Body Piercings/Tattoos

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Who has them/what are they

This thread once existed, but I though I would bring it back as we have a lot of new regulars.

Do you have your ear pierced? How about sleeve tattoos? Do you have a Mom Tattoo on your shoulder, or a corset imbedded in your skin?
I have 3 tattoos, and had my eyebrow pierced twice, but due to having a little boy that loves to wrestle, I took the eyebrow ring out.
I would like the triforce on my wrist (inside) but I don't have any tattoos at the mo
I used to have a labret. I took it out do to fear of it being a problem at a job interview and have kept it out. I think I could probably wear it at the same job and have it not be a problem, but I was paranoid.
I have one tattoo on my right ankle. The tattoo is a chain dripping with blood, sweat, and tears. On the inner side of my ankle, one link is broken, and above the broken link it says, "Rewards Only Come With The Struggle."


I have a large cross on the upper middle part of my back/neck, with wings coming out the sides, it all takes up the entie upper par of my back. I also have a black hole on my sholder covering an older tattoo. And Lee, although the idea of a Triforce tattoo seems awesome, make DAMN sure thats what you want before you get it. That sounds like the kinda thing you'd always enjoy, but get insulted for endlessly. Just like the tattoo that I had to get covered.
Dad said I can get a tattoo this year in Thailand so I will be extremely happy. Don't know what to get yet.
I have 3 tattoos. One on my right ankle, which is of a pegasus with clouds around it. One on my left ankle, which is of a rose. Both of those were done by my father. My third one is on my left shoulder blade, which is of a butterfly. I plan on getting one or two more tattoos, but not sure what I want. It will be quite a while before I get anymore. I have had my tongue pierced twice, but took it out for good when I was in labor with Gabrielle.
I lie. apparentlly, you cant hyperlink images from myspace anymore. A trifle shame. I refuse to create a photbucket account.

If someone makes one for me, ill use it.

I also plan on getting a phoenix on the back of my neck with the wings going across the top of my shoulders when I go to Guatemala in 2 weeks.

I had my ear pierced, but I had to let it close up because of volleyball.
I always say that if God wanted me to have a picture of a dolphin jumping through a flaming hoop on my ass, he would have put it there for me. That's just my personal decision.

To each his own.
the many phases of the {Official} NorCal back piece...


first session, 4 hours


second session, 1.5 hours


third session, 2 hours
I have two.

One is a Phoenix on my right shoulder blade, I got it about 2 months after I turned 18. It's my favourite mythological creature and I have a special personification with it, about continuing to improve from bad situations and a bad past, the only way is up:

My second I got just under a year ago (when I was 21), it's an elvish phrase on my inner right arm. Originally, I wanted to have the word "Forever" but no Elvish word existed, after some redecided, I came up with the phrase "Mortal Heart, Eternal Love", which translate as "Fir emel uireb meleth". My friend could write in Elvish and did it for me
One tattoo on my bicep much like Brian Urlacher only a tad bigger. I want to get more soon.

Norcal those tattoos are fuckin nice bro.

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