Breakout Star


In the next 5 years or so, you do you think will be a breakout star, with the current WWE roster. One quick note, these guys don't count such as Cena, HHH, Taker, Orton, HBK, Batista, Jericho, Edge and Big Show. I get that Cena,Orton and Edge still have a bunch more years left, but this goes to guys who haven't reached their levels, that is why CM Punk, Jeff Hardyand even Rey Mysterio count, even though they were in the Main Event, they fell. Who do you think will bust out and how fast will it be? I think whoever wins the Money in the Bank this year will be a candidate and they will make sure that they don't book him as bad as they did with CM Punk. But if I had to chose one right know it would be Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP). He is a stud, has the complete package, he can be a heel or a babyface. He can certainly replace one of the old vets there. Another guy I chose is Cody Rhodes because he has impressed me a lot. He has really come through far in the last couple of months.
Ted Dibiase Jr. Him being in the Legacy will do great things for him, like being in Evolution helped Randy Orton become a big player. And like you said, probably Cody Rhodes as well. Legacy is gonna produce great things for this buisness.
Hmmmm tough question...if i had to pick a couple that I see maybe breaking out I would have to say 1. MVP: I see in him someone who takes things seriously and only gets better, and thats a wrestler i never used to like and it is not his recent push that changed my mind. 2. Santino Marella: I see him being world champion he has the stuff to do so, is awesome on the mic and will only get better as well.
I agree with the MVP statement. I would also say Mr. Kennedy if he wasn't so fragile. I'm thinking that both John Morrison and Jack Swagger have years of main eventing in their futures. If I had to pick one, it would be Morrison, he reminds me a lot of a young Shawn Michaels. Time to bring back Kevin Nash as a bodyguard for Morrison, hahaha.

Of all the thread's nominees thus far, he's been in the WWE longer than them, first of all.

He saved the tag team division, all the while historically making his name as an illustrious tag teamer.

His character, gimmick truly breaks through. It has manifested itself in in-ring promos and out (Dirt Sheet) and is fit for a main eventer. That it factor.

Incredible in-ring chemistry and that he can do well both aerially and on ground

^And also he has shown he can diversify himself as both an extremely good tag team as well as singles wrestler:

^Examples of Morrison truly shining, and in some examples facing people considered to be "good singles competitors" like Cena (lol) and Batista (lol) and he completely out-performed them, too.

Especially loving his MITB match's competency

^He can draw people into his matches regardless of the environment.

(You can pretty much always find something he'll do that makes you go "Wow")

Tremendous dedication: always going to house shows and signings.

He's also a quick learner. That ladder match with Jeff was his first; still he did nicely.

On top'a that, good looks.

Oh, and to the people rooting for Rhodes and DiBiase, what the hell have they even DONE? Nothing, that's what. Sadly they probably are contenders for breakout stars; the WWE likes to glorify 3rd gens. Orton has done well, though. I just wish they would push people who have already established themselves a good deal before pushing some guy who before was feuding with the likes of Hardcore Holly or something LOL.

Hail Morrison.
I agree that Morrison is definitely a breakout star, but i disagree in that i don't think it will be this particular gimmick that does it for him unless he's allowed to branch out with it. The only reason it's worked at all so far is because he's naturally funny and charismatic and because he's a good looking enough dude to pull it off.

I think if he gets to go a la The Rock or Austin and actually be himself, his natural talents will come through and he'll be a big star.

I love watching Kennedy, he cracks me up and i think he has some serious star power if creative can get him booked right. A Kennedy/Santino feud would be hilarious to watch.
I see big things for CM Punk and MVP within the next 2-4 years with Punk "getting there" before MVP. It really depends on if the current crop of talent either become "over the hill" or end up elsewhere in the industry, but Punk and MVP have bright futures in my eyes and could really cement their legacy's within the WWE with time.
id say mvp, he went on a big losing streak, now hes turned it around and turned face. i could see him winning money in the bank.

possibly shelton, although his mic skills hold him back so im not so sure.

mr kennedy would as hes a good wrestler, funny on the mic and gets big pops, but he is too fragile.

cody and ted will make it big, using legacy to get there, the only slight issue is codys size, hes only 200 lbs, hes billed as 214, or something but thats billed weight. 200lbs for a wrestler who isnt high flying is minute
John Morrison. Morrison is probably the one rising star that is ready for a push. I think he has put his time in, carrying the likes of Joey Mercury, and the Miz. His ring and mic skills continue to get better and better. Move him to Smackdown, and let him lock up with Jeff Hardy.

Evan "Air" Bourne. What about Evan Bourne??? The kid has a great upside..he reminds me of a mix between AJ Styles and Mysterio. Would love to see an angle between him and Tyson Kidd when he returns.

Jack Swagger. In the long run, I see Swagger becoming a main event talent. He needs a little work on his mic ssssskillls...but he definetly has the ring skills to carry a match with John Cena.

Also..MVP, although his time may have passed, and the forementioned Tyson Kidd
Humm I do believe that bourne could be the new mysterio kind of entertainer for the next generation.

Also I think that tyson kidd would be spectacular given more time to shine. Been watchin some of his matches on ecw and he is so fluid in the ring. All his moves are done really well. There is no herky jerkiness like some of the other talent out there

And also if they use santino seriously I can see him doing well. He does have some wrestling talent and tons of charisma. As far as I can tell wwe is putting more emphasis on mike skills and santino can hold his own against the best of them.
I love Morrison, he's gonna be a multi-time champ definitely, be a legend. He's got it all.

Swagger has a very high ceiling and has alot of talent, but time will tell.

I do enjoy Tyson Kidd's moves but we haven't heard him talk much yet. It's too soon to tell, but he has as much promise as a prospect can have.
Break out stars are as fallows all of these stars are one five star program away from being some of the top stars in WWE .

