Bray Wyatt. Undertaker's most interesting opponent?

I'll probably get a lot of heat for this, I will be berated for ignoring some of his epic feuds with the likes of Shawn Michaels, Batista, Kane, Edge and many more but the fact is: Bray Wyatt is Undertaker's most interesting opponent in years!
why? Because Undertaker's whole persona relies on theatricals, darkness, the whole Dead man aura and people fearing him and dreading his presence. Bray Wyatt will have none of that as he's shown since the beginning of this feud and has cemented that on last night's Raw: The bells rang, the arena got dark and here was Bray Wyatt screaming for Undertaker to come out. He simply doesn't fear him at all, whereas others would have trembled from the simple bell voices. That's what's interesting about the guy, He doesn't fear the Undertaker and he isn't intimidated by the same mind games he constantly uses: darkness, general fearing factor, myths and theatricals. What really drives the point home is his reaction when his most valued prize (the chair) caught on fire. He first panicked but then maniacally laughed and laughed in "relief"?? His reaction was confusing at best and shows that he's crazy and just as dark as The Undertaker and that's in my opinion what sets him apart from everyone else. Whether he actually wins or not doesn't matter to me. Bray has done more than his part and paid his dues in a huge way and will only improve from here on.
No...just no. Wyatt is a cartoonish goofball. I haven't been so disinterested in an Undertaker WrestleMania feud since I found out he was fighting Mark Henry at WM22. And knowing that Undertaker is almost certainly going to lose, in yet another desperate attempt to make Wyatt relevant, just disgusts me.'s kinda been a while since they played off people "fearing" Taker, especially once they started focusing on the Streak and making him a achievement. Like I remember when people were actually fighting for the chance to face Taker at WM, obviously they weren't scared of Taker at all.

Interest wise it's a nice unique spot in what has been a very lackluster WM season, and much credit to Bray for pulling it off 100% solo. And while I certainly prefer this to the no so great build up of last year the epic feuds you named simply did more for me. Again Bray has done a great job, and if we're only counting dark/theatrical opponents Bray would probably win. But against all of Taker's many epic opponents at past WMs, I don't think Bray would even be in my top 10 list.
if we were able to explore Bray Wyatt vs Undertaker a bit further beyond Wrestlemania - we could possibly put that theory to the test but as of now I don't think a Wrestlemania match with Undertaker being absent for the build is enough.
It would be a great feud but comes in the wrong era. Take it back 10 years and away from the PG era. The Taker was near his prime and make Bray a more sadistic Kevin Sullivan type and then it would be a brutal feud. The WWE is too happy and needs to get more in tune with real life and infuse a lot more anger.
Wyatt has done a wonderful job in carrying this feud solo since the beginning, but as for being Taker's most interesting opponent, I think that's a stretch.

I'm not into Bray Wyatt, he's all over the map, doing this and doing that, and they've never seemed to really settle on one thing with him. Well except for the fact that he's a bit demented. He's always trying to turn people to the dark side, or kidnap them, or save them. And all his talk, while great, as been empty promises.

This match will be a one night thing only. I don't expect we'll see Taker again. Maybe next year in Dallas, but he won't be around to continue this feud with Wyatt, so I don't see any point in this match to begin with.
I liked Wyatt in the beginning, but now he's boring.

I fast forward everytime he starts to talk. He doesn't make sense.

Wyatt is like Ultimate Warrior on the mic, it's just doesn't make sense and it's getting boring when it's same old, same old. Where you don't even get it. :shrug:

Wyatt is just boring, I can't listen to a word he says.
I don't think it even comes close to the top ten, I think he had far more interesting feuds back in the day with guys like HBK and Kane and too many others to mention, I think Bray has done a good job of promoting the match by himself to the point where its still a match I'm looking forward to watching and probably could of had potential for a longer more interesting fued but doubt there will be a chance to continue the story as Undertaker appears to only wrestle at Wrestlemania now.
Damn, seems like Wyatt has garnered a lot of hate, since he beat Ambrose at TLC lol

I'm looking forward to it, since I'm just a huge Bray Wyatt fan, I can't wait to see how the Deadman responds to Wyatt's Spider walk spot. Should be a pretty good match, I honestly think It'll be a lot better than people think it will be. I know people point to The Undertaker's last year's performance as a way of saying he's not good anymore, but I remember reading that he got hurt early on in the match, so I believe that didn't help much.

Well I truly believe that Wyatt and Undertaker will have a great match at Wrestlemania, and I'm truly looking forward to it.
Damn, seems like Wyatt has garnered a lot of hate, since he beat Ambrose at TLC lol

I'm looking forward to it, since I'm just a huge Bray Wyatt fan, I can't wait to see how the Deadman responds to Wyatt's Spider walk spot. Should be a pretty good match, I honestly think It'll be a lot better than people think it will be. I know people point to The Undertaker's last year's performance as a way of saying he's not good anymore, but I remember reading that he got hurt early on in the match, so I believe that didn't help much.

