Bischoff comments on Chyna

Brian in Austin

Getting Noticed By Management
So in an interview he's done Eric Bischoff mentions that he's glad he doesn't have to explain to anyone that he's working in the same company as Chyna, given her decision to move full time into the adult entertainment industry.

So once again, I was right. It WAS bad for TNA to have signed her. That's not all he said. He also said she had that deer in the headlights look at the PPV and it confirmed the instincts he had about her in-ring potential. He also said he was against bringing her in to begin with but kept his mouth shut.

Glad to know that Mr. Bischoff agreed with me on how poor a decision it was to bring her in.

Man it's fun being right as much as I am.

Why does it matter if she was in porn? He and anyone else hating on her porn-ness needs to pull their head out their ass.

What is he.... a mormon?!

Also yeah wheres the actual link

If you go to the homepage of this site, there's a link to the interview.
"In an interview he's done"

Care to provide a link or a source? Can't go around claiming you're right about something when you actually haven't provided clear cut evidence of this supposed interview that took place. You haven't even said who the interview was with for fuck sake.
Why does it matter if she was in porn? He and anyone else hating on her porn-ness needs to pull their head out their ass.

What is he.... a mormon?!

Also yeah wheres the actual link
as he said no well running business (yes i will call tna a well running business) wants to associate themselves with a person who has dicks shoved up her ass for other ppls entertainment...

whos to say there wont be a 'you suck dick' or 'you do porn' chant throughout the audience

so as the guy above said 'He and anyone else hating on her porn-ness needs to pull their head out their ass.'

srry bro but its u who needs to pull his head out of his ass if u thnk doing porn is alright while trying to work for a wrestling company like tna
So in an interview he's done Eric Bischoff mentions that he's glad he doesn't have to explain to anyone that he's working in the same company as Chyna, given her decision to move full time into the adult entertainment industry.

So once again, I was right. It WAS bad for TNA to have signed her. That's not all he said. He also said she had that deer in the headlights look at the PPV and it confirmed the instincts he had about her in-ring potential. He also said he was against bringing her in to begin with but kept his mouth shut.

Glad to know that Mr. Bischoff agreed with me on how poor a decision it was to bring her in.

Man it's fun being right as much as I am.

I agree that Chyna was a bad bad decision for TNA. No question about it. Stroking your own ego on the other hand wasn't needed.
Running out of attitude era has beens to sign.
Porn or not, the Chyna decision was bad from the offset, because it's another time TNA puts a random celebrity appearance over their own roster. There's plenty of TNA women and the like that could have been Kurt's partner, but instead of using their overinflated roster they decide to hire another person for 2 appearances.

The porn side of things, TNA just changed their flagship show to avoid the T&A homonym haunting their show, what better way to remind your viewers of the family run business, than to hire a porn actress to be one of your top star's mistress. I'm ashamed for Kurt after how the story's played out...
I didn't (and still don't) think it was a bad decision to bring Chyna in for a one off appearance. Just listen to the reaction she got. Wrestling fans wanted to see Chyna again and TNA obliged. No problem with that at all.

I know I marked out when it was announced she was Angles mistress. And by watching her on the PPV so did thousands of others. Chyna is the only female wrestler I've ever marked out for, although that all changed when watching this weeks IMPACT! I actually surprised myself when I cheered after Velvet pinned ODB.
So in an interview he's done Eric Bischoff mentions that he's glad he doesn't have to explain to anyone that he's working in the same company as Chyna, given her decision to move full time into the adult entertainment industry.

So once again, I was right. It WAS bad for TNA to have signed her. That's not all he said. He also said she had that deer in the headlights look at the PPV and it confirmed the instincts he had about her in-ring potential. He also said he was against bringing her in to begin with but kept his mouth shut.

Glad to know that Mr. Bischoff agreed with me on how poor a decision it was to bring her in.

Man it's fun being right as much as I am.

You are an idiot. At the time TNA didn't know about the porn when they brought her in. It is funny how often you say Bischoff is an idiot and wrong, but when he says or does something that supports your idea you use him as a source. Eric Bischoff never said bringing in Chyna was a bad idea. He said he didn't agree with it and when he saw Chyna's derr in the headlights look it helped confirm what he was worried about. Then when TNA found out about the porn, after the fact, they cut contract talks with her.

Why are you tooting your own horn?

All she did was come in because there was past history with Jeff Jarrett. She had a total of 30 seconds on Impact and wrestled for 2 maybe 3 minutes on the PPV. She also had a hell of a reaction. Personally I don't mind the appearance and match. I would have had a problem if they signed her after that. They didn't and had good reasons why and the TNA/Chyna relationship is over.
Well first off, TNA didn't sign Chyna it was an handshake deal with the possibility of signing her after. Another thing, Bischoff is right on this one. Its not so much that she is doing porn, the problem is that if she gets sick and transmits diseases to other wrestlers.


