Brand Purposes


Roman Reigns the real 1-2-3 Kid
Hi this is my first thread, so please don't get bitchy if its a shit thread. Anyways lets start up.

When the brand split started in 2002 it meant every single superstar would have to stay on there designated show unless they were the Undisputed Champion. Today, almost half time superstars show up on any brand they feel like because there either "talent exchange" or "the unifyed champs" or "there so friggin cool that NEED to be on Raw" or something like that. So what I wanna talk about is what purpose does that brand split serve besides having a 3 hour draft to see Triple H get drafted to a show he's been on for the last 3 months. That's right, no purpose at all.

Okay first of all, I wanna start off with the unifyed title. They said that The unifyed champions can be on any show they want as champions do defend against superstars from all brands. Well then what the hell was the point of making Superstars? Isn't that show for all brands to get a chance at other superstarts from other brands. It's stupid how Wwe keeps making up stupid reasons to get superstars are different shows. Would it had really hurt if Edge & Jericho took on the Colons on Superstars. No not at all, infact it would be better for Superstars ratings to have a stelllar match like that on it's show.

Next I wanna talk about the draft. The draft was about 3 months ago and I had no problem with it. (ooh! Kozlov we've hit the JACKPOT) Last week, we had a mini draft again shaking things up. How are us fans gonna keep up constant changes when they can be done at once. All the superstars who were drafted in the mini-draft simply could have been drafted in the Draft 3 moths ago or the Supplemental Draft. Superstars keep on getting changed from show to show and end up going to other shows anyways. Take Matt Hardy for example, a little over a year ago he was drafted to ecw, 7 months later he went to SmackDown! to feud with his brother, then 3 months later he went to Raw and now 3 months later he's back on SmackDown! WTF was the point of even sending him to raw to job to MVP for 3 months?

Lastly, PPVS. Remember before 2007? When every show had it's own ppv and their were only 4 PPV's that were inter-brand. Ya, back then you had more than enough time to build feuds get enough in for the mid-card and tag division and it gave younger starts openings. Even not all the PPVS back than had stellar matches, but it gave storylines time to expand and kept things constanly fresh. SmackDown! Have a month and a half after WrestleMania for their 1st PPV, now theirs a PPV every 3 or 4 weeks.

What I'm trying to say is that all brands have everything to share. It doesn't feel like Raw is "home of Monday Nights" anymore. Plus, all the setups look the same, the only differences are the colours, you can tell it's taped. Keep Raw the same, Give ECW a little cat-walk like thingy, give superstars something big, and bring the FIST back on Smackdown! or something.
I know I went on for a while but....

Do you think they should just make it one big roster again or keep it the same but take aways ppvs? Should PPVS be brand serperated? Thoughts?
To the first of part of you're question, what was the brand split for, simple to showcase more talent, the brand split, seprated the titles evenly or so it was meant to, however RAW ended up with most of the belts, so for a 6 month period Smackdown only had the Tag titles, anyways moving on the whole point was to make more stars in 2002 WWE had the nWo return and WCW guys plus their own they needed to pad out their shows, rather then the same guys on every show.

second question, reason Edge/Jericho were on RAW is to show that they can go between shows the Colons in all their time as champions never ventured to the other shows unless they were drafted.

Edge/Jericho Vs Colons on Superstars would be an awesome main event for the pledging show.

The Draft last week, was meant to be a surprise, Vince making Trump look like he had loads of power, more then GM's have shown in the past, but I think this Draft may be the bigger of the two, Bourne, Henry, Swagger on RAW? will be interesting to see where Bourne goes from here, personally I'd of liked to see him in the ECW title before making the move.. Goldust in ECW hmm I'm 50/50 on that one, I think if he'd used he could be entertaining, and Regal well Finlay, Christian, Dreamer some decent matches there for him and he'll be in the role Finlay was, putting over the new younger talent.

I agree about two many PPV's but even going Brand only they'll loose viewers if their shows aren't up to scratch, and considering the price and the fact you can wait a month and get the PPV on DVD for a fraction of the price? the tri branded PPV's this past two years have been tweaked but from a personal note I'd have WWE cut down to 7 or 8, or have 5 big PPV's and 7 2 hour ppv's like the old In Your House format one main event and lower/mid card guys getting to shine.

TV entrance ramps it took to long to construct them and plus with HD coming in WWE wanted to have huge HD screens so when wrestlers come in like Kane the stage would be on fire, or when Undertaker comes out they'd be tombstones and thunder etc

I'd rather WWE have 3 live shows, as I know SD is the better quality show but the fact it's taped turns me off the idea, where RAW I've never missed a show in I don't know how long least 4 years.
The Draft last week, was meant to be a surprise, Vince making Trump look like he had loads of power, more then GM's have shown in the past, but I think this Draft may be the bigger of the two, Bourne, Henry, Swagger on RAW? will be interesting to see where Bourne goes from here, personally I'd of liked to see him in the ECW title before making the move.. Goldust in ECW hmm I'm 50/50 on that one, I think if he'd used he could be entertaining, and Regal well Finlay, Christian, Dreamer some decent matches there for him and he'll be in the role Finlay was, putting over the new younger talent..

I wasn't trying to say the draft was a bad concept.. but couldn't they have had drafted Henry,Swagger and Bourne during the first draft and the surprise could've been Trump giving away more money or something. On another note, I would like to see Bourne be elevated on ECW and seen Christian go over to SD! but I guess that ain't happenning. On another not, I don't think were gonna be seeing Goldust on ECW alot he probably was just put their out of the blue. And I totally except fully from Regal on ECW.

