Book your finish


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
For the upcoming NOC PPV, if you were given the power to book that night, how would you do it? you can book the entire card, or specific matches. Just curious what everyone would set up!

For myself, Id have Rollins defend the US title in Cenas rematch and have Rollins go over Cena in a much needed clean win.

Later that night I would have a fatigued Rollins defend the title against Sting, Sting picks up the win to become the new WWE champion, taking advantage of the fact Rollins has already competed in a high caliber match.

Post match I would have Sheamus come out with Triple H and Stephanie pulling Sheamus faster down the ramp yelling "No, Hes not champion" "This isnt happening on my show" etc.

Sting vs. Sheamus for the WWE title title match starts and Sheamus gets the upperhand. Rollins recovers on the outside from his loss and interferes out of frustration and causes Sting to retain by DQ.

Rollins is upset over the fact he lost and now jealous that HHH was so quick to replace him bringing Sheamus in to cash-in and now getting the Authorities attention.

You now have Sting-Sheamus feud to move forward with and more tension towards the future feud of Triple H and Rollins.

Thoughts and your booking??
I really like your scenario, the only thing I would change about it is I would have Sheamus lose to Sting because of Rollins and then Sheamus is out of the picture, I wouldn't want him to feud with Sting moving forward. I'd just have Rollins angry at the Authority and desperate to get the title back. Then maybe when the inevitable Rollins/HHH match occurs, after Rollins pedigree's HHH he can then curb stomp his lifeless body to add insult to injury. ;-)
Here's how I would book NOC

The Dudleys make there return to wwe ppv against new day for the titles. New day wins with a 3rd member making the distraction. This sets up for a table match at HIAC.

I would give Becky Lynch a title shot due to her winning the match at Summerslam. This makes the other divas jealous and tension rises in all groups. I would have Lynch and Bella have the match but then have all the divas interfere due to jealousy of who's number 1 contender.

I would have the Cena/Rollins rematch but I ends due to Shemus interfering after Cena hits AA and Broug kick Cena. Then he Broug kicks rollins and tries to cash in when the lights go out and come back on and Sting is in the ring. Fights off Shemus and offers his hand to Rollins to help him up and he leaves. Leaving Rollins confused in the ring

Later in the main event, Sting vs Rollins. And they put on 1 hell of a match with Rollins going over clean. Leaving the 2 shaking hands and showing respect for each other which begins the face turn and a possible fued with HHH down the line.

Ryback v Big Show....Ryback going over

Stardust v Neville...Stardust going over

Cesaro v Owens....Cesaro going over
Here is how i see the finish to Sting vs Seth Rollins:

After a grueling 15 minute match, the ref gets bumped and gets thrown out of the ring. Rollins, taking advantage of the situation, grabs a chair from ringside.

He swings hard at Sting, but misses. Sting somehow manages to grab the chair and hits Rollins in the back. Rollins goes down. Sting hits the Death Drop on Rollins, on the chair.

Crowd goes nuts.

A new ref runs to the ring and counts 1 - 2 - 3 !!!

Winner and NEW champ, STING!!!

Sting celebrates with the title, and a graphic on the screen reads, "WINNER and NEW WWE CHAMPION STING"

Sting celebrates with the championship.

But wait a minute-------not so fast.

Triple H comes down the ring and disputes the decision by saying a different ref counted the pinfall and Sting used a weapon.

The match is restarted as the crowd "BOO"s.

After a 5 minute brawl, Rollins wins by hook and by crook.

Winner and STILL WWE champion: SETH ROLLINS!!!

This is a "false finish" i see the Vince booking here, giving Sting a "false win" with the championship. Giving him a chance to celebrate a "title win" so to speak with the WWE championship, only to later have it erased from the record books.

(just like what happened when Jericho "beat" Triple H for the title during a Raw in 2000. The crowd went bananas, Jericho got to parade around with the belt, but the match was restarted because of controversy, then Triple H won the match officially).

Seth Rollins is on a tremendous roll right now, and taking the belt off of him would be a HUGE mistake. This would kill all his momentum and ruin the investment they have going before the right guy actually takes it from him later on, maybe at WM 32.

I love Sting to death, but i dont think he should win the title here. Give him that false win, and experience being the champ, give the crowd something to go crazy for, but set things back to the status quo right away, with Seth Rollins officially winning the match, and remaining the WWE champ.

I guaran-damn-tee something like this will go down at NOC. Mark my words!!!
If I were booking NoC this is how it should go down:

The Dudley's Should put new day over, they don't need the belts to be relevant, THEY'RE THE DUDLEYS, but The New Day will get a cheap win, maybe with a distraction by Xavier Woods, & have the Dudley's put One of The New Day Members Thru a table....

Rollins Vs. Cena in a rematch for the U.S. Title, Cena Should Win with Jon Stewart writing his wrong & helping John Cena win back the U.S. Title

Rollins Vs. Sting at the end of the night should be a great match, Sting needs too win some matches in the WWE but not necessarily win the title...Rollins is mad that he already lost one match that night & I see him getting dq'ed at the end by hitting sting with a chair or something so it gives sting a win, rollins keeps the belt, & after the match Sting can still get the upper hand on rollins, maybe have shaemus come out & cash in his MITB successfully. Maybe have HHH tell Shaemus too cash in, saying Rollins shouldn't be called "The Man" if he can't even beat Sting... So then Rollins Can fued with Shaemus & maybe a returning Kane until it leads up to a match between HHH & Rollins at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble....

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This is how I would book Night Of Champions 2015.

