Breaking controllers


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Has anyone broken their controller in a fit of rage while playing a game?

I've done it on more than one occasion. :icon_redface:

And it's always been the fault of a Madden game. There's nothing more annoying than playing Madden and getting your opponent to a third and long, near their own goaline, then the running back breaks a few tackles and runs 95 yards, or your secondary screws up and a wide receiver takes a catch all the way.

So when that's happened to me, I tend to launch my controller across the room. Unfortunately, if I'm sitting on the floor, I throw it right, and it will crack off the side of my bed, which is hard wood, resulting in a broken controller.

Anyone else that incapable of controlling their emotions? :)
Shit i have done that on multiple times as well. On Madden and NBA Live. But with the PS3 its a wee bit easier to think since those new controlers are expensive. But ya with Madden i get pissed when i lose a close game that i feel the damn computer has screwed me over. Like with a drop or an interception.

With NBA Live is when i'm winning and i'm up and the computer hits a game winning half court shot in game 7 of the finals. That just happened last week lol
Oh snap that sucks! lol....when i played my ps2 i went through about 3-4 controllers.....and like everyone's that damn madden game...
No never. If you loose your temper over a video game than you've got a problem. It's only ok to loose your rag when your wife leaves you for a postman.
Madden has cost me a few controllers aswell, they should package the game with a special controller that won't break when you launch it across the room in a fit of rage, by the way lossoul, I have the same problem with the Third and long on the goal line thing, they always seem to pull out some miraculous play in this situaions, yey when it's the other way around and I'm on my goaline and have to go 95 yards my guys don't do shit, it should also be noted that I stop playing Madden for a couple of months because of this crap
Madden is the like the one game that I have lost the most controllers in. I think it just the fact that you get so into the game that when the computer pulls a play thst you know in life that you could stop you get a little bit upset. Espically when i play online and we be talking smack back and forth and you lose you get upset like a couple weeks I did break it but threw to the ground as I lost in overtime on a 1st and 10 as the guy did a shotgun and his receiver did 95 yards to win. I was made as i wa sgoing tackle him as his own 30 my own player runs into me knocking me down.
Madden is the like the one game that I have lost the most controllers in. I think it just the fact that you get so into the game that when the computer pulls a play thst you know in life that you could stop you get a little bit upset. Espically when i play online and we be talking smack back and forth and you lose you get upset like a couple weeks I did break it but threw to the ground as I lost in overtime on a 1st and 10 as the guy did a shotgun and his receiver did 95 yards to win. I was made as i wa sgoing tackle him as his own 30 my own player runs into me knocking me down.
those are the time I wish I could reach out and knock the shit out of my guys, you have everthing set up perfect and then your own guy goes out and stops you from makeing the play and cost you the game, I've had that same problem but with the refs getting in the way, or they other teams guy will be making a break for it and your trying to switch to a different defender, and the computer won't let you control the guy you want to control, that shit just pisses me off, hellI'm getting mad just thinking about it, I better stop before I throw my keyboard across the room, lol
Madden and NCAA Football have cost me 7 controls. I was playing Madden 07 a while ago and in the Super Bowl, the L1 button on my control was stuck down so I couldn't tip the ball and he got the touchdown. He only had a 77 speed rating! I threw the control onto my concrete basement floor and it shattered. I was so mad for breaking the control, I snapped the disc in half.
OMG i have lost multiple controllers over video games, especially madden and the NCAA games, I hate it when i lose a close game or when i cant convert a 4th and inches when the game is on the line. Or hate it when you miss a game winning or tying field goal because you misjudge the wind. Or i have lost controllers over NCAA because i was playing a guy online with 142-0 record and i ran an option on the 2 pt conversion and i fumbled the football. My rage though mostly results in football games because thats all i play and quite frankly i hate losing. This was quite nice though to know i am not the only one that gets frustrated when playing games.
Last night I Was playing My N64 and i busted out Wrestlemania 2000 i played story mode for like and hour then i got a world title match at summerslam against mankind(i was using created guy) I played that fucking match 15 fucking times because i could not beat him, Check this, Cage match, everything going great, I would stomp his ass like Nothing, no fucking problem, them i would taunt to get my special all of sudden mick foley is the most technical wrester in the world, i mean shit you woulds never see him do, on top of that he would reverse everything to tried to do to him, Bullshit, I snapped, I won't go into more detail what happend but i don't think i'll be playing that specific game any more, ROCK ON VS THE WORLD
I will give a list of games that have severely pissed me off to the point of throwing a controller. I've never actually had one break, but almost thought it did a few times.

Goldeneye: N64: The jungle & the catwalk levels at the end of the game. I dispised the jungle, because the turret (sp?) guns would be hidden out of nowhere, & they'd alert 20 guards to your area.