P.S Finlay got moved to SmackDown!
At the end of the day it all comes down to whats ganna make the WWE the most money. People want too pay too see HHH, John Cena, Jericho ect.... every 20something days on PPV. If they joined all the showes as 1 roster youd see alot of teh mid card be released Like HHH & Randy would be raw then it be on ECW & Smackdown. Same with CM punk & Hardy tehy would have all the Mains on each show to make more money. this would take alotta time for lower mid carders to get TV time
When the brand split started in 2002 it meant every single superstar would have to stay on there designated show unless they were the Undisputed Champion. Today, almost half time superstars show up on any brand they feel like because there either "talent exchange" or "the unifyed champs" or "there so friggin cool that NEED to be on Raw" or something like that. So what I wanna talk about is what purpose does that brand split serve besides having a 3 hour draft to see Triple H get drafted to a show he's been on for the last 3 months. That's right, no purpose at all.

Oh? What wrestler other than Edge has shown up on Raw when they're supposed to be on Smackdown/ECW since Edge divorced Vickie? And even then, Edge only showed up because he had to divorce the GM of Raw. He couldn't really do that on Smackdown.

And Triple H was on Raw because the McMahons were getting fucked with, weren't they? Triple H was acknowledged as the husband of Stephanie, so it wouldn't make any sense to have Orton fucking with the McMahons without Triple H making him pay.

Okay first of all, I wanna start off with the unifyed title. They said that The unifyed champions can be on any show they want as champions do defend against superstars from all brands. Well then what the hell was the point of making Superstars? Isn't that show for all brands to get a chance at other superstarts from other brands. It's stupid how Wwe keeps making up stupid reasons to get superstars are different shows. Would it had really hurt if Edge & Jericho took on the Colons on Superstars. No not at all, infact it would be better for Superstars ratings to have a stelllar match like that on it's show.

So the unified champions can't defend their championship wherever they want now? That's like saying if the WWE unifies the World Titles it can only be defended on Superstars. The WWE sent Edge and Jericho to defend on Raw because they were trying to get a ratings boost for Raw, I'm sure. It's the same reason Raw is getting Cena/Triple H as a main-event. Ratings will go up for a PPV-quality match any day of the week.

Next I wanna talk about the draft. The draft was about 3 months ago and I had no problem with it. (ooh! Kozlov we've hit the JACKPOT) Last week, we had a mini draft again shaking things up. How are us fans gonna keep up constant changes when they can be done at once. All the superstars who were drafted in the mini-draft simply could have been drafted in the Draft 3 moths ago or the Supplemental Draft. Superstars keep on getting changed from show to show and end up going to other shows anyways. Take Matt Hardy for example, a little over a year ago he was drafted to ecw, 7 months later he went to SmackDown! to feud with his brother, then 3 months later he went to Raw and now 3 months later he's back on SmackDown! WTF was the point of even sending him to raw to job to MVP for 3 months?

Hardy was drafted back because he couldn't get heat on Raw after fucking over faces for months. So they jobbed him out, and shipped him to Smackdown so he could start over when he gets healed up from his tummy muscle.

Why weren't they drafted 3 months ago? Well, most of the ECW talent drafted wasn't ready to make the jump yet. Hell, the Hart Dynasty wasn't even in the WWE. The Raw talent moved to Smackdown was to make room for better mid-card talent. Really, that's all.

And the people moved to ECW were moved for either one of two reasons. They are veterans moved to help get the new talent over and teach them how to work the crowd, (Regal), or they blow and are sent there as a last chance (Benjamin).

Lastly, PPVS. Remember before 2007? When every show had it's own ppv and their were only 4 PPV's that were inter-brand. Ya, back then you had more than enough time to build feuds get enough in for the mid-card and tag division and it gave younger starts openings. Even not all the PPVS back than had stellar matches, but it gave storylines time to expand and kept things constanly fresh. SmackDown! Have a month and a half after WrestleMania for their 1st PPV, now theirs a PPV every 3 or 4 weeks.

How would it keep things fresh? We'd get feuds that are dragged out months and months simply because it takes 3 months before they can have 2 matches.

Unless you're saying the amount of PPVs are making people get burnt out over the feuds because the wrestlers involved meet too many times. Then I'd have to agree. Triple H vs. Orton 400 is half of what makes their feud so boring.

Do you think they should just make it one big roster again or keep it the same but take aways ppvs? Should PPVS be brand serperated? Thoughts?

Cut out some PPVs, honestly. 3 or 4 weeks between PPVs is just silly. But 2 and a half months is just as odd.

And one big roster will result in one thing. Fewer time spent on showcasing new talent, and more time showcasing the main-event stars that make the money. It'd be even more boring than Orton/Triple H. And that's pretty damn boring.
I don't see any point for the brand division anymore, except for the fact that it caters for their overly large roster. The way I see it, they could drop ECW, merge the brands and titles and cut that portion of their roster that we never hear about.

They definitley need to cut their PPV's and extend the time in between. Also, im currently not digging the PPV rebranding scheme - they're gonna kill Hell in a Cell for instance with a PPV dedicated to HiaC matches.

I've also said this on another thread, but like any angle/idea it's fresh for a while, but this whole brand thing has long been stale.

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