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Boy or girl?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Whether you already have children, are expecting children, or just have a preference in general... this simple question is for everyone. But for the sake of the discussion, I'll put it into a scenario.

You and your spouse are at that moment, you've finally connected and have been given the beauty of a child to be... you've got a while before they can make out the body parts on your child and right now is when you really start to pray for a boy or a girl. Which one do you pray for?

For starters, let me say that the scenario has already been unfolded for me... only this isn't my first child. In fact, I have a son already who's the apple of my eye AND his birthday is next month. However, at the same time, I came home just a few hours ago to my girlfriend (not my son's mom btw) who had an at home pregnancy test... three of them in fact... sitting right on the coffee table as she was watching "Pregnant at 16". While she ISN'T 16, there was a pattern there definitely.

Of course, being tired and out of it, I just assumed they were coincidental until I asked her "What you watching?" and she said "I'm pregnant." Again, being tired, I didn't think and said "MTV's getting weirder." She then turned off the tv and said "I'm pregnant" again. It rang in this time that she wasn't WATCHING a show called "I'm pregnant"... although she was... she was literally telling me that she WAS pregnant.

Being that we weren't trying to have a baby, and were using protection, I didn't react at first until I finally thought about it...

I could be having a baby girl coming to me in 9 months. Finally I would have a son that could be just like me... if not better... when he grows up while also being a big brother to his little sister. Call me cliche, cheesy, or what have you... but I've always wanted my family to be just like that growing up. And yes, as a guy, I thought of that a lot... I mean, I can't always fight my baby girl's battles, but I can have a son to watch out for her like an older brother.

Of course, if I'm blessed with another son, I would still be just as happy. But at the end of the day, I really want a girl.

But yes, if given the situation of a newborn child, which would you prefer... a boy or a girl?
Me an my wife have been together for 6 years. She had been preg a couple of times for for one reason or another she always lost them. Then last year a day after her birthday she found she was preg again. Now as a guy i had always wanted a boy who would grow up 2 be just like me. When we found out we were having a girl i was a little sad an worried at the same time. Next month my daughter will be 10 months old an i would not trade her for anything in this whole world. The day i held here in my arms my whole world changed an im greatful for just what i have.
Technically I don't want any more kids but before I had my two I would be lying if I said it didn't matter. The babie's health is alway number one but I definitely preferred to having a son over a daughter and I think most expectant dads feel the same way. My fondest moments growing up were doing this with my dad. Whether if he was taking me to a football game, WWF house show or just playing catch I appreciate those times more than anything and I want to relive them with my son.

My daughter is now 4 and my son just turned 1. They are incredible in their own ways. For those that are dead set on having a son just know that you will never know what it means to be unconditionally loved and appreciated until you have a daughter.
I've spoken about this with my partner a couple of times and I've always had a preference for a girl, for the same reason she had a preference for a boy.

I've always had issues with people of my gender, I don't associate with them, have no male friends and just generally refuse to assimilate or mix. I worry that I couldn't be that male role model to my boy or couldn't connect with him. Not that I'd be at all unhappy with him being like me but I want him to have the same choice I did knowing, as I did, that doing so would make him an outsider.
My partner is the same, doesn't feel comfortable around women, is a tomboy and would rather have a boy for that reason.
I've always thought I'm ill equipped to be a father. Its just not in me. If I had a son lets be honest, he'd grow up fucked up. As a guy myself I've never been able to fit into the alpha male mentality, the sports teams, the mindless behavior, the constant dating. Its just not in me. And as much as I value my uniqueness because it allows me to distance myself from the way guys act and be able to observe what things to avoid it has also taken its toll on my social life in the sense that not everyone I wanted to take a liking to me did in fact take a liking to me. I hope people are understanding what I mean. I just dont fit in. Its not in my heart and with all my good conscience I could not raise my child to act like most of the males that are around where I live. But then again I wouldnt want him to be an outcast. Like there was this guy on TV and he was saying that he was going to get his kids into heavy metal and all that stuff. I just got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach because hes already raising his kid into a culture thats not readily accepted anymore. My son wouldnt be the jocky athlete with a bunch of girlfriends and good self esteem. With my influence me would be smart as hell but a total outcast. I just wouldnt want him to go through the things I've gone through for being a bit different. On the other hand, I think raising girls is much more simpler. They're nice, sweet, and its just a complete different mindset involved in raising a girl. You dont have to prep a girl for a social structure that even involved physical harm if your peers dont take kindly to you, thats the boy's world. The girl would need to know that people judge them by their bodies and that while it is important to have a good physical presence (you only have yourself to blame as a girl if the captain of the football team chooses the skinny blonde instead of your chubby out of weight self), its also important to know that theres a large number of guys that will only care about the external.

Anyway I feel like I'm rambling here, maybe its because I'm a bit tired. But to sum it all up as a guy I know how guys are perceived by other guys and how guys view girls and in the path I see society and my community taking I think its easier and sometimes even safer to raise a girl.
I've had a daughter but I lost full custody and because of the circumstances I don't even have to pay child support. Thank god for no international child support.

