Brand New WWE 2008

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RAW Roster
Mr. Kennedy
Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio
Randy Orton
John Morrison
CM Punk
Chris Jericho
Ric Flair
Matt Hardy
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Santino Marella
Cody Rhodes
DH Smith
Shelton Benjamin
Charlie Haas

Commentary J.R. & King

Smackdown Roster

John Cena
Chuck Palumbo
Kenny Dykstra

Commentary JBL & Michael Cole

Kelly Kelly
Torrie Wilson

Trish Stratus
Beth Phoenix
Mickie James

More Superstars will be added

Championships are all vacant
1st Of January 2008
Vince McMahon announces some of the Superstars on the rosters (above) "no more ECW its gone!" announces Vince, "Theres going to be some changes around here now that ECW's gone. New Titles maybe, Titles changed in some ways, New Champions, alot is going to change."
Wed 8th of January 2008
I will now announce that the WWE Undisputed Championship is back, the WWE tag team championship is gone, BUT! the World Tag Team Championship will now be defended on both brands and partners can be on both brands. That is all for now, we will air our first RAW episode on Monday the 13th of January, next week
Monday 13th Of January
RAW Pyro goes off with 'To Be Loved' playing. Then Vince's music starts and he makes his way to the ring with massive fan heat. "Good Evening everyone" (crowd boos) "I wonder what hes got in store for us tonight" - J.R. "Oh i do too J.R." - King. "Tonight There will be a Battle Royal for the WWE Undisputed Championship between top RAW & Smackdown superstars, there will be a Triple Threat Ladder match for the World Tag Team Championship and the Intercontinental Championship will be up for grabs in a 7 man elimination hardcore match between Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, CM Punk, MVP, John Morrison, Cody Rhodes & Matt Hardy. Plus Next Week I will announce the new General Managers for RAW & Smackdown, but this week I will be both brands GM’s. “That’s exciting J.R.!” - King
Vince leaves the ring.
Santino Marella’s music hits the crowd boos. “Oh here we go king” – J.R. “Hello yes its me Santino Marella and I’m here to say that in this new WWE we have I am going to dominate in the ring and with my singing, now I am better than the superstars bigger than me and smaller than me like the massive no-personality talentless monster Bobby Lashley (crowd boos) Lashley’s Music Hits! Crowd cheering Lashley walks down and grabs Marellas collar but Vince comes out, “You two wanna fight?” Marella pleads and shakes his head, Lashley nods his head “You got it! Right now!”
Match 1
The bell rings. Lashley wrips off his tie and starts beating the crap out of Marella hits the dominator on him and wins.

Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, CM Punk, MVP, John Morrison, Cody Rhodes & Matt Hardy all enter the ring.

The Match Starts, Punk & Morrison go at it in the corner, while M. Hardy & Rhodes double team MVP and J. Hardy and Kennedy fight on the outside.
Kennedy whacks J.Hardys head on the announcer table and chokes him with the cables Hardy counters by elbowing him in the gut and throwing him back-first to the edge of the ring. meanwhile MVP low blowed M Hardy and Clotheslined Rhodes and went for the cover, 1 count, Morrison does his springboard kick but misses punk, punk picks up Morrison and does his kicking combo followed by an irish whip into the turnbuckle then a clothesline and bulldog sets him up for the GTS and it connects punk pins, Morrison eliminated. J Hardy hits kennedy with a chair and goes for the pin, 2 ½ count, kennedy is bleading hardy hits him again then pulls a ladder from under the ring crowd goes wild, he sets it up in the ring climbs up “SWANTOM BOMB, SWANTOM BOMB OFF THE LADDER!!!” screams J.R. Hardy does a swantom bomb off the ladder onto kennedy he pins him, 1!, 2!, 3!, Kennedy Eliminated. Jeff helps his brother and Rhodes against MVP, Rhodes hits his DDT Matt Picks him up twist of fate, pin 1,2,3, MVP eliminated. “Its down to CM Punk, The Hardy Boyz & Cody Rhodes, J.R.!, this is great!”, Jeff Hardy goes to work on CM Punk while M Hardy goes for Rhodes, J Hardy punch gets countered by punk, punk then clotheslines him then Hardy gets up punk hits the anaconda vice hardy taps and J Hardy is eliminated. Meanwhile Cody Rhodes just hit the DDT on Matt Hardy for the pin, now its just Rhodes & Punk. Rhodes does a cross body on punk then picks him up gets him in position for the DDT then Punk lifts his arm in between Rhodes’ legs and lifts him up and hits the GTS. Punk is the New Intercontinental Champion. McMahon comes down and congratulates Punk and they leave the ring.
Match 2
Triple Threat Ladder Match for the World Tag Team Championship
London & Kendrick vs Cade & Murdoch vs Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas
The Match begins.
Benjamin goes out of the ring and gets a ladder, Haas takes on Murdoch and Londrick double team cade. Murdoch gets rid of has and low blows Benjamin, Murdoch has the ladder and beats up Benjamin and haas with it he sets it up and starts climbing only to be interrupted by London & Kendrick, they both set the ladder up again and both climb it to protect each other which backfires when everyone knocks the ladder over and londrick fall out of the ring Benjamin jumps over and takes them out for a second time. Its now a 2 on 1 in the ring and cade & Murdoch do their big boot atomic drop combo on haas and hes out. Benjamins on the ring apron and pulls over murdoch and does a springboard kick on cade he then does a t-bone suplex on Murdoch, climbs up the ladder and goes for the title but Kendrick and London run in and knock him down. Cade is back up he dropkicks the ladder and londrick fall off. He picks it up and goes for it but Benjamin pulls it down from the ground haas brings in another ladder and leans it on the already set ladder Kendrick climbs up the ladder but Benjamin gets up runs up the ladder and clotheslines Kendrick off and haas climbs up and reacher for the titles and gets them.
New World Tag Team Champions The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas.
Benjamin grabs the mic of Lillian.
“ooh I wonder what Benjamin is gonna say J.R.!” “so do I king, but I would bet my life on it its gonna be something cocky”
Shelton gets in the ring, “Ha, Now we really are the worlds greatest tag team” he drops the mic and walks out with Haas.

