Brian Kendrick Gone From TNA?


I was surfing the net a little while ago and ran across an article saying that the profile of former TNA X Divisiion Champion Brian Kendrick has been removed from the TNA website. Kendrick hasn't seen the light of day on TNA television for several months now and the removal of his profile from is a strong indicator that he & TNA have parted ways. At the same time, I'm wondering if they just might be moving Kendrick over to the Ring Ka King promotion in India.

Either way, I can't say I'll be sorry to see him gone. His character in TNA just never clicked with me. If anything, he just made me want to change the channel more often than not.
I had a feeling that this was going to happen because he hasn't been on tv and they are bringing these new X Division guys on tv to work with Austin Ares. I don't think the fans ever got behind Kendrick. He had a gimmick that was so hard for the fans to buy into. I am sure the TNA office looks at him and wonder why he wasn't getting over as they thought. I think from the time he won the X Division title and after he lost it, I think they realize that they weren't going to use him a lot. Let's face it, nobody was talking about him for a while.

I bet there will be reports that he asked to be release because he knew they weren't going to use him or TNA felt after seeing him lose the title he was just not the guy for the company and probably will say he was too small for that company. I don't think he will be missed and can't say he will show up in WWE. I guess the only place he can go is ROH.
I think that sucks that he's gone. Can admit he wasn't really used much tho. Also he hasn't caught on with alot of people. Sucks for me tho, cause for some reason I really liked him. I enjoyed his time in the WWE as The Brian Kendrick and wish they woulda just ripped that off for tna. Oh well tho. Think Shawn Michaels trained him so maybe he can pull some strings and get him back in the WWE. Doubtful but a guy can dream
who? oh yeah that guy who looked like a bum and had pants like Aladdin.
no loss at all.
he should be thankful for his time there and that he was able to beat Abyss for the X title before losing it to Aries.
If Kendrick has sorted his substance stuff out, he is defo worth another WWE punt, especially with the new Cruisers around, he would have good matches with guys like Hunico, Gabriel and maybe even Sin Cara.

If he hasn't, then no chance... Especially as it looks like Bourne is on the outs... However, I do also think he and Big Zeke would also be interesting again, especially in the tag division.
Brian Kendrick always struck me as a guy who should be a much bigger name in wrestling than he actually is. I'm not talking world title caliber necessarily, but he should be much further from the periphery where he has always seemed to reside, both in WWE and TNA. He was essentially a Shawn Michaels understudy for crying out loud.

He's certainly not the biggest dog in the yard that's for sure. There are also quite a few cruiserweight / X division guys that seem to move around better. Nevertheless, Kendrick seemed as if he'd fit nicely into that "in between" role quite well with the right gimmick and enough dedication. He could straight up mat wrestle, but take to the air and pull off some daring stunts when need be. He has a decent look, but was always sorely in need of some better ring attire.

Despite the minor successes he had, I can't say that his departure from TNA (if this is in fact the case) is any surprise though. The "wizard of odd" gimmick wasn't terrible. In fact, it was more than WWE ever gave him, elevating him to a high profile singles role when he main evented that Destination X PPV vs. Abyss and came out on top. I think TNA made some mistakes when they tried to promote him as the face of the X division, but I also feel Kendrick failed to shine in the times that they did highlight him.

In the end, he became fodder for Aries very dominant and successful X Division title reign with not much else to do since he dropped the strap. He should probably get a shot over at Ring Ka King or even refine himself a bit over in OVW. Kendrick is still a young enough guy and I still believe there's potential there. However, I can't help but think that his time to establish himself as a player seems to be running out.

