Book This! - General Discussion

How's it going guys? Anything planned for the holidays?

I hit a bit of a snag on Smackdown but I have it worked out now and I really want to get this show out, mainly for Theo's sake as he already has all his shows done up until the pay-per-view.
How's it going guys? Anything planned for the holidays?

I hit a bit of a snag on Smackdown but I have it worked out now and I really want to get this show out, mainly for Theo's sake as he already has all his shows done up until the pay-per-view.

Don't rush because of me haha. I actually still gotta type out the main event for the final Raw before OTL. Mostly done with it, but I too have hit a snag. I can't seem to get the flow with the two like I thought I would be able to. Hopefully it is just a slump and it just comes to me. Though I'm pretty stoked to get working on my OTL matches. I, like GCB, want to make Kofi look like a star. A tricky task indeed, but I'm up for the task.

As for holiday plans, I'll likely be working. I'm gonna try to get together with friends on New Years, but that may not be the case as it seems they all want different things. I might just stay home, drink some wine, and relax.
Hey guys I've started writing my next Monday Night RAW (Slammy Edition).

Do you think I should use the awards they used this year or my own ones? I;m thinking of doing mostly my own.

Anyway if you haven't already, check out the first episode of Monday Night RAW written by workhorse :)
Smackdown writing is going very well. Doing the Hardy Boyz segment with Coach at the moment and I still hate writing for Jeff Hardy. It would be so much easier to just say he is unfit to compete each night.

Finally, a week after I had it done, due to Graphics, Carnage is up. Please read it. One reason I post it in two parts is just to give it that break that I like.

Reviews are welcome and anyone who gives me one from now on will get one on their next show.
Anyone know what the RTC theme song is called? I'm considering calling it "Annoying Siren" for a lack of a better term.
How's it going guys? Anything planned for the holidays?

I hit a bit of a snag on Smackdown but I have it worked out now and I really want to get this show out, mainly for Theo's sake as he already has all his shows done up until the pay-per-view.

Nothing much. Just on red alert ready to become a Daddy!

Don't rush because of me haha. I actually still gotta type out the main event for the final Raw before OTL. Mostly done with it, but I too have hit a snag. I can't seem to get the flow with the two like I thought I would be able to. Hopefully it is just a slump and it just comes to me. Though I'm pretty stoked to get working on my OTL matches. I, like GCB, want to make Kofi look like a star. A tricky task indeed, but I'm up for the task.

As for holiday plans, I'll likely be working. I'm gonna try to get together with friends on New Years, but that may not be the case as it seems they all want different things. I might just stay home, drink some wine, and relax.

The more I write for Kofi, the better he seems to be and the more I like him. I think his move set is very versatile and there is potential to add a move or two to his arsenal. Once you get past the gimmick moves, he is a good wrestler that just needs a little bit more personality. IMO.

Hey guys I've started writing my next Monday Night RAW (Slammy Edition).

Do you think I should use the awards they used this year or my own ones? I;m thinking of doing mostly my own.

Anyway if you haven't already, check out the first episode of Monday Night RAW written by workhorse :)

It's Book This! Use your own, man. Particularly as I haven't seen RAW yet - damn SKY+ box didn't record it properly - so I'd rather see what you think. I enjoyed my Slammy Award show, I just made stuff up to fit with my storylines!

[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3580488]Smackdown writing is going very well. Doing the Hardy Boyz segment with Coach at the moment and I still hate writing for Jeff Hardy. It would be so much easier to just say he is unfit to compete each night.[/QUOTE]

I actually quite like Jeff Hardy. Prefer him to Matt Hardy. I'm struggling to make Matt Hardy interesting in my BT, need something major to shake him up a little. Or else I'm going to future endeavour him. Maybe he should have gone in NXT.

Speaking of NXT, half written (maybe more) and should be up in next couple of days. Would appreciate some feedback on it when it comes. It's not going to be the best writing I ever do as it is going in recap form but I would like you to suggest who you are enjoying in NXT as it goes and how you think they could be incorporated back into the WWE. Remember, five of the eight guys in NXT will be fired and I will never write for them again. I haven't chosen an NXT winner yet - I think six of them realistically could with the right storylines - or which three will survive. Feedback from you will be important to me in determining this.

Also, I made a boo boo on RAW when I announced Khali and Kozlov the wrong way round. Khali should be with Rock not JBL, Kozlov vice versa. I've covered it in the opening of the show and set them back to the right team!
Theo, just realised that I haven't reviewed you in ages. Since September! :O

Next show, I promise. I did read the last show but it was on my iPhone so I wasn't able to review it - am not typing on the phone!
Just checked the number of views for Global Icon and myself over the past few days - if it carries on like this for the next week and a half, I'll be back on top of the BT ratings by next Saturday! Mwahahahahahahahaha!
Rob Van Dam; if you want reviews don't ask often or PM people in the section. The best thing to do, especially if you are new, is to review other people's shows and I am quite sure they will review you back. This isn't me asking for a review (I don't want one for my latest episode as I told Awesome Miz), just giving you a heads up.

According to RDV's thread it will be the first time ever that the Royal Rumble winner will be award the WWE Championship for winning the match. While it sounds cool this happened when Ric Flair won the Rumble in 92 I think. I could be off by a year or two but it was around that time.

Anyway he won the Rumble and in the process won the WWE Championship.
[QUOTE="Hollywood" Prophet;3581654]According to RDV's thread it will be the first time ever that the Royal Rumble winner will be award the WWE Championship for winning the match. While it sounds cool this happened when Ric Flair won the Rumble in 92 I think. I could be off by a year or two but it was around that time.

Anyway he won the Rumble and in the process won the WWE Championship.[/QUOTE]

Nope you got it right. Nice pickup as it slipped my mind while reading the show.
I need to pop GCB a review for RAW, but I will get some writing done first. Butty; Kaval/Dolph and MVP to survive please! I have always wanted to write for a new heelish MVP as I feel it would be awesome. How much longer until the baby arrives? I assume I will be named godfather?

Also, if anyone is wondering why Del Rio/Orton is a little slow, it is for a reason. I plan to yank up the intensity soon.

By the way, how's the new place Theo?
It's awesome Peep. I got pretty much everything I need there and everything set up in terms of cable, internet, phone, etc. All I need to grab is my dresser (I just have the drawers) and get a table for my dining area and I'm set.
Are the forums bugging up a bit for anyone else? It says there are new posts in Book This on the main forum page but as I click on the section, they are gone?

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