A Promo Airs the screen is black and a voice comes on saying “Im Coming… Back”

Main Event
Battle Royal For The WWE Undisputed Championship wich can go to any brand
All the competitors are in the ring they are: HHH, HBK, Y2J, Randy Orton, Edge, Undertaker, John Cena , Rey Mysterio, Batista, Finlay & Kane.
The Match Starts off with HBK and Orton beating the crap out of each other and same with ‘taker and Edge. Mysterio & Finaly are brawling in the corner. Then out of nowhere as the ref turns around finlay grabs the shilayley from the corner and pushes mysterio to the ropes and hits him over the head with it, Mysterio is eliminated. Finaly goes onto kane now but kane dominates him, meanwhile Y2J & HBK are beating up Orton & HHH & Cena are fighting on the edge, then Cena built up some momentum picked HHH up & FU’d him over the ropes. Then edge runs over and attacks cena from behind sits him up on the turn buckle runs back off the ropes then back at cena and spears cena off the top and onto the ground, cena & edge are eliminated they are now brawling on the outside. Then while that happened kane choke-slammed finlay over the ropes but taker got kane from behind and hit him over the ropes. Its now Undertaker vs Y2J vs HBK vs Orton vs Batista. Batista clotheslines taker but taker brings batista with him then Orton attempts to RKO Y2J but HBK superkicks him over the ropes then the same to Y2J but Y2J catches his kick and whips him over the rope. “Oh My God J.R., Y2J the new Undisputed Champ… AGAIN!” “I know king what an amazing match”
A Promo airs promoting Smackdown with Batista, John Cena, Edge & Undertaker in a Fatal-4-way for the World Heavyweight Championship.

RAW goes off the air.
Current Champions
WWE Undisputed - Chris Jericho
Intercontinental - CM Punk
World Tag Team Champions - Worlds Greatest Tag Team (Haas & Benjamin)
More Championships To Be Anounced On
Wednesday 15th Of January
I am going to announce next weeks RAW Main Event, Shawn Michaels & WWE Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton & special Smackdown guest Edge. I will also announce Bobby Lashley vs Santino Marella & Ric Flair vs John Morrison
Friday Night Smackdown

Vince McMahon Comes Out and announces the Main Event (again!)” Tonight There will be yet another amazing main event, it will be a fatal-4-way for the World Heavyweight Championship between John Cena, Edge, Undertaker & Batista (the crowd cheers) but that’s later and now there will be a handicap match between Deuce & Domino battling Chuck Palumbo, so let it begin!”

Match 1

Chuck Palumbo makes his way to the ring then Deuce & Domino & Cherry come out smirking and Deuce & Domino push over Chuck’s bike, that doesn’t impress Chuck. As they enter Chuck charges at them delivering a double clothesline. Deuce & Domino look at each other amazed and both start attacking Palumbo with punches. Palumbo then eventually reverses them and irish whips both of them to the ropes and gives them another double clothes line over the ropes. At this point Cherry starts to flirt with Chuck and as he is talking to her Deuce comes from behind with a Low Blow. Deuce & Domino then attack him while he is on the ground.

Winner – Chuck Palumbo via DQ

Same Promo as RAW shows the screen goes black and a voice says “I’m coming… again!”

