Biggest Suprises You didn't know about


What are some of the best moments in wrestling history during the Internet Wrestling World Era that you didn't know were going to happen?

A few I have include...

DX invading WCW. Although each organization talked about the others show I had no idea they were actually going to show up for a WCW show. It was great to watch and actually made you belive that Hall and Nash really did want out of WCW.

Kurt Angle to TNA - We all thought the big announcment was going to be that TNA was moving to Thursday nights on Spike. But when it turned out to be Angle the whole IWW was shocked. I'm not a TNA fan but did think this was a great move.

Vince Mcmahon is the higher power - I remember looking EVERYWHERE to find out who the higher power was and no one had a 100% for sure answer. "IT WAS ME AUSTIN" Ha such a great line.

HBK Returns! -Now there are very few moments that are able to go off without an internet site leaking it. But HBK showing up on RAW although wasn't a huge moment it sure suprised the hell out of me.

Those are just a few of mine. Let's hear yours!
I know you said during the "Internet Era" but when ever I think of surprises the one that comes to mind is Warrior returning to help Hogan when he was getting jumped by Papa Shango and Sid. That was one of the biggest surprises ever imo.
To me the biggest was the night the alliance was formed. ECW coming back that night was great and shocking in its own right, but then stephanie and shane joining forces to fight Vince. It was both shocking as well as original, and had me freaking out on my couch.
I feel that the most shocking moment for me, was when Booker T got his head superkicked off of his shoulders by HBK when HBK was discussing what was wrong with the NWO. It made me laugh my ass off and I wasnt expecting it.

Also, when Petey Williams in TNA got a world title shot recently...I never thought that day would ever come to be. It still shocks me, and its been a few weeks now...
Biggest surprise was Umaga getting busted for drugs.I mean look at the guy.You wouldn,t know.They didn,t work.


When Edge cashed in the money in the bank at NYE 06.It was just like "OMG!Thats not real!"My sister Left after Cena won.She heard me scream so She came back in.She nearly collpased it was so shocking.
Eric Bischoff and Booker T. That says it all really. All these theories of who the new GM would be Dusty, Shane, Heyman, Steph, Hogan, Foley etc were talked about and maybe one person said Eric. then that backstage interview with Booker and his eyes bugged out like a cartoon critter and as Eric leaves he says "tel me I didn't just see that" I was saying the same thing OMG I could not believe that Bischoff was their. I mean at the point I knew who was the GM but I could not believe it. Then the hug whoa
One of the most shocking moments for me was when Jericho beat Triple H for the title on Raw in 2000. I just remember watching it thinking it was just some Raw title match, and then all of a sudden Jericho pins Triple H and he becomes champion. Then it all ended up getting reversed, but at the time I was shocked and I was going crazy.
Of course, the whole Kurt Angle to TNA deal...props to TNA for keeping that under wraps as well as they did....

WWE buying WCW...although it was mentioned on the internet, I never thought it would really happen, there was no friggin' way...

This isn't really a shocker, but when Scott Steiner was injured in Puerto Rico, Road Warrior Animal showed up as Rick Steiner's partner...didn't really see that coming...
The most shocking thing to me had to have been when Austin joined McMahon. No one would've ever guessed that these two would become partners after all the hell they put each other through. When he walked down that ramp on the way to the rock/austin match, who ever would've thought he was coming to help austin. And then the handshake at the end is one of those pictures that are worth a thousand words. I didn't get to see that ppv so when i heard about it the next day i was just stunned (excuse the pun haha) i thought they were lying to me, I never thought austin would do that. But when i saw him with mcmahon the next night, it blew my mind away
When I heard that Edge had finally won the WWE title at NYR, and I missed it, I literally didn't talk to anybody for like an hour, I was so shocked and so pissed that I had missed it.

Also, when Mick Foley enlisted The Rock in his fued with Evolution. I did not expect that at all.
I would have to say several moments in the internet era would be shocking to me, because somethings I didn't get online at the last minute to find out. This would be a list. (no selective order)

1. Edge Cashes In: Edge lost to Ric Flair via Disqualification, & stated in an interview segment he had bigger things in mind. Clearly, I thought it meant the Money In The Bank briefcase, however I didn't think it meant for the same night. When John Cena pinned Carlito, to win the Elimination Chamber that night, I thought it was the worst ending to a Main Event possible.. as Carlito had no business being the last guy there.

However, when McMahon's music hit.. & he said the night wasn't over, I literally jumped out of my chair because I knew instantly what that meant.. & furthermore, because of how "badly" Cena had been beaten.. I knew we were in store for a "Rhino/E.C.W. World Title" type moment, in which Edge would dominate for about 3 minutes & win the Championship!

2. Shawn Michaels joins the n.W.o.: Kevin Nash had a ground breaking announcement, in which it was suppose to change the land-scape of Professional Wrestling. I had NO idea what it could've been, but never did I think the end result, would be H.B.K. back full-time..

I think this was one of the best surprises I ever got, outside of the enjoyment I had of Edge becoming World Champion.. because at this time, Shawn's career was unofficially over.. & seeing him was too few & far between.

3. R.V.D. & Tommy Dreamer Invade Raw: The W.C.W. invasion was in full swing, but when Rob Van Dam & Dreamer jumped over the guardrail & attacked Chris Jericho & Kane.. only for Paul Heyman to come out & announce that there was a 3rd brand, that was being forgotten.. I about pissed myself!

4. Chris Benoit Tragedy: It wasn't a "happy" surprise, because I was literally JUST on the internet about 20 minutes before Raw was set to go on. And when the promo thing came across the screen at the start, I just.. my jaw dropped, & I couldn't stop crying.. literally, I just couldn't believe what had happened.

