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Brie Vs Nikki: The worst part of an already weak RAW.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I didn't really like Raw (8/25), but for me the show killer was the segment involving the Bella twins. This storyline with Brie has gone back and forth between being interesting and boring. It started off nicely when Brie slapped Steph, then turned tedious when week after week Stephanie would abuse Nikki, then got amusingly stupid with the arrest, but finally reached its awesome peek when Brie started to get revenge. Then it turned stupid once more when the whole 'affair' thing happened. Yet it lead to shockingly solid match- considering who is involved- at Summerslam. The ending was predictable, but it was understandable.

I didn't mind the first post-Summerslam segment, but dear Lord, this next one blew hard. Part of the problem is that it's being kind of predictable with Nikki claiming that Brie held her back. But even worse, Brie is not a good actress. Nikki did fine because she was just delivering a normal promo, but Brie's crying was...well, awful. It also represents why I can't stand the Diva division. This is too much of a soap opera for my tastes. I want brawls, not tears. If the Uso's were going through this same kind of break-up, would the face be crying? No, they'd be exchanging punches in about 10 seconds. But apparently female wrestlers prefer talking...and pulling hair. Hey, I'm not sexist. That's what the WWE is telling me. Ugh, and it took forever to get itself over with too.

Everyone will likely complain about Cena beating the crap out of Bray (Brock Lesnar style) when it came to Raw (8/25), but is that going to effect your interest in the feud? Even though I'm concerned for the Wyatt's and their sudden string of losses, I still will eagerly await the Lesnar-Cena rematch. But this last bit between Brie and Nikki has killed off whatever interest I had in the feud. I'll do what I used to do and fast forward through their segments.

Am I alone in this? Did you like their bit? Or were you as bored as me? I can't be alone, as the crowd seemed disinterested in it as well. lol.
That whole segment between the sisters along with Jerry Lawler looked like something right outta that Love & Hip-Hop show on VH1. Straight up drama. Maybe it was a nod to the show since their in the same timeslot. Anyways, that segment looked like trash TV in it's self. The overacting is always too much. But Brie Bella sure can take a beating though. And I almost felt sorry for the King being in the middle of it all. But all in all, I'm against this feud. Because it doesn't come off as reality. It comes off as an act by two sisters who can't act.
oh god why these people always wining and complaining about wwe. If you wont like then dont watch that show. So many people told they are done. But next week they watch the show. So dont judge the show. You are not capable to judge the show.
oh god why these people always wining and complaining about wwe. If you wont like then dont watch that show. So many people told they are done. But next week they watch the show. So dont judge the show. You are not capable to judge the show.

Huh? I said I was done with the feud, not the show. Who is...er, as you word it: "Capable to judge the show."? If fans aren't qualified to complain or critique, then does that mean that we aren't allowed to do the same towards movies? Someone needs to seriously alert the internet to this new rule, because I'm sure 75% of it is currently dedicated to movie reviews. I guess we can't say anything critical towards politics, religion, social issues or internet topics.

You are not capable to judge the post.
The segment itself? Not the worst I've ever seen, not by a long shot, especially after the whole Daniel Bryan/physiotherapist cheating angle which was just disgustingly bad. But the storyline in general just doesn't do it for me at all. I take issue with the fact that this takes the spot as lead storyline in the Divas division over AJ and Paige who are fighting over the strap. I'm old school, I want the title to almost always be the backbone of a strong feud. I'm not saying eliminate non-title storylines, of course not. But it irritates me that young, talented women who can get the job done in the ring are kind of the afterthought to a sister cat-fight and crocodile tears.
No, they'd be exchanging punches in about 10 seconds. But apparently female wrestlers prefer talking...and pulling hair.

Well, yes. That's sort of the way I figured it, too: women wouldn't be as quick to brawl as guys, while guys don't pull hair like girls. Nothing terrible there.

A bigger problem in this feud has been the repetitiveness of the damn replays. I was ready to scream if I saw Brie slap Stephanie one more time.....first a replay of the slap.... then the slap in slow motion....then the slap 6 times in rapid-fire. When that got nauseating enough, they were ready for the next segment, and we now had to watch Stephanie slapping Brie. Ugh.

On the other hand, the idea of Stephanie McMahon being the catalyst that led us to a dispute between the twins was rather well done, especially since Steph was willing to step in the ring to cement her involvement with the whole mess. Brings to a head the boss's credo: "I won't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do myself." Go, Steph.