Maybe that's why TNA has seemingly cut the cord.
Kendrick is too talented to slip back into the indies. I'd like to see him back in WWE, with someone advising him on who his character should be. TNA seems to let guys do their own thing, which can be great and sometimes isn't. Not every guy is Chris Jericho, and I don't expect them to be. I want to see the talent portrayed in the best light possible, and WWE (sometimes) accomplishes that, at least better than TNA does.
It is a shame that Kendrick was released I don't think he as someone said will"slip away to the indies" he was working in NJPW so I hope he if he does go back to NJPW all the luck in Japan
and I'm always happy to see The Brain Kendrick back in WWE hell I'd be happy if he makes a debut in ROH because he is a very talented star
I looks as Kendrick like a HBK/Pillman crossover he has that inring ability and on the mic he's very cryptic, in summary a huge guy in a little body. I wouldn't object to him being back in WWE but wish him well anywhere, he was one of a small selection of people who were doing something in TNA and worth watching.

Get Paul London or Billy Kidman back and tag them together with Kendrick or better yet get that cruiserweight show going, Chavo would come crawling back and showcase all of them again, they'd show up the main roster talent but it would draw some interest in the product lol
I was really excited when he first came to TNA and by the end I got sick and tired of him with that stupid zen gimmick.

He wont go back to WWE, he is a bit like RVD, likes the occasional toke (ok...more than occasional) and theyre just to strict for him.
he had an absolute terrible gimmick and overall look. when you're putting on a TV show your look/gimmick is just as important if not more than your wrestling ability. you could be the best wrestler in the world, but if your look/gimmick is boring your just not going to be successful. you could be average/below average in the ring but have a good look and you can make it work on TV.
the look/gimmick Kendrick had where he used big words acting so smart.. click. that's the channel changing. incredibly boring.
maybe if he was repackaged. with his long hair maybe he could be a rock and roll type rocker.
Kendrick himself said in an interview, "No amount of money will ever make me go back to WWE." While we should never say never in this business, Kendrick and WWE both seem to have a lack of interest in each other. However, with the rumored 'cruiserweight wrestling show' starting up on the WWE network, it does seem like there'd be a place for him in that spot should he choose to change his mind.

Personally, I always thought it was a shame him and London always got the short end of the stick during their WWE run. They were pretty over as a tag team and incredibly talented in the ring, but so many losses year after year buried them way too deep. Tag teams could be a draw when used properly, but by the time Kendrick/London became a force in WWE, they had already begun descending on the proper use of good tag teams, and with a basically nonexistant cruiserweight division it was only a matter of time before they were both quietly released.
Kendrick was a good cruiserweight.It's just a shame he came along ten years too late.Don't even get me started on the London debate.That's an entire different ballgame.
such sad news i really enjoyed kendrick hes always been a pretty good wrestler and i actullay thought his gimmick in tna was entertaining and different just because it wasnt the same old same old people think it sucked which is just stupid :disappointed: hopefully hes just going to be working in india i really like kendrick always have
He was great in the ring, but I never liked him on the mic. He should go back to NJPW, or ROH where he can get over.
I liked his work with London, hated THE Brian Kendrick gimmick, but actually really enjoyed his time in TNA. Him siding with the ECW originals was kinda cool, just cause I always thought he would have been a much bigger star in that era than what he can be now. His mic work before and during his last run with the X Division title was always interesting to me, very creative and different...although I know it could hurt some peoples heads to follow it. I'd rather they kept him around to chase A Double, could have been pretty entertaining. Hopefully if he is actually gone from TNA he catches on with RoH.
Ring Ka King, just googled it. Wow that cool TNA has an affiliate group in India.
I like Kendrick, and believe he has superstar potential. I was really liked "The Brian Kendrick" gimmick in WWE and was sad when they let him go.

I still think he's a very talented well rounded performer that still has a lot to give to pro wrestling. I'd hire him if I was a promoter.
I never really got the whole "deep thinker" gimmick he had while he was in TNA. Attimes, it just felt like it was a parody of his marijuana incident back at WWE. That being said, i loved THE Brian Kendrick back when he was around the world title scene on Smackdown. Shame that he'd screw'd it all up for himself. :disappointed:

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