Bonfire Night

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
It's the only night that's more annoying that Halloween. Fuckin' fireworks man. They piss me off. Next to my house is a tiny cemetary. And behind that is a field. In the cemetary you get kids letting off fireworks and in the field they have bonfires. What the fuck is the point? They might look very pretty to people who can't afford shiny things, but the the common man there an annoyance. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so loud. But they bang when they go off. I'm pretty sure there's a bloke somwhere who can make a silent firework. I'm pretty sure I could make a silent firework. They scared the shit out of the duck.

Anybody else hate this stupid fuckin' tradition?
With a passion, for the reason that my pets are usually absolutely shit scared. Its the most pointless tradition in the history of the world... Lets fucking celebrate some nut trying to blow up Parliament by setting off noisy and pointless bright fireballs. Seriously it really winds me up, big time.
I use to enjoy it as a kid, eating marshmallows and hotdogs, but now it just seems pointless and is a dying tradition in my community. Nobody cares anymore.

As for the fireworks, the grocery store in my town sells them ALL YEAR around so I hear the fuckers nearly every week and it is a pain in the ass if the youngsters blow them up at 4 a.m. when I am in bed.
Personally I like it because my friends usually end up setting a volcano on Fire. But who doesn't like celebrating the act of Terrorism. Have you all lost the sense of wonder you had as a kid about the fireworks? Nobody cares because they have forgotten the fun that they used to have. But you have places that sell them all year round? In NZ there is regulations on that sort of stuff and they can only be sold a few day before the fifth of November.
Jake actually got a duck?

The only bit that annoys me is that it scares my cat, which means she'll ask to go out constantly only to refuse to leave or come back a minute later. Pisses me off. Other than that, the fireworks themselves don't annoy me. I just find it comforting that some youth, somewhere is seriously injuring themselves. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Totally hate it. Although it does have its advantages. Next to my work is a demolished site and somebody set off some fireworks there and caused a huge fire. I got to have Monday + Tuesday off work becuase of the smoke hazard.
You can't buy fireworks in Ireland so everyone goes up to Northern Ireland to stock up on hundreds of Euro's worth of thing that make a bang. SO annoying. My dog used to hate them, he wouldn't stop barking.
we fuckin have in ohio the 3 day rule the day before the 4th the 4th and the 5th and that all when the fireworks go off all damn day for 3 days why the hell are you setting them off in the daylight ? please enlighten me can you see them ass holes i cant thank god its only for 3 days
Sounds like a shitty holiday for pet owners. I have two holidays over here in the states that I absolutely can't fucking stand. The first is Independence Day. Not only is it associated with a real shitty movie starring Will Smith, but the amount of explosives all the stupid assholes in my region light off scares the hell out of my cat, Leo. I've lost three other cats because of all the Unibomber wannabes who scared them into running away. Second? Halloween. I love the candy factor, but the fact that I happen to own a completely black cat means that if he gets outside, some sick fucker will try to take him and do who-knows-what with my little wingman. So yeah. I know I'm an uncultured American swine and all, but Bonfire night sounded kind of cool to me as far as the name goes, initially. At first I thought it was just a night where everyone listens to old ACDC records and has some big-ass campfires in their yard and stuff. Ah, well. So much for wishful thinking.
I, personally, LOVE fireworks. They're banned in New York now. :( When I was a kid, you could be lighting them in the middle of the street, and cop cars would actually stop and wait for you to finish, often waiving and laughing. Now, you're better off being caught with crack.

I remember starting June 20, you would hear them at night. It was so cool, and I remember July 4th fondly. My uncle used to blow like 300 bucks and shoot them off from about 9PM to 4AM. LOVED IT! :) My dog did go insane, but I just bought the poor fella inside and he was fine.

Always amazed me how dogs know what is natural and what isn't. A vicious thunderstorm with loud thunder wouldn't scare my dog, but fireworks did.

Animals are truly superior to humans. :)
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