Now, we're finally down to the Bellas'. The people posting in this topic who are waiting for an actual series of matches are gonna get them. As I said, that women are slower to get physical than men seems right to me. But now, we're getting down to clobberin' time and we'll see what kind of ring chemistry two identical human beings can bring.

It's too long in coming, but I'm still interested.
oh god why these people always wining and complaining about wwe. If you wont like then dont watch that show. So many people told they are done. But next week they watch the show. So dont judge the show. You are not capable to judge the show.

That's why we exist to judge what's going on in the WWE, and as a woman I feel totally capable to judge this shitshow of a feud between these two.

While it's not the worst I've seen on the WWE, it's comes pretty close to it. No one gives a rat's ass about the Bella twins, and their idiotic issues, and it was a show killer. The best part was the right hook delivered to Lawler by Nikki Bella, that made me laugh out loud.

Ever since this thing started I've thought it was a premise to keep Danial Bryan relevant while he's off TV. I feel sorry for the poor man. He worked his ass off for almost a year, went through hell to win the titles, and then had to have surgery. Now this is the only way to keep him relevant. Jesus Christ he must be sitting there thinking what the hell are they doing.

I was watching the crowd and the kids looks confused, the woman embarrassed and the men where like WTF. It was God awful and should never have happened.

The best part of RAW last night was the eulogy that was interrupted by Reigns, really thought Ambrose would be hiding inside the podium, and the Reigns/Rollins match. It appears Reigns is much better in shorter matches and did okay for himself. Loved it when he clotheslined Kane out of the ring and pulled Rollins over the top rope.

Worst part was the aforementioned Bella bullshit, I won't even call it acting, and the Kane habit of interfering in every match he can.
I might be in the minority here but, in all honesty, I kinda liked it. Neither of them are particularly talented actresses but every so often, I enjoy a little melodrama that's overly done. The overall storyline is something almost right out of a soap opera, which is generally pretty lousy itself, but I don't really mind it here. We know they're extremely close in real life, we've seen WWE use that as part of their gimmick since they first arrived, and I like the notion of them finally doing something with some level of freshness with them.

I thought the "I wish you died in the womb" line was great, over the top, cheesy drama, but it was also fitting. Nobody's really gonna buy into the notion of Brie being a "bad twin" or anything in the long run, but there's enough meat here to give this feud legs for a month or two. As long as they don't drag this out for the rest of the year, it could be okay.

I think part of the problem we have with this sort of angle, at least this is something I've noticed about myself and from some others, is that we view female drama in pro wrestling, or in general, as generally less serious, even a bit tongue-in-cheek to a degree. For instance, in our society, what's the sort of reaction we men tend to have when two attractive women are in the middle of a heated argument or physical altercation? We react with cat calls, whistles, screams of "take it off", even a few hardcore rebel yells here & there, etc. Take the situation with AJ and Paige as there's some kinda sorta subtle lesbian subtext going on. Listen to the response Paige gets when she sensuously crawls atop a prone Diva before laying into her with a series of head butts. Even a lot of other women view it as something that's generally not as serious when compared to stuff with men. I think it boils down to good old fashioned societal gender roles where issues between men are more anticipated. After all, when most of us men see two other guys going at it over something, there's nothing sexual about it.

Also, generally speaking, we're not all that used to seeing Divas have feuds with actual storylines. AJ's "crazy chick" stuff was the first real story with any degree of relevance we've seen with a woman in WWE in quite some time. If you count her current feud with Paige, her past feud with Kaitlyn, Stephanie's feud with Brie Bella and the Bella Twins' current program, they've really been the only interesting stuff we've seen with Divas in years.
It wasn't that bad. I enjoyed some of the crap that Nikki spewed. She has some decent lines. We just need to get to the point where Brie stops whining and crying. She is not a good actress or a sympathetic character enough for us to buy it. Hopefully she will accept her sister's betrayal and we can move on to a proper feud and match. I would like for the sisters to have something on the line. Like the loser has to change their appearance or name. Or maybe the winner gets their theme music (or the loser gets stuck with their theme music). Maybe if Nikki loses she has a wear a shirt with a picture of Daniel Bryan on it for a month

I was kind of shocked by Nikki's line about fans wanting to get with twins but they were not good enough for that. It made me think that Nikki was saying that there are some men good enough for that. Then I looked in the mirror and felt sad.
The one-liners you can grab from this feud for this is brilliant, i honestly was shocked when Nikki said she'd have wanted Brie to die in the womb. Nikki going off at the people that fantasise over the the whole twin 3some thing was gold

But lets be honest, the acting performances we're seeing show why the two had to come crawling back to the wwe.
I didn't enjoy it and it was my bathroom break, but it's not worth complaining about. Some people as we have seen in this thread or other places either enjoyed it or thought the Bellas did good jobs in their roles. No I didn't like it, but there are other parts of RAW I don't like and when those come on I do something else until a segment or match comes on I am interested in.

