Book This! - General Discussion

Holiday over, Internet connection reestablished. Inspired to restart WWF 1993. Got a plan in my notebook I took to my sunlounger!
One match and a handful of baby promos to go - then I can hand out a load of reviews, been a bit slack with those.

I have the changed the identity of the person in my mystery videos a few times but it all works out in the end - they seem to make sense even though it was quite a big jump.
One match and a handful of baby promos to go - then I can hand out a load of reviews, been a bit slack with those.

I have the changed the identity of the person in my mystery videos a few times but it all works out in the end - they seem to make sense even though it was quite a big jump.

Bah gawd it's Sting!
Have 2 big matches and one short one along with a couple short promos then I will have the second episode of Overdrive up.
Summer, Peep. I expect people are on holiday or outdoors and not doing their BT.

Myself on the other hand - I plan to update WWF 1993 and GCB's WWE in the next 24 hours. 1993's RAW after WrestleMania 9 and NXT in my main show.
All but the main event written and typed. Just need to finish the main event and convert it over here. Also, quick question: I have 6 matches of about the same length (minus one squash), so how many parts should I divide it into? I was thinking 3.
Guys, I hate to say this but this has been the worst slump BT! has gone through in recent times. You guys are losing viewers and the random "Rebook" threads are not helping. If I am a regular viewer (and you guys know I was) I want a quality show every week and you guys are not posting one in what? 3-4 weeks. That's about a month. The other new threads that are popping here and there apparently go out in a week and I only find SXE's new project promising. You guys seriously need to do something to get the section back up and running. Save it from becoming the Titantic. Steer it safe before it crashes into the iceberg. I hope you please pay attention.
The section is pretty dead but I'd rather wait then post something that's crap.

People seem to want to view it, no matter how long it takes.
Guys, I hate to say this but this has been the worst slump BT! has gone through in recent times.

No it isn't.

You guys are losing viewers and the random "Rebook" threads are not helping.

I'm not.

If I am a regular viewer (and you guys know I was) I want a quality show every week and you guys are not posting one in what? 3-4 weeks. That's about a month.

I'm yet to experience a problem when it comes to posting one show over a couple of months. My views still go up around the 1000 view mark for each show over the space of a couple of weeks.

The other new threads that are popping here and there apparently go out in a week and I only find SXE's new project promising.

I don't read them so I have no idea how good or bad they are.

You guys seriously need to do something to get the section back up and running. Save it from becoming the Titantic. Steer it safe before it crashes into the iceberg. I hope you please pay attention.

I hate when people say the section is dead when it isn't. With GCB, Peep, Theo, Grandsword and myself still posting shows this section is far from dead.
Also Jam pops in with some quality shows and WeirdGuy is bloody good when he posts. I just don't have the bloody time to post a show every week, I usually take around a month. Speaking of which, I just have the main event to write and the show is good. Expect that up by the weekend.
Well RAW is wrote and will be posted shortly. Think the section has died down a little but I agree with Peep that I would sooner wait longer for a good show than read one every week that is low in quality.
Guys, I hate to say this but this has been the worst slump BT! has gone through in recent times. You guys are losing viewers and the random "Rebook" threads are not helping. If I am a regular viewer (and you guys know I was) I want a quality show every week and you guys are not posting one in what? 3-4 weeks. That's about a month. The other new threads that are popping here and there apparently go out in a week and I only find SXE's new project promising. You guys seriously need to do something to get the section back up and running. Save it from becoming the Titantic. Steer it safe before it crashes into the iceberg. I hope you please pay attention.

Absolute hogwash I'm afraid, Icon.

BT is in a bit of a slump because it is the summer. Nobody in their right mind is going to write BT's all the time during the summer. There are many other things to do at this time of the year.

The 'Rebook' threads are not BT threads. They are threads made in the main forums that get moved here because they're about booking.

The bolded part is key - quality show. If you want quality, I suggest you can't expect it in a week. People have lives and work and families. There are plenty of other booking sites you can go visit to see more examples if you need more of a fix. Prophet is right as well - look at the views, they continue to go up when people post a show.

BT - Titanic? Oh well, the band played on ... :lmao:


Joe Mason and Heel Ziggler, cut out the YouTube videos. Your shows are a pig to load up. Honestly, I used them when I first started but you don't need them. Only the odd one works.
There hasn't been a new show for my BT in over a month because I was out of town, but I've returned last week. I'm almost done with the show, just a promo and a match left to go.
Would it be better if I put the YT videos in SPOILER tags, or is it best just to not have them at all?
Also, many thanks for the review, Nightmare. I will keep all that you said in mind as I write the next show.

That would help. But, ask yourself this, who's going to watch them? :shrug: I don't watch them if I read a show, I doubt many people do. We know the music!
Guys, I hate to say this but this has been the worst slump BT! has gone through in recent times. You guys are losing viewers and the random "Rebook" threads are not helping. If I am a regular viewer (and you guys know I was) I want a quality show every week and you guys are not posting one in what? 3-4 weeks. That's about a month. The other new threads that are popping here and there apparently go out in a week and I only find SXE's new project promising. You guys seriously need to do something to get the section back up and running. Save it from becoming the Titantic. Steer it safe before it crashes into the iceberg. I hope you please pay attention.

Glad you find my BT entertaining haha.

As for me I have the main event left to write before I get my second show up I have been helping out Mav a little bit with getting out his next show as well based off what he has told me and what I know his first episode of WFE Underground should be up this week and shortly after that Overdrive will be up with it's second show.

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