Bill Lesnar
Occasional Pre-Show
Bill lesnar knows how common this is, but he has too say this because he is sick to fucking death about how bad this company is. Unreal...
the booking,management,roster,impact zone and the fans it just SUCKS
there are a few things that has pissed Bill lesnar off recently with this company
Mr Anderson - god what a name (matrix much). He is the future of TNA, yet he is the most overated guy in the fucking biz. Bill lesnar has read on this forum, hes the new Austin??, wtf what has he exactly done to merit this?, in the ring he still is and has always been sloppy, he injures his opponents,lacks physcology inring...he sells well though but still next Austin?, the fuck. The guys promos aint the shit either, most sound like a bad radio talkshow. He cant put in 4/5 star macthes unless he is with Angle. Hes just come out of Concussion, yet TNA have put him back in the ME scene straight away, as they have no regard for the safety of their guys
No title match at Final Resolution?, do these idiots want to bring in $$$. No champ, instead Anderson vs Morgan yay. This will be shit, two heels playing faces facing off, one is in jured one is below par in the ring. Jesus this worked ages ago, when thye only had 4 ppvs a year and the strap meant much more, but things revoltionised, thye need money and no Hardy at final resolution will just plunge them into a deeper hole. Creative sucks, these fuckers continue to recycle old storylines from WCW that people have seen before, Hogans heel turn worked in 1996 because he was HULK HOGAN. Immortal has to be the worst faction Bill lesnar has ever seen. Abyss is a joke, the guy is no foley and looks like a bum living under a bridge. He cant wrestle hes unappealing, his harsh vioce is annoying he wont connect with fans once TNA finally expand, he is just useless. Vince would never hire a slob like Abyss. Hardy is risky, he isnt as good as he used to be, he could leave the company soon, that botch on Anderson was terrible, his mic work is awful for the top guy in the company..he slurs his words..'bro' doesnt cut it as a heel. He sounds like Kevin Wade from 24 season 8. Then you have Jarrett, Bill lesnar couldnt stand this blond pussy in the 90s and hes eevn more overbearing now. That guy actually thinks hes really good, and wearing trunks and boxing gloves makes him tough, he needs a reality check big time. Bill lesnar will always remeber him lip singing 'baby tonight' and holding Vince hostage. He is undenialbly average and needs to fuck off and do something else with his time becuase he is holding the company back. Bishoff okay, hes fine...but was way better 7 years ago, where he didnt have grey hair. Hogan, oh god could this guys ego be any bigger. Vince gave him the title run he wanted in 2002, he should have gone then and made special appearences at mania or whatever, but he keeps coming back. Biog Deal hes heel, BilL elsnar has always seen him as a heel in TNA anyway due to the way he rulls TNa with an iron fist. He came to TNA to draw big ratings and improve their company and he Failed (shows how bad TNA is, when Hogan isnt even getting ratings up), the guy can barely make a frigging show atm. The you have Terry, the freak he cant wrestle and has no charisma. No one cares about him, no one ever will.
Divas main eventing their main t.v show??, Bill Lesnar just said what the hell is this. DO TNA actually think Viewers will tune into that rubbish, it was what victoria vs James, jesus Womens wrestling died when Trish Left. Trish and Lita never main evented shit because they knew there place and its common knowledge that divas dont draw and the men are much better. This is just bad business because once again Investors leave looking at TNAs crap product and the direction its heading. It doesnt make money period. The main event should be promoting the main event of the next ppv, so viewers buy that ppv. No one cares about sum shit Divas blow off match. Once again what the hell?, is what Bill lesnar asks
The TNa needs to get out of that crappy impact zone with those silly fans. They cheer for anything and it helps nobody, Get out expand your porudcut and your viewers, get new fans, get more money. Its simple business, although didnt Tna only sell like 50 tickets at one house show?. Thye talk about going live, how about editing a good show first?. The TNa roster is getting older, whilst the WWE roster is getting yiunger, and all these old wrestlers are way past their sell by date. OH and Bill lesnar just said hwere the fuck is Desmand wolfe?. TNa is a sham, its a recylce bin of old wcw/ecw. Shit aleast they have got rid of that terrible ECW angle.
Bill lesnar could go, but he is in an internet cafe, so he doesnt have the time. TNA is an awful company with piss poor writing, bad mangement etc. Its sad because for WWE to really improve they need good competition and TNa doesnt quite cut it.
