Book This! - General Discussion

I was bored so I made a change to the Armageddon PPV poster.

Little "Sign Guy" Jimmy;3259223 said:
Isn't that almost exactly the same as a former Judgment Day poster Proph?

I've been looking to use that render of Edge for ages, so why not for the poster? But yeah, it's the same render from the Judgment day poster. I just wanted to get Edge on the graphic and I liked that render.
One thing I found out yesterday was I hate writing a match with Muhammad Hassan in it. His match with Hardy isn't something I like at the moment. I went to fix it up a little but it still doesn't feel right. Oh well, what are you going to do?
This my opening paragraph to my new TNA fed. Hope you it gathers some interest from the veterans around here.. Cheers!

Wrestlezone said:
Shocking development coming out of the TNA Impact tapings.

During the taping of the scheduled main event, pitting the current TNA World Champion Jeff Hardy against challenger Mr. Anderson, the match seemed to have been interrupted unscripted by Samoa Joe. Joe currently has no storyline involvement with either men or the Immortal angle that had been running his TNA’s Bound For Glory show in October of last year.

Fans in the Impact Zone have gone on record to say that before Joe’s appearance, both Hardy and Anderson were “phoning in a boring match” where Hardy seemed “intoxicated” and Anderson was “no selling” or “over selling”. Joe’s appearance actually was thought to live-up the dead crowd, but no one knew included TNA Management what was about to happen next.

Joe entered the ring during the match, where Hardy, Anderson and the referee Hebner all looked at Joe and asked him what he was doing? Hebner seemed to be getting something over his earpiece but Joe threatened him. When Hardy tried to ‘play along” he was punted in the gut by the 300 pound Joe, and dropped to the mat. Anderson then walked into a straight right hand, which we can confirm knocked him out. Security came out but not before Joe spoke to the audience about how “he had had enough” and he was “disgusted on what TNA had become”.

Joe spoke about what the company used to be and how wrestling doesn’t even matter anymore. Joe chants started up as the Impact Zone went wild with what many have reported as a legitimate “shoot”. Security came and took Joe out of the ring, while members of staff checked on both Hardy and Anderson. The TNA tapings have been cancelled for the rest of the day.

It is well known that Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo are fans of shoot type promos and controversial type moves to try and promote companies they have been involved with. However, Joe did not use a microphone, and was ushered out quickly. Hardy and Anderson have been legitimately injured by Joe’s unprovoked attack and the cancelling of the shows leads us to believe that this is not a work.
ASW is amazing, Davey Richards is legendary! This project gets major points for the roster so far.

Thank you sir. Is everyone liking the way I'm introducing the roster, or is there anything you would do to change it?

I'm going to try and start reviewing more shows over the next few days.
Hey team,

I've updated my fed with a summarised show and a few more updates and to set the scene. I've got a bit of plan so hopefully it comes off as good as how I've pictured it. All comments welcome.


Thank you sir. Is everyone liking the way I'm introducing the roster, or is there anything you would do to change it?

I'm going to try and start reviewing more shows over the next few days.

Bearded, your roster is absolutely awesome. I don't know many of them, but with the ones I do know, I'm impressed already. Glad to hear you're gonna start reviewing shows. Get your show up and running already! I'm eager to read it ;DDD
Thank you sir. Is everyone liking the way I'm introducing the roster, or is there anything you would do to change it?

I'm going to try and start reviewing more shows over the next few days.

No problem. I'm loving the show the roster is coming along and the shows look to be good (I have no evidence to base my statement on). You could post predictions in my WWE thread for our up coming PPV if you want.
No problem. I'm loving the show the roster is coming along and the shows look to be good (I have no evidence to base my statement on). You could post predictions in my WWE thread for our up coming PPV if you want.

Thanks. I'm going to try to not let you down, but I can't make any promises. I'll check you're thread out in a few minutes and post my predictions.
Proph; I usually do times, guess I will for the PPV. Just wondering, when you read a show/match, mainly a match, do you imagine all the spots in your head, stuff like that. I feel this is the only way to read BTs.
Proph; I usually do times, guess I will for the PPV. Just wondering, when you read a show/match, mainly a match, do you imagine all the spots in your head, stuff like that. I feel this is the only way to read BTs.

That's how I do it. A match isn't fun to read unless you can see everything in your head. That's why I try to describe everything. Like instead of saying:

Cena hits a suplex on Orton. Cena goes for a cover and gets two. Cena then hits an armdrag...​

It's like, when did Orton get to his feet for Cena to hit the arm drag? How did he get back up? Did he struggle getting back up? So I put:

Cena hits a suplex on Orton. Cena goes for a cover and gets two. Cena looks frustrated, but drags Orton back to his feet. He dazes Orton with a strike, and then hits an armdrag...​
Proph; I usually do times, guess I will for the PPV. Just wondering, when you read a show/match, mainly a match, do you imagine all the spots in your head, stuff like that. I feel this is the only way to read BTs.

Do times, makes it better.

EDIT: On second thought no I don't really. I read off the screen and don't really put the image up into my head. I can tell what is happening but I don't see all the spots and stuff.
So I'm trying to write my first match right now. It's interesting to say the least. How many words are most matches?

Aim for 1000 words, give or take a couple of hundred.

I can't really enjoy it like that, do you rush through shows? So much better that way in my opinion.

Probably for the other BT projects I rush. I only find two projects that spark my real interest so rushing doesn't happen to often.
Damn, getting a lot of heat. I expected that I guess. Well with this controversial ending to Raw, you guys gotta look forward to Smackdown.

The ending wasn't controversial, leaning toward freaking confusing but not controversial. I'm sure you'll bounce back. But something like that doesn't make me look forward to Smackdown. Look backward may be a better term.

And Proph, I respect you man, you gave me some good points to work on and I love your work with your WWE thread and your TNA thread, which I hope you continue one day.

Thank you kind sir. As I have said, this feedback may seem harsh at the moment. In the end it will help you.
Yeah man, no hard feelings here. I just posted on my BT what I thought would be interesting. Not everyone here is gonna like your work, so I'm just soakin' in the advice I can get. Hope you'll still read Smackdown and the rest of my BT though. Thank you, good sir.
Yeah man, no hard feelings here. I just posted on my BT what I thought would be interesting. Not everyone here is gonna like your work, so I'm just soakin' in the advice I can get. Hope you'll still read Smackdown and the rest of my BT though. Thank you, good sir.

I disagree, mine is loved by all. ;)

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