5. Christian Cage & Kurt Angle in T.N.A.: Both pretty much rank high with me. Albeit Kurt's arrival shocked me a hell of a lot more, because it came completely out of the blue, for a huge name like him, to literally pull out of his contract & then swerve the company that more or less made him who he is.. Angle's debut gave me goosebumps, because it was just so random, & I didn't see it coming at all.

Christian's debut pretty much did the exact same thing, because I had no idea his contract was up. I didn't know he had any problems with the W.W.E., & furthermore, I didn't know he'd become as huge as he has in T.N.A., but I'm thankful for it.. because Christian deserves everything he's been given in T.N.A.
Firstly good topic,

Secondly I've got a few of my own:

Eddie Guerrero beating Brock for the title @NWO, I'd heard romours, but just didn't believe WWE would put the smaller Eddie over the enormous Brock, that was freaking awesome!

Jericho's WWE Debut (I had the internet at the time, I think there were IWC collumists around) was probably my favourite moment in wrestling history for 2 reasons
1. I had been a Jericho fan since a friend told me about ECW and
2. The WWE let him debut verbally sparring with THE ROCK! That's high praise indeed.

Shawn Michael's coming back to wrestle @ Summerslam, I legitimately thought that the "Best EVER" would never lace the boots, but he's actually gotten better!

I agree the Kurt to TNA was a massive shock, but to me a massive disappointment, nothing against TNA, I like them, but the guy should have been trying to sort his life out, we don't need another tragedy.
This one may be lame but from all of the sites that I've seen, no one knew about the return (sort of) of RVD at the 15th anniversary RAW show. All I kept hearing about was who taped vignettes and hall of famers and whatnot, but I was truly surprised when I heard the into to his song and the pyro hit! That gave me goose bumps...
When HBK first came back in 2002, I marked the fuck out. I don't know if it was on any spoiler sites at the time, seeing as I didn't read them back then. But that will go down as the most surprised/ecstatic I have ever been as a wrestling fan. Honestly the LAST person I was expecting was HBK Shawn Michaels.
I think the most shocked/excited I've been was when Jericho showed up on Raw after the countdown during the Rock's segment. It's just one of those moments that I'll never forget, because I'm a Jerichoholic! I was still getting into the internet wrestling thing and did not see that coming. Now a close second was when Edge won the title off of Cena on NYE '06. That was GREAT!!!! I've never been so happy to hear Edge's music as I was that night cuz I knew the title was coming off of Cena.
I forgot one earlier: The night on Raw when the Radicalz (Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn, and Dean Malenko) showed up in the front row as guests of Al Snow. At the time, I was big on WCW and this was a shocker to me...these were some of my favorites at the time in wrestling, and it made me watch WWE TV a lot more...
I agree that HBK's inital return was awesome and looking back i like how it was booked where they just had him come out and fool around with Nash and then waited a bit before having him talk and stuff. Really built up the suspense. Would be good to see them do that with someone again.
Even in this day and age of wrestling websites and news and spoilers, HBK's return in 2007 was a COMPLETE suprise and a very welcome change, from the rumoured returns we hear about and the return dates we get, which are great but it does take a little shine off the "suprise"factor. However no-one picked up on HBK's early return, in fact it had been reported just days earlier that he was thinking of not coming back for ages if at all, so yeah that was great.
There have been several moments have completely shocked me and since the list is long I might as well list a few.

Chris Jericho's Raw Debut - I loved him in WCW and when he made the jump to the WWE I went nuts. What a memorable promo. What a memorable night.

The Rock Appears Live As Mick Foley's Partner Against Evolution Back Foley Up On Raw - The Rock is the greatest entertainer of all time and when he came rushing to the ring to take down Evolution my jaw literally dropped to the floor.

Jake The Snake Roberts Appears On The Highlight Reel - He's always been one of my all time favourite wrestlers and I remember how massive the pop was when he came out to warn Orton about Taker.

The Announcement Of Kurt Angle To TNA - I had absolutely no idea it was coming. I was at a buddies place watching the PPV and when the announcement was made I literally jumped out of my seat and started going nuts. Kurt Angle has always been one of my all time favourites and the whole experience was exciting. It's a shame that TNA has been such a let down as of late. Kurt could've really made a bigger impact if the booking and writing was better....also if they didn't over expose him every bloody show.

Tazz Debuts - Tazz debuting against Kurt Angle and defeating him was huge as I had been following him for several years prior to that moment and always wanted to see him in a WWE ring. It's a shame he was plagued with injuries and not pushed enough but he's doing a swell job as an announcer.

Mr.Perfect Returns To The Royal Rumble - I was absolutely shocked when it came down to Triple H, Kurt Angle and Mr. Perfect. I knew there was no chance in hell of him winning but I kept hoping he would.
Probably when Randy Savage asked Mr. Perfect to be his tag team partner in the Suvivior Series against Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. I guess Perfect actually going through with it and turning face is apart of it. What an angle!
When Mat Hardy came back and jumped the guard rail and attacked Edge while he was working for ROH. I missed the segment that aired just before the match that showed Matt so it came from out of no where for me. Blew me away and for the first time in a long time I thought it was a shoot and for the longest time left me wondering where the shoot did stop and the working started. I still don't know. Did Matt and Lita even legit date?
I don't know if this qualifies or not but my biggest surprise is while I was watching the Shawn Michaels Story I found out that at Survivor Series 1997 Mcmahon and HBK were ready to give into Bret and Do things Brets way but of all People HHH talked Vince out of it and basically HHH is the one who convinced Mcmahon to screw over Bret Hart. I had no idea that HHH was even in the conversation about survivor series 97 let alone had any idea that basically he was kinda behind the screw job. that to me is the biggest suprise.

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