Match 2

Lillian Garcia – “The Following Match is for the revived European Championship and it is between Kane & Umaga in a Street Fight.
Kane & Umaga Brawl for the first three minutes then Umaga kicks Kane in the groin and strongly irish whips kane to the corner and does his whiplash head thing. 2 count. Umaga then gets out a chair and carries it in but kane recovers and big boots it into Umaga’s Face. 2 count. Kane then tries to chokeslam Umaga… “Umaga does the Samoan Spike!” yells Cole. Umaga covers kane crowd yells 1!, 2! Thrrrrrrrrr “Kane Kicked Out!” yells JBL “Kane Kicked Out!, I’ve never seen that, I have never seen that and never thought I would see that” Umaga cant believe it, Kane does his sit up thing and stares at Umaga. Umaga unloads heaps of punches on kane, kane stumbles but recovers. He starts doing the same to Umaga then he does an uppercut and a big boot. Kane picks up Umaga and hits him with chair 3 times finally on the 4th Umaga goes down. Kane pins 2 ½ count Kane cannot believe it Kane gets out a table and sets it up on the outside and drags Umaga onto it. Kane gets on the apron and does a leg drop on Umaga Through the table and pins 1,2,3.

New European Champion – Kane

Coming Up

Kenny Dykstra vs Finlay

Commercial Break

Back from the commercials and Kelly Kelly is doing her own solo expos`e

Match 3

Kelly Kelly vs Melina

Squash Match Melina hit a DDT for the win.

Winner - Melina via Pinfall

Promo airs promoting Royal Rumble

Match 4

Kenny Dykstra vs Finlay
Finlay starts off dominating Kenny but Kenny starts to gain some momentum and gets Finlay on the ground with a suplex he then goes for his top rope leg drop but Finlay moves and Kenny lands and hurts his ass, Finlay runs off the ropes and dropkicks Kenny in the face, cover 2 count, Kenny gets up grabs finlay around the waist from behind and pushes him against the rope for the roll-up, 2, Finlay grabs his shillayley strikes but Kenny dodges, Kenny grabs finlay by the tights and rolls him up for the win.

Winner – Kenny Dykstra via Roll-Up

Main Event

Fatal-4-Way for the Vacant World Heavyweight Championship between John Cena, Edge, Undertaker & Batista.
They all make their way to the ring.
The bell rings, John Cena & Edge remember their history and go at it in the corner while undertaker has Batista in the other corner delivering punches to Batista’s head. Edge pokes Cena in the eyes and dropkicks him, 2 count, Batista reverses and throws Taker into the corner and delivers some punches. Edge throws Cena on the outside and they brawl on the outside, meanwhile Taker does his irish whip big boot combo and goes for the pin, 2, Edge and Cena are back in the ring Cena does the spin out powerbomb and does the 5 knuckle shuffle and lifts up edge onto his shoulders for the FU then taker runs off the ropes and delivers a big boot to the side of Edge’s head, edge is out cold. Cena tries to cover Edge but Batista and taker pull him back and all three go at it Cena does his shoulder block on Batista, as Cena gets up he is introduced to takers fist. Taker picks up cena and delivers a chokeslam and hits the tombstone but batista gets up, taker turns around and batista spears taker and they collide with the referee and the ref is KO'd and everyone else is down. Then out of nowhere Randy Orton runs in with a chair and hits Batista with it twice Batista is out cold, He hits taker with it then he goes and gets another one and delivers a con-chair-to on cena. He then drags Edge on to Cena then leaves the ring the referee gets up and makes the count.

Winner & New World Heavyweight Champion – Edge via Pinfall

“Man, that was great, Cole he came back to help his old partner in a GREAT way!”
“I personally think it was disgusting, John”
“Oh Yeah, Yeah, Yeah you always do but you’ve never stepped into a ring you don’t know what its like, congratulations Edge, on a great win!”

Smackdown goes off the air.
Updated Championships
WWE Undisputed - Chris Jericho
World Heavyweight Championship - Edge
Intercontinental Champion - CM Punk
World Tag Team Champions - Shelton Benjamin & Haas
European Champion - Kane
Womens Championship - Vacant currently

Blue = Smackdown Title Red = RAW Title Both = Both Brand Title
Keep doing the Results like the way you did Smackdown.. Raw's layout was kinda dull hard to read.. keep it up though
I agree with Teekay, RAW's layout was kinda hard to read, but overall it was still a pretty decent show. Also, glad to see you got rid of crappy ECW and sticking with just RAW and Smackdown. But yeah man, keep up the good work. Good roster you have for both brands, I see some really good feuds coming up soon. Can't wait.
WWE RAW 20th of January

“To Be Loved” is playing and the pyro goes off. Then like last week Vince’s music hits, the crowd boos.

Vince – “Now I know you all love me and you don’t have to show it with your cheering”

Crowd boos more.

