British Bulldogs with KB


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British Bulldogs
Host: Gene Okerlund
Commentators: Jesse Ventura, Gorilla Monsoon, Lord Alfred Hayes, Ernie Ladd

This is, as the name suggest, a Coliseum Video about the British Bulldogs. It’s from the mid to late 80s so I’d guess either during the Bulldogs’ title reign (started at Mania 2 and ended a few months before Mania 3) or just after it. Let’s get to it.

Old school Coliseum Video intro is still awesome.

Gene welcomes us to the tape and says Hogan is world champion. That helps us exactly not at all in trying to figure out when this is. We’re getting tags, singles and training regimens.

British Bulldog vs. Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff

This is in MSG and Gorilla says it’s October of 1985. The Bulldogs jump the evil ones during the singing and the fight is on. Volkoff and Smith start but Sheik is in very soon. Dynamite is RIPPED here so it’s hard to tell them apart. Johnny V and Monsoon do the match intros but Jesse does the commentary with Gorilla. Odd but not a problem at all. Davey plays face in peril for a bit but gets a sunset flip for two on the Russian.

Volkoff misses a charge and there’s the tag. I think Dynamite is more muscular than Smith here. Back off to Sheik again with the Humbler of Wrestlers everywhere suplexing him with ease. Dynamite reverses into one of his own but now the snap suplex. With Dynamite think of Benoit with a British accent. Sunset flip gets two for the Kid. With one arm Nikolai lifts Dynamite up with ease. That guy was freaky strong.

Piledriver gets two for Volkoff. We get some heel miscommunication and here comes the young Smith. He’s much faster here. There’s the powerslam but Volkoff saves it. Sheik hits what would become known as the German suplex and sets up the camel clutch. Jesse has never seen anyone get out of that. I guess he missed Hogan’s title win. The heels get a double slam to Bulldog but when Volkoff tries another, Dynamite dropkicks the back of his partner to push him down onto Nikolai for the pin.

Rating: C. Pretty basic match here with the Bulldogs just kind of going along with the team that evolved into the Bolsheviks. Just kind of a match to get to know the team a bit for the unfamiliar, although this did kind of a bad job at getting the fans to know the team. Still nothing too bad for a house show though.

Dynamite Kid vs. Bret Hart

I think we’re in Toronto here so the crowd is likely going to be split. Bret hits the floor almost immediately as he’s in the blue here. Gorilla talks about a Rolls Royce giveaway which would be at the Wrestling Classic, the first PPV (kind of). Dynamite grabs a slingshot and sends Bret into the corner so he hits the floor again. This referee is counting very quickly.

Hayes sounds very drunk here. Bret keeps hiding as he was a great heel back in the day. Great snap suplex gets two for Dynamite and we hit the chinlock. We’re getting replays in this match so I keep thinking we’re having cuts but they’re just replays. Dynamite reverses a wristlock into one of his own. Since he’s not sure what else to do, Bret cheats and takes over.

Apparently we’re in Maryland. I thought only Toronto had the tilted camera. Ok then. Bret drags him around by the hair because he’s evil. A few legdrops get no cover as it’s all Bret at the moment. Out to the floor and Bret slams him. That referee looks oddly familiar. Dynamite grabs a sunset flip out of nowhere for two but Bret knocks him right back down.

Hayes calls a European uppercut a forearm. Shouldn’t he know better than that? Backslide gets two for Dynamite. Over to the ropes and Dynamite is all tied up. A charge misses and Bret jumps into the ropes very hard. Clothesline sets up a standing diving headbutt for no cover. Bret gets to do his chest into the buckle spot. Knee drop gets two for the Kid. Good match so far.

A belly to back gets two so Dynamite gets a middle rope knee for a very close two. Dynamite trips over Bret on a criss cross and Bret shoves him to the floor. Back in and Dynamite grabs an O’Connor Roll out of nowhere for the pin (called a reverse sunset flip by Monsoon).

Rating: B. Good stuff here as you would expect given the participants. These two wrestled probably 9000 times in Stampede so this was old hat for them. Good match though as those matches made them good against each other. Bret’s singles push was years ago but what else are you going to do?

Anvil runs out for some double teaming but Smith saves, leading us to this.

Davey Boy Smith vs. Jim Neidhart

From the same building in September of 85 and I’d guess maybe the same show. Neither guy can get a power advantage so Davey rethinks his attacking method. Both teams are chasing the less talented Dream Team at this point. We get a Stu Hart sex joke of all things. Gorilla wonders how he had time to teach any wrestling since he had thirteen kids. I’ll be over here trying to clean that image from my mind if you need me.

Bulldog takes him to the mat and outworks him. As you may have guessed, Anvil isn’t the best technician in the world. Anvil uses power but gets caught by a dropkick as we stop things again. Off to a top wristlock here but Anvil drills him in the ribs to take care of that. The fans think this is boring so Neidhart stops the wrestling stuff to yell at them a bit. He never was the smartest guy in the world.

