Book This! - General Discussion

You should consider it a privilege to review my show ;)

Oh it is.

Well that should get you a handful of reviews back. I know I'll be reviewing the next edition of TNA.

I'm surprised how many I got for the first edition of Impact, so I'll be sure to give everyone a review. I look forward to seeing your next review for me.

What do you mean Proph? Rewrite the beginning of your next show

Didn't like the start I had planned and written. So I got rid of it. Playing more focus on the people involved in the fatal four way with this new one I have in my head.
Been hitting a few reviews this afternoon, hope they're OK.

Survivor Series fall out will begin to be addressed in my next RAW, hoping to get it out this weekend. New champion will be speaking out after winning the title in the Nexus vs. Team Orton match!

Proph: Is your WWE BT finished?
This tourney match should be fun to write. I'm at a dilemma now, I should give Roode a speaking spot since he hasn't had one yet and he needs established on the mic, but there is no room on the show. Maybe I'll give him something on the website.
I can't tell you who would be interested in returning, but some former writers are FalKon, Uncle Sam, Super Crazy, Megatron, D-Squared, Doc (now Diamond Dallas Page), and you could also try a few that have recent shows but they don't seem to be updating them (which might be a sign their recent project didn't work out, and they might want to try something different).

Also, the first edition of the ratings are in. Let me review the formula used once again. First, I added up the views of all the current threads two weeks ago today. This evening, I have counted up how many views each thread has gotten since then, and translated them into a decimal form. Basically, if you had 300 views two weeks ago and you are now at 400, you received one hundred views. You have a 1.0 rating. For every ten views you have, that is the second number. And every single view you had later that is the third. So 300 views two weeks ago translated to 405 is 1.05, and likewise 300 views to 553 views is a 2.53. Pretty basic. Here are the ratings, ranked from highest to lowest.

Week 1-2 (6-5-11 through 6-19-11)

Greasy_Chip_Butty = 6.56

Da Prophet = 5.99

Theo Mays = 3.35

Mr. HD = 3.27

The Sign Guy = 3.04

Global Icon = 2.53

#1Peep = 1.53

avitus25 = 1.05

Adalam = 0.83

All That Jazz = 0.69

Just noticed this. Woop woop!

Also just noticed that Peep noticed I'd gone missing too. Well done, sir!
Thanks for the review and glad to see you back, GCB. I am probably speaking for Theo as well, but after this pay per view we will be able to move on to more exciting things, the draft happening on the first show after will be a big help, some big stuff planned.
Been hitting a few reviews this afternoon, hope they're OK.

Survivor Series fall out will begin to be addressed in my next RAW, hoping to get it out this weekend. New champion will be speaking out after winning the title in the Nexus vs. Team Orton match!

Proph: Is your WWE BT finished?

Basically, I just lost all fuel to write the shows. Doing two was just overload and I find writing a TNA one more fun. So yeah.
If I can finish the segment I am about to start next tonight, then I have two matches and a segment to finish tomorrow and I can post the show.
Slight change in the pay-per-view schedule, if anyone wants to check it out it's posted in my Lounge thread.
So I wrote better than planned tonight, and only have the second tourney match to write tomorrow, and then I'll be done.
Any reason the change was made?

The PPV name I added was one that had been floating in my head for every Book This I had ever planned, and I didn't really like the one I replaced it with near as much. The name didn't just fit into the April slot as much as the June one, so I switched it around a bit.

EDIT: Also, I have been planning on putting up match graphics for the PPV, and a poster, but I need some graphics. Anyone here willing to help me? Also need some graphics for the website, as I want to do some fetaures on certain special attractions of the company, but would like some graphics to go along. Those aren't necessary 100% though.
This reminds me, that I completely forgot a PPV schedule :lmao: I'll probably go with every 6 shows, like I did for NSCW. I need names though...:scratchchin:
For graphics go to Theo or Jam.

Yeah guys. Been reading some of the work here on Book This! and it's pretty awesome. Well written guys. Anyway, I'd be happy to help you guys. I do match graphics and posters only though. If it's a logo, I can give it a shot but Theo is probably better in that department.

So yeah, need something, I'm a PM away.

P.S. Try to tell me when you'll need the work done. I usually work fast, but sometimes things come up. You know how it goes.

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