No One Talks About ROH?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've been a modern wrestling fan for a long time. So long in fact that pretty much every storyline that comes along I've seen and can predict the outcome. I've seen WCW when they were still part of the NWA. I've seen the evolution of WCW to become an International powerhouse and nearly take down the World Wrestling Federation. During that period there was WWF, WCW, and a lesser known ECW. In those days WWF had the storylines, WCW had the wrestling quality, and ECW had all the great promos.

Fast forward a little more then 10 years and WWF purchased both WCW and ECW and has become WWE and have since become, basically untouchable. TNA is the number 2 company in the land albeit a very distant second.

Fans desperately want TNA to compete with WWE. Why? Because we dont want a monopolized industry. Its bad for the quality of the product. Our biggest problem with WWE is its always the same ol' same ol'. Although they have gotten a little better over the last few months. TNA has a few problems. First off is there is no storytelling in the ring. Its spot after spot on an extremely annoying ring that rattles after evey move.

WWE talk, TNA talk. No one talks about Ring Of Honor. Ring Of Honor seriously has a shot at the big time, although I don't think they want it. The promos need some work. There are a few guys that can cut a good one, but most need work. The wrestling is better then anything I see in WWE or TNA with few exceptions. Its also run by Jim Cornette. Love him or hate him he is entertaining and has a great mind for the business. Second to only Jim Ross, at least in my opinion. The production value is not great. Slightly above where the original ECW was.

Question to consider:

Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company? :twocents:

They probably bring in more paying fans then TNA as it is.

Do you have the opportunity to even watch ROH?

I know they have a limited market, mainly the eastern half of the U.S.

What do you like or dislike?

What would you change about ROH to make them more competitive if you could?

Pick none, one, or all questions. Totally your call. Current WWE World champions CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are ROH alumni.
I get the new ROH from Sinclair on Sunday nights at 11pm and I love the product. I was legitimately dissapointed when HDNet stopped airing in Canada and ROH was gone. Davey Richards, what a fighter. Eddie Edwards, what heart. Future Shock, great tag team that mixes highflying and MMA style, love Kyle O Reily. The All Night Express, The Briscoe Bros, Andy "Right Leg" Ridge, Kevin Steen, Jay Lethal, Mike Bennett, I really enjoy all these guys.

Ok let's look at your questions.

Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company?

Definately. I think gradually but surely they are growing. People wouldn't even put them in the breath at WWE and TNA. Now people are recognizing them as the 3rd biggest wrestling promotion in North America and Eddie Edwards cracked the top 10 last year in the PWI 500 which is no small feat by any means. They just have to keep trucking as they are. Going to more cities, sustaining their presence on TV. The only way I could see them moving up in a faster way is if TNA left Spike for another network and ROH was there to fill that void. But I think TNA will be with Spike for a long time.

What do you like or dislike?

lol I like everything. I like the talent, I like japanese style, I like that their champions are real wrestler's wrestlers. I like their tag team scene. I like how they always seem to find and push these great young talented wrestlers.
There's not much I dislike, as Truthslayer mentioned on his YouTube channel
if they brought in a few guys with that WWE look like Mike Bennett I think it would be interesting to see more guys like that tangle with the Davey Richards and El Genericos.

What would you change about ROH to make them more competitive if you could?

If I could change something about them to make them more competitive....hmmmm I remember talking to this successful business man and asked him what advice he would give to someone trying to start a company and he said it took him many years to realize this himself but presentation, presentation, presentation. Maybe ROH is going for that down and dirty look but if they had some really great finacial banking that made the arena look great. A superior camera staff and better graphics, a proper announce set up, all this would contribute to a casual fan saying, hey these guys look pretty damn good. That with their wrestling as a sport style would appeal to a lot of people.

And until they can keep talent there and convince them they're big time. ROH is always going to look like a farm company for WWE. They gotta look less indy and more national promotion.

