Book recommendations?

Just finished Catcher in the Rye and loved it. Great book and it's a pretty quick read. Only about 200 pages. Also finished Lord of the Rings and I reccomend that book to anyone now that hasn't read it.

Catcher in the Rye for an easier quick read.
Lord of the Rings for an epic read, heaps of history and tales.

Great books there. Also anything by an Aussie author Tim Winton is great. Anything like Dirt Music or Breath. Cloudstreet. Winton is a very underated writer. Any American guys gotten into his stuff?
What about like.. funny books? Anything like Tucker Max's shit, I found that funny as hell. Just something humorous.
Of Mice and Men

possibly you should make a start on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series

Stephen King

HP Lovecraft
To Kill A Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1984, Brave New World, Animal Farm (Yeah, I went there), Stephen King.

If you're looking for short stories, a few by Edgar Allan Poe such as Masque of the Red Death, Fall of the House of Usher, Tell-Tale Heart, Cask of Amontillado, and Black Cat are classics that you should be able to find in any Poe compilation in any library.

If you're looking for a funnier read, Animal Farm and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have that funny edge while still conveying important subject matter. Animal Farm is outright hilarious at parts, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is more of that sarcastic humor. You'll need to know that Mark Twain doesn't actually condone anything he's conveying to you before you understand the hilarity of the characters and settings.
Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card, is an essential read if you are a Science Fiction/Speculative Fiction fan.

Other great writers I would recommend would include Roger Zelazny, Anne McCaffrey, Raymond E. Feist, R. A. Salvatore, Athur C. Clark, Piers Anthony...Well, the list is a long one, but this is a good start.

For the classics, I am a huge fan of Dickens. Great Expectations was required reading when I was in school, and for good reason. The story is easy to follow, and translates well even today.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1415145 said:
Pick up Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, lol.

Nothin' wrong with some Joyce. Could always spring for the poetry and pick up some William Butler Yeats, or Longfellow, or any other great poet.
Nothin' wrong with some Joyce. Could always spring for the poetry and pick up some William Butler Yeats, or Longfellow, or any other great poet.

If you've actually been able to get through more than 10 pages of Finnegans Wake, you deserve an award of some kind.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1415753 said:
If you've actually been able to get through more than 10 pages of Finnegans Wake, you deserve an award of some kind.

9.5 pages, then I got distracted by beer. From the little I recall, it wasn't terribly boring, but my attention span is equal to that of Dethklock. Really don't read that much.
Lewis Black - Me Of Little Faith

Jon Anne Lindqvist - Let The Right One In
This one, as well....except I dunno if you'll find it at your local library. Pedophiles and homicidal children/vampires don't exactly make it into your libraries now a days.

I found it at Borders for like $7. I saw the movie a few months ago, and was hoping to find the book cheap. I'm getting a few other books out of the way first though, so I can take the time to sit down and appreciate it.
I've heard that the books on Amazon are fairly cheap. So you might want to buy from there if you can't find them at libraries.
The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac

The only book you need to read.
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1415753 said:
If you've actually been able to get through more than 10 pages of Finnegans Wake, you deserve an award of some kind.

If it's anything like Ulysses, which I'm reading at the moment, it's practically unreadable. Telephone book. Hollyoaks. Walks in the park. Budgerigar flying near a pier. Its green. Flying and green. Shannon Airport. Aer Lingus.

Faoi mhóid bheith saor
Seantír ár sinsear feasta,
Ní fhágfar faoin tíorán ná faoin tráill.


I found it at Borders for like $7. I saw the movie a few months ago, and was hoping to find the book cheap. I'm getting a few other books out of the way first though, so I can take the time to sit down and appreciate it.

Right. I bought it last year. Fantastic book. Now I need to find out if they redid the horrible subtitles that they put on the DVD release of the movie.
Right. I bought it last year. Fantastic book. Now I need to find out if they redid the horrible subtitles that they put on the DVD release of the movie.

I want to know why some major things were changed. They imply that Eli was a boy, but never actually say it outright. They fucked up one of the killings from what I've heard also.

Don't ruin it for me...I haven't started it yet.

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