Bring back an Old Schooler?


Championship Contender
I was watching some Old School WWF and it got me thinking about when WWE bought Tatanka back for a short while a few years back. I decided to start a series of threads in which I list some Old School/Ex WWF Wrestlers and if you would be so kind..let me know which one you would bring back if you had the power and what would you do with them in the current WWE Era as in fueds, Championship runs etc...

Just imagine they are in their prime..does not really matter it's just fantasy.

So my first batch of Old School Wrestlers are as follows:

1. Papa Shango

2. Hulk Hogan

3. Psycho Sid

4. Mankind

5. Dynamite Kid
Haha.... bring back papa shango and team with boogeyman......I think since tag division needs a shot in the arm y not right? I think Sid and a pre foot fetish snitsky would be a good team too
I am a big Mick Foley fan so Mankind is deffinitely my pick here. I would love to see Mankind in his prime, once again. I think Foley can cut some epic promos and a feud with Cm Punk would be a great choice. Think about all the promos and all of the brutal matches they could have. We could even have a Mankind/Mysterio mask vs. mask match with Foley working heel. Sure everyone knows Foley is Mankind but if he lost he could never wear the mask again, thus the Mankind character would pretty much come to an abrupt end.
Bring back Bad News Brown and have him wipe the floor with the Miz. I would LOVE to see Bad News take a buzzer and cut off all the hair or just straight up beat the crap out of him.

Bring back Tito Santana and make him the common Mexican man, have him feud with the rich Alberto Del Rio and have him steal his riches and such.

Bring back Brian Pillman and show every single one of the "heels" what a heel is SUPPOSED to be.

I am talking dierctly to Dolph Ziggler, Drew Maccintyre, Wade Barrett, and The Miz.
bring back the creepy goldust i loved him when he did that gimmick that was awesome, the goldust of a couple of years ago i did not like he was the funny one.

bring back haas and benjamin to give the tag team division someone credible
I am a big Mick Foley fan so Mankind is deffinitely my pick here. I would love to see Mankind in his prime, once again. I think Foley can cut some epic promos and a feud with Cm Punk would be a great choice. Think about all the promos and all of the brutal matches they could have. We could even have a Mankind/Mysterio mask vs. mask match with Foley working heel. Sure everyone knows Foley is Mankind but if he lost he could never wear the mask again, thus the Mankind character would pretty much come to an abrupt end.
I too would like to see Mankind back in the WWE. Even now is past his prime I would love Foley to come back as the RAW GM or something but an in prime Mankind would be amazing. Yeah, I think he could work well with CM would be a bit like his fued with Ken Shamrock. I would like to see him take on The Undertakers streak at Wrestlemania seeing as they had some great matches but never at Wrestlemania. He could help put somebody like Wade Barrett or Del Rio over has a major heel by taking big bumps in some hardcore type matches like he did with Edge. Same thing with The Miz.. a Mankind Vs The Miz fued for the WWE Title would be great..could even lead to The Miz and heel turn Cena Vs Rock and Sock at next years Royal Rumble..ha.

Wrestling89 and Biggshow you missed the point of my thread..ah well.
I know the original question is one wrestler. But I'd rather bring back a gimmick. And that gimmick being Right to Censor. Just IMAGINE a group formed to help enforce the PG rating of WWE's current image. Immediate heat and hatred would come from pretty much anyone who knew what wrestling was like before it got completely PG. Or i'm sorry, ENTERTAINMENT. Which could be a perfect line for them to pull out. Constantly use the term entertainment in place of any term to describe wrestling or even the old days. Imagine them referring to Bruno Sammartino as the top entertainer in the entertainment business back in his day. Or Stone Cold and his brawling style of entertainment hurting the true art of entertainment. They would get completely sh*t on by the fans.

But to answer the actual question, I think 3-5 (Sid, Foley, & Kid) could work in today's era. Papa and his over the top gimmick would get booed terribly and today's society could care less for a middle aged bald guy telling everyone to eat their vitamins and say their prayers. Sid could just work the big guy thing, Mankind I think would have to take the same path of focusing on the psychotic thing until the fans got to know Foley. Then he could be all "Have a nice day choking on my c*ck sock". And I think Dynamite Kid would just be insanely over with Indy fans and could work quite well with the CM Punk's and Daniel Bryan Danielson's of the WWE roster.
I know he had a short comeback, but one Legend who I would like to see on a regular basis would be my all-time favourite, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat.

Firstly, the guy can still go, as evidenced by the chants of "You've still got it!" when he fought in the WM25 match against Chris Jericho two years ago. He could also bring it at their match at "Backlash" a month later.

I initially thought that, if "The Dragon" made a comeback, today's fans would boo him, as he was a classic, polite, babyface. I am glad to see that even today's fans can appreciate Steamboat's greatness.

Also, Steamboat is the greatest WWF/E superstar never to have held the WWF/E or World Title. If he came back, a short stint as champion, to further a feud with an up-and-comer would be great.

I also heard that a future season of NXT is themed by sons of Legends being mentored by their famous fathers. I heard one contestant is Richie Steamboat, the son of Ricky Steamboat, who "The Dragon" will train on the show. I would like to see Richie win, and then come to WWE, with his father at ringside as his manager. I even think that, if Richie shows his father's talent in the ring, that they should do a storyline where Randy Orton tries to recruit Richie to be part of the new "Legacy". "The Dragon" warns his son against joining, but eventually Richie is tempted to the dark side. Ricky won't fight his son, but Richie provokes him, and eventually Steamboat makes the heart-breaking decision to fight his only son, in a first- the first-time ever that father versus son at Wrestlemania! If Richie is up to it, that match would be awesome, and would tell a good story.

But I don't think Steamboat would agree to a full-time comeback, as he seems content to teach today's stars, and help their careers instead.
If I could bring back any old-schooler, it would be The British Bulldog

Davey Boy was excellent in the ring in his prime, had an awesome look and gimmick and would be able to align with his son DH Smith, and the pair could become the 1st ever Father and Son team to hold the Tag-Team Titles.

Davey and Harry could bring back Bret Hart, and convince Tyson Kidd to put aside his differences with Harry and also get Natalya to link up with them, forming the final incarnation of the Hart Foundation. Another addition to the group would be Teddy Hart (if he could behave himself)

At Survivor Series, the team would take on the top heels on Raw in a 6-on-6 elimination style match, with Bulldog and Bret leading the team. However, until this part, the Hart Foundation only has 5 male members....untill CHRIS JERICHO is announced as the final member of the team as he has connections to the famous Hart dungeon. Obviously the Foundation would win the match.

Now, if Bulldog was in his prime he would be certain to be in the US or Intercontinental title picture, and probably competing for the World Title also. He should have held it when he was in the WWE so if he was still with us and in his prime I would definitely give him a shot at the big belt.

WWE has never had an English World Champion. Davey Boy Smith should have been the first, and if I had my way he would have been

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