Well I truly believe that Wyatt and Undertaker will have a great match at Wrestlemania, and I'm truly looking forward to it.

I don't think it has anything to do with Ambrose at all. The Bray Wyatt character when he first debuted was one of the most interesting characters to come along in a long time. Combine that with Harper and Rowan and you had a great heel faction that had stellar matches with the Shield.

Fans started turning on Wyatt because creative hasn't done anything with him. He's supposed to be a cult leader. Well his cult is gone, and any feud that he's been put into has usually ended in failure. His promo's that used to intrigue some now come off as boring and most of them are empty promises and threats.

He should have been the one to break Taker's streak last year, not Lesnar. That would have put him firmly on the map, and he could have taken off from there. Instead now he's going to feud with Taker in a one night stand, and afterwards he still has no direction to speak off.
I've watched his promo last monday (my first and probably my last as well) and I can definitely say that it was so boring. If he wants to be very intimidating, he needs to fix his mic work because the redneck style of talking doesn't fit and he surely can't handle long promos.

I would rather see Hornswoggle vs. Undertaker.
The Bray Wyatt character when he first debuted was one of the most interesting characters to come along in a long time. Combine that with Harper and Rowan and you had a great heel faction that had stellar matches with the Shield.

Fans started turning on Wyatt because creative hasn't done anything with him. He's supposed to be a cult leader. Well his cult is gone, and any feud that he's been put into has usually ended in failure. His promo's that used to intrigue some now come off as boring and most of them are empty promises and threats.

He should have been the one to break Taker's streak last year, not Lesnar. That would have put him firmly on the map, and he could have taken off from there. Instead now he's going to feud with Taker in a one night stand, and afterwards he still has no direction to speak off.

The comment quoted above sums it up perfectly - Bray Wyatt was an amazing character when he first debuted & was surrounded by his "family" that was willing to do his bidding. When they disbanded the Wyatt Family I totally lost interest in what was an amazing character storyline because it was the cornerstone of his character. How can you be a cult leader without a cult?! At onetime I thought maybe the Ascension or Bo Dallas would join up with him to begin a new family but this never happened - but to get Bray back to prominence they need to reform the Family!

Finally, I would have had a lot more interest in this fued if taker was still undefeated at mania. I am a huge Lesnar fan but WWE missed the boat on this one! They should have let Bray beat Taker & let him begin as the new Monster of Mania. I think they will have an outstanding match but there better be something big to occur to help solidify Bray.....but I wonder what they will do, because I don't see Taker losing clean at back to back manias. Maybe a DQ finish of some kind?
Bray may not be the most interesting opponent Undertaker has ever had, but I can see the OP's point...... and Bray might be the weirdest.

For the most part, 'Taker has held the franchise on strangeness in just about every match he's participated; it's been a major part of his allure all these years. In Bray, the two men can look to out-weird the other....and in addition to the apparent reticence of WWE to have Mark Calaway appear before WM31, it could be that not only does management figure that Bray can carry the build-up by himself, but that having both of them throwing verbal voodoo at each other might make the match seem like a joke instead of a battle to the "death."

The people in this thread who say Bray is weird enough by himself are right. I enjoyed the "fire chair" segment Monday night; when the lightning hit, Bray was startled at first....then he laughed. He's so strange that he probably can carry the pre-WM promos alone, with only a few visual reminders that Undertaker is in this, too.

Yes, Bray can be boring when talking about "normal" opponents (even Dean Ambrose was normal, compared to Bray) but with Wyatt being given a chance to run with the ball against an equally strange foe, I think he's proving himself to be up to the task.
People have quit fearing the taker for awhile now. Bray Wyatt is an interesting choice and he has done a wonderful job of carrying this feud in the absence of Taker..

Bray is a wonderful talker on the Mic IMO and does come off as a bit demented. But certainly Undertaker is only showing up for this match only and depending on the outcome this could be his last one! Does Undertaker put Bray Wyatt over I think its a almost a guarantee as the streak is dead so why not..

This feud is just a one night thing. I really dont know why they have spent so much time on this one if its going to be a one night thing.. Last I heard Undertaker is not in great shape and Bray while not Brock Lesnar rough is a big guy and could hurt the Undertaker.. I dont see the point in this one i dont
God, when you put it like that. You make wrestling sound so fucking stupid.

Btw, the feud hasn't been interesting one bit, i'm just waiting for the match at WrestleMania.

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