I can't tell you who would be interested in returning, but some former writers are FalKon, Uncle Sam, Super Crazy, Megatron, D-Squared, Doc (now Diamond Dallas Page), and you could also try a few that have recent shows but they don't seem to be updating them (which might be a sign their recent project didn't work out, and they might want to try something different).
Also, the first edition of the ratings are in. Let me review the formula used once again. First, I added up the views of all the current threads two weeks ago today. This evening, I have counted up how many views each thread has gotten since then, and translated them into a decimal form. Basically, if you had 300 views two weeks ago and you are now at 400, you received one hundred views. You have a 1.0 rating. For every ten views you have, that is the second number. And every single view you had later that is the third. So 300 views two weeks ago translated to 405 is 1.05, and likewise 300 views to 553 views is a 2.53. Pretty basic. Here are the ratings, ranked from highest to lowest.
Week 1-2 (6-5-11 through 6-19-11)
Greasy_Chip_Butty = 6.56
Da Prophet = 5.99
Theo Mays = 3.35
Mr. HD = 3.27
The Sign Guy = 3.04
Global Icon = 2.53
#1Peep = 1.53
avitus25 = 1.05
Adalam = 0.83
All That Jazz = 0.69