Smith is sent to the floor so Anvil follows him out. Into the railing goes the Bulldog and Smith is in trouble. Back in now and it’s all Anvil. Smith fights back and hits a back elbow to take Neidhart down. Hayes is either drunk or really bad at his job. It’s so hard to tell. We hit the chinlock again and Anvil is like fuck that and breaks it up. Anvil gets something like a slingshot into the buckle and puts his feet on the ropes for the cheap pin.

Rating: D. Boring as hell here with no chemistry at all between these two. The power vs. power rarely works which is why both guys had a speed/technical guy as his partner. Also, why in the world are we seeing Anvil get the win here? Was that really the best thing to do on a British Bulldogs’ tape? I don’t get it.

Luscious Johnny V/Dream Team vs. Lou Albano/British Bulldogs

This is in MSG again and a few weeks before Mania II. Hammer vs. Smith to start us off. Atomic drop by Smith lets Albano get a shot in. Off to Dynamite and Valentine is in trouble. Back to Smith as it’s all Valentine for his team so far. By that I mean he’s the only one getting beaten up. Off to Brutus as I say that who is completely inept at this point. Johnny V, the manager, comes in now and is back out again quickly.

Valentine comes in off the top and we hit the chinlock. Off to Dynamite again who hammers away with forearms. Dynamite gets two off a knee to the ribs as Valentine is beaten on even more. Now Valentine takes over and hits a backbreaker for two. Is there a reason he’s doing the vast majority of the work for his team? Dynamite slams him off the top and we get Brutus for a change. Albano and Smith cheat to double team Brutus. Dynamite is double teamed at the same time so it balances out.

Brutus gets a neckbreaker on Kid for two. Suplex gets the same. Back off to the heel manager who Gorilla doesn’t remember being in earlier. That could have been taken very badly. Back to Valentine as Dynamite could be bleeding a bit. Valentine gets a front Piledriver (starting position of a regular one but kneels like a Tombstone) for two.

Figure Four goes on but Albano makes the save. Smith and Johnny V now and Smith cleans some house. Powerslam to the manager gets two as Valentine saves. The managers go at it but Albano isn’t legal. Falling powerslam to Valentine gets two. This is very fast paced but not in a good way. Valentine can’t suplex him so Smith does it instead. He isn’t delaying it yet though.

Off to Dynamite who is already hurt. Dynamite is like fuck it and hammers away because he can. He hammers away and Valentine is in trouble as he has been for a lot of this match. Back off to Smith and a small package gets two for Davey. Back to Dynamite and a double clothesline gets two. Snap suplex by Dynamite and here comes everyone. Brutus, the illegal man which both commentators point out, is rolled up for the pin by Dynamite.

Rating: D. This tape is very hit or miss. The idea here was all messed up as the faces dominated for the most part here. Valiant and Albano were pretty useless in this but I think that was expected. Not a great match at all and not really entertaining. It helped set up Mania though so it did its job I guess.

We get clips from the title change at Mania II. This eats up about two minutes.

Now we get the training regimen of the Bulldogs. Some woman owns it and talks about some of her clients. Steamboat trains here apparently. She looks like Marilu Henner for the 3 people that will get that reference. Smith shows off his weight lifting abilities. They talk about how important training and lifting is to their retaining the titles. Dynamite lifts a bit too.

In something interesting we hear a bit of the history of the team. By that I mean they say they’ve been partners for eight years now. Gene looks at some chick and follows her off. Back with more of Dynamite working on his arms. Now Smith works on his back as the Kid talks about how it helps during his matches. Davey says his motivation is the other tag teams in the WWF who want the titles, namely Studd and Bundy. Guess what the main event is.

Tag Titles: British Bulldogs vs. Moondogs

MSG again. Rex and Spot for you Moondog aficionados here. Davey vs. Spot to start us off. Off to Dynamite who runs him over with ease so it’s time for Rex (the original Smash in Demolition if you care). The Moondogs were uh…out there. Wristlock by the Kid but Rex overpowers him for a bit. Off to Davey now who gets caught in the wrong corner and it’s off to Spot.

Slam gets two for Davey but some double teaming shifts momentum again. Rex gets a splash for two and the same off a neckbreaker. Gorilla and Hayes wonder why Smith isn’t tagging, thinking Dynamite could be hurt. Could it be THE FREAKING MOONDOGS KICKING HIS ASS? Dynamite isn’t paying attention so Spot drills him, cracking the commentators up for no apparent reason.

Rex keeps a front facelock on and we get the tag that the referee doesn’t see. I love that bit. Spot comes in (sans tag which is the icing on the cake of that spot) and the Moondogs are dominating. Rex goes up but lands on knees. Both guys go for tags but only Spot comes in. Davey gets a cross body for two and that ends this offensive streak for him. He reverses a suplex and there’s the tag finally.

