taker, HHH, Orton). TNA uses lower level celebs to run in for matches\promotion. You really think Brock wants to be on the same show as the cast from Jersey Shore?

If TNA would have given Heyman what he wanted, TNA would be in a better direction. That is the only way we would ever see Brock in a TNA ring. TNA blew the best chance they had. I love TNA & some of their guys are top notch, (Styles, Roode, MCMG) but Dixie wasted a huge opportunity & might not get a chance like that again.
This has been discussed a number of times in the past. Or, at least the possibility of TNA and UFC doing something together. It's just not gonna happen as long as Dana White can still draw breath.

White wouldn't even allow Lesnar to have anything to do with WrestleMania. A deal with WWE would bring the UFC much more media coverage and would have meant a massive pay day for Brock Lesnar. I don't know if it's true or not, but I read somewhere that WWE had offered Lesnar $2 million to face The Undertaker at WM. I think it's a fair and a safe assumption that TNA can't offer Lesnar anything close to that without putting a big dent in their budget.

A lot of hardcore MMA fans hate pro wrestling and Dana White is afraid that UFC would lose credibility as a legit shootfighting organization if he went down that road. To be completely honest, White's fears are probably justified.

I think the only way that this would have a chance of happening would be if the honchos at Spike heavily pressured Dana White into going along with it. However, that simply will not happen because any UFC program has always garnered solid ratings for Spike, especially in the key male demos that Spike cares about. UFC delivers time and time again in that regard, so Spike has ZERO leverage to pressure Dana White into going along with anything like this.
If your going to promote TUF, why would you go on TNA, they can barely promote themselves. Wow they are proud of getting a 1.0 rating on a second rate television network, and their ppv's are simply unwatchable. Thats not to say that Lesnar and Santos would go on a wwe show/ppv to promote either, it just makes no sense. TUF does not need promotion, on the other hand, it would be a bigger deal if say Cena or Angle showed up on TUF to try and promote their promotion, then it would possibly work.

Oh, and Dana White wants nothing to do with wrestling, so there is a ZERO chance!
Lets keep in mind here that UFC and TNA programming is both on SPIKE TV. Therefore, if Dana was going to do any cross promotion, it WOULD be with the TNA as SPIKE TV wouldn't want anything to do with a promotion that would be advertising COMPETITION!

Take it for what its worth...
I think the only way that this would have a chance of happening would be if the honchos at Spike heavily pressured Dana White into going along with it. However, that simply will not happen because any UFC program has always garnered solid ratings for Spike, especially in the key male demos that Spike cares about. UFC delivers time and time again in that regard, so Spike has ZERO leverage to pressure Dana White into going along with anything like this.

Hammer you beat me to this thought. The only way it would happen is if Spike said hey we want you guys to work together on something we will pay extra for it. We are trying to boost the ratings of the show help us out we will make it worth your time.

The only way it happens is as stated above. Sorry guys.
Dana White has hard enough time keeping the ufc looking real...
i have no desire to see brock lesnar on my tv in any shape or form, he isn't very entertaining as a wrestler and even more boring acting in the ufc.
Honestly, I wouldn't give two fucks if Lesnar came to TNA or pro wrestling in general. I stopped watching wrestling around the time he debuted with Heyman, and to my surprise I found out that Lesnar actually became a World Champion. I could not possibly fathom how Brock Lesnar became anything. Sure he looks like his pants are too tight and he's mean looking, but so is Vladimir Koslov and he's got as much mic skills as Lesnar. If the highlight of your career is your nose touching your asshole after what would be considered as an "epic fail", you know you've got a problem.

Anyhow, I would HATE any UFC-TNA thing. MMA and Wrestling DO NOT MIX. Period. That's why Heyman's full of shit, always has been. No matter how much you associate a wrestling product with something real like UFC, no matter how much you take from it, at the end of the day you're still trying to make something that is NOT real - real, and that can always be achieved without sucking on UFC's tattooed balls. That's what storylines are for. We watch wrestling because it's unique and there's nothing like it. If I wanted to watch something like UFC, I'd watch fucking UFC. Not ever fan out there is awed by MMA. I hate it.

