Breakthrough Battle Royal


Getting Noticed By Management
I know it was done a few years ago as a launching pad for Sheamus and I think the idea worked. Have a battle royal on Raw of all (or a bunch) of WWE Superstars who have never won the WWE/WHC championships or the belts' "predecessors". Basically the big belt at the top of the roster.

I was hoping that this idea stayed longer than that one Raw and became a yearly thing, replacing King of the Ring as a mini-push gimmick. Well what if WWE brought it back? How would YOU book it? When?

Me personally, I would place that match on the Raw after Payback. With just 2 weeks until the next special event (MITB), WWE doesn't really have the time to develop a new adversary for Daniel Bryan. So if Bryan wins, then you can still build the battle royal winner's push, or if Bryan loses, WWE has 2 more months before SummerSlam to reestablish him.

The Raw match roster:

Bad News Barrett
Big E
Bray Wyatt
Brodus Clay
Cody Rhodes
Damien Sandow
Dean Ambrose
Drew McIntyre
Eric Rowan
Evan Bourne (returning/surprise)
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Luke Harper
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Sin Cara
Titus O'Neil

that's about 22 guys, you could add the rest of 3MB or Tyson Kidd to make it a round 25 but that's pretty good right now.

I'd have Seth Rollins win from that group. Many of the bigger guys/bigger names already have momentum. But Rollins is pushing the edge as a performer and a win like this with a chance to headline a PPV match with Bryan will solidify him as a singles star.

If we are breaking up the Shield...then this can be a catalyst. If not, then this is just a confirmation of their dominance. I wouldn't go for a complete unknown like they went with Sheamus a few years back, only because A) he was unknown, and it would now have been "done before" B) he beat Cena and became champion, leaving the "possibility" of a loss off the table.
So that theory eliminates the "smaller" guys.

Go for it, have fun...I'd ove to hear your suggestions.
Stop with the battle royals man. Rumble was enough. Then we got the Andre Memorial. Then we got like a random throwaway battle royal at least once a month on Raw or Smackdown.

Just stop with the battle royals. Over saturation. Too damn much. "Wow, look at Kofi hold on with one hand!" That's cause he's running out of his near elimination ideas cause he has to use them every 4 weeks now.
Yeah I thought that was called the Andre the Giant Memorial. Plus you have the Royal Rumble. Why bother with another gimmick battle royal. Sounds lame and im still wondering how winning a battle royal gives any momentum. Woopdy doo I tossed some people over the top rope.
While I understand that there is an oversaturation of Battle Royals in WWE, I am asking if this one would be useful. I get how random battle royals with no consequence or reward can have no meaning. But the Breakthrough Battle Royal can launch someone if done correctly.

Sheamus was just a big heel when he debuted but nobody saw him as a potential title threat or champion until Jesse Ventura raised his hand. I think the same concept can be used nowadays.

And I get are "too cool" or "too smart" or "too whatever" to give a rat's ass. But if that is the case, why respond to the hypothetical? Why entertain the thought? Why waste your time/energy telling us that its a waste of your time/energy. If you aren't contributing to the discussion, be silent and click on something else....
I have no problem with more Battle Royals if they're used to determine #1 contenders for the mid-card belts.

Pet peeve though: I can not bear to hear the announcers say "How is anyone going to eliminate the Big Show?!" one more time. Or Khali or Henry for that matter. It is RIDICULOUS. The big guys hardly EVER win battle royals, yet every time one happens, they make it like its impossible for the big guys to be eliminated. It's like they feel obligated to throw that in there during commentary every time.
There is really no point in bringing the Breakthrough Battle Royal back. If the Andre Battle Royal from Wrestlemania becomes an annual part of that show, it can serve the purpose that the Breakthrough Battle Royal would. I would simply keep the Andre Battle Royal an annual tradition at Wrestlemania going forward, but with the added rule of you are only eligible if you have not held the World Heavyweight Championship (or either of the two belts that are unified as the top belt). The winner could get a world title shot at Extreme Rules or something. Either Dean Ambrose or Seth Rollins would be good candidates for winning it. Everyone in The Shield is a potential world title contender, but Dean or Seth could use the push more due to Roman being booked the strongest by quite a bit currently.

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