"Survey says, One more for the good guys!!!" - Scott Hall
I get why they don't want her if she's going to be in porn. It looks bad as a business stand point, but so does having someone who's on trial for drug charges being your champion for a time. Mickey James was also a porn star back before WWE, but she's no longer involved in it, unlike Chyna who wanted to make this a career choice. I've never really cared for any woman's wrestling, old or new stars. So to me, it's one less former WWE star taking away a spot from a homegrown star from TNA.
How stupid do you have to be letting someone go out in a wrestling ring if you think they have a "deer in the headlights look on their face"? Isn't that the kind of indication that someone could endanger the other talent. Don't they have recent experience with performers that are not fit to perform?

Bischoff is such a smug dumbass. He is trying to act so bright by speaking out on something after the fact. Maybe someone with so much power should have put a stop to it beforehand.

- Irrelevant
so if everyone agrees that it is wrong to bring in a former wrestler from the attitude era who is now a celebrity back to wrestling for 1 match then.....wait....are we talking Chyna or Rock?

We're talking about Chyna. If you'd like to talk about that other company, there are appropriate threads.

Glad to know that Mr. Bischoff agreed with me on how poor a decision it was to bring her in.

Man it's fun being right as much as I am.

So I see your gunning for biggest tool in the TNA section, you've got a lot of competition; but damn, you sure do stand out amongst the crowd.

Is EB the same guy that says controversy creates cash in every d-list radio interview he does?... Oh, so that is the same guy. What's the difference, does Chyna's controversy not create cash, her name has been out there more than any other TNA star that doesn't publicly struggle with drugs (Hardy, Angle...)

Like the name Chyna somehow makes TNA a joke, and not all the other stupid shit the do on a regular basis.

Every time EB opens his mouth I think less and less of him, kinda like the same way I think less and less of him every week I tune into TNA.
I feel bringing Chyna in for the one time appearance wasn't a bad thing. TNA did not knowingly hire a professional porn star, they hired Chyna who they knew could put butts in the seats. People love to root for the underdog. Everyone has seen Chyna crash and burn in her personal life, but it's nice to see her rise above her personal issues and comeback.

For TNA, it was strictly a business decision...nothing more. Bischoff was covering his butt like tends to do for hindsight is 20/20. No one expected after big pop that she'd come out saying she's going into porn full-time.

Personally, when Angle mentioned the mistress, I was hoping it was going to be Lita (with both Hardy's there).
@666 - Not that I care but this is her second time doing porn. She made a porn with X-Pac called One Night In Chyna years ago.

Personally I preferred Jasmine St. Claire.
When i heard Impact/TNA gave her the ultimatum to Chyna tht it was either porn or them, i was actually impressed. Peopla have always said how TNA will take any old veteran tht they can get there hands on and this is a BIG step is moving past a negative reputation for them. Like it or not, Chyna is a HUGE name with her wrestling history and after all these years to return to TNA it made headlines. But they were smart not to have an adult movie star working in there company, it would have just been more bad press for them.
According to the all mighty EB any press is good press, so how in the blue hell could this be considered bad press?

Also, kinda hypocritical that they have multiple females who have shown their tits, ass, and roast beef curtains working for them right now.

TNA certainly isn't above the porn industry, they actually know how to make money and build a fan base.
According to the all mighty EB any press is good press, so how in the blue hell could this be considered bad press?

Also, kinda hypocritical that they have multiple females who have shown their tits, ass, and roast beef curtains working for them right now.

TNA certainly isn't above the porn industry, they actually know how to make money and build a fan base.

i understand wut ur sayin bout all press is good press, and they have knockouts who have been in playboy n such but thts a big difference then having a knockout who its putting out hardcore anal films in her free time, say what you want bout press, but saying no to that seems to be them TRYING to make a change in there reputaion.

If they would let her work for them and do porn, everyone in the IWC have been "its not suprising TNA would let her do that" bla bla, so Kudos for them trying to take a step in the right direction despite losing all the press. I think it showed a little backbone on TNAs part NOT offering a contract to someone who wanted it.
I'm not sure on the exact time frame for Mickey James in porn. Google images provides a lot of female wrestlers adult photos/videos.
So once again, I was right. It WAS bad for TNA to have signed her. Man it's fun being right as much as I am.

But wait, I'm under the impression that she never Signed anything. It must be nice to be so wrong and so smug at the same time. Man, it must be fun for you being so dense.

Fact: As a one-off situation this actually worked pretty nicely. Atleast it gave us a little change-up in the fued before it culminates at Slammiversary.

Oh yeah, once again, your quote was wrong :)
But wait, I'm under the impression that she never Signed anything. It must be nice to be so wrong and so smug at the same time. Man, it must be fun for you being so dense.

Fact: As a one-off situation this actually worked pretty nicely. Atleast it gave us a little change-up in the fued before it culminates at Slammiversary.

Oh yeah, once again, your quote was wrong :)

No. It wasn't. And no, I wasn't.
Yeah you are. From what I understand it was only for that time and was paid by per-showing so it may have seemed stupid but honestly, it wasn't a bad move. The reaction she got on the first night she showed up proves that point.

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