Breitbart Starts A Scholarship For White Men

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.

CNN said:
The grant has been in the works since January 2016. Some early literature about the scholarship described it as for "straight white American men," although the updated site doesn't seem to mention anything about sexuality. (Yiannopoulos is gay, but has long voiced an opposition for LGBT rights. In 2014, he penned an article for Brietbart entitled "I'm sooo Bored of Being Gay" in which he claims he chose to be gay and benefits from his identity more than straight men. )

We've reached levels of satire never experienced before. I had to check and see if this was some article from The Onion that people took at face value. It's not. It's really happening.

Jesus. White Jesus, Black Jesus, Chinese Jesus. Just, Jesus.
Milo is just someone desperately craving for attention and unfortunately, people have already given into it. Identity politics in general is ******ed, and needs to be eradicated as an issue as soon as possible.
If it's anything like the last scholarship Milo set up, he'll just pocket the money. It's almost like white supremacist sacks of shit can't be trusted.
You've done an awesome job, Milo Yiannopoulos! Keep up the good work, and help Breitbart create scholarships for White Men!

Too bad Milo's haters can't grasp the fact that the Liberals have been operating sex rings for a long time now, and now that the charade is exposed, corrupt Liberals are now going to do everything in their power to cover it as fast as possible. It's a shame how dense today's world really is :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
You've done an awesome job, Milo Yiannopoulos! Keep up the good work, and help Breitbart create scholarships for White Men!

Too bad Milo's haters can't grasp the fact that the Liberals have been operating sex rings for a long time now, and now that the charade is exposed, corrupt Liberals are now going to do everything in their power to cover it as fast as possible. It's a shame how dense today's world really is :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

I suppose you believe it's a hoax that Russia had an influence on the election also?
I suppose you believe it's a hoax that Russia had an influence on the election also?

I sadly have to agree to admit Russia's influence on the election is also a hoax. If it weren't for the help of Russia, the entire world would have been reliving Nazi Germany only this time, it's Nazi Worldwide had Hillary won. Thus, we all wouldn't even be having fun on WrestleZone right now, it's off to concentration camps we all would have been forced to go to.
Eternal Champ knows what's up. We'd be banning religions from entering the US if we had Hillary. Read the real news.

Still though this is more about the scholarship than any political strife.
Eternal Champ knows what's up. We'd be banning religions from entering the US if we had Hillary. Read the real news.

Still though this is more about the scholarship than any political strife.

I commend Milo Yiannapoulos for doing the right thing, by reinstating scholarship for White Men courtesy of Breitbart. Anyway, I'm happy that order will be finally restored in college campuses because I hope they abandon the mindset of being glorified day-care centers, even though they're no longer babies anymore since long ago.
Барбоса;5646095 said:
More mistaking a lose of some entitlement with a loss of equality

@Барбоса : That's not quite strictly true, son. You're confusing a loss of overall entitlement for a child's playtime scary story book, but it's not like that. Loss of some entitlement means regaining our bravery and street-smarts back to the levels they should've been before Obama got elected in 2008, and even then, Donald Trump supporters didn't riot and we chose to let Obama gracefully take up the job on the podium.

Unlike when it was now Trump's turn to be POTUS, you guys don't wanna follow the same graceful path me and other Trump supporters took like eight years ago. Instead of gracefully accepting that it's now Trump's turn, you decide you and your guys just wanna run around, cause mayhem, burn public properties through rioting and worse of all, claim to do all that under the guise of peaceful protest. That wasn't a peaceful protest, that's actually savvy manipulation I've ever seen coming from a certain group of people.

One group (Republicans/Conservatives) chose to deal with John McCain's defeat by Obama as an adult, while the other group (Democrats/Liberals) chose to deal with Hillary Clinton's defeat at the hands of Donald Trump like petulant children who should know by now that they can't always get what they want rather than throwing all their toys and baby milk bottles out of the prams.
Барбоса;5646107 said:
Republicans took Obama's victories like adults?

You must be joking.

@Барбоса : Yes it's true. The Republicans did indeed take Obama's win like adults in 2008, yet the Liberals refused to do the same last year, when Hillary lost to Trump.

Social Justice Warriors are the biggest reason why Donald Trump is elected. If the SJW fad hadn't even dominated pop culture at all with 2013 and 2014 as the origin seeds planted for the fad that would officially take ten-fold in 2015 as the official trend to go by. You have the likes of Anita Sarkeesian, Laci Green and Ana Kasparian all ruining everything they touch, from video gaming, social media, music industry, TV shows and professional wrestling with WWE being reduced from MA-13 to PG in the first place.

Before you shoot back at me by saying we Republicans didn't deal with Obama's win in 2008 like adults (which has been debunked and proven false btw), Bill Clinton's victory was the first time me and my fellow Americans didn't agree with the POTUS, and it was also the first time we all felt compelled to take sides. Ronald Reagan was the last POTUS who actually united both sides no matter whether we were Liberals or Republicans. It's unfortunate that I have to see all you guys refusing to give Trump a chance, and it's only the Republican voters who are actually doing the right things.

I mean they kinda protested with signs calling for Obama's lynching and all, but still they took it like adults.
Ronald Reagan did not unite anyone, just as Barack Obama did not divide anyone. The difference is Democrats, as flawed as the party is, are more often willing to work with the opposition. The Republicans are not, and they get worse and more irritating every year. They're obstructionists. I cannot stomach what the Republican party has become. I actually commend the Democrats for having some balls in giving some of it back to the GOP.
Ronald Reagan did not unite anyone, just as Barack Obama did not divide anyone. The difference is Democrats, as flawed as the party is, are more often willing to work with the opposition. The Republicans are not, and they get worse and more irritating every year. They're obstructionists. I cannot stomach what the Republican party has become.

@Big Nick Dudley : The Democrats are a bunch of phony cartoon corporate characters born and bred from Saturday Morning cartoons, whereas the Republicans are a well-rounded group of realistic grown-up mature adults.

You only got the impression that the Republicans are obstructionists, all because of George W. Bush revving up for 9/11 and the Iraq War from 2003 as a retaliation revenge battle for 9/11 (September 11, 2001). Whereas Reagan for years had been the last decent Republican POTUS before Trump became the POTUS.

I am so glad Trump rejected Australian parliament Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. If Trump decides to have a working relationship with Aussie in the near future, he might decide to pick up the phone and arrange negotiations with Pauline Hanson instead of Malcolm Turnbull.
Барбоса;5646131 said:
You don't know what obstructionist means it seems.

@Барбоса : I do know what obstructionist means. It means the Democrat Liberals are going to be the biggest obstructionists in the history of politics. At least that's the truth according to Ted Cruz.

It was the Liberals who started the politics era of dividing America into two sides when Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 and took office in 1993. Shagz was right about Hillary, she didn't even deserve to be the POTUS over Trump. She will probably be better off staying retired, unless Chelsea Clinton decides to enter politics someday. I too am a Trump supporter like Shagz.

Open your minds to greater heights, young mortals.
Барбоса;5646107 said:
Republicans took Obama's victories like adults?

You must be joking. Their refusal to even countenance working with President Obama in running the country was shocking.

While calling him a socialist/communist/liberal/power mad Muslim Kenyan witch doctor apeman who was CLEARLY being covered for by his doctor who claimed to not remember delivering him 50 or so years ago.


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