Good thread and I always seem to enjoy their program each week.
I think the main reason ROH isnt 2nd best, is because they arent broadcasted world wide, less views, therefore less fans. Over here in the UK we don't see too many wrestling promotions. And watching a ROH match on youtube is extremely annoying, i dont want to sit here and click a link every three minutes and wait for it to buffer.It's frustrating.
Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company? :twocents:

No. TNA is in more than double the number of households in the US alone. ROH aren't ever going to catch up with that without divine intervention. Also, the guys in TNA are of a higher quality to ROH.

Do you have the opportunity to even watch ROH?

I watch FCW on a weekly basis. I live in England. Anybody could watch ROH regularly. Most people simply don't. I'm one of them.

What do you like or dislike?

The flashy, doing movez for no fucking reason, no psychology style over substance bullshit that makes up the indie style and (naturally) found in ROH. I still get pissed off by Danielson/McGuinness from Driven. So that.

What would you change about ROH to make them more competitive if you could?

You'd have to change literally everything and it would be expensive as hell. I wouldn't bother.
Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company?
I think they could very well end up doing it as it is. They just need to build name value.

What do you like or dislike?
I can't really think of much I dislike honestly. What I like is the show's emphasis is on wrestling instead of hokey backstage skits and longwinded promos. I also like that the wrestlers themselves are the focal point of the show and not the commentators constantly trying to put themselves over. I also like that the product feels more grown up. The wrestlers do swear and they do show blood.
1. They don't need more financial backing; they need more mass appeal. You could only attract so many viewers with the 'wrasslin' matters, mofo' motto... owait, that's TNA.

2. I can't watch it from where I sit, and I could care less.

3. Let's say what I dislike since that sells: that they modeled themselves after Japanese pro wrestling promotions. That they prefer wrestling for wrestling's sake to everything else. That Jay Lethal is in there. Now, for what I like: Shelton Benjamin rotting his uber-athletic but uber-mid-card ass in there. That I extremely like.

4. Change everything if they want a larger audience.
Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company?

Realistically, no. At least not without a backer in it for the long term who doesn't mind pouring alot of money into the promotion. Even back during the first year of TNA, they were a bigger company than ROH is now.

Do you have the opportunity to even watch ROH?

I suppose I could find a way to watch it, but with RAW, Smackdown, Impact and PPV's, I'd have to watch 6-10 hours a week of wrestling just to keep up with WWE and TNA, and most of the time that isn't possible.

What do you like or dislike?

I've seen very little of ROH so I can't really say. They seem to have a good eye for talent, as alot of big stars made their names in ROH. The production values are great for an indy, but nowhere near as professional looking as TNA and WWE.

What would you change about ROH to make them more competitive if you could?

From what I understand about ROH, they are a company that values performance over personality. This is kinda a niche market that they do well in and changing the product to make it more mainstream might backfire.
Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company?
Unless every single potential superstar in the TNA roster jumped ship to the WWE in one fell swoop, I don't see that as likely. ROH is too small, too indy, too insular to be anything more than the King of the Indies.

Do you have the opportunity to even watch ROH?
Yeah, I do. I don't regularly, though.

What do you like or dislike?
I like Kevin Steen, Jay Lethal and WGTT. I heavily dislike ROH's style of wrestling, the whole no psychology, dozens of flashy moves with no build or rhyme, and the no-selling. I don't like their main-eventers (minus Steen), I don't care for most of their undercard, and I'm barely interested in their admittedly deep tag-team division.

What would you change about ROH to make them more competitive if you could? I'm not a fan of the product or most of the talent, so I'm not exactly the best person to ask.
I love ROH and nowadays it's the only wrestling i follow. I wish I can say the same for the other two pieces of shit. Onto your good questions...

Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company? Yes they can. They are a better and more realistic product. Plus they don't have idiots running the company.

Do you have the opportunity to even watch ROH?
SBG is not in my area, but I do watch them on the internet and buy dvd sets. I recommend everybody should check out ROH.

What do you like or dislike?
They need to work on making themselves look more presentable as a product. Their production needs to improve. The in-ring product is great as are the storylines, but they focus on the wrestling moreso than story.