Jarrett is getting desperate for heat
the booking,management,roster,impact zone and the fans it just SUCKS
there are a few things that has pissed Bill lesnar off recently with this company
Mr Anderson - god what a name (matrix much). He is the future of TNA, yet he is the most overated guy in the fucking biz. Bill lesnar has read on this forum, hes the new Austin??, wtf what has he exactly done to merit this?, in the ring he still is and has always been sloppy, he injures his opponents,lacks physcology inring...he sells well though but still next Austin?, the fuck. The guys promos aint the shit either, most sound like a bad radio talkshow. He cant put in 4/5 star macthes unless he is with Angle. Hes just come out of Concussion, yet TNA have put him back in the ME scene straight away, as they have no regard for the safety of their guys
No title match at Final Resolution?, do these idiots want to bring in $$$. No champ, instead Anderson vs Morgan yay. This will be shit, two heels playing faces facing off, one is in jured one is below par in the ring. Jesus this worked ages ago, when thye only had 4 ppvs a year and the strap meant much more, but things revoltionised, thye need money and no Hardy at final resolution will just plunge them into a deeper hole. Creative sucks, these fuckers continue to recycle old storylines from WCW that people have seen before, Hogans heel turn worked in 1996 because he was HULK HOGAN. Immortal has to be the worst faction Bill lesnar has ever seen. Abyss is a joke, the guy is no foley and looks like a bum living under a bridge. He cant wrestle hes unappealing, his harsh vioce is annoying he wont connect with fans once TNA finally expand, he is just useless. Vince would never hire a slob like Abyss. Hardy is risky, he isnt as good as he used to be, he could leave the company soon, that botch on Anderson was terrible, his mic work is awful for the top guy in the company..he slurs his words..'bro' doesnt cut it as a heel. He sounds like Kevin Wade from 24 season 8. Then you have Jarrett, Bill lesnar couldnt stand this blond pussy in the 90s and hes eevn more overbearing now. That guy actually thinks hes really good, and wearing trunks and boxing gloves makes him tough, he needs a reality check big time. Bill lesnar will always remeber him lip singing 'baby tonight' and holding Vince hostage. He is undenialbly average and needs to fuck off and do something else with his time becuase he is holding the company back. Bishoff okay, hes fine...but was way better 7 years ago, where he didnt have grey hair. Hogan, oh god could this guys ego be any bigger. Vince gave him the title run he wanted in 2002, he should have gone then and made special appearences at mania or whatever, but he keeps coming back. Biog Deal hes heel, BilL elsnar has always seen him as a heel in TNA anyway due to the way he rulls TNa with an iron fist. He came to TNA to draw big ratings and improve their company and he Failed (shows how bad TNA is, when Hogan isnt even getting ratings up), the guy can barely make a frigging show atm. The you have Terry, the freak he cant wrestle and has no charisma. No one cares about him, no one ever will.
Divas main eventing their main t.v show??, Bill Lesnar just said what the hell is this. DO TNA actually think Viewers will tune into that rubbish, it was what victoria vs James, jesus Womens wrestling died when Trish Left. Trish and Lita never main evented shit because they knew there place and its common knowledge that divas dont draw and the men are much better. This is just bad business because once again Investors leave looking at TNAs crap product and the direction its heading. It doesnt make money period. The main event should be promoting the main event of the next ppv, so viewers buy that ppv. No one cares about sum shit Divas blow off match. Once again what the hell?, is what Bill lesnar asks
The TNa needs to get out of that crappy impact zone with those silly fans. They cheer for anything and it helps nobody, Get out expand your porudcut and your viewers, get new fans, get more money. Its simple business, although didnt Tna only sell like 50 tickets at one house show?. Thye talk about going live, how about editing a good show first?. The TNa roster is getting older, whilst the WWE roster is getting yiunger, and all these old wrestlers are way past their sell by date. OH and Bill lesnar just said hwere the fuck is Desmand wolfe?. TNa is a sham, its a recylce bin of old wcw/ecw. Shit aleast they have got rid of that terrible ECW angle.
Bill lesnar could go, but he is in an internet cafe, so he doesnt have the time. TNA is an awful company with piss poor writing, bad mangement etc. Its sad because for WWE to really improve they need good competition and TNa doesnt quite cut it.
Jarrett is getting desperate for heat