Breaking News: Jim Tressel resigns as Ohio State head coach


Too Sweet To Be Sour
He resigned today; this is big news here. I just turned on Sportscenter and saw it. I'm not exactly sure of the reasons behind it yet, I'm not sure if anyone else does either. Either way, what is your opinion. Is this good or bad for Buckeye football? I think it could go either way. This could bring a new culture to football here and bring it to new levels, but do they really need it?

From what I got out of it, he resigned due to all of the trouble he and the program has been getting into. I think it's best for him and the program, to try and get some of the heat off of both of them, atleast a little heat. It came from the players getting suspended for selling merch, and him not telling anyone that he knew about them selling merch, or something like that.
He was a great coach so in that sense it's bad for OSU but with him resigning the school will face a little less scrutiny. If he had stayed after everything he did then there is no doubt the NCAA would have absolutely crushed OSU with sanctions and penalties. They still will receive a huge punishment but not as much. The entire situation is a black mark on the University and on Tressel who will most likely have to look to the NFL for his next job. This is something that had to be done, I'm just surprised it took this long.

Tressel knew that his players were receiving improper benefits and just looked the other way. Even when it was brought to his attention by someone in a position of authority he still failed to report it and broke NCAA rules in the process.
As an Ohio State fan, it has admittedly been a tough few months with all of the speculation going around. The one thing that I didn't understand was why it took so long for it to actually happen. There have been rumors in local papers and websites for a long time saying that something wasn't right in Columbus but it was never investigated further because nothing could be definitively proven. As far as what to expect moving forward, I believe that Buckeye fans will expect nothing less than a big name coach to come in and take over and the biggest and best available is Urban Meyer. His style revolutionized the way football is played in the NCAA and he is from Ohio, having been an assistant coach there before moving on to other, better opportunities. So it looks like a black mark was put on the school today but at least there is a potential silver lining to all of it.
This is probably the best outcome for the school. As has been said, Tressel would have been annihilated as would OSU if he had stayed. At the end of the day, he's the guy in charge of the program, not the players. If all this had been going on and he hadn't known about it then he would have some room to maneuver, but with it being pretty clear that he knew what was going on, he was out of options. Him resigning is going to be a big help for the school as it was him that was causing a lot of the issues so they'll likely cut OSU a break now that they've lost their top guy. It's surprising but also a good thing overall for the school and probably Tressel as well.
Before people say that tOSU won't get annihilated, here's Dohrmann's SI article that graces the cover of the upcoming edition.

It's not the bombshell the twitter world thought it would be, but there's some pretty damning and unsettling stuff in the article.

In my opinion, the resigning of Tressel should have no impact on the NCAA's stance on tOSU. It's pretty clear that there's been a LOIC at tOSU for quite some time. Whether it was Clarett, Smith, or the TattooFive (which may actually be more than five), tOSU has done little to steer their institution away from these allegations over the past decade.

Examining the evidence that the NCAA presented to the COI against USC, it's pretty clear that tOSU's evidence is far more damning and knowable. By that, I mean that they can actually and unequivocally say that Tressel had knowledge and opted not to report it. They were never actually able to tie anything of substance to Bush. (Sorry, I do not take the word of a convicted felon, whose story was never checked out, verified, or subject to cross-examination, as substantive).

The COI hasn't had much of a problem railroading universities despite the departure of the coach who was there.

Also, people seem to think that this is Tressel's first go-around with improper benefit allegations. These allegations are part and parcel of what he was a part of during his days at Youngstown St. I find it hard to believe that the same exact problems occurred at two different universities, under the exact same coach, and he wasn't aware of it, or lacked the control to do something about it.

As close as these players claim to be with Tressel, it's impossible that he wasn't aware of this stuff. I mean, the NCAA is going to have a very hard time convincing me that he "had no knowledge." The only reason the NCAA wouldn't hammer tOSU on this issue is because they would have to admit they dropped the ball by allowing those players to play in the Sugar Bowl this year. I don't see them doing that.

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