The catwalk sucked the most, as thats the level I felt I broke the controller. I would curse the screen, & throw the controller everywhere, because I was chasing the main guy, & of course several guys would randomly pop up between you & him, & it resulted in me always dying. When I finally did beat him, I was so excited that I jammed the controller straight down on the floor, as if I was spiking it.

Madden: I think everyone else has explained my frustration the same. My worst thing was for the original xbox, I used to play every team.. & I'd set it on all-pro & dominate, so I'd set it on all-madden & get my ass beat. I hated that, so I'd try my hardest to play all-madden.. & I'd want a select team to win, so I'd pick that team to play with..

Well, things would be going great throughout the first 3 quarters, then, in the 4th quarter, after about an hour of playing.. it never fails that I'd fumble, or lose an INT, or my Defense would suddenly just give up. The reset button was worn out on Madden, more than anything.. but I'd remember banging my controller repeatedly against the floor many times.

Metal Gear Solid: The original, & the 2nd one. I'd get stuck at selective levels, & it'd piss me off to no end. Especially the sniper-wolf segment from the first one. Once you got hit, it was hard to not continue getting pecked off, trying to take cover. I'd find myself sitting there going "You stupid bitch, AH, just let me fucking get behind this thing.. AH! what the fuck are you doing, AH!"

Final Fantasy Series: Have you ever played a RP game, that you thought you had enough levels on your characters to just be fine.. then you save at a point that you can't fight anymore guys to level up, & its time to do a boss battle? Yeah.. I was screwed for a good month or longer on FF7, & it almost cost me to quit that game entirely.

In the end, I beat it & never went into boss battles again, without KNOWING my levels were secure.. but that game got me worked up a lot.

Also, in FFX, the water-soccer match-up, where you first take control of the team that sucks ass.. & you have to defeat the best team there was?! Such major shit. Its like I had to keep 3 guys back, because 2 of them & the opponent would kick the ball through both of them, & my goalie still couldn't stop the shot. Yet on my team, there was only your guy.. & THAT was only if you took the time to learn the Ject Shot, or whatever it was. I nailed 2-3 of those without the other team scoring going into half.. thankfully I won, by one point.

Wrestlemania 2000: The above guy menioned my exact frustration with his game. The fucking cage match, with the difficulty level being different per each opponent throughout storymode.. it was INSANE! It always happened at Summerslam too, it was always a cage match, & your opponent would ALWAYS reverse EVERYTHING!

It took 6 plus finishers, & my special to be lit & going for me to hit a finish on the guy, then hurry to climb the cage before the special went out.. because THAT was the trick on beating the cage, it seemed.
i remember i was playing madden 08 online and the game came down to just a field goal. with :3 seconds left in the game i had the ball on the opponents 23 yd line. it was a sure win for me. so i line up for the kick.

problem is the thing fucking lagged. so i flicked the stick up and the meter didnt go up until about a good second and a half after and then i flicked it back down and it lagged again so it went all the way down. needless to say what shouldve been an easy game winning field goal sailed very low and wide right. man i was so pissed. thats happened more than once too.
Yeah, unfortunately I've had some N64 controllers which had to be replaced due to all my buddies ganging up on me because I was the best at the game from our little crew. When they won, they'd also start to belittle me. As the rage would increase, I'd finally freak out and break a controller. My signature move was swinging the good ol' N64 analog beast around by the cord and slamming it into the floor like a mace. It cost me money that my pubescent ass didn't have...but it sure felt good.
Wrestlemania 2000: The above guy menioned my exact frustration with his game. The fucking cage match, with the difficulty level being different per each opponent throughout storymode.. it was INSANE! It always happened at Summerslam too, it was always a cage match, & your opponent would ALWAYS reverse EVERYTHING!

It took 6 plus finishers, & my special to be lit & going for me to hit a finish on the guy, then hurry to climb the cage before the special went out.. because THAT was the trick on beating the cage, it seemed.
Wow. I totally forgot about this. I still remember that, though. The fact that I still remember this type of anger for this exact scenario is probably the reason I didn't have a date until I was out of high school.
Lol. I agree with Y 2 Jake about the stupidness in rage but I have broken and a controller or two in my time. I don't usually play video games that often because of it.
I broke my X-BOX controller last year while playing NHL 2006. I got pissed off when i couldn't seem to get a goal against my friend. He had scored against me 4 times and I couldn't get one. So finally I go up on a breakaway, I deaked the goalie shot and.....hit the f'ing goal post. In a fit of rage I chucked my controller against the wall which broke the joystick. Needless to say I never played hockey against my friend again.
Lol. I agree with Y 2 Jake about the stupidness in rage but I have broken and a controller or two in my time. I don't usually play video games that often because of it.

