Breaking Point


Best for (the Music) Business

So, about three years ago, WWE had a ppv entitled "Breaking Point", where the main gimmick was that matches were to be won by some form of submission. The show had some pretty good matches such as
  • DX v. Legacy (Submissions Count Anywhere)
  • John Cena v. Randy Orton (I Quit)

I'm not a huge fan of themed ppvs, but I enjoyed this concept in particular. It was pretty creative and the matches were fun to watch.

Would you want to see "Breaking Point" make a return?
Breaking Point was one of the worst PPV's that WWE has ever done. The theme was intended to be Submission matches. While this sounded interesting, they did not showcase their submission specialists very well. This event would have been the perfect place for The Hart Dynasty to become tag team stars or for Natalya to become a divas star. None of them even made it onto the card. They had also advertised it as a show where ALL matches were submission only. Then at the last minute it changed to where only two of them were. It came off as just another generic PPV for no one to care about. I won't even start on the horrible idea to try to recreate the Montreal Screwjob as a fake angle. That show was an awful idea and I hope it never returns.

The I Quit match which type which likely would main event it has appeared to be Over the Limit's specialty until his year, so I'm not sure what happened there. An all submissions show sounds better on paper than it actually would be in real life. Punk, Bryan, and Cena all have submission finishers.... But you need more than just three matches for it to work and most of the roster do not have submission finishers. Plus guys like Alberto who do have one would be the likely opponents for the champions. Then we get stuck with a bunch of filler in between. I'd prefer this show stay in the past so it can continue to fade into obscurity because it was a rather bad idea. I give WWE credit for trying something new at the time, although I would rather see December to Dismember again before watching another Breaking Point.
This PPV was a huge bust, I understand why you may want it back because the DX vs. Legacy match was amazing, but it's like Dagger Dias said, they made last minute changes and fucked the whole concept up and WWE has a lack of submission specialists, and FYI, Cena doesn't count as one of them, we only have Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, and Jack Swagger as true submission specialists, which isn't enough to carry a submission themed PPV
I don't want this PPV to come back. The way I see it, this show was a result of the philosophy WWE had in 2009-2010 that every PPV should have a gimmick or theme attached to it (it was this logic that gave us TLC, Hell in a Cell, Fatal 4-way, etc.) While this was certainly a better idea than those, I don't want to see it return.
and FYI, Cena doesn't count as one of them, we only have Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, and Jack Swagger as true submission specialists, which isn't enough to carry a submission themed PPV

You say Cena is not a submission specialist, but Swagger is??? All he has is a bad rip-off of Kurt Angle's ankle lock. Cena's stf is way better. And im not a big Cena fan, and obviously some idiot has to make a Cena-hate comment in evry post on WZ so i saw it coming.

But anyways, back on topic. Yes the ppv concept was a bad idea, and never should be brought back. WWE should have 6-8 ppv's a year and they can have somewhat of a theme.

Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, WrestleMania, Summer Slam, Survivor Series, TLC. Maybe bring back King of the Ring and maybe having a all No.1 Contender ppv, and that idea Jesse Ventura had a few years back. With everyone who has never won that specific title is elibible. So no im not completely against the whole concept PPV's, but they could get rid of them and i wouldnt care. But that could be my attitude era side talking :p
These two matches were very good especially the tag match. It was very unique and i though it is a good idea for a ppv. If they brought it back there are plenty of superstars who could be used in submission matches- the obvious being Bryan/Punk. It wouldn't harm to bring back Breaking point and it is a better gimmick ppv than a cage only ppv as that should be used in moderation.
i maybe the only one but i actullay like the idea of breaking point but if it was to return they should make it a little different and by that i mean not just submission matches it wont work but maybe also have a last man standing match or an i quit match but have every match "push people to there breaking point" so to speak...but i cant see this PPV ever making a comeback.
I loved the Breaking Point Pay Per View and was sad when i heard it was not returning as a yearly PPV.

First of all the Legacy vs D-Generation X match was brilliant it showed That Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes where ready to tangle with the veterans, but it also showed that Shawn Michaels and Triple H could hang with the Young Guys and even look good even though they lost.

Secondly The Match between Cm Punk and The Undertaker was badly planned but it was a good match.
Gimmick PPV's suck. Their is only 2 gimmick PPV's I like. Money In The Bank and Elimination Chamber. Go back to the PPV schedule you had in 2001. Just come up with clever names. With gimmick PPV's you already know what to expect. At Hell In The Cell you already know the 2 major titles will be defended in a cell. Booking just seems lazy now.
I agree that the Pay Per View was a bust because the only match that was interesting was the D-Generation X vs The Legacy match, the other matches where just a waste of time. Undertaker vs Cm Punk was just horrible especially the ending. The John Cena vs Randy Orton was a Typical Cena comeback match.

But i think if they where to bring it back but make it a all submission Pay Per View like it was meant to be.

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