King - “Yeah he wishes”

J.R. – “Now remember who signs your paychecks, King”

“I’ll only be out here for a short while, I’m here to announce your new General Manager of RAW like I said last week, and the new announcer of RAW is…”
(Vince points at the entrance ramp)

Mick Foley’s Music plays, the crowd goes wild!
“Hi everyone, Mick Foley here, I’ll keep it quick I’m your new GM and I’ll be running the place from now on so… Have A Nice Day!”

His music hits and he and Vince make their way back.

Match 1

Bobby Lashley vs Santino Marella

Bell rings. They lock up and Bobby Lashley easily pushes Marella to the corner. Ref counts to 5 and Lashley lets go at 4, Marella gives him a poke in the eye and some kicks. Then goes for the roll up, 1 count, Lashley recovers and gives Marella a right hand Marella hits the ground gets up and meets another right, and another, and another. Then he dodges one and goes behind Lashley and kicks the back of his thighs, Lashley turns around and clotheslines Marella goes for the cover, 2 ½ count. Lashley leaves Marella on the ground and goes in the corner setting up for a spear Marella gets up turns around and jumps over Lashley’s spear turns around grabs Lashley’s tights and rolls him up.

Winner – Santino Marella via Roll-Up

Promo Airs with a black screen and the voice “I’m coming… BACK!”

Lillian – “The following match is a…” Foley comes on the screen “Sorry Lillian, since I’m the new manager and I make the matches I’ve decided to change this one to a Hardcore Match, since Ric Flair is the dirtiest player in the game & Morrison is a former ECW champion, Have a nice day!”

King - “Yes, this will be great J.R.!” “It should be interesting” – J.R.

Match 2

No DQ between John Morrison & Ric Flair.

Bell rings. They lock up, Flair counters with some chops (crowd – “Wooooooooooo”), Morrison counters with a right hand and a dropkick, 1 count, Flair gets up and Morrison does his springboard enzugiri(I think that’s what it is)and goes out to get a chair.
He goes to hit flair, flair counters and hits Morrison, then locks in the Figure 4 leg lock. Morrison is screaming he’s going to tap! He then manages to get the chair and throw it at flair’s head flair is lying down dazed Morrison is leaning on the ropes facing the crowd smirking the crowd is cheering which surprises Morrison,
meanwhile HBK is running into the ring (that explains the crowd) Morrison turns around into some sweet chin music! Crowd cheers. HBK recovers flair and flair hits the figure 4 again. Morrison taps. HBK & Flair celebrate in the ring.

Winner – Ric Flair via Submission

King – “Ha Ha, you gotta love HBK, J.R.” “Well yes I guess I did enjoy seeing that cocky Morrison get whats ment to have been coming to him for a long time”

Promo for Royal Rumble

Foley comes out and announces a Women’s championship match between Beth Phoenix & a mystery woman.

Beth Phoenix comes out then its silent and then music hits, J.R. – “Trish Stratus! It’s Trish Stratus Ladies & Gentleman!!” “Oh yes pinch me J.R.”

Match 3

Women’s Championship between Trish Stratus & Beth Phoenix
Beth Starts off with some power house moves, a clothes line followed by another and then a big boot. Crowd boos. Trish recovers runs off the ropes and does a running drop kick goes for the cover. 2 count. Beth pulls Trish’s hair, Trish kicks Beth in the stomach and punches her then goes for the chick kick but phoenix dodges then she sets up the fisherman suplex but stratus reverses into a Stratusfaction. Trish Stratus is an 8 time Women’s champion.

Winner & New Women’s Champion – Trish Stratus

Foley on the Screen again “Now another surprise! a 6 Man Tag between Triple H, Rey Mysterio & Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy & MVP where the losers go to Smackdown! and I know you may not all get along but hey! That’s not my problem, Ha Ha, Cya!”

They All Make their way to the ring.

J.R. – “it’s a battle for your jobs as far as I’m concerned”

Match 4

Triple H & MVP begin in the ring. MVP distracts the ref, Kennedy & Hardy run and knock, Mysterio & M. Hardy off the apron and brawl outside. HHH & MVP finally start wrestling then Hardy runs in distracts the ref, Kennedy comes from behind and low blows HHH and MVP goes for the cover.

Winners – MVP, Jeff Hardy & Mr. Kennedy via Pinfall

Everyone else runs in and there is a massive brawl in the ring J. Hardy on Mysterio and M. Hardy on MVP & HHH & Kennedy are at it.

Foley comes out “Okay okay stop it! All of you as much as I’d love to see you fight I’m gonna have to stop you, but not for long at Royal Rumble there will be a rematch of this but it will be a Hardcore, just the way I like it, 6 Man Texas Tornado Elimination Tag, Now get out of the ring!”