thats the same with mee too I dont think Ive ever been that into a game that I would end up breaking a controller. and like you said Im not much of a video game kind of guy basically Smackdown vs. Raw and Madden are all I play which seem to be frustrating games to most but I guess im different.
HAAHAHAHA that shit will posted is perfect...classic lol..that damn cage match of the single most unfair, impossible video game things since bo jackson in tecmo bowl lolyou wud somehow build up a special, which was extremely difficult becuase the CPU would reverse EVERYTHING and then when they made you fall, they would AUTOMATICALLY have a special without even doing anything else lol....NCAA 2008 gets me a lot, when my O line has bouts of ******ation at times and lets like 500 defenders through to sack me .5 seconds after i snap the ball lol
NCAA 2008 gets me a lot, when my O line has bouts of ******ation at times and lets like 500 defenders through to sack me .5 seconds after i snap the ball lol

I know the N.C.A.A. have slightly different rules than the N.F.L., but I still think if there are 500!!! defenders coming through your O-line, there should be a flag for too many men on the field. lol

I know exactly what you mean though. It happens with me in Madden, as everytime a defender breaks through, I attempt taking off to run.. & my QB is running at a snail's pace, while the defender is the fastest man alive. Then, you reverse that role, & YOU (being the defender) get through, suddenly every QB scrambling has Micheal Vick legs. Its insane.

Also, staying with madden & frustration.. have you ever noticed when your opponent "jumps off-side" & you snap the ball, there is NEVER any flag?! And also, the tackle where you jump up, & spin around the guys head, twisting him.. in the original PS2/Xbox Madden's.. that was always a 15 yd. face mask.. now its a legal tackle?!

I can't explain how many times I've gotten to the point of wanting to toss my controller because of stupid stuff like that.. when it isn't even that I'm losing, its just that the game developer didn't take the time to make sure stupid crap like this wouldn't happen.

Finally, as I'm typing this I thought of a game I used to play, that I can't think of the name.. but it always froze up. I think it was Metal Gear Solid. All I remember is, I had to save as often as I could.. & sometimes, I had to skip past the "cut scenes" because they'd cause the game to freeze. I remember the first few games I played, where I got so far only for the game to freeze, & I'd lose all that time.. not the controller's fault, mind you.. but it took the abuse.
Yes I did it with quite a few games, but i punched my old laptops screen through because Football Manager screwed me over on the last day of the season- 1 red card, 4 disallowed goals! Drew 1-1 when I needed 2 points to win the League. The ref was Mike Riley aswel though, the twat...
in a game of topspin 2 on the 360 and i was playing for like 3 hours in one match.. and i lost 4-3 3-4 4-3 3-4 99-97..... and we have windows directly behind our tv. needless to say the controller was thrown directly out of the living room, straight into the neighbours yard.

also, mario tennis always got me worked up on the 64. playing doubles against hard opponents and you would do all the hard work to stay in the point and they would just stuff you up.
actually I JUST broke a controller...this might have been one of the all time atrocities in video game history...

NCAA ahead 32 to 31 41 seconds left, they line up for a 39 yard feild goal..and MISS...I win...but wait a flag!!! Someone had run thru the line and RAN PAST THE KICKER BRUSHING UP AGAINST HIM!!! THERE WAS NO TACKLE ANIMATION WHATSOEVER!!! but they call roughing the kicker!!! IN NO FOOTBALL LEAGUE IN THE FUCKING UNIVERSE IS THAT ROUGHING THE KICKER!!! he didnt get knocked down, anything...the guy just simply ran past him and brushed into him..the kicker stood there as if nothing had happened...but they call roughing and get to kick again...and make it, and win of course....this is in the same game were my all american hiesman canidate running back fumbled THREE FUCKING TIMES and muffed a punt!!!...I swear, sometimes that game activates a "there is no fucking way you are winning this game" chip....
sure have. NCAA and Madden. It's 3rd and 10, your defense has held the opponent every down so far. Then your stupid defense gives up 11 yards, first down. And it keeps happening over....and over......and over again. Granted i cant play defense for crap but still give me a break

i need to buy one of those Nerf controllers that dont break when you throw them
I have to have broken at least 10 controllers no joke most of them were in my early days as a wee lad, i just got pissed at losing due to game winning touchdowns, ive calmed down mostly cause my mom got tired of paying 20 someodd dollars for controllers not puberty im still wily
Wrestlemania 2000 on the N64 cost me so many controllers I lost count. Going through single player, I couldn't get past the Royal Rumble for so long. And so everytime, Vince would come out and take my belt, and I couldn't beat the game. I have over 10 N64 controllers and i'd be lucky if even 2 work. I blame Wrestlemania for at least 6.

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