Bringing Babies to a live WWE show. Do you agree with it?

I hate those Christians

Occasional Pre-Show
The other night, I was watching, Raw and saw a baby/toddler right up in the front of the ring. I don’t understand why parents feel the need to bring there babies to a live event.

When I went to a smackdown event with my nephew who was 7 we were somewhat in the middle and the fireworks were so loud that I had to cover his ears. I don’t mind bringing kids but if a 7 year finds the fireworks loud, imagine what that poor baby went through and they were right in the front Row.

I just hope they brought ear plugs.

Why does WWE allow parents to bring there babies to a event?

Some people just shouldn’t be parents.

Also if they can afford to go to a live event, I think they can afford a babysitter.
First of all, it's "their" not "there". Get a brain.

Second of all, congratulations, you just won the "Most Random Topic Ever" award.

And third of all - I totally agree. As you said, it's pretty loud. People are screaming all the time, chances are it'll cry its ass off.

That would be so funny, though. Some baby weeping itself to dehydration during the show.
Hey man its not the most random topic ever so don't pay attention to these people. But hey i guess it all depends on where you sit.
Some people have to bring their kids if the don't have a baby sitter and kids get use to sounds with time. Who knows maybe that kid was ok about the whole thing. But if the kid is crying non stop then I have a problem with people not doing anything with their kid as the just ignore them. So if the kid is fine with it all then I say bring them. But if the kid is going to cry then you need to sit back a little bit and not at ring side.
Do I agree with it? Hell no. Does that stop people from doing it? Absolutely not. It is an idiotic thing for these young parents who are die hard fans to bring infants and toddlers to the show because I don't think that these young babies if you will could handle the noise and other exciting things around them. I just kind of makes you feel bad watching it doesn't it? These parents are die hard wrestling fans who want to share their love with their babies I guess, thats the only other reason i can think of them brining infants to live, I can be optimistic and say they couldn't find a babysitter for the evening.

It is wrong and some parents are idiots these days, but it is their own right to bring their kids or even babies I guess to these shows. I don't agree with it but there is nothing prohibiting them from doing so no matter how "unreal" or "not right" it is. We can't really stop what these people are doing. Maybe arenas and stadiums will enforce a no infants policy, but since that isn't in effect anywhere to my knowledge this will continue to happen unfortunately.
The other night, I was watching, Raw and saw a baby/toddler right up in the front of the ring. I don’t understand why parents feel the need to bring there babies to a live event.

When I went to a smackdown event with my nephew who was 7 we were somewhat in the middle and the fireworks were so loud that I had to cover his ears. I don’t mind bringing kids but if a 7 year finds the fireworks loud, imagine what that poor baby went through and they were right in the front Row.

I just hope they brought ear plugs.

Why does WWE allow parents to bring there babies to a event?

Some people just shouldn’t be parents.

Also if they can afford to go to a live event, I think they can afford a babysitter.

Hell yeah! Ringside seats high as shit,they could have paid that lil white girl next door 20 dollars to watch that brat
If the kid is younger than like 5 then i believe they should not be brought... especially so close... the kids younger than 5 probably don't even know Whats going on. My first live event was when i was eight. I was fine.
I can understand some kids maybe like 3-4 youngest at most liking wrestling. My niece and nefew are that young and love certain superstars. But they don't comprehend the rest. I've seen other people bring like newborns to some WWE events, the tapings of RAW and SD, where they have the PYRO which is even jarring to me at 30 years old.
I’d say that as long as they are old enough to identify certain people, but I don’t see how a 1 year or 3 month old can identify his/her fave wrestler. That is just really pushing it. I’d like to see what the parents will spend money on since they seem to think that a baby will remember meeting John Cena or HHH. Chances are not. A toddler, probably a little more easier to remember, they will be able to see pictures and understand or comprehend going to a big event. I know my 3 year old niece goes to pro-Hockey events, and soccer games and met some of the LA Galaxy players and is able to remember the players she met. I think its just a matter of smarts, but then again, I know I’m such a mark for wrestling, I probably would want a wrestler to hold my baby given the chance when I have kids. I think it’s a matter of what you feel comfortable with, but you have to be ready for whatever re-percussions could be thrown at you. Just like when you take REAL little kids to a monster truck rally, there will be people asking “What are you doing bringing kids to this?”
Is it allowed? YES Do I Like it? NO. I believe that parents who are bringing their babies to these events are some what wasting their hard earned cash. Because most of the time when your parents or friends ask you if you remember anything about when you were a babie you usally answer No. What im saying is why spend money on something that the child may not remember.

I believe that this shouldn't be happening but hey we can't parent other peoples kids. It is their right and their choice to bring their kids to the events and i can see why. It would be a great experience for any kid to see WWE so thats what i agree with. But after all of what i said the easiest thing would be to get a babysitter but thats not my decision.
I haven't been to a live event in quite a while but I know that even when I was going the pyro was extremely loud no matter where you sat but especially loud when you were close to the ramp for obvious reasons.