Jamie Noble
Shelton Benjamin
Brian Kendrick
Jamie Noble will never have a breakout.

I'm looking at John Morrison, (minus his pants (not like that) and after he's given a main event feel (entrance, escalated feuds) and I see a main event star.

Jeff Hardy is basically already there, but if he qualifies for the thread he's obviously going to be included on here.
Nice thread/question.

Ok, my picks would be:

Morrison - I think Morrison has the wrestling and mic skills to be great in the main event and as a lead character for the company but the only thing that worries me is that he'll received the Shelton treatment and be attached to the mid card his whole career. No doubt he'd work and excite people but the WWE seems to push others over guys who deserve it so i would be worried about that happening to Morrison.

Jack Swagger - He should have a good year ahead of him and should be one of the guys WWE is looking at to lead the company in 10 years. If he can stay on the track he's on now he will no doubt be a great WWE star, as much as his lisp pisses me off.

Jeff Hardy & CM Punk - Both these guys have had a ME push which, i guess didnt go as well as hoped but still, they are both massive faces for WWE and have huge fan bases. I think both these guys will eventually be the top guys on the roster. They will be big Big BIG stars one day, well, more than they are now...

They're my choices.
If we,re ,.not talking immediate world titles here.I think, that groomed for the future as a solo, is Festus.In a shrinking roster & tag division,he could fill the void Kane,Snitsky,,Knox & those types leave with Jesse stepping back to be the mouthpiece for the guy who says & does little till the bell goes Ding!
Also,big things seam to be expected of Evan Air Bourne who was already flirting with Raw & Rey before his injury.In fact Bams demise was speeded up by being involved in the match Evan was injured in.
As a footnote,it,ll be interesting to see what Ezekiel can do alone.His partnership with Sparky has HelpeD him outlast Bam Neely,& other NTI / FCW types ,but as Brian knows himself,Tag partnerships only last so long.
Well does Christian count? Cause if he does, I pick him. I think he's one of the favourites to win MitB, along with MVP.

If Christian doesn't count, It narrows it down to Punk or MVP. I like Punk and think he deserves to go far... But looking at what they've been doing to him recently, one has to wonder whether he'll ever reach his potential. So I gotta pick MVP here. They're giving him a great push right now, and if they give him MitB and keep booking him like they are now, he'll be a world champion within months. Here's hoping!
I see Cody Rhodes becoming a breakout star. I think he has the look, skill and athleticism to carry it off.

Now I am a big fan so obv I'm willing him to do well but I genuienly think he has what it takes. I think he could have a great match with Shawn Michaels (if Shawn is still around by the time Cody comes into a star of his own!!) as he has an amateur wrestling background and I just think his style would mesh well with the HBK's of the WWE.

Some might say he doesn't have the size to be a legit star but look at what Jericho, Michaels, Gurerro, Benoit have/did accomplish. Cody is no smaller than any of them. Given the chance and I do beleive he will receive it, I think Rhodes will be a huge success.
Jack Swagger-He has the look and charisma to be a top level main event star int he future of the WWE.

John morrison- He has everyting a main event star needs. he has the look, he has the charisma and he has the mic skills. I see him as a future WWE champion
I will probably say Shelton Benjiman. He was very excited when he was in his first couple of years in WWE. Then when he did well in the first ever money in the bank ladder match he thought he was all tough shit because he could do crazy shit of ladders. Well The WWE quickly caught onto his lazyness and did nothing for him. (2006-2008). He realised that he was not getting what he wanted in life and started to mature. They moved him to ECW and he became the "gold standard" and he didn't really do much there until mid of last year were he started to actually try in his matches. He won the US title and has really improved in the ring. If he gets more time on the mic then maybe he will be a superstar. He cant really improve that much in the ring except for his mat work . Other than that he has what it takes to be a superstar.
Right now the top face is Cena and the top heel is either Orton, Edge, Or Jericho. Who do you think will be the next big Heels and faces in 5 years

My picks are as follows:
Evan Bourne
I could see Evan Bourne as one of the top guys real soon. I heard vince is real high on him and the guys a phenomenal athlete. but he really needs some mic skills

Mr. Kennedy
If Mr, Kennedy could stay uninjured for a good run, i could see him being the next john cena (minus the whole "White Gangsta" Thing

As for heels

Tyson Kidd
This guy has great wrestling skills, great mic skills, and looks like a heel. can you say Hart Foundation (Tyson Kidd, Natalya, DH smith)

Jack Swagger
This dude is just great. reminds me of a young kurt angle.(speaking of which, dont forget to wipe your angle)
Bad pun aside he is good in the ring, on the mic, and has that cocky aditude that you love to hate.

your thoughts?

and if your not down with that
I definatly agree that Evan Bourne could be one of the best faces in the wwe if given the right push. Although he desperatly needs to work on his mic skills. This isn't too important though because i see him as more of a rey mysterio type of face, where the fans love him not for what he says but for what he does in the ring and their excitment to see him do it.

CM Punk is almost the top face in the wwe. He is loved by the fans and he has been ever since he came to the wwe from the indy`s. He has pretty good mic skills and is a 1 time world champ. CM Punk will take this role over for John Cena.

Jack Swagger also has all the skill to be a top heel. He is so full of himself. His ring skills aren`t monsorish like most heels as he is a legitamit wrestler. His all american gimmick can develop like angle`s gold medal one. Jack has carried ecw for the last few months so this really shows.

I agree with the majority of your pics. Great thread!
top 3 faces will be- 1) mvp 2)john morrison 3)kennedy

top 3 heels will be- 1) jack swagger 2)tyson kidd 3)cody rhodes

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