Bobby Lashley To Make A Return?

i'd like to see Bobby Lashley come back.

Raw is pretty crowded right now in both the main event and the mid card. so Smackdown seems like an obvious choice.
plus, if a guy is not so good on the mic, it's probably best that he's not on a live show. so on Smackdown, he can be edited to maybe look better than he really is, mic-wise.

as far as "punishment" for leaving WWE after the monster push he was getting...? face Taker at Mania. it'd be a big match that's never happened before. Taker/Kane 3 at Mania is not a good idea. and Sheamus can do it, but why? let Sheamus do something else. bring Lashley in and feed him to the streak.

after that, i'd love to see Lashley feud with Swagger as they both have impressive amateur backgrounds. it could almost be like a Lesnar/Angle feud, though that's obviously next to impossible to top. but it could be booked similar. maybe even a feud with Punk with Punk keeping heel and talking about the obvious PED look that Lashley has and how Punk is straight-edge and so against those kinds of drugs too. could be good.

feuds against some big guys would be easy to book; Sheamus, Zeke, Show, Kane, Taker, Skip, etc. maybe even a feud with Cena again. they had a decent match some years ago.

i'd like to see Lashley come back. but i still stand by the idea that he should be fed to the streak at Mania. this gives us a decent Taker match that hasn't been done before and puts Lashley down a peg, if only in his own ego.
Bobby Lashley coming back to the WWE seems a little unlikely to happen. First off in 2008 he just kind of packed his things and left. He was getting a monster push and the company was investing a lot in him but he through that all away when he walked out the front door. Would he even be welcomed back nearly three years later? Not only was he trying to build an MMA career, but in the mean time he went to TNA was awful there during his run and then left TNA. Tried to kick his MMA career into action again, failed at that and it seems that he may be hoping that WWE is his last hope. But that doesn't mean they'll want to re sign him because he was a simple upper mid-carder when he left, so it's not like he was a big time main eventer or anything.

However I always thought the guy had talent. He was always enjoyable to watch in the ring and had a few good or even great matches during his tenure. I loved his reign as US Champion and I enjoyed his time on ECW. He may not have the personality to be taken to the next level but his size and athleticism could make up for that. Also how over he can get with the audience would also help factor a rise to the top for Mr. Lashley. He was very over when he was in WWE, would he be remembered or cared about two and half years later? I truly don't think so in my opinion they can sign if they want but all reasonable logic would suggest that WWE doesn't have any interest in getting Bobby Lashley back on their roster.
It’s not just the fact that he lost, it is the fact that he lost to a “nobody” on the MMA stage. He also lost because he was dehydrated. To me, that doesn’t sound like a person that belongs in MMA. Mixed Martial Arts is a dog-eat-dog world and if you don’t believe that you are the best man to walk into that arena, then you really need to re-evaluate your career choices.

With that loss, Bobby Lashley has probably ruled himself out of any possible push with Strikeforce. I am more than sure that he would have been aiming at getting a hold of Fedor or Overeem but all the work he has done with his initial fights have basically been wiped out with that recent loss. MMA is like that. I mean sure, Bobby Lashley could learn from this and possibly go on to be a better fighter but I seriously doubt that is going to happen.

Lashley, at this point would be mad not to be considering something else. Strikeforce might not even want to extend his contract after that loss. If this is the case, then he is going to need to think about going back to wrestling and I think it would be a good move for him. I for one would like to see him on Smackdown to add a little depth to the main event over there. However, that might be some way down the line.

Have you ever competed in a physical sport while dehydrated? A lot of fighters dehydrate themselves in order to make weight then between the weigh-in and fight rehydrate themselves. Despite the fact that they might end up fighting while they're still dehydrated or sluggish from doing that.

So to say that he should quit MMA because he lost one fight to somebody he shouldn't have lost to is a bit premature. He should take a fight with Batista (if he can). Strikeforce would know that'd be a money draw and they need draws in order to compete with UFC.
I for one was a fan of Mr. Lashley, but, he is a nice guy and all, and very down to earth the times I've met him out and about in Kansas, but he really doesn't need to be coming back to WWE. I mean, I agree with the majority of people with the over-abundance of beefed up people stuck in mid-card limbo now. MVP, Henry, Zeke, VLadimir, Masters, Gallows..I mean, unfortunately, he'd be another dime a dozen in this situation. Plus, he does have his own health food chain, and nutrition supplements thing going as well. Its not like he really needs the money, and again, if he comes back, like someone mentioned earlier, would he get the Christian/Gail treatment...just to be rotting away in menial storylines just to use him to push younger/more eye candy people to try to bolster ratings? He is a talented person, I do agree, however, why come back to a company that would get kicks out of degrading truly talented athletes and use them to push those with less than austierior repertoires. I mean, if I was in his situation, I certainly would be weary of someone in WWE or even TNA for that matter wanting me to come back, and knowing some of the ulterior motives that creative could do and use that against him, I would almost be inclined to say "Thanks but no." And keep your sanity Bobby!!
I think if Bobby does come back to the WWE, he will still be pushed, we know Vince LOVES muscular guys, and Lashley has a mind-blowing physique! Plus, hes decent in the ring, not amazing but solid. He would need to develop a personality though, as he has never seemed comfortable on the microphone, and looks like a deer in the headlights on occasion.