Main Event

Tag Team Chris Jericho & Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton & Special Smackdown Guest & World Heavyweight Champion Edge

Y2J & Orton start in the ring, they lock up, Y2J has a headlock on Orton they go to the rope Y2J releases and runs to the ropes and delivers a springboard clothesline, cover, 1 count, Orton’s up and Y2J goes for a clothesline Orton counters with his modified backbreaker,2 ½ count, Orton tags in Edge, Edge picks up Y2J and Y2J delivers a dropkick both men are down Y2J gets to HBK for the hot tag.
Edge irish whips HBK, HBK rebounds with a flying forearm and kip-up then inverted atomic drop but Orton runs in and clothes lines HBK from over Edge’s head, Y2J runs in and jumps on Orton, they are brawling Edge goes out and sets up the Con-Chair-To on HBK. Meanwhile on the outside Y2J hit the code breaker on Orton, HBK reverses the Con-Chair-To into Edges Face, Michaels Tunes up the Band while Y2J is on the opposite corner like DX used to do, Edge is nailed with Sweet Chin Music and falls into a code breaker by Y2J.

J.R. – “What a dirty match good to see Rated RKO get some payback”

Result – No Contest.

Y2J & HBK celebrate with the crowd on each side of the ring meanwhile someone is running into the ring and spears HBK and then Y2J turns into another spear. He looks up and signals a title around his waist. J.R. – “My god King, that’s Goldberg!” King – “Oh My God I Know J.R.”

Goldberg leaves the ring.

RAW goes off the air
Vince McMahon -
This embarrasses me to announce this but it appears WWE's ratings are not going as well as they have in the past and there may be some BIG changes in the near future, after all we've already gone through i apologies to the WWE fans
Royal Rumble Matches
WWE Undisputed Championship Match - Y2J vs Goldberg
World Heavyweight Championship Match - Edge vs TBA
30 Man Royal Rumble
Smackdown – 25th Of January

Smackdown kicks off. McMahon Comes out into the ring.

Vince – “Now like on RAW I’ll only be quick I’m just here to announce your new General Manager and he is the best you could ever have…” McMahon says smirking.

He points at the ramp “Here comes the money plays…” crowd boos. “And its my son, Shane!”

Shane is on the screen in his new office and announces Kane vs Finlay &Triple H vs Matt Hardy.

JBL – “oh that should be good, HHH vs Matt Hardy, some revenge for letting down the team on RAW”

Cole – “Well I hope HHH doesn’t get to carried away” JBL - “Oh jeez Cole”

Match 1

Kane vs Finlay

Match starts they lock up. Kane delivers some punches to the abdomen of Finlay, Finlay counters with a kick to the gut and a clothesline off the ropes.

JBL – “Yeah now that’s great wrestling!”, Cole sighs at JBL.

1 count. Finlay guides Kane to the corner and goes for the 10 punches.

Crowd –








Kane counters on the 8th and throws Finlay on the ground.
Finlay gets up and Kane gives him an uppercut and a leg drop. 2 count.
Finlay kicks Kane in the face and gets up and does his but drop thing(?) 2 count.
Kane runs off the ropes and delivers a clothes line and a running powerslam.

JBL – “Oh here we go Kane’s building up some momentum!”

Finlay walks in to the chokeslam but counters & kicks Kane he goes for a clothesline but Kane counters into a chokeslam.

Winner - Kane via Pinfall

Commercial Break

We’re back and Shane is in the ring.

“Now tonight’s Main Event is going to be one to remember, it will be a 5 man elimination match where the last man standing wins and is #1 Contender for Edge’s World Title and its between Rey Mysterio, HHH, Batista, Cena & Undertaker, So if you are forced to submit or are beaten by pinfall you are eliminated”

Crowd Cheers.

JBL – “This should be a great physical contest in tonight’s Main Event”

Cole – “Yes it should be with a lot on the line but if they lose they could get another chance in the Royal Rumble”

Match 2

HHH vs Matt Hardy

Match begins, HHH is staring at Hardy the whole time. He delivers right hand after right hand. Hardy can hardly get up HHH delivers a clothes line, 1,2 thrrrrrrrr, Hardy grabs the rope, ROPEBREAK.
HHH picks him up and delivers a spinebuster then a pedigree.

Winner – Triple H via Pinfall

After the match HHH gets a chair and beats the crap out of Matt then leaves the ring.

Commercial Break

Edge comes out with the title over his shoulder “It doesn’t matter who I face I will retain my world title at Royal Rumble because I am the greatest WWE superstar of all time”. Edge leaves.

Match 3

Triple Threat
Kelly Kelly vs Torrie Wilson & Ashley

Boring match Ashley wins with a Starstruck.

Winner - Ashley via Pinfall

Promo airs for Royal Rumble.

Shane McMahon comes out.