UFC is real, pro wrestling is not. UFC cannot possibly benefit from being involved with wrestling because some portion of his audience hates wrestling because it's "Fake" and loves UFC because it's real.

Personally, I think UFC is the dumbest shit I've ever had to endure. Basically, I end up watching 15 minutes of two dudes with fucked up ripped physiques and an abysmal amount of meaningless tribal tattoos hop around an octagon like little bunnies in desperate hopes of landing a few punches on eachother. The fan gets about three seconds of enjoyment during each match because that's how much action there IS in a match. Then we go at it again for like an hour or two. I don't get it.

Dana White has stated that he won't let Lesnar go to Wrestlemania unless he's buying a ticket. If he won't let him go to WWE, he'll most DEFINITELY not let him go to TNA. There is just no point. There is nothing Lesnar can bring to TNA other than a headline here and there, and that won't draw shit. UFC fans won't flock to see Lesnar in a wrestling company because some or even most wouldn't care if Jesus put on a pair of tights and signed a TNA contract.

That's the same reason why Bart Scott is absolutely, 100% IRRELEVANT right now. I don't understand why TNA keeps having hopes that bringing in a person from another sport will somehow, MAGICALLY drag in the people who enjoy that sport. Think of it this way - if AJ Styles said that he'll play one football game for some random ass team, would you, a person who LOVES AJ Styles but doesn't give a rat's furry ass about football, become a fan of it? Heck no. You'll just go "Oh, AJ's playing for them for a match? Cool.". That's the same thing football fans are thinking. If anything they probably like him less because wrestling fans aren't exactly the most respected people on Earth.

Lesnar, stay away from pro wrestling. You're not huge anymore, you don't look as good, you look like you're freakin' melting.
I've seen a bunch of replies as to why would Lesnar and UFC want anything to do with TNA, but why would TNA want UFC? the only thing that would help TNA is getting the name brand out to more viewers. that can be done in other ways other than UFC/MMA, especially if these UFC/MMA guys aren't going to be getting physically involved.
TNA could just as easily get their name brand on ESPN(and other areas) with bringing in a football player, and probably do so a lot cheaper.
First off. Wrestling is a sport. Professional wrestling is entertainment.

Second. I can see why MMA appeals to people in the fact that it's real, but really, 90% of it is just boring. It has the same problem as boxing. The only think that's really interesting are powerful knockdowns, submissions, or KOs. Otherwise it's literally two guys either standing there, missing each other, or sitting on top of one another punching their opponents head.

Now onto the actual thread question.

First, I don't think this would happen for pretty much all the reasons that were previously mentioned. The only connection between TNA and UFC is Spike...and I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet that TNT or TBS or some other cable channel would be more than happy to pickup TUF if UFC pissed off Spike and they dropped them or something. In that sense, Spike probably needs UFC more than UFC needs Spike. So that alone limits why they would not work with TNA.

Second. WWE are the big guys. If UFC did want to work wrestling somehow, it probably would be WWE, and it probably would be Wrestlemania. If Lesnar was out of his UFC contract, I can't imagine him passing up WWE money to go to TNA. At this point with UFC out there, WWE would probably give him a limited schedule and a pretty big contact moneywise. For either UFC or Lesnar personally, WWE would mean more money and more exposure.

Third. It seems that Lesnar is close with Heyman. I'm sure he'd consult him and based on what we know publicly, Heyman would probably advise against TNA.

With that said, when I first read this thread I thought there was 0% chance that Lesnar would ever be in TNA, but now I'm rethinking that. Lesnar probably doesn't need the money, but if he wanted to make a decent bankroll for very little work, I think he could entertain the idea of a 1 year contract with TNA. I think it would have to be at least $500,000/year and a guaranteed title reign. Now that's only if he didn't like what WWE would offer. The only reason I think this is even an option is the scheduling. He could do 3 weeks of shows in a day or two and be done with it. I still think it's very very very rare...but not 0%.

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