Anyway, I had always kind of wanted a(nother) daughter. I've always had constant women in my life whether it be my mother, my sister or just friends. Even today my best friend in the world is a woman. It's not that I believe I would be better with a daughter it's just something in my brain that I can never decide against. I'm not even sure why really but whenever I think of having another child I always want it to be a girl. Maybe its because a daughter will always need a father, while a son can just run off and be on his own from an earlier age. Another reason would be that I want to name my daughter after my sister because I love my sister so much. If I had a son I would have his middle name be after my sisters first name and that would be a bit more awkward.
At some point I would like to have both but if I had to go with one it would be a boy. Not that I would love a boy any more than a girl but I feel like as a father bonding with a son is a bigger deal than with his daughter. I'm an avid outdoorsman and big sports fan so I want to be able to share that with my son and teach him everything about it. Also my real father lived on another continent most of my life so I want to have a son and make sure that I'm there for him and really be there his entire childhood. Also I feel like I wouldnt know what to do with a girl because if she started crying I wouldnt be able to do anything but give in.
Since I was a kid, i've always wanted two of each. Being a male, I would want a son to carry on my name and legacy, but I also feel having a daughter would be something extremely special. Both would be amazing for separate reasons, but no matter which sex my child will be, I will show it the most love and attention I possibly can. As long as my first child is healthy, I couldn't care less about the sex.

Having a son would be special for the typical reasons every man has; it's your fucking son, the heir to your throne, a chip off the old block. Everything you know will also apply to your son, he is you in tiny form. Bonding will take place playing sports and watching movies which repulse most women. I've been told there is nothing in this world like holding your son for the first time, and I believe that is true. Nothing in the world can equate to making a little, mini you.

I believe father-daughter relationships are instrumental in a daughters development, even more so than a father-son. Obviously both have the utmost importance, but a father is there to teach his little girl self respect, he is there to comfort her and tell her she is perfect when she is crying. You daughter is daddies little girl, and nothing can come between that bond. You are her protector, her shield from all the disgusting excuses for human beings that roam the world and she will see that if you keep a strong relationship with her.
I think not having posted non spam for a whole month has killed my barely tolerable posting. :p Anyway, I've been and still am obsessed with the idea of having twins - a boy and a girl. It might be hell at first but the thought of two beautiful kids growing up together is just... T#c42jn424ximkrn3kcrn34r8 3j. ♥ A girl because you get to dress her up, shower her with love and hey, she might grow up to be your best friend! A boy because he's your little man, get to cheer him at his game and make him blush before his first date. Crazy reasons, I know. :3
I'm getting ready to have my first child in late September, its a girl so I'm gonna go with girl, just seems like the right thing to say.

I don't really care at the end of the day, as long as the kids happy and healthy I'm happy either way. The truth is I'm a big kid anyways and I enjoy being around babies, toddlers and any age in between and up to this point sex has never really mattered, I'll play barbies or GI Joes, I don't really care.

I know my girl isn't born yet but I'm looking forward to the days I can intimidate her boyfriends, or playing dolls with her, or really doing anything that she's interested in, I can't wait to be honest and if I ever have a boy I will feel the same way as well.
I think not having posted non spam for a whole month has killed my barely tolerable posting. :p Anyway, I've been and still am obsessed with the idea of having twins - a boy and a girl.

I'm the boy half of twins and I'll just say this. The thought may be beautiful now, but I don't wish twins on any parent. Have your boy and girl seperately, and space them out. ;)

I have a six month old little girl, and I couldn't be happier. I think I wanted a girl all along, to be honest, as I'll raise her the same and to try and enjoy the same things I do as if she was a boy. I won't treat her the same as I would a boy, but I will raise her on wrestling, Pittsburgh sports, current events, psychology and philosophy. But it also allows my wife to raise her on fashion, dress her up, and play with dolls.

I want to be done at one, for as much as I treasure my little girl, she's a handful enough and an experience I don't know I want to repeat. But if I had a choice between the two again, I'd probably want another girl. I was the only boy of three, and it was always my sisters sticking together against their brother. So for the sake of peace, hopefully, I'd want to have another girl, rather then two seperate entities with different chromosomes that lean towards different tendencies.

Another bonus of being the dad of a girl is getting to be overprotective of what she wears, who she dates, and who she spends time with. It's not as easy to do with a boy, I imagine, and being overprotective just seems to be one of the joys of being a parent that I look forward to in the future. :p
I think it would be cool to have one of each, although I would rather have a boy if I could only pick one. Much like most other men, I barely understand women at all so how could I raise one? Granted I could follow LSN's idea and still introduce her to things I enjoy such as wrestling or video games, but I would be far more comfortable with a son. I would look forward to being a role model for him and simply being there for him when he needs advice on guy things that he might feel uncomfortable going to my wife about. If I ever had a girl I would still be happy and try to be the best dad that I could.

Having both could be a cool opportunity, though I would definitely want to have them seperately. Raising the two puppies together (they are brothers and only two days apart) has been difficult enough, twins would drive us crazy. That's not really my decision though. If it happens it happens. I am not ready financially or emotionally for children yet, so hopefully not soon. I honestly do look forward to it in the future someday, regardless of their gender. I'd prefer a boy if I got the choice only once however. I just feel I would relate better to a boy and would have an easier time teaching him things than I might with a girl.

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