“Hello everyone I am standing here to announce to you who the 30 entrants in the 2008 Royal Rumble are (crowd cheers) It will include the 5 competitors in our Main Event but the winner of the Main Event will obviously not compete in it so he will be erased after tonight’s match…

In no particular order here they are,

JBL - “Ha ha this should be good cole,”

Shelton Benjamin,
Shawn Michaels,
CM Punk,
Santino Marella,
Special Guest ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan,
old ECW talent Elijah Burke, Rob Van Dam, Marcus Cor Von& Kevin Thorn,
Matt Hardy,
Jeff Hardy,
John Cena*,
Rey Mysterio*,
Triple H*,
Randy Orton,
John Morrison,
Ric Flair,
Kenny Dykstra,
Paul London,
Brian Kendrick,
Cody Rhodes,
DH Smith,
Charlie Haas,
Mr. Kennedy,
Bobby Lashley,
& Umaga.
Now I am aware that there are 31 but like I said one of them are going to be facing Edge on that night.”

*Could be erased if they win Main Event.

Main Event

5 man elimination match, Last man standing wins and is #1 contender for Edge’s World Title at Royal Rumble

They are all in the ring.

JBL – “Here we go Cole!”

Bell rings. Batista and Taker are in the corner locking up, HHH is beating up Mysterio while Cena is approaching taker and Batista.

Taker uppercuts Batista and clotheslines Cena and delivers a leg drop, 2 count, Cena and taker exchange punches, taker wins and is in the middle of an old school but Batista runs at the ropes and the rope lands between taker’s legs and Batista knocks taker to the outside.

Batista beats up Cena and goes for the Batista bomb but HHH clotheslines him when Cena’s head is between Batista’s legs. Cena hits a bulldog on HHH and a 5-knuckle shuffle.

He goes for the STFU but HHH counters and kicks Cena’s head Mysterio goes for a moonsault but Cena moves Cena hits the STFU on Mysterio.
Mysterio is reaching for the rope he can’t reach Cena pulls him back but Mysterio puts all his energy in it and gets to the ropes,
as he gets up Cena is measuring him, Mysterio walks into a FU. Mysterio eliminated.

HHH high knees Cena then delivers a face buster, sets up the pedigree but taker’s back in the ring and bug boots HHH, HHH is bleeding from the mouth.

Batista goes for the clothesline on Undertaker but taker ducks and he nails the ref. The ref is out. That’s when Edge runs in with a chair! He nails everyone with a chair shot and con-chair-to’s HHH, everyone is down and bleeding and Edge leaves and stands at the start of the ramp with that psychotic face he does (like at survivor series).

Batista fell on top of HHH, who is bleeding all over the place. The ref eventually recovers and sees Batista on top of HHH and makes the count. HHH eliminated. HHH is on the outside and gets taken out by paramedics.

Batista gets up and goes for the cover on Cena, Cena kicks out on 2 ¾. Crowd cant believe it then taker sits up! and choke slams Batista & goes to on Cena but Cena pushes him in the corner and goes for the 10 punches but taker blocks the first one.


Taker pins. Cena eliminated. Edge slowly starts walking to the ring again.
Then Batista is getting up and taker gets him into position for the tombstone then edge goes at the side of the ring and pulls the refs neck down on the ropes then runs in and spears taker while he is holding Batista, they are both down.

Edge leaves the ring, ref recovers and Batista covers undertaker. Its all over but then taker kicks out on 2 and ¾s no-one can believe it! taker sits up and stares at Batista he gets up and chokeslams Batsita and nails the tombstone.

Winner – Undertaker via Pinfall

JBL – “What an amazing match, Cole!” Cole - “yes it was John. The undertaker really is amazing”

Undertaker vs Edge For the World Title at Royal Rumble.

Smackdown! Goes off the air.
Royal Rumble 2008
Kicks off with a bang with the official theme song “Oh” by Union Turnpike playing, the crowd is extremely excited.

J.R.: welcome to the 2008 Royal Rumble! Now to my partner King

King: yes and in the Main Event, the 30 man Royal Rumble the winner goes to the grand daddy of them all Wrestlemania… 24!
Vince’s music hits, crowd stops cheering.

JR: this should be interesting

“Now I have some shocking news, (Vince points at the screen its Edge beaten up and bloodied) Edge has been beaten up backstage and I need to find out who did it and I won’t rest until I…”

HHH’s Music hits “it was me!”

Vince: well I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you.

HHH: I don’t care, he cost me my match last night I cost him his tonight.

Vince stops and thinks for a minute…

Vince: actually no

HHH: No what?

Vince: you’re not punished you’re in the match it’s now a triple threat, its great for business, you want to destroy Edge, which you kind of already have… so you’re in!

HHH: whatever but who’s gonna take my place in the rumble?

Vince: leave that to me.

HHH’s music hits and they both leave.