I don't agree with bringing your toddler/baby to an event especially one that invloves fireworks or pyro. That's like taking your baby to a 4th of July fireworks show that somewhat enclosed. Granted, the pryo doesn't go off every 5 minutes or so, but the shock of hearing a large explosion in the confines of an arena can certainly do damage to under developed ears.

That being said, it's the parent's choice and they have every right to do so. This isn't how it was back in the 1980s when I first started to go to live events where there weren't pryos and rarely was there entrance music. The business has changed to a more Hollywood movie studio type situation, and granted while the pyro does have a tremendous impact on your hearing it's not as if it will be the cause of someone going deaf. I'm sure some of these parents yell & scream at their children in their own homes so they just might be used to it.

All and all it's upon the parent. If they choose to bring a child to an event, then they must know the pros and cons of such decisions. And if the building managers allow babies (although the probability of a baby coming an event is pretty low, all things considered) then that's on that building manager too. You start to get into discrimination when you tell a person, hey, you're child can't come in but you can...That's where lawsuits start to occur.
I don't know, I think the company as the right to tell a parent that they can't bring there infants to a show if there are safety concerns.

The loud noise can do a lot of damage to the infants ears and should be looked after. If they parents wont look after there infants then someone has too. I think.
I love how people get on here and try to act like there so intelligent and smart.Correcting miss-spelled words,grammar,but none the less.I agree with you.Why would you bring your baby to a wwe event? They can barely hold attention to Television,why would you bring it to a large arena with pyro and entrance music that is loud as hell? I dont understand it.Oh and Zeven_Zion your a douche for coming on here thinking you can correct people because your SOOOOO intelligent.Your probably a 30 yr old cena fan,or a 12 yr old MIZ fan...Get a life.
I agree i went to RAW this past monday un Tulsa and there were quite a bit 1 to 5 and i couldnt believe it. When the pyro for RAW which was jarring to me at 15(but it was my first WWE show to). I mean like somone said if they can afford tickets they can afford a babysitter espically floor seats as the floor seats in Tulsa were $85. they can afford like $50 for a babysitter.
So do i agree with it NO Will it Stop people feom Doing itNO
When F'ing Cena came out i couldnt hear Sh*t i swear everybody in that D*mn building was cheering I think i might of been the only one who was booing that Sum of B*tch. I yelled out "CENA SUCKS" and i swear evey little kid who heard me gave me a go to hell look. I was cheering for Sheamus to kick Cena's ass and i was cheering for Nexus to until Chris Jericho came out to be on Cena's side because Jericho is my top Wrestler behind Christian. And i tryed to Start a Chant MIZ is Awesome but there were to many D*MN Kids and they hated MIZ and when he said he was cashing in MITB half of the kids didnt even know what he was talking about i swear they thought it actually had money in it:disappointed: dumb stupid little kids.
Perhaps they got the tickets on short notice, and they couldn't find a babysitter in time? Anyways who knows. But seriously, I wouldn't take a baby or even a toddler to a wrestling show because of safety concerns (i.e. loud noises), and with toddlers they probably wouldn't even sit still. With tickets being expensive these days it's best you get your money's worth by leaving the baby at home because if you don't you're gonna end up wasting time like calming a crying baby, or worse diaper changing, and I know no one would wanna go through that at a wrestling event.
Yeah. The potentially loud music might kill their ears and the crowd may result in you dropping them or losing them...but other than that...yes..its ok to bring your kids.
This seems to happen across the country. I went to SmackDown when it was in Cleveland, and the amount of parents who brought infants and toddlers truly surprised me and my wife. Having a young child just makes the experience more miserable for yourself, the child, and those around you. I think I must have heard a 2 year old cry to his dad and say "I wanna go home!" 10 times throughout the last hour of the 4 hour show. I have a 18 month old son and can't imagine ever bringing him to a live event, let alone WWE. I found a babysitter, and if I hadn't, I would have canceled my plans.

Being a die hard WWE/TNA fan is fine, hell we all are. However, being a parent should be your first concern. If you don't want to deal with making the choice of finding a babysitter so you can go to wrestling, then keep your damned legs closed or put a f**king rubber on!
Maybe they wanted to make it a family function, shit. Some people actually like spending time with their families. It's a proven fact. If they want to bring their kids, let them. Sure it might be unhealthy, but everything is unhealthy nowadays. Would you tell people not to bring their kids to a football or basketball game? Now I do believe that bringing infants is a terrible idea. My biggest point for this argument is that the infants don't give a flying fuck what's going on.

Oh and joeydice88, please shut up. I found so many errors in your statement. It's "you're", not "your". You are supposed to space after punctuation. You also ended your argument with a fallacy on somebody you've never met. How does him "thinking he's SOOOO intelligent" make him a "30 yr old Cena fan" or a "12 yr old MIZ fan"? Adding to that, more 12 year olds like Cena and more 30 year olds like the Miz. So please, respect others on the forums. Thank you.
Maybe they wanted to make it a family function, shit. Some people actually like spending time with their families. It's a proven fact. If they want to bring their kids, let them. Sure it might be unhealthy, but everything is unhealthy nowadays. Would you tell people not to bring their kids to a football or basketball game? Now I do believe that bringing infants is a terrible idea. My biggest point for this argument is that the infants don't give a flying fuck what's going on.

