Booker T Teases Heel Turn....

Will Booker Turn Heel?

  • Oh Yeah Wake up Yeah (he's going to cost Bryan the title once they fix the poll for him to win)

  • Booker's not a sell out quit lying

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Wrestlezones Top Heel
Just about 3 minutes ago Maddox came out announcing Orton Vs. Bryan HIAC match at Hell In A Cell and announced you can pick between 3 legends and brought out Booker first who said he would do what's best for business I remember a couple of months ago he kept telling Bryan to drop his title rematch because that's what's best for business could this bee true
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I don't see this as a hint to a heel turn, he is just sucking up to the McMahon family, that's it. Sometimes he makes decisions that aren't the most popular choice, but has never turned heel because of it.
How about we wait until they announce the other referees? Because you realize that if HBK is in the poll, he's definitely going over Booker T. Don't even try to pretend he won't.
How about we wait until they announce the other referees? Because you realize that if HBK is in the poll, he's definitely going over Booker T. Don't even try to pretend he won't.

You called the shit out of this good job. There is no doubt in my mind HBK is going to be the referee the story writes itself either way he trained DB and is best friends with HHH. To answer the OP's question though Booker T is not turning heel nor will he have anything to do with this match.
Like I said... HBK is totally going to be the referee. And no, Booker won't be turning heel. If he does, it'll be when he becomes a manager. Really, that's all that's left for him to do.

Or he could screw over Goldust to become a heel. That'll be something new.
Op! sorry but the other guys are right, I see this just as a bit of vintage booker trying to get the job, but it aient gonna happen now that HBk is back
No I don't think it's a tease at all. He was metaphorically using the "Best For Business" catchphrase in a way to kinda tease Triple H and call the match that if Bryan wins he wins, if Orton wins he wins. I don't see that as a tease at all. But if WWE wanted to go that route they could use his disappointment when he saw that HBK had the majority of the votes, and he had the least with 7% and bout instantly left and shook HBK's hand. At least Backlund clapped and stuck around for a while. But not a heel turn at all.
Just about 3 minutes ago

Really? You couldn't wait to see the other two guest referees before you decided to make a poll for a show that wasn't even close to being over?

Booker T, as has been stated and will be stated, was just another name to put on the poll. He didn't even come close to Bob Backlund's score. Booker T may have said he would do "what's best for business", but that's not enough to throw suspicions around.

So no- Shawn Michaels won the vote as was determined barely even an hour ago, and Booker T is going back to doing his management shtick. This angle doesn't need anymore heels in power.
Hell, I'd turn heel if I were him. Seven-freakin'-percent of the vote? That's all he gets, when Bob Backlund, who was openly antagonizing the fans into not voting for him, gets 32%? Shit!

Yes, it was an pre-arranged tally. I don't believe any of the "fans choose" polls. But for storyline purposes, can you imagine what a legend like Booker T. would feel like with a result like that? Never mind that the other two are legends, as well.


Okay, so they're (apparently) setting up something new for Booker. It's due and he's worthy of something special. He's served his time as an administrator and has been idle long enough. I don't know whether his new role will involve time in the ring, but a diss like last night's must be leading to something, no?
Booker would make a good heel:
1) He's a proven authority figure.
2) He has some of the scariest "crazy-eyes" in the business.

In the past, I feel that Teddy Long has been teased as a heel more than Booker, though, especially during the build-up to MITB.
When it was announced that there'd be a special ref, for a second, I hated it until Maddox stated that it'd be a choice between three WWE Hall of Famers in which fans would vote. Bob Backlund was friggin' great in my opinion, and he still looks to be in great shape for a 64 year old. However, I had a feeling that the third choice would be Shawn Michaels because I'd read that he was scheduled to make a few appearances in October. Once his music hit, you had to know it was gonna be him who got the vote. There's no way that the voting could be rigged in which fans would believe that either Backlund or Booker T would draw more votes than someone who is arguably the greatest overall pro wrestler of his generation and is still extremely relevant.

As far as Booker goes, there's been clues that a heel turn has been in the works for a while now. The few times we've seen him have some talks with Big Show in which he's told Show to "be professional" even after all the times Show's been dumped on. Of course, the little mention of Booker T saying he would do what's "best for business" during his brief promo asking for votes was a none to subtle hint that was purposely put out there so that fans would be even less likely to vote for him.

However, since Booker T is no longer a GM of Raw or SmackDown!, I don't see how a heel turn is going to really accomplish much of anything unless a few things change in the coming weeks. Aside from last night and those very few brief words of advice he's given to Big Show, and maybe one to Daniel Bryan at some point, he's barely been on television in months. Maybe the idea isn't really to turn Booker, since he's not a factor on television these days, but to give fans the impression that he's someone that sympathizes with management. Aside from Maddox's jellyfish act and JBL's harping of being a proud "company man" on commentary, there's not really been anyone outside of The Shield in their role as the enforcers of management's will who've shown any degree of loyalty to the suits.

However, after last night, I'm of the opinion that things are gonna get worse for Brad Maddox as the weeks progress. Triple H was laid out last night and I'm sure they'll be all over Maddox for that next week. They'll ask where security was, they'll tell him he should have had all the entrances & exits locked, that he should have made absolutely sure Show was gone, etc. As a result, Maddox could be demoted back to the position of GM's gofer while Booker T is promoted to the spot of heel GM. If the reports are accurate, Triple H & Stephanie aren't scheduled for any TV appearances after the November 4th episode of Raw, so maybe having Booker T in the role of heel GM will be used as a means of them leaving television for a while and leaving Raw in the hands of someone they can trust to run things properly.
I'm not convinced that, if this does happen, it will be a good idea. The foundations were laid when he talked to The Big Show about how he has to do what is best for business. Now, Booker T is a great face, he is very popular and is a great on-screen personal. I don't think turning him heel is a good move. Vince, Triple H, Steph, Maddox and Vickie. It is overkill and they need to balance it out and Booker T is a good person to be supporting the faces rather than sucking up to Triple H. That is what I personally think but I'm sure Booker will be a strong heel because he is still a talented name in wrestling.
In the last few weeks he's been teasing support of HHH/Stephanie which by association sort of makes him a heel.

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