Match 1
WWE Undisputed Championship Match
Chris Jericho vs Goldberg

Promo shows Goldberg’s return and Y2J’s reign as champ

Y2J’s music hits

King: here he is JR! The Undisputed Champion! Chris Jericho!
JR: yes he really is one of a kind
Goldberg’s music hits

JR: well we really haven't seen much of this man to judge him lets just see what happens
King: I think he's in with a chance JR
They are both in the ring staring at each other. The bell rings. They lock up, Goldberg throws Y2J to the ground, Y2J gets up but Goldberg clotheslines him, 2 count, Y2J irish whips Goldberg to the ropes and Y2J runs with him and bulldogs him, 1 count.
King: oh it’s a tough job for our WWE Undisputed Champ
JR: I agree king.

Y2J picks up Goldberg but Goldberg counters and lifts Y2J over his head then throws him to the ground, 2 ½ count.
King: I think Y2J’s in trouble JR!
Goldberg goes to pick up Y2J then Y2J rolls up Goldberg, 1!, 2!, Thrrrrrrrrrrrrr Goldberg gets out and kicks Y2J on the ground continuously, picks him up and throws him into the turnbuckle.

Goldberg starts running at Y2J in the corner going for the spear but Y2J dodges and Goldberg is hurt, Y2J gets on top of the turnbuckle and does a cross body but Goldberg catches him, but Y2J puts his hands on Goldberg’s head and pushes it down and Y2J hits the code breaker, 1!,2!, Thrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
JR: Goldberg kicks out!, Goldberg kicks out King!
King: Oh My God King!

Y2J doesn’t know what to do he's just standing there trying to think.
Then Y2J drags Goldberg in the middle of the ring.

Y2J has the Walls of Jericho locked in, Goldberg’s gonna tap he almost reaches the ropes then he does. Y2J gets up and doesn’t know what to do he’s kicking the ropes but then runs into a spear!

JR: Spear!, Spear!, good lord what a spear! Its all over king!
Goldberg covers 2 ¾ Y2J touched the rope!
King: “Oh my god!”

Goldberg’s measuring him for another spear, Y2J jumps over him and Goldberg flies through the ropes.
Ref starts to count, Y2J goes out to get him back in the ring and covers, 2 count.

Crowd can’t believe it and neither can Jericho.
Jericho then does a lionsault pin
2 ½ count

King: “God JR, this is amazing!”
JR: I know King, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from these two magnificent athletes”
Jericho turns over Goldberg and tries the Walls Of Jericho again.

JR: Jericho’s got it locked in again! Goldberg’s gotta tap this time King! He’s nearly at the rope! No! No! Jericho pulls him back Goldberg taps!, Goldberg taps!”

King: Oh My God JR, that’s one of the best matches I've ever seen, Chris Jericho, is still the WWE Undisputed Champion!

JR: I know! Its amazing King!

Winner – Chris Jericho via Submission to retain the WWE Undisputed Championship

Promo airs showing the competitors in the Royal Rumble.

Match 2
Edge vs HHH vs Undertaker

HHH’s music hits the PA and crowd goes wild.

Undertaker’s hits and he gets the same.
The Edge’s hits and the crowd boos, Edge comes out bruised and bloodied and stumbles to the ring.

Bell rings. HHH & taker are going at it while Edge rolls out of the ring and lies on the ground to recover.

HHH nails taker with some right hands to the head and kicks him in the gut and goes for the pedigree but taker counters and throws HHH over him, HHH runs off the ropes and delivers a high knee, 1 count, he then delivers a knee drop on taker’s face, 1 count,

Cole: “Wow HHH certainly is taking control in this match and Edge, well god knows how Edge is going”

JBL: “Yeah but I still think Edge will eventually come into the match”
Taker sits up and grabs HHH’s throat setting up the chokeslam but HHH counters and kicks taker in the gut again and nails a DDT, 2 count, HHH starts kicking taker and taker rolls out of the ring, HHH comes out too they find Edge and roll him into the ring then they beat the crap out of each other outside the ring. HHH delivers some more right hands to taker’s head and then taker eventually give HHH a big boot and a leg drop.

Taker then throws HHH over the announcer table and goes to punch HHH but gets a thumb to the eye by HHH, HHH jumps off the announcer table onto taker but taker catches him,
Cole: Last Ride!!, Last Ride!!, John!

JBL: Oh My God! Onto the bare ground
HHH is out of it taker rolls in the ring and is greeted by a spear by Edge.

Cole: Spear!, Spear!!
JBL: Jeez first the last ride now the spear its all over.

1!, 2!,Thrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Cole: Taker kicked out! Taker kicked out, Edge can’t believe it!
Edge is measuring for another spear but HHH runs in the ring so edge spears HHH and pins him 1!, 2!, Thrrrrrrrr Taker breaks up the pin!