I don't mind children around, hell let them have fun and scream their lungs out for Cena if they want. Who can say we didn't scream our lungs out at their age for Hogan or Warrior or Austin?

Infants, whether you believe it or not, do give a flying fuck about what's going on around them. Loud noises (especially pyro/entrance themes) rattle them. They get dirty, hungry, tired, or maybe just fed up, and then they let their parents know about the discomfort the only way they know: crying. If the infant isn't asleep, good luck holding a baby still for 3-4 hours without getting him/her to cry about something. Parents should just make the decision to leave their babies with a babysitter, and if not possible, suck it up and pass on the WWE event until next time.
It's the same to me when parents bring kids to the movies. The sounds are louder than I remember them. Prolly due to digital enhancements or whatever. I dunno.. But, really, I can't even stand being in a theater without thinking WTF?! when I see people bringing in newborns and infants, let alone to a live event like the WWE. Once I left a movie early and got a refund because I couldn't enjoy the movie due to constant screeching.

I like to think I have the patience to ignore it considering I have to hear kids and babies screaming at the top of their lungs and causing all sorts of havoc at work, but apparently it doesn't translate well to my off time. :icon_neutral:

Slightly OT, but to the last event I went to, I would have rather heard babies cry instead of the fanboys who kept chanting "Russian Leg Sweep!" through out every. Single. Match. And even when the wrestlers did the sweep, they'd still chant it! I wanted to throttle them.
yeah well when i was watching the TLC 2009 ppv when cena lost the WWE title to sheamus i saw a baby like 2 or 3 years old carried by someone sad and tearing over john cena, lol i mean seriously, a baby crying cause cena lost to sheamus, anyways you make a really good point, but then again it is pg so i guess the parents just think what the hell.
When F'ing Cena came out i couldnt hear Sh*t i swear everybody in that D*mn building was cheering I think i might of been the only one who was booing that Sum of B*tch. I yelled out "CENA SUCKS" and i swear evey little kid who heard me gave me a go to hell look. I was cheering for Sheamus to kick Cena's ass and i was cheering for Nexus to until Chris Jericho came out to be on Cena's side because Jericho is my top Wrestler behind Christian. And i tryed to Start a Chant MIZ is Awesome but there were to many D*MN Kids and they hated MIZ and when he said he was cashing in MITB half of the kids didnt even know what he was talking about i swear they thought it actually had money in it:disappointed: dumb stupid little kids.

Wow you clearly are the epitome of a normal IWC fan b/c I could understand some Cena hate but to insult the man by calling him curse words is just going to far and there's no need to insult the kids BTW but then again you are a "true wrestling fan"

But I believe the age limit for bringing a kid/toddler to any sports event should be around 5-7 b/c of the loud noises and flashy fireworks can put some serious damage on a child that young who has very sensitive eyes and ears at this point in their life, so I really believe that parents should leave their infants at home.
Not much you can do man, my first live event was maybe 2001 and I was 4, people are just dipshits. But why wuld the WWE gie a fuck? This is good, I mean theres a slight chance the baby may become a fan, because I became awrestling fan when I was two, infact I remember my first match from 1999, it was The Rock vs. Triple Hin a bul rope match or something...

But yes, parents should smarten up.
Interesting Topic. First off, my mom brought me to a bunch of awesome places when I was young (Paramount, CN Tower, Canada's Wonderland, several concerts for kids) and I don't remember a single one of them, and I was probably crying the whole time. I think it's a waste to bring a kid to a WWE event because

a) they won't remeber a thing and would rather be brought when they are old enough to remember

b) they will bry for half of teh event, and WWE usually being a 3-4 hour event, that is alot of crying and alot of pissed off people

c) like others have said, they pyro, lights and crowd can't be healthy for the child. If i were a baby at a WWE event, i would be crying my eyes out the second it started, especially if there was a guest host for the night.

So parents should either get a babysitter or stay home. Why ruin a great event for friends, yourself and everyone around you.
I have to kinda agree that even though babies are allowed, some parents need to be careful, hell i wouldn't take a baby because the baby will be screaming in MY ears...But the pyros do go off loud don't they!!

How old was this baby??
I dont think babies should be brought to a live WWE show, it just isnt suitable for them and they are too young to even know what is going on. All that would happen is that they would be scared by the pyro

A kid of about 8? That is fine to me in PG era WWE, maybe not in the Attitude era, but now I wouldnt have a problem with it
Wow some of you are complete idiots.

Anyway, I took my little girl to her first live event when she was 5 - A Raw taping. She didn't really like it, but I think that was more due to the tall man sat in front of her, and seeing more on TV. Fireworks are usually an issue for her but she didn't seem very bothered about them, although that could be due to being quite far away from it.

I don't think young children should be banned from WWE shows by management, I just think parents should think responsibly about it. If you have a child that gets scared by large, loud places, think twice about taking them. If they're a newborn having them surrounded by such loud noises probably isn't a great idea. Some young children quite obviously enjoy the show, if the WWE were to ban this what age would we be looking at banning? Some 3 year olds may love the show and have a great time, others may be scared and become annoying to others.

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