
Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, at first when I heard about this movie when it first released, I thought by the title that it would just be another stupid chick flick. I went to the theaters to see it, and couldn't stop laughing. Has anyone else seen it? In my opinion, this is funnier than any other movie I have ever seen.

Here is one of my many favorite scenes.


Ever since I first watched this movie, I watch it like 2 times a week. It is by far the best comedy movie I have ever seen.

What are your thoughts on this movie?
Yes, I adamantly disagree. The film was okay at best. It has some funny scenes, but overall was completely overrated. I like Kristen Wigg but she was beyond obnoxious throughout this film. Maya Rudolph pisses me off. John Hamm was hilarious but his part was to small. The fat chick was the best part, no argument about her being the only saving grace of this film. The jokes have been done before and the plot is stale. It's the woman equivalent of The Hangover without even an ounce of the awesomeness. So, in conclusion, I didn't hate this film but I certainly don't agree with all the people who loved it. Clearly they are brain dead and don't understand that it was merely above average. No where close to the best comedy ever.
Just watched this movie like 2 nights ago, I found it very underwhelming, & just depressing at moments, Kristen Wiig's characters makes me want to fucking kill myself, she's not funny so much as she is just sad in this. I kept hearing people praise this movie & say it was the funniest movie of the year, it's the best comedy since Hangover, yadda yadda yadda, they were all wrong. I won't say this movie sucked it's just not as funny as it most people were claiming it was. Sure it had it's moments, like the dressing fitting scene, & the scenes with the brides father (that guy killed it btw & shoulda had more scenes in the movie) were funny, outside of that I really didn't find myself laughing at anything else in the movie, just watching as it dragged on. This movie is nowhere near as good as The Hangover, which is an insanely overrated movie in it's own right, which actually made me legit LOL through out the whole thing (the first time I saw it any way). Bridesmaids is average at best, could have been made much more entertaining had literally every decent gag in the movie not been shown in the god damn trailer.
I will admit that this movie was not what I expected and alot funnier than I thought it would be but this movie cannot truthfully be called the best comedy since The Hangover, give me a fuckin break. I had that same idea everyone else had about this being a chick flick, but my fiance dragged me to the theatre to see it and I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't Sex and The City that's for sure, it had plenty of good humor and made me laugh more than I thought I would. The highlight of the movie was definitely the heavier chick who's name I cannot remember but she was hilarious, when she jacked the puppies from the bachelorette's party I was laughin pretty hard. But I have to agree with justin that Kristin Wiig's character was really bad and I did not enjoy it at all, I get that she's supposed to be so pathetic it's funny but it was just plain pathetic without the funny. Overall it wasnt bad but this movie has gone from being looked at as just another chick flick to the best movie ever, find a nice middle group there and I'll second it.
I was pleasantly surprised with the writing for Bridesmaids. Kirsten Wiig just may have a future as a screenwriter. That being said, this film's direction was abominable. Bridesmaids was like one of those shitty 90s comedies with SNL cast members but just with a very good script. Whoever directed Bridesmaids isn't even fit to be a cameraman at a public access channel.
I didn't want to take a chance on this. I went in this film with a very negative mindset, and I actually tried to hate this, because I thought Bridesmaids would be another shitty Hollywood chick flick, but I was pleasantly surprised by this.

Bridesmaids isn't your typical chick flick, and this film does feature some vulgar and raunchy humor. This film did entertain me for the most part, and I did laugh at times. I did enjoy Bridesmaids, but when it comes to the overrated status, I strongly agree with majority in this thread. I really can't understand the overwhelming amount of positive praise for this film, and I really can't understand the praise for Kristen Wiig here. At times, she DID make me laugh, but she could also be very annoying, and some of her over the top antics drove me nuts. Wiig did bring some laughs out of me, but for me, her performance wasn't the shinning beacon of light here. Indyjon and JWGunslinger mentioned the fat chick, and she definitely provided the show stealing performance here.

I did enjoy Bridesmaids, but this film really isn't that good. For some asinine reason, the critics have fallen in love with this film and Kristen Wiig's "outstanding performance." Bridesmaids is an enjoyable comedy, but as far as quality goes, I thought this one was slightly above average.

Bridesmaids wasn't bad, and this film did give me another excuse to look at Rose Byrne for over an hour, so I can't complain too much.
I watched this last night and really did not like it at all.

I usually don't have high expectations going into comedies, but with all the praise this movie got, I was certain it was going to be hilarious and heartfelt. Instead, it was annoying and awkward.

The ONLY movie I've seen pull off awkwardness into genuine comedy is Cyrus, and even that film overdid it at times. But Bridesmaids took it to a whole new level. Awkward is NOT funny. For example, take that god awful speech at the engagement party that lasted forever... there was NOTHING funny about that. It was just uncomfortable. Why is feeling uncomfortable supposed to equal funny?

And I really like Kristin Wiig, but she tried way too hard in this film. Nearly everything she did felt forced. In fact, the only girl who felt natural was the fat woman from Mike & Molly, and even then... her jokes were lame and uninspired.

Plus, I thought Wiig was a coward for wearing a bra during the sex scenes. I mean, not to be a nude hound or anything, but really? It was so fucking out-of-place for her to be wearing a bra in those scenes with Jon Hamm, especially when this is supposed to be a raunchy comedy.

Just an awful movie all around. Perhaps the most overrated comedy of all time considering its ratings from critics.

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