Now don't get me wrong, I used to come on here post, do a live discussion and have been very vocal of things I do or don't like, but I figured it's not worth it. Far too often I read online and just seem to notice all the negative things about WWE or pro wrestling in general that fans point out and not too often about the good things. At the end of the day WWE is a TV show, entertainment. It's like watching How I Met Your Mother or True Blood any kind of show. There's going to be episodes or parts of an episode where you just arent interested in, but you will keep coming back because you love the show and want to see what else they can come up with for next time.

Point is, it is pretty pointless to be annoyed by something on WWE because for one, what might not interest you will interest other people, and what interests you might not interest other people. So just let it be and focus on why you watch and enjoy your favorite moments. Something comes on you don't want to watch? Just go to the bathroom, heat up some nachos, go for a walk then when something comes on you are interested in, it's back to the show and all is right in your world.
Nikki was awesome, but Brie sealed her fate. Nikki's gonna get the push and Brie will have to be replaced by a more competent talker and actor going forward.
Wow, I might be the ONLY one from what I've heard so far who actually liked that segment... Honestly, I don't know what was wrong with it. Sure Brie's sad-sad face may have been a little cringe worthy but man did Nikki show me something with her promo. GREAT heel promo imo. I don't agree with you saying the crowd was disinterested as imo Nikki was doing a great job of heaping heat on herself and putting herself over as a massive bitch... I thought it was one of the best segments of the show, crowd reaction wise. I really didn't expect all the hate from the IWC for that segment. I'm interested to see where this goes, but it seems I'm the only one or in the VAST minority.

This is not directed at the OP at all, but I feel like some people are just shitting on the program because the Bella's are involved. It's kind of like John Cena in the way that he can do no right in the eyes of the IWC. The Bella's can do no right in the eyes of the IWC. If that segment involved Paige and AJ, everybody would be squirting themselves right now.
The segment itself? Not the worst I've ever seen, not by a long shot, especially after the whole Daniel Bryan/physiotherapist cheating angle which was just disgustingly bad. But the storyline in general just doesn't do it for me at all. I take issue with the fact that this takes the spot as lead storyline in the Divas division over AJ and Paige who are fighting over the strap. I'm old school, I want the title to almost always be the backbone of a strong feud. I'm not saying eliminate non-title storylines, of course not. But it irritates me that young, talented women who can get the job done in the ring are kind of the afterthought to a sister cat-fight and crocodile tears.

I don't know why people continue to go on about this like it was "real". What I mean by that was, the fans weren't "supposed" to think that Bryan really did have an affair, or even wonder if he did.

First, it wasn't an "angle". It was on one episode of Raw as a part of that angle. It was a small piece to the angle and served as a way for Stephanie to goad Brie into flipping out so she would get arrested, giving Stephanie revenge for the one thing Brie had gotten the best of her on.

Brie even said in a promo that Stephanie had paid the therapist off to go along with it.......which is what the fans were supposed to think all along.

Internet Wrestling fans are making WAY too big of a deal out of that.
Like I said in the LD, the worst part of that segment was reading a bunch of sheep's comments about how terrible it was. :disappointed:

Here's the thing, if you see a preview for a segment you're sure you're not going to like, and then you watch the segment in that frame of mind, you're going to think it's awful rather it really is or not. :shrug:

I'm no huge fan of either Bellas, but I am invested in the program because I do find it entertaining, last night was no exception. Some people didn't like the womb comment, and because most Bella haters have the attention span of a fruit fly, they didn't bother waiting for it to come around to Nikki claiming that they weren't holding hands but instead it was Brie holding her back! That was a very good line, especially for it not to be the main point.

Tying in Total Divas with Nikki saying she was so sick of Brie's save the earth crap was a good line as well, since if you watched there was an episode arc centering around Brie fat shaming Nikki for not being green. Now obviously TD and WWE are not going to match up exactly, and anyone who can't grasp that that's because TD is filmed months in advance while the E is live every week and can change stories up until 7:59, well that's beyond the help I can offer.