Lashley has all the physical gifts to be a major star in wrestling, but until he commits 100% to the business and develops a personality, he will not fulfil his potential.

I believe WWE should still invest time into making Lashley a star, because I DO think he has it in him, but it just hasnt come out yet
I wouldn't want to see this. Lashley was all muscle and no dynamic. He was very agile, strong, and his look crushed most others on the roster. But so did Ahmed Johnson's... so did Lex Luger's... so did so many others.

Lashley failed miserably in WWE and TNA. Unless the guy decides to embrace his character and loosen that stiff tie of his, he's never going to be someone that pro-wrestling fans give a shit about.

If by fail miserabley , you mean put on a MOTY canidate in his last PPV match, looked like a legit threat to Monster Cena, and being seen as an absolute potential WM ME guy, then er, yea, sure. I wish I could go to the WWE and "fail miserably" :rolleyes:

Lashley was fucking badass. Mic skills? Yea, not so much, but fuck it. That can be covered up for a while until they get better. He had EVERYTHING you need as far as look, and in ring acumen. Former Collegiant All-American wrestler, and one of the best looks anyone has had in a very long time. If they book this guy they way WCW booked GOldberg (at first) and the way they SHOULD book Mark Henry, he could be anything they want him to be. It would be fucking awesome if he returned, and I hope it can happen.
I'd like to see Bobby make a WWE return. As long as he doesnt bring his wife on TV like in TNA. Hes a solid performer in the ring, not too great with a mic though. I say, give him a manager to do all the talking and he'll be fine.
Well I, for one, would love to see this happen. In my mind, a Bobby Lashley return could be quite profitable from the WWE’s standpoint. Yes, he may have left them for the “competition” and he may have been wrapped up in his MMA career when he left. However, I do think that Lashley could still have a place in the WWE if he chose to make a return.
How profitable was he during his first go seriously..? He rose thru the ranks rather quickly headlining Mania and warring with Mr. McMahon, an act another bald guy used to do for years.. If there was really no catalyst for his first push then I see no reason why it could not happen again for no good reason..

The real question though, is whether Vince McMahon would welcome him back. Would he like to bring back a man whom he put a lot of effort into before he turned his back on the company? Would Vince entertain the idea of having Lashley back amongst the players in the WWE?
Of course. Because VKM does whats good for business and also because he is a blockhead.. If McMahon did NOT let Lashley back then he would truly be losing his investment. Lashley would have no standing in MMA without his notoriety from pro wrestling. WWE created Bobby Lashley, not Bobby Lashley. And Lashley's departure was not disgraceful or anything he just wanted something new. Its Lashley's life and he did not have to renew any contracts. I think McMahon would have a rare oppurtunity to make use of the boost to the Lashley brand MMA allowed. I think thats VKM getting back his investment with interest.
Or would he, likely, “pull a Christian” on Lashley and demote him to the mid-card as retribution for the earlier actions?
lAShley's mainevent status will derive from him simply being treated as a mainevent by the WWE brass. Not only can WWE not afford to waste him in the mid card after accumulating so much manufactured steam but Lashley would not even permit being pushed down the totem pole anyways. There just going to have to find a way to attach him to the mainevent picture, lock room animosity be damned..
There is no such a thing as pulling a Christian or a Gail Kim. Christian is exactly wherehe'd be if he'd never left WWE and the Ent is not obligated to make all ex NWA champs WWE champs. Likewise WWE made Gail Kim champ on her debut and she mainevented Raw. WWE is under no obligation to recognize accolades in other federations especially when the star was already established and ranked by WWE prior to their re-debut.

Perhaps the most important question is though, is does Bobby Lashley have anything to offer Vince McMahon in exchange for a contract?

I mean, his popularity has fizzled out along with his MMA career and all he has going for him now is a history of quitting on both sectors that gave him an opportunity.
Bobby Lashley is working with whatever WWE saw in him in 2008. hE WILL CONTINUE to work with that or get more rewards for his MMA run. My question is why would a wrestling company want a guy who transitioned to MMA only to be destroyed, then return to wrestling? It makes wrestling look bad and undermines a wrestler's status as an athlete at all. Lesnar may be viewed as a fluke fighter in wrestling. If Batista falters or Lashley can't make a few high profile victories in MMA WWE might not want him. You can't have him coming back to WWE just because mixed martial artists roughed him up..

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