What would you change about ROH to make them more competitive if you could? See the above question. Their production values.
ROH is the only product i follow religiously since it's debut on sinclair i have yet to miss an episode..Been following ROH for 4 yrs now..Can't wait to see them propel to mainstream

1> not for quite some time..
2>every time it's on and it's the only promotion i watch weekly
3>Great in ring matches i like wrestling purist type matches benoit,malenko,regal style matches throw back to hackenshmidt times..production is terrible..
4> the problem with becoming competitive is you expand from a small demographic of wrestling purist into something more watered down some where between davey richards and "sports entertainment" there is a decent product..Right now i prefer the "purist wrestling" approach
Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company?

I highly doubt it. They would need much more than just money to overtake money. TNA is a much more established and recognized company than ROH and for ROH to overtake TNA would be quite hard. You also have to consider the fact that TNA too is growing (more international shows etc.) and has a better chance in case of a competition between the two.

Do you have the opportunity to even watch ROH?

No. I have only watched a few of their shows on Youtube.

What do you like or dislike?

I like the fast-paced matches in ROH.

The major problem I have with ROH is their roster. A majority of their roster fits in the same frame. Almost everyone is about 6 feet, 200-220 pounds, and have a similiar offense (a few kicks and one or more impact moves). They need diversity in their roster.
I wish i had more opportunity to watch ROH because that is where real wrestling is at
I watched a few matches online and I got the CM Punk Samoa Joe trilogy three matches everyone should watch and also have the very first ROH event which has a triple threat match agaisnt Bryan Danelison(Daniel Bryan now) Christopher Daniels and Low Ki which was unbelievable and another great match to watch. It's one of the only companies that really cares about wrestling back in the day you had WWF WCW and ECW now we have WWE TNA and ROH
I followed ROH religiously for the first 6 years, but I have to admit to losing interest in recent years. It took a lot of effort to follow the company and stay current. It was also an expensive hobby.
Do you think with more financial backing they could compete with and overtake TNA as the number 2 company?

Short answer ... no. They do not have the talent that TNA has or the experience. They just would not be able to do it. Maybe over a few years they could compete, but I don't see how they would rise past a company so far in front of them.

They probably bring in more paying fans then TNA as it is.

This is definitely not right.

Do you have the opportunity to even watch ROH?

You can always "borrow" it online somewhere if you don't get it on your listings. There was a time not long ago when I thought it was must watch television for serious wrestling fans. With Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Nigel McGuiness, Tyler Black, Jerry Lynn, Roderick Strong, Colt Cabana, etc. They had a ton of talent. But, as the smaller company always sees happen ... their talent got gobbled up by the bigger boys.

What do you like or dislike?

I definitely like the emphasis on athleticism and in-ring work. I dislike the regular lack of solid promos and the poorer production quality.

What would you change about ROH to make them more competitive if you could?

I really don't know. They would need a significant increase in exposure and funds to retain talent when they do get it. It clearly is king of the indies, but I don't think it can logically plan on competing with the big boys anytime in the next decade.
i remember it was christmas break, it was sunday and i saw ROH on my tv guide, i jumped and quickly pressed the numbers. I only got to saw the main event, but that one main event had more wrestling and was better than what a whole episode of raw could put on. the only problem for me is that i cant watch it, it begins i think 11:00 PM, and i have school which i need to sleep for. i have tried watching online but i have to pay for it and i decided not to, im still in high school i dont wanna waste my money even if its such a great show. im gonna add ROH to my summer life every sunday.

If only they could start at an earlier time then life would be a lot greater.
I think that they are growing faster than tna right now. They Certainly have a better show. But I think that they need to change a little bit before they can compete. First, they need a network deal. Thats alot easier said than done. Secondly they need to up their production. Thirdly i agree with one of the posters, they have to deversify. Alot of the guys are similar in style. You have to get more guys from different styles. I like that they got rhyno, thats a step. They need to get some of those free agents that can draw.
Ill list some
-carlito (he would be the perfect heel to get people into roh, and he has amazing mic work)
-low ki(great wrestler that needs to get picked up)
-mike knox(they need a monster)
-they also need to steal kenny omega away from japan.(they need someone that can take this serious company and make it not so serious all the time.)

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