Gorilla and Al are surprised that Dynamite is fine. Gee who would have guessed that a guy in a match was perfectly fine? Fist drop from the middle rope gets two and it all breaks down. Dynamite and Spot are legal here. A top rope cross body by the Kid gets the pin to retain in a quick finish.

Rating: C+. Basic formula match here with a surprisingly decent match out of the Moondogs who were only good once in awhile. Not a bad little match and for a house show tag title defense this was just fine. It’s amazing how deep the division was at this point as we have heel jobber tag teams. Think about that in modern wrestling.

Davey Boy Smith vs. Greg Valentine

This is about a month after Mania. Valentine gets a quick rollup for two. We’re talking about Clint Eastwood for no apparent reason. After a quick bit on the floor Hammer takes over in the corner. Davey just shoves him to the mat for two. Armbar for Davey and Valentine is in some trouble. And never mind as Valentine reverses and gets caught by a dropkick to send him down again. Never mind the never mind.

Sharpshooter (obviously not called that) by Smith as this has been completely one sided so far. Valentine is able to make the rope so we get some stretching as Davey uses his arms and legs to spread Valentine’s legs open as wide as he can. Better positioning I guess. Valentine hits the apron to run but gets suplexed back in for two. Valentine finally gets a shot in and we clip to him being in solid control.

Elbow drop gets two and we go to a chinlock now. Davey fights back with some shoulders in the corner and the powerslam for two. Wow that move was kicked out of a lot. We head to the floor where Hammer runs but slides in and catches Davey as he comes back in. So simple yet so effective. Figure Four goes on but there’s the rope so that didn’t last long. Another attempt is sent into the corner but Valentine climbs the ropes and comes off with a forearm to get the surprising pin. That was out of nowhere.

Rating: C-. Eh just ok here. Not a bad match or anything but the ending really surprised me. They did their thing out there and it worked well enough. Valentine winning was very surprising and I’m not sure why this was included. Also a weird ending with Valentine just hitting him in the head and winning it. Not bad though.

Brutus Beefcake vs. Dynamite Kid

Probably from the same show again and we’re joined in progress. Brutus hits the floor and we’re clipped to a test of strength. Dynamite shows off a bit just because he can to reverse the hold into a modified suplex and an armbar. Brutus tries to get some advice from Johnny V and walks into a headlock. Nice job Johnny. Belly to back suplex gets him out of that and sets up a shot off the middle rope. There’s another to make sure it worked.

Suplex gets two as this is a bit boring. Ernie Ladd says five years ago this match would have been over. Actually it wouldn’t have started yet. Dynamite gets a sunset flip for two. Brutus rakes the eyes with his boot a bit and Dynamite just beats him up for it. Snap suplex and the headbutt hit and Brutus is in trouble. Brutus sends him to the floor on a counter and pulls out a foreign object. Dynamite is knocked to the floor but on an attempted suplex, Dynamite reverses into a rollup for the pin.

Rating: D+. Not much again here as they were just going through the motions until we got to the end. Brutus was just ok at this point and had no gimmick for the most part. He was a natural face and his heel stuff never worked. Dynamite never seemed to be in any jeopardy at all here either.

Brutus beats on him a bit post match but Davey saves.

British Bulldogs vs. King Kong Bundy vs. Big John Studd

Main event here and either heel weighs more than the champions combined. That’s rather cool for some reason. Smith vs. Studd to start but Dynamite cheats to take Studd down. No tag though so they hit a double dropkick instead for two. The fans are all over Heenan here. Off to Bundy now. How did he main event Mania but Smith never did?

More double teaming by the champions takes Bundy down but one on one it’s all Bundy. Ladd is talking about the stock market for some reason. All power by Bundy of course and Smith is in trouble. Back off to Studd who hammers away on Smith for two. We talk about Andre’s suspension which would lead to the Machines and ultimately his heel turn and Mania III. Bundy back in now and an elbow gets two. This is non-title for no apparent reason.

Studd comes in, misses a charge and tags back out. Neither of those guys were ever accused of being technical masters. They double team Smith a bit as we’re just waiting on the hot tag. Ah there it is and Dynamite comes in and tries a sleeper on Studd which goes nowhere at all. Everything breaks down and the referee is tossed for the DQ. Weak.

Rating: D. Uh yeah. This is more or less the match they hyped all show (work with me here) and we get a five minute match with a DQ ending? Nothing great here but considering the non-champions (why was this non-title again?) what did you really expect? Weak ending.

The heels argue post match which led nowhere.

Overall Rating: C. This was a difficult one to grade. It’s just a quick hour and a half tape that I watched straight through when I had nothing else to work on so it’s not that bad. For a quick shot of who the Bulldogs are and how they work together, this wasn’t half bad. You get singles and tags plus a little behind the scenes thing. It’s not great and a match vs. the Harts would have helped it but overall it tells you enough about them for a good introduction and I think that was the point so it’s nothing too bad.

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