The ending with Nikki bringing up the main point about Brie abandoning her for Bryan's sake was good as well, and I really do wish people would stop claiming to have "called" this coming. Stephanie was dropping hints like bombs for weeks about this, so try not to sound too proud buds. This is the meat on the bone that can keep D-Bry's name relevant for the remainder of this feud and it's honestly a good point for Nikki to be arguing.

The beat down started off meh, but got better with Nikki slapping King and starting to hit Brie with the mic. That doesn't happen to often, and it really sounds good no matter how hard you're actually hitting. So top to bottom I give this segment a B+ (see what I did there? ;))

Ok in all actuality it's more of a C+ to B-. :)
The segment was rather awful. Nikki was better on the mic than I expected her to be, but not enough to make me care about this feud. At least when Stephanie McMahon was going to face Brie Bella we had someone in the match who could wrestle. Brie remains as horrible as ever and I dread the "match" that this may lead to. As long as they have their match on Raw or Smackdown and not waste a PPV match spot that should go to wrestlers who can actually work a match. I'll give them credit for this though.... WWE were smart enough to make Nikki do most of the talking. The less we see of Brie, whether in the ring or on the mic, the better.
This segment did not bother me that much. The only that that could be worked on is Brie's acting. Nikki got her part down perfectly.

It actually sets me thinking for a while. Shouldn't twins be alike? If Nikki is good at acting, than shouldn't Brie be good at it as well? Unless... Nikki is acting out a character than she can relates to, whereas Brie is acting out a character she couldn't relate to? Well, whatever...
this feud is making me hate daniel bryan. he's guilty by association and this storyline is arguably the worst and most boring one ive seen in years. i simply do not care, and do not want to see it on my tv for so much time each week. it was good with stephanie because shes a great heel, but nikki is monotone and brie is genuinely terrible, elicits no sympathy and cant act
This segment did not bother me that much. The only that that could be worked on is Brie's acting. Nikki got her part down perfectly.

It actually sets me thinking for a while. Shouldn't twins be alike? If Nikki is good at acting, than shouldn't Brie be good at it as well? Unless... Nikki is acting out a character than she can relates to, whereas Brie is acting out a character she couldn't relate to? Well, whatever...

Admittedly I haven't seen much of the Bella's work outside of this segment, but I haven't noticed anything too terrible about Brie's promo abilities. Cena isn't much of an actor, but he's great on the mic. If the roles were switched, I doubt Nikki would do any better shedding those tears.
One of the worst actings ever.

Brie Bella even laughed a little under the promo, when she was on the floor. She was smiling.

She could barely stay in character.

It was just horrible. Please stop with this bad acting and feuds. It's embarrasing.

And the only respond from the fans is when they say "Bitch". It's ******ed.
I'm enjoying the feud, you have to give the Bella's some credit. They both have improved in the ring and on the mic and both have done there part in helping carry the story line. I thought there segment was the best part Raw and Nikki cut a decent promo. I like that they are investing in The Divas division and actually giving a story line and a build to the matches. I think the match will get a decent reaction at Night of Champions.
While I do agree that this isn't a great segment I don't see it as this bad. Let's face it, did we expect a great wrestling feud? No. Did we expect great acting? No. Did we expect a spectacle? No. What we got is twins fighting and it's not as bad to me as to other people. This feud serves a purpose, it kills a tag team(WWE love doing this), changes the main focus of Total Divas and hopefully sets up feuds later down the line. Dare I say the writing has been decent with some questionable word choices(the womb? Who says that?), some decisions have been odd(having the Bella family be recorded to make stupid lines). But it is decent. If this is the worst part of Raw I'm happy :p

You know right now there are 2 divas feuds, and only 1 is for the title. Yea Nikki is in the match but still. I think people are putting too much on this feud. Going in we knew it was gonna suck and it's not sucking as bad as I thought it would. Nikki's vignettes talking about Brie asking her to take her test for her, crashing the car they shared and taking the guy she liked. It pulls me in. Face it, the moment it was revealed there was two of them you expected a feud and it's not that bad. WWE pulling Jerry Springer in to spice it up a bit.

Now for everyone complaining that they haven't fought yet, Kane debuted in October of 1997 and Taker didn't hit him until Wrestlemania of the following year. So whats the difference?

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