Book This! - General Discussion

I have written half of my first Smackdown episode, but I just cannot be bothered. Got a lot of great ideas but can't be stuffed to write out all episodes as they take so long.
I'm with you, Peep. I have have of the next episode outline of SCW written out, and I know what I want to do, but I can't be arsed to finish the outline, much less the next show.
...This is the one I'm talking about, Crock.

I told you, your plans are far from perfect. Lots of editing to do to make it work.
Hello Book This! veterans. You look at the creator of AP2, and I am here to greet with gift baskets. Just put your hand through the screen and it shall be yours.


I must find some 3D glasses, to enjoy this package!
Yeah, I've actually dropped my 07 thread and am planning another one. 3 shows were just too much, and my planning of them was, imo, bad. However, it'll be a while before I post anything up. I'll take some blame for the section being as dead as it is, too. Just the first month of school kinda jumped up on me and now I'm finally settling in. But, like I said, I want to do some planning and take my time before I do anything with my shows.

However, I will be browsing the section regularly to see if there's anything worthwhile to read.
Guess what I just started writing?

That's right, the long-anticipated (ha) third episode of SCW!
I have one match to write before I post Unforgiven. Triple H vs Justice for the WWE Championship. Should be up later tonight, or Sunday, depending on how long my RP takes.
"They" are coming, "THEY" ARE COMING....



... coming back for a third time. Mark it down... "they" will be here soon.
Yeah the TV wrestling show ain't gonna happen (for me at least). I just couldn't get things to flow and I just didn't find it funny or interesting at all. I still do wanna comeback soon. Maybe do a series of some shows off and on. Nothing serious, but something like WWE superstars with past and present superstars. We shall see.
If "They" aren't reviews for SCW3 when I've finished it, I'll be rather disappointed.

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