Book This! - General Discussion

All feedback on my new Book this is welcome and wanted. Probably best to post it in here so it doesn't need to be spammy if that's how you want to feedback.
^^^I love the idea of this book this, especially the superstar it is based around, as Jeff Hardy is one of my favourite superstars of today. One thing I would say is try to maybe include more detail. Overall, this BTB is excellent. Kudos for creating a great Book This^^^

Any reviews of my book this will be welcome, the 2nd Smackdown is up.

DUDE. Stop asking for feedback. Its annoying.

Also Danmen's book this isn't anything too special. I mean all he's doing is using events from the last year... Nothing original yet.
Yeah, I was just planning as using before he was suspended and up until he came back, as a prologue. I'll probably end up adding some more detail to it as he moves from when he came back to now-the future.

Also, the idea (for this one at least), was to not create anything original but to look inside the mind of Jeff Hardy as he goes through the timeline of events. Although what you suggested is a good variation and gives me a good idea for a future book this.

I'll give you guys feedback later. Most likely.
Well, this is my first stroll looking around on this website (BT section) at I must say, there's not very many active Book This's (as you can tell.) I book shows as well, and have been for a little over a year now. When i get 10 post, I will post my TNA thread that I have been working on for a little while now. I hope you guys will like it.

I never realized how dead Book This! was. I put up my roster earlier today, and the show should be up tonight.

Hopefully I cna get it a little more active in here...
If there's anyone that wants to follow NSCW, and hasn't read show 1, you need to get to it.

I'm writing show 2 now, and it will be posted tonight.
hey guys, ive been wanting to do a book this for quite some time now but never have got it going. how long does it take you to do a show? i have very little time on my hands and have RPs to write for WZCW when i do have a free moment.
any advice? cheers :P
I personally took about 4-5 hours to do mine, It does take a lot of time if you want ot do it well but remember that you set the schedule. For example, you could have 1 show a fortnight and it would be less of a strain. I'm sure you could do it.
whats this roster thing thats going on tho? i was away from here for a while and just noticed something about it before it started
You don't have to participate in the draft if you don't want to. In fact, I would advise you to get your own roster in order and get to grips with posting your show before entering into it.
That's probably a good idea because you have to have your first show up 48 hours after your roster is up.
yea ive got a basic idea for a book this now but it consists of two shows, ive already planned out a few shows but would anyone be up for helping me?

or im open to help out anyone else in their e-fed if they have xtra shows, etc??????? this option probably best
yea ive got a basic idea for a book this now but it consists of two shows, ive already planned out a few shows but would anyone be up for helping me?

If you've already planned out a couple of shows then I'm all for helpin you out. Just tell me what you need help with.
I'm not sure exactly how it would be written, but why has no one tried an MMA BT? It seems like it'd be relatively easy. No storylines needed...Just a card and a short description of each fight...
I'm reaching out for a little help here...

I started NSCW with a relatively small roster, and am slowly expanding it as time goes on. Here's where I need help: Finding new talent to add in the future.

These won't be guys coming in on the next show, or even within the next "month or two" of NSCW time, but I like to keep a list handy for the future. Right now, I have Tazz, Val Venis, Stevie Richards, Buff Bagwell, and Christopher Daniels.

Before you start naming people like Hogan and Orton and HBK, please remember that I'm avoiding career main eventers. For instance, my main title feud right now is Rey Mysterio v. Chris Jericho, and my mid-card belt is between Kane and British Bulldog. Obviously, they don't need to be active to be added.
Adam Bomb, Goldust, Mordecai and possibly Lance Cade for a start. Let me think for a bit.

Goldust is already there. He's a dark show kind of guy for me right now though. Adam Bomb is pretty bland, and there's no way to sell him as a jobber. I don't know who Mordecai is, but Lance Cade could be an option for a tag team down the line...

I can also use more ladies, but the stipulation is that they have to have hardcore experience. So basically no Maria, Layla, or Mickie...
Well, Mordecai was Kevin Fertig's first WWE gimmick as a divine preacher who wanted to eradicate sin. He was about to get pushed above the lowcard but i believe it was around when Eddie Guerrero died he got scrapped, as they were set to feud. As for the ladies, Mickie has had experience in hardcore matches, but under Alexis Laree.
Well, Mordecai was Kevin Fertig's first WWE gimmick as a divine preacher who wanted to eradicate sin. He was about to get pushed above the lowcard but i believe it was around when Eddie Guerrero died he got scrapped, as they were set to feud.

Yeah, that won't work. Right now that gimmick is being used by Kane, and his managers (C.C.S. and Bex). Thanks anyway.

As for the ladies, Mickie has had experience in hardcore matches, but under Alexis Laree.

It wasn't a lot, and not nearly as much as the ladies I already have. The most well known lady on the roster is probably Nattie, and that's only because I love her...It has nothing to do with wrestling ability.

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