On Raw, Seth Rollins says he is the greatest of all time. He’s better than the Ultimate Warrior, who held the WWE Championship Title and the Intercontinental Championship Title at the same time. He’s better than the Goldberg, who held the WCW Championship Title and the United States Championship Title at the same time. He’s better than Triple H, who held the World (WCW) Championship Title and the Intercontinental Championship Title at the same time. The reason being is that those 3 dropped their respective mid-card Championship Titles and never defended the Intercontinental or United States Championship Titles.

This irks the COO of the WWE to the point where he changes the Main Event of Night Of Champions. Triple H says Seth Rollins will now defend both the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title and the United States Championship Title against, not only Sting, but John Cena as well, in a Triple Threat match, where the winner takes all.

“Feed Me More” blasts through the arena and out comes the Big Guy. Ryback says he wants to be included in the Main Event and is willing to put his Intercontinental Championship on the line as well. So HHH says there will be 3 losers in 1 match and 3 Championship Titles for 1 winner, because now the Main Event will be a Fatal Four Way Elimination match for the 3 singles Championship Titles in the WWE.

Night Of Champions

Singles match for the Money In The Bank briefcase and to be the special guest referee in the Main Event
Mr. Money In The Bank, Sheamus vs. Randy Orton
Sheamus wins, which sets up a very interesting Main Event.

Tag Team Turmoil match to determine the number contenders for the WWE World Tag Team Championship Titles
The Prime Time Players (Darren Young and Titus O'Neil) vs. The Lucha Dragons (Kalisto and Sin Cara) vs. Los Matadores (Diego and Fernando w/ El Torito) vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns) vs. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Braun Strowman w/ Bray Wyatt)
With the last two teams being the Shield and the Wyatt Family, Bray Wyatt interferes in the match, and Seth Rollins, of all people, makes the save, and helps get the win for his former Stable.

Triple Threat match to determine the number one contender for the United States Championship Title
King Barrett vs. Stardust vs. Neville
King Barrett and Stardust take each other out of the match, and Neville picks up the victory.

Fatal Four Way match to determine the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship Title
Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro vs. Rusev vs. Dolph Ziggler
Rusev and Ziggler take each other out of the match, and Kevin Owens picks up the victory.

Night Of Champions edition of Miz TV with his guest The Big Show
Miz tells Big Show he has done it all. The year he debut in WCW, he was Rookie of the Year AND Wrestler of the Year, according to PWI. In 1996, Big Show won the King Of Cable Tournament and the World War 3. In 2010, he won the Bragging Rights trophy. This year, he won the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He won multiple Slammy Awards over the years. Big Show is the former WCW Tag Team Champion, former WWE Tag Team Champion, former World Tag Team Champion, former Unified WWE World Tag Team Champion (once with the Miz, which the Miz points out), former Hardcore Champion, former United States Champion, former Intercontinental Champion, former ECW Champion, former WCW Champion, former World Heavyweight Champion, and former WWE Champion. The Miz tells the Big Show that, in the Miz’ own opinion, the Big Show is the greatest big man to ever lace up a pair of boots in the history of Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. With all that being said, the Miz says that it’s time for the Big Show to retire. Big Show shares a few words, pretends he’s about to walk away, turns around, and knocks Miz on his Most Must See @$$.

WWE World Tag Team Championship Title match
WWE World Tag Team Champions, The New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz
The New Day loses by disqualification when Xavier Woods interferes in the match, and during a 3-on-2 beat down, out comes Spike Dudley to make the save.

WWE World Heavyweight, Intercontinental, United States Championship Title Fatal Four Way Elimination Unification match (w/ Sheamus as the special guest referee)
WWE World Heavyweight and United States Champion, Seth Rollins vs. Intercontinental Champion, Ryback vs. Sting vs. John Cena
John Cena is eliminated first, Ryback is eliminated second, and as Sting is about to close in on the 3 Championships, out comes Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns who help Seth Rollins. Sheamus makes the 3 count and doesn’t even consider cashing in with Ambrose and Reigns in the ring. Seth Rollins becomes the new WWE Triple Crown Champion.

The next night on Raw, Seth Rollins does what Lance Storm once did, and gives Dean Ambrose the Intercontinental Championship Title Belt and Roman Reigns the United States Championship Title Belt as a token of his appreciation. The Authority now has the Shield to replace Kane and J&J Security.
King Patrick's idea looked bizarre at first and ended brilliantly.

Personally, I'd have Sting win clean but only after a war with Rollins, who prevents Sheamus from cashing in out of a combination of spite & decency; spite that Sheamus could win what he's just lost & decency out of respect for Sting and their match, setting the seeds for a face turn, despite how well he portrays the obnoxious heel.
i must say that after reading how you people would book NOC that the wwe creative team is pure genius. Half of you cant even spell the wwe superstars names right yet you call yourself a fan, its Sheamus not shaemus, his finisher is the brogue kick not broug kick. Like seriously pay attention....

Sting wins by DQ against rollins setting up a rematch at HIAC

Cesaro beats Owens since Owens won at Summerslam

Cena beats Rollins for US Title (not a cena fan, i believe owens should have beat him for the title and have had owens vs cesaro for us title feud going)

Miz beats Ryback for IC Title (ryback is boring and at least Miz is entertaining)

dudleys win by dq against new day or new days cheats to win setting up a rematch tables match at hiac

charlotte beats nikki for divas title and the next night on raw brings back the womens title

wyatt family beats ambrose/reigns in either a 3 on 2 match or bray sits out of a 2 on 2 match and helps the wyatt family win which enables the feud to continue

sheamus beats orton with a gimmick match involved to spice up their feud since its been dull

8 matches and more then likely IC title match gets moved to the pre show

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