Book This! - General Discussion

LOLOL wow.

Anyway, how is everyone doing? Haven't been around this past week because of internet problems, hopefully that ends soon though.

Here's a question to get some discussion going: Do you think the main feuds HAVE to be for the title to make it important? We see WWE having the WWE Title take a backseat to whatever Cena does, so yeah, just a question I was wondering about.

No, if a feud is built up right regardless of the involvement of a title it can be important. Look at the feud between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho in 2008, they feuded without a title and it seemed important because of the great build.

So in my opinion it doesn't need to have a title to make it important. What do you think JAM?
Not really. Like in WWE at the moment, the main summerslam storyline is Triple H v. Brock Lesnar. No WWE Title in that..

Also Jam, if you have time would you go in the lounge and take a look at the Prediction Game for me?
LOLOL wow.

Anyway, how is everyone doing? Haven't been around this past week because of internet problems, hopefully that ends soon though.

Here's a question to get some discussion going: Do you think the main feuds HAVE to be for the title to make it important? We see WWE having the WWE Title take a backseat to whatever Cena does, so yeah, just a question I was wondering about.

Been going slow with my next show I have the opening done but thats about it.

No I dont think the main fueds HAVE to be for the title but if its not then that fued needs to involve atleast 1 HUGE name a couple perfect examples of it I can think of are Extreme Rules this year Cena and Lesnar was the main fued and last year at BFG Hogan vs Sting was the main fued and both times it worked out well as the title still got a strong fued and a good amount of time on the PPV without being the main fued.
Llama wrestling - take it for what it is, folks. Everybody likes different things in their BT and some we like, some we don't, some we think are stupid. I know that Prophet once made a strange booking decision that I thought was rather stupid. Come to think of it, his whole TNA experiment just after I'd gotten right into his Church stable was stupid too. IMO. I can't take Kermit's thread seriously but I suspect he doesn't want me to. It's light hearted and it's different. If you don't like a show, don't read it. #simples

Triple H not helping Shawn Michaels at TLC when Beer Money attacked?

EDIT: And it looks like all the fun was had when I was away. What a shame. ELW is amazing, it will now join the other two BT's that I read. Theo + Peep = 1 project... GCB is the other.
Been going slow with my next show I have the opening done but thats about it.

No I dont think the main fueds HAVE to be for the title but if its not then that fued needs to involve atleast 1 HUGE name a couple perfect examples of it I can think of are Extreme Rules this year Cena and Lesnar was the main fued and last year at BFG Hogan vs Sting was the main fued and both times it worked out well as the title still got a strong fued and a good amount of time on the PPV without being the main fued.
:O Are you slacking?

Triple H not helping Shawn Michaels at TLC when Beer Money attacked?

EDIT: And it looks like all the fun was had when I was away. What a shame. ELW is amazing, it will now join the other two BT's that I read. Theo + Peep = 1 project... GCB is the other.
Why would Triple H not help Shaun Michaels? :O

RAW finally posted! :)
I'll read it in a bit.
I've got more work to do on Genesis and then the Rumble match. Should be done in a few years.
Proph, you don't read my show?! Ehh, not surprising, it's all good though. How's Sacrifice looking btw?

Also, I guess the main feud doesn't need to include the World Title but the World Title shouldn't always take a backseat and be deemed the pre-main event.
Proph, you don't read my show?! Ehh, not surprising, it's all good though. How's Sacrifice looking btw?

Also, I guess the main feud doesn't need to include the World Title but the World Title shouldn't always take a backseat and be deemed the pre-main event.

You keep switching threads so I find it hard to get involved in a project you do. I'm surprised people stuck with me through my time here with the amount of switching I did. Stick with this TNA project and soon enough I'll read.

The show is not going forward at all. Taken a small break and I'll probably start up next week.

The main event feud doesn't have to include the title if it is a big, big occasion (like Cena/Rock and Cena/Brock) but if it happens often, it can kind of make the world title look a little weak. They want to build up Punk as the next big face but he went on before Cena/Big Johnny, even when he stole the show with Bryan. Fair enough, Cena deserved to main event two shows as he had two massive opponents, but when he is doing it with Big Johnny and Big Show, it's a bad move.
Bad move profit.

Let us know when you're on the fourth entrant, lad.

I agree with Peep on the title use. For one or two PPV's, it is fine to have a non-title match as the main event but it hurts it's credibility if it goes on much past that. The WWE Championship has always been superior to the World Championship due to the main event use of the WWE strap. Now the WWE Championship is relegated to second to last on the card, Punk's title reign is not so impressive. WM28 was a great show but the WWE Championship match (Punk vs. Jericho, what do you mean, you forgot?) was third important behind Rock/Cena and Taker/HHH. Shame.
I think that Wrestlemania 28 was supposed to have multiple main events rather than just one single one. Jericho vs Punk, Taker vs HHH, and Cena vs Rock are all pretty huge matches for Wrestlemania, but Cena main eventing every PPV after Wrestlemania is ridiculous. Looks like Cena is back in the title hunt, which that the WWE Title might main event again in the future.
Fourth entrant?

I'm on my 23rd entrant. Writing this Rumble is hard. Also Greasy can I PM you about something?

There it is, again. Everybody else calls me GCB. I'm not greasy. My handle has nothing to do with me being greasy. It's about greasy chip butties from Sheffield, particularly the area around Beautiful Down Town Bramall Lane. If you don't understand that, don't worry, just stop calling me Greasy.

23rd entrant? Can't be that hard then. It took me eight weeks to get to the 23rd entrant. I suspect a lack of detail. Slow down.

You already have PM'd me it. I've answered. Take note of my advice.
Careful, Peep, you'll get a PM!

EDIT: Allow me to show you a recent PM I received.

WWEjames said:
Hey man. What do you think of me? It's just I don't think many bookers like me...

After answering by explaining to my friend that his constant stream of information about his show, his prediction thread, his lack of feedback and his funny coloured turds might be annoying people (OK, I made one of those up), I received a pearler of a response. I won't bore you with all of it but this was my favourite sentence:

WWEjames said:
If you don't like my Book this. Don't post in it. Ok Person?

Now, I was stunned by this. My flabber has never been so ghasted. You see, at no point have I ever told him that I don't like his BT. I've fed back, I've given him tips and advice on how to improve as a writer. In fact, when he asked me the first question, I didn't even tell him that he was annoying the f*** out of me - even though he was. I just told him what was annoying other folk. But, I'll take his advice and I will no longer post in his BT. To be able to tell somebody who has given him some good feedback so far not to read his thread no more, he must have lots of people feeding back to him regularly ... Right?

Oh ... Hang on.


Fail, my friend. Fail.

Oh and by the way, wwejames, now I'm being rude to you too.
WWEJames reminds me of someone that was in this BT section about a year ago. I forgot what his name was, but he sure did annoy a lot of people in this section.

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