Edge runs off the ropes and spears taker again and pins taker.

JBL: Rope Break!

Edge can’t believe it, Edge can’t take it anymore he grabs two chairs and sets up the con-chair-to on taker, and hits it. Ref rings the bell. Edge does it on HHH as well. Edge does that crazy stare to both of them and leaves with a smirk and with the title over his shoulder.

Winner – Undertaker via DQ Edge is still the World Heavyweight Champion.

Main Event
30 Man Royal Rumble

(I will just show the entrant order first then the order of people being eliminated and why they got eliminated)

Entrant #1 ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan
Entrant #2 Elijah Burke
Entrant #3 MVP
Entrant #4 Rob Van Dam
Entrant #5 Finlay
Entrant #6 DH Smith
Entrant #7 Matt Hardy
Entrant #8 Brian Kendrick
Entrant #9 Shelton Benjamin
Entrant #10 Kenny Dykstra
Entrant #11 Cody Rhodes
Entrant #12 Santino Marella
Entrant #13 John Morrison
Entrant #14 Charlie Haas
Entrant #15 Marcus Cor Von
Entrant #16 CM Punk
Entrant #17 Paul London
Entrant #18 Rey Mysterio
Entrant #19 Umaga
Entrant #20 Kevin Thorn
Entrant #21 Batista
Entrant #22 Randy Orton
Entrant #23 John Cena
Entrant #24 Ric Flair
Entrant #25 Shawn Michaels
Entrant #26 Bobby Lashley
Entrant #27 Mr. Kennedy
Entrant #28 Kane
Entrant #29 Jeff Hardy
Entrant #30 ???

1 ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan via Elijah Express Over the ropes
2 Matt Hardy via Dropkick from DH Smith
3 DH Smith via super kick from Shelton Benjamin
4 & 5 Elijah Burke via Frog Splash Over The Ropes from Rob Van Dam both eliminated
6 Charlie Haas via Shoulder Block From Marcus Cor Von
7 MVP via 3 people throwing him over
8 & 9 Cody Rhodes & Kenny via Kenny clotheslining Cody but Cody bringing him and hitting the DDT off the ropes
10. Finlay via 2 people throwing him over
11 Brian Kendrick via Back body drop over the ropes by Shelton Benjamin
12 Shelton Benjamin via straight after eliminating Kendrick was clotheslined over by John Morrison
13 Santino Marella via running at John Morrison but Morrison pulled down the rope
14 John Morrison via CM Punk suplexing him over the ropes
15 CM Punk via Morrison coming back in and eliminating him then beating him up outside the ring
16 Rey Mysterio via doing a West Coast Pop on Kevin Thorn but Thorn caught him and threw him over
17 Paul London via Samoan Spike from Umaga
18 Kevin Thorn via Samoan Spike from Umaga
19 Umaga via Batista & Cena
20 & 21 John Cena via attempting a Leg drop on the turnbuckle but getting speared off it by Batista
22 (I stuffed Up here not sure who this is ment to be) via double team by Flair & Michaels
23 Lashley via RKO from Orton and getting lifted over
24 Ric Flair via getting thrown over by Orton
25 Mr. Kennedy via Sweet Chin Music
Cole: Oh this has been great but I wonder who’s next to face Orton & HBK!?
Kane’s Music Hits
Then Jeff Hardy’s music.
Kane is beating up Orton
26 Kane via Sweet Chin Music & Clothesline from Hardy
27 Jeff Hardy via Clothesline
JBL: Oh here comes #30 I wonder who it could be Cole,
Brock Lesnar’s Music hits crowd can’t believe it neither can Orton & HBK
28 Shawn Michaels via attempting SCM but getting hit with an F-5 over the rope
29 & 30 Orton and Lesnar – Lenar hit an F-5 but Orton took Lesnar with him and it seemed like they hit the ground at the same time.
Lillian Garcia: we will now go to the Referee’s to determine who the winner is.
After a few minutes. Lillian: The Winner of the 2008 Royal Rumble is… Brock Lesnar! But! Due to it being so close we will allow Orton a shot at the title that Lesnar doesn’t choose.
Orton Smiles
JR: What an amazing Royal Rumble once again and on Monday’s RAW Brock Lesnar will choose between Champions Either Edge’s World Title Or Chris Jericho’s WWE Undisputed Title
King: It Should Be Good JR, and once again thank you to all our watchers for choosing to watch this and good night and see you on Monday!
Royal Rumble goes off the air.
personally i think there is no need for the world heavyweight title. Nice to see the changes you have made. No more extreme crappy wrestling. Bringing back the european title. However i would love to see the hardcore title make a return
props dude, this is good, I just think its wierd that smackdown has a big title but raw doesn't, because the undisputed is for both brands.
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