Breitbart Starts A Scholarship For White Men

Yes. There are tons of scholarships out there specifically for black folks. There are tons of scholarships out there specifically for women, too. Bunch of them for students of Asian or Hispanic descent (or whatever other ethnicity). There are also specific scholarships for handicapped students, too. There are specific scholarships for various other specific groups of students, too.

So what Milo is doing isn't illegal, but it's definitely in poor taste.

Ah okay I see. Technically he's doing nothing wrong but morally he's been a prick basically.
Yeah there are scholarships for everything. A buddy of mine got $500 a semester because she was left handed.
I can understand having scholarships for under privileged people who aren't financially well off but doesn't having scholarships based on race create division?
I can understand having scholarships for under privileged people who aren't financially well off but doesn't having scholarships based on race create division?

Not especially, considering it has been going on for decades with little to no whining about it. All the irrational, hyperbolic whining in the past couple years from both sides is trying to make it some kind of hot button issue now, though.

There are more than enough scholarship funds out there that one can uitilize. If you don't qualify for one for whatever reason, there are thousands of other ones out there that you will qualify for.
I can understand having scholarships for under privileged people who aren't financially well off but doesn't having scholarships based on race create division?

Eh it could but a lot of them are privately funded. Basically you say you want to fund a scholarship and name your qualifications. My dad funded one at his college for a few years and let the school pick whoever wanted it. There are so many of them that go unclaimed (you can literally find very thick books of